Relentless (Relentless #1)

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Relentless (Relentless #1) Page 7

by Alyson Reynolds

  I drifted in and out of sleep on the couch between scenes. At some point Gage came in and picked up my feet and sat down with me. He was absentmindedly rubbing my swollen ankles while he watched TV. My attempt to finish the book I had been reading was a losing battle. The hormones from pregnancy made me fall asleep as soon as I sat down anywhere.

  We were waiting to start filming for the afternoon. The crew was running two hours behind schedule because of a summer storm that ruined the lighting. It promised to be a challenging day, and no one was looking forward to the long hours.

  I peaked one eye open as I felt Gage’s eyes on me, “What?”

  “Just thinking about your situation, and how things will end up.”

  “What do you mean by that?” I looked around before saying, “Am I not mom material?”

  Gage and I had been getting along since our outing. He’d been incredibly protective of me, especially after what happened at the beach, and I was hurt he thought I might not be able to handle being a mother. My emotions had been all over the place, so it was hard for me not to jump to the conclusion he was being a jerk.

  “I don’t mean that in a bad way, Vi. I just know how I would want things to go,” he looked around before continuing, “if I had got someone pregnant. I would have already insisted we get married. Jax is a good guy; I’m a little surprised that he hasn’t mentioned it.”

  “Really? That’s a horrible way to start a relationship. What happens if you guys end up hating each other? The poor kid would be stuck seeing its parents in a bad relationship, probably fighting all the time, and thinking they resent one another because of him or her. Jax has mentioned getting married, but I don’t want to just because I’m pregnant. The next time I get married, it will be for the right reasons.”

  Looking up, I caught Jaxon’s eyes as he stood in the doorway. Hurt flashed in his gaze, but instantly it was gone, replaced by an indescribable blank look. I wasn’t sure how much of our conversation he’d overheard, but it was something I should have been talking about with him, not Gage. Before I could say anything, he turned and walked back down the hallway he had entered from.

  “Shit,” I mumbled.


  “Jaxon walked up and overheard everything.”

  “You guys haven’t talked about this?”

  “Kind of.” I winced. “I don’t want to hurt him, and he won’t like my answer.”

  “You’ve been straightforward with me.”

  “Yeah, but we haven’t talked about this in depth. I’ve always laughed it off every time he’s mentioned getting married. You guys don’t think about this being my second marriage because I don’t talk about Aaron often, but it was a horrible relationship and I’m more damaged than I let show. Aaron cheated on me for most of our marriage. It took me finding out he got his receptionist, a girl that claimed to be one of my friends, pregnant to leave him. My self-esteem was shot to hell when I finally left him.”


  “Yeah, the whole thing was messed up. I should probably go talk to him.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was upset or disappointed; I just knew that something I said had hurt him and it needed to be fixed. Gage grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. He had more faith in me than I did. Somehow I needed to figure out what to say to Jaxon and quick.

  I knocked softly on the door before walking inside. As I walked to his room, I braced myself for the same anger he’d shown when we talked about my pregnancy the first time. Instead of being furious and hateful, he appeared to be upset. He tried to mask the emotions showing on his face, but I was learning his quirks.

  “Jaxon? Can we talk?”

  He lay on his back, throwing a ball up into the air and catching it. A smile flitted across my face as I thought about how many times I had walked in to him doing exactly this. Jaxon looked like such a little boy when he did it and I could easily imagine us having a little boy that looked like him.

  We had tons of time on our hands between filming. It had allowed us to get to know each other better, but sometimes it made things difficult when we needed to have serious conversations. He paused before throwing the ball up again, looking over at me he asked, “What do you want to talk about? You made your feelings on the subject of marriage pretty clear to Gage.”

  “Jaxon, I’m sorry.”

  “Why? Because you don’t want to marry me?”

  I flinched. “No, I’m sorry because I should have been having that conversation with you. I stand by what I said though; we shouldn’t get married just because I’m pregnant. No one should get married just because they’re pregnant.” I walked over to him and gingerly sat down on the bed, “I don’t want us to do something we might regret later.”

  Jax looked frustrated, “You think that just because everything happened so quickly that we aren’t serious? Do you believe we would end up together after some arbitrary amount of time, or are we wasting our time trying to be together because of the baby? If you weren’t pregnant would you have already broken up with me?”

  “Of course not, Jaxon. I wouldn’t be with you just because of the baby. I wasted too many years on a man that didn’t love or respect me; I never plan on doing that again. Do you remember the first night we met? Our attraction was instant, or at least I thought it was. I’ve never felt that way before about anyone, even Aaron.”

  My voice cracked, and I turned away before he could see the tears forming in my eyes. I stood up and bolted for the door. Jaxon was up and across the room before I grabbed the doorknob.

  “Talk to me, love. Tell me everything.”

  I reached past him for the door, focused on leaving before the tears fell, but he reached past me and placed his hand on the frame keeping me from opening it.

  “Violet, please don’t run away.”

  He turned me around so I was facing him. Jaxon tenderly brushed his thumbs across the wet steaks running down my face. His lips grazed my cheeks as he kissed the path the tears had fallen down my face.

  “I want to marry you, regardless of whether you are pregnant or not. I want you to be my wife. I think I’ve known that since the first time I ever saw you. I’ve never felt anything like our attraction to one another either, and it scares me just as much as it scares you. My relationships all seemed doom from the beginning, you changed my mind. Being with you has made me a better man, one that wants to take care of his family.”

  I lifted my face to look at him and saw the honesty behind his words.

  “I’m scared to rush anything. Yes, I could see us getting married, but I don’t want it to happen because I’m pregnant. I never want you to regret marrying me for the wrong reasons.”

  “I love you, Violet.”

  He loves me?

  My face must have shown a myriad of emotions because I felt all of them, surprise, confusion, and a love so fierce it could have knocked me down. I wondered if he knew how much those words actually scared me.

  “Jaxon, I—” I trailed off.

  “Don’t say anything right now, please. I can see you aren’t ready to hear it, but I wanted to tell you. I never expected to fall in love with you so soon, but it happened. You and the baby are my whole world and I’m done pushing you away. It’s time to stop running from what I want. You will marry me and soon, I’ll just have to do my best to convince you that it’s the right time.”

  That cocky smile was back on his face. Jaxon’s muscled arms wrapped around my back and pulled me in close to his body. His lips gently kiss the top of my head, and my body finally relaxed.

  “Jaxon, I love you too, but I need time for the rest of it, okay?”

  “I would wait forever for you, love.”

  I tilted my face up and his lips captured mine in a searing kiss. His hands cupped my face as his tongue tangled with mine. Jaxon walked us back towards the bed. With every step, his intentions were crystal clear. My body surrendered to his tender passionate exploration. We spent the time we had together touching and teasing e
ach others bodies and whispering our love to one another. As my climax hit, I clung to Jaxon and told him how much I loved him over and over again.

  The quiet surrounded us and there was so much more that was said without words. My ever important control was slipping away and I wasn’t sure I minded. Jaxon was consuming me and working his way into my life so I could never leave him.

  Jaxon stayed at my beach house more often than not. Every night for the past three weeks, he had followed me out to my little beach oasis. Everyone knew where he went, but no one said a word to him as he packed up and left with me every night. Stephen and Taylor were both still living at the beach house, but because it was so huge, we never actually ran into them unless it was intentional. I tried to spend a few nights a week hanging out with Taylor. She spent most of her nights with Stephen when we weren’t together. It was funny to watch them together and it reminded me of being back home.

  I crunched into an apple and stared at the stormy ocean through the open back door. Taylor came into the kitchen and shifted her weight from foot to foot babbling about anything she could think of. Eyeing her suspiciously, I waited for her to tell me what she wanted to say.

  “Stephen and I are moving into a house a little further down the beach. You guys need your privacy.”

  “But Taylor, I still need you here,” I whined. “You promised you would stay with me. What happens when the baby gets here?”

  “Seriously, Vi. Pull it together. I’ll be less than two miles away. I can still come over here and eat your food every day and make fun of your Aussie boy toy. Stephen and I think you guys need some space. Plus the baby won’t be here for another six months.”

  “There’s plenty of space here. I never see you guys as it is.” My tears weren’t working to manipulate my sister into changing her mind, but maybe guilt would work. “I’m going to miss you. I can’t believe you’ll miss so much from the pregnancy. You’ll be gone as soon as I have the baby.”

  “Who said I was leaving?” she asked with a noticeable edge to her voice.

  “You kept saying it over and over again when you first got here.”

  “Well, things change.”

  “Are you saying you might stay?”

  “I’m going to try.” She smiled at me and I responded by wiping away a tear. “I love you, but the answer is no. I’m not staying here. I don’t want to listen to you guys having sex anymore. It’s gross hearing you two going at it every night. The house might be huge, but it needs some serious soundproofing. Besides, we signed the lease yesterday.”

  “You signed a lease without telling me first?”

  “That’s the part you focused on? Not that we can hear him screwing your brains out every night? And we bought a house, not rented.”

  “You’re leaving! That’s where my focus is right now. Taylor you have a tendency to get restless and leave. It sounds like you already have one foot out the door,” I griped. “Don’t worry about my sex life B.T.W.; maybe you should work on getting some so you aren’t so grumpy.” I sighed dramatically and tried to stare down my little sister, but it wasn’t working. She was serious about moving out. Taylor might be flighty sometimes, but when she made her mind up, you couldn’t change it.

  “Fine. When are you guys moving out?” I asked.

  “Stephen moved his clothes over this morning. I lost the coin toss, so I was the one that had to tell you.”

  “You guys are assholes. I know I’m a basket case because I’m knocked up, but seriously?”

  Taylor grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter and bit into it. She chewed and swallowed then started towards the door, “Yeah, but at least we don’t have to hear you guys screwing around anymore! Oh Jaxon!” she fake moaned.

  I grabbed a dish towel from the counter and snapped it at her as she ducked out the door laughing. If I thought about it, I wasn’t too surprised they were moving out, but it made me sad they wouldn’t be living here anymore. This house had become a home while they were here. It was time for me to pull up my big girl panties and deal with the fact that I would live here with my baby daddy alone.

  I watched the guys carry the last of the furniture into Taylor and Stephen’s new house. Jaxon, Gage and Scott were helping Stephen move the heavy pieces today. The whole cast had come to help them out. As much as I hated to admit it, the house would be perfect for the two of them.

  Taylor had asked Amanda and me if we would help her plan a cookout to thank everyone for coming to help them move. She emptied the last of the grocery bags and leaned against the counter. Stephen grabbed a dish towel, popped her on the butt, and took off running outside. An ear piercing shriek filled the air, and she chased after him. Amanda looked over at me with a smile and a raised eyebrow; I shrugged.

  “It’s been like that for years. I’ve quit asking. Those two are hot and cold all the time, so I don’t even try to figure it out anymore.”

  “They seem pretty cozy moving in together,” Amanda said smirking.

  “Who knows? I’m staying the hell out of it. My best friend and my baby sister?” I paused, “Yeah, definitely staying the hell out of that one.”

  Jax lit the grill while Stephen and Taylor chased each other in the sand. We watched as Taylor lured him into the tide. She tripped him, sending him flying into the salty water, and then ran victoriously up to the deck. Stephen sputtered as he came up from where he landed; Taylor and I laughed hysterically as we watched him flop around in the sand.

  He came up to the deck a few minutes later calling a truce. When I saw his eyebrows covered in sand, I started laughing again. He was covered from head to toe; damp sand clung to his white shirt and board shorts. Even Jax cracked up at Stephen’s disheveled appearance, and he had silently been rooting for him to win. Jax had shut up quickly when Taylor came back up to the deck gloating though. The man knew better than to make an enemy out of her.

  We all sat down on the deck to eat when everything was ready to be served. Although we spent tons of time together on the set, it wasn’t often that we could spend an entire afternoon together without the added stress of work. As I looked down along the huge picnic table, I smiled. Gage was picking food off of Taylor’s plate; Stephen was pushing Scott for some stupid joke he had just told. Jaxon held a plate out for me. He kissed my neck as I took the plate from him. That man had even sliced an apple for me. Amanda smirked at Jax when she noticed. We were all one big, crazy, disheveled family.

  I couldn’t describe how much I loved Jaxon if I tried. He took amazing care of me, and every decision he made was for the best interest of us as a family. A few days ago he told me about a role he turned down because he would either have to be away for a long period of time after the baby was born, or we would have to move. He hadn’t even told me about the role until after he turned it down. My eyes filled with tears as I remembered how he’d just shrugged when I asked why he had done it. Damn hormones.

  “Love, what’s wrong?” Jaxon asked frowning.

  “Nothing at all.” I smiled up at him.

  His frowned deepened, but he didn’t question me any further.

  “Thanks for helping us move in y’all,” Taylor called out to the group.

  “I just expect a place to stay if I get drunk on the beach,” Gage joked.

  Taylor flicked a baked bean at him and laughed. We finished up dinner and I carried in the leftovers from the deck. Scott grabbed a dish and followed me into the kitchen. He cast a glance over his shoulder.

  “Vi, I just want to say thanks.”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know what you said, but the guys aren’t treating me like such an outsider today. It’s been tense on set lately when I’ve had scenes with Gage. The last few days have been a lot better, so I just assumed you had something to do with it.”

  I shook my head. “Nope, I didn’t say anything, but I’m glad it’s getting better.”

  He took the dish I was carrying and set it down in the sink.

  “You and Jax l
ook good together. I’m happy for you.”

  “We are happy. They have all been a little protective of me lately. To be completely honest with you, I expected it to be awkward when we started filming together, but you’ve helped keep it professional and I appreciate it.”

  Scott dropped two more plates in the sink. “I promised you I would. Plus, you have enough pull that if you wanted me out of there, I would be on my ass in a second.”

  He grinned at me and I saw a little bit of my old friend lurking around the edges.

  “True story,” I smirked. “I never expected to date another actor after our disastrous attempt, but Jaxon is amazing. He takes such good care of me. Of us,” I said dropping my hand down to my stomach.

  “No shit? Congratulations! You’re keeping it quiet?”

  “Yeah, but I trust you not to say anything.”

  I saw regret flash in the depths of his eyes, and I finally understood just how sorry he was for everything that he put me through. Pulling him to me, I gave him a quick reassuring hug.

  “What are you two looking so serious about?” Jax came in and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned back into his embrace, and sighed in contentment.

  “I was telling Scott about our secret.”

  “Yeah, congratulations man, I’m happy for you guys,” Scott chimed in.

  “Thanks. We’re excited, or we are now that the shock has worn off,” he winked over at Scott. It was surprising that he was being so relaxed. Jaxon made it clear from the first time he met Scott that he didn’t like him and fully planned on making his life a living hell on set. I leaned up and kissed Jax on the cheek.

  Taylor called for me and I walked towards the living room. Turning to glance back at the two men, something about how they were standing or how Jaxon leaned against the counter, made a memory surface. It was vague, but the longer I looked at them the clearer it became. A gasp slipped from my throat as I realized why Jaxon had always looked so familiar.

  “Love, are you okay?” Jax asked.

  “You were there the night of the charity auction. It was in late December and you had on a bright green tie that matched your eyes.”


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