The Ties That Bind Us

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The Ties That Bind Us Page 2

by Annie Buff

  She took him all, right down to his balls and that was the beginning of the end. His legs started shaking under her and her had a death grip on her arm. When he held her head down she knew it was time, feeling the warmth of his seed on her tongue and splashing all the way down her throat. Krispy let go of her but Izzy didn’t move, waiting until he gave her everything he had and licking him so none would be wasted.

  “Damn Joshua! You taste so good I wanna do that again and again. Come to my room, we can lock the door and I’ll start over. You’re dick is perfect sized and I think sucking you again now is something I really wanna do.” He nodded but held up a finger indicating he needed just a minute to gather himself and pull up his pants. Then he quietly followed her down the hall to her room but not for more, to tuck her in.

  “You have no idea how bad I want this baby, but not if we gotta sneak to do it. When we do this it will be in my bed where I can love every fuckin inch of you, ok Izzy?” It was more than ok, just the fact he didn’t want to sneak around was impressive even if she didn’t care. There was always tomorrow she told herself, hugging him before he left.

  SURPRISE, SURPRISE She could hear the chime on her alarm, burying her face under the pillow. Isadora knew she didn’t have to work today but she promised Tara she would take her into town for a few things. Baby Morgan was growing faster than expected and even at a month old she had outgrown her newborn outfits so the ladies were going shopping. Hitting the alarm she peeked out from under the pillow to check the time. It was seven and she knew if she wanted hot water she had to get up.

  The scent of coffee distracted her from the shower and after the short night before, she really needed some caffeine. She found Krispy in the kitchen making her breakfast.

  “Joshua are you really cooking?” He just grinned at her. The Queen had given him lessons on how to make breakfast. It was the only meal he’d mastered but he liked eggs so it wasn’t a big deal.

  “I’m decent at breakfast just don’t ask for anything aside from bacon and eggs.” Krispy just chuckled as he turned the meat over. She sat on the stool and just watched him. They chatted about the party Red was throwing at the bar for Smoke’s birthday. Everyone knew except him. Peyton said it was a surprise party and anyone who knew him knew if he was aware of it, Smoke wouldn’t show up. He hated his birthday stating it was just one more day towards his grave and that wasn’t a celebration.

  They were obviously too close for Ajax liking as he growled Krispy’s way when he walked into the kitchen. “I got a job for you kid. Just drop them off and meet me at the bar, that’s our home base for a while.” Krispy nodded, wondering why Ajax picked him. Even with the clubs working together he was curious. Unless it was dangerous and the cleaner was trying to get him killed. Krispy really hoped that wasn’t the case, he loved Isadora and one way or the other; she would be his.

  After leaving the women off at the mall, Krispy stopped back home to get his bike and headed towards the bar. Something must have happened during the night for this meeting to be called. He was still nervous thinking Ajax was setting him up, but as a patch he rode over anyway.

  Having to stop at the red light just across from Handlebars, he saw close to forty bikes all lined up. He also saw Wrangler, watching the rides and checking for anything that didn’t belong. Krispy parked his bike next to Slinger’s bright orange Street Glide and walked in. They were all there, the Devils, the Pound and even the Sinners. This looked ominous, something was incredibly wrong. What he didn’t see was the Queen, that made him wonder. Peyton was always at these meetings, she wasn’t called Queen for nothing. She and Smoke ran the club together and for her to not be here was about as odd as you could get.

  Three tables of twelve had been set up and each president stood at the heads. Mack the bartender had beers on ice in buckets on the tables and several bottles of bourbon sporadically placed. Krispy grabbed one and popped the top, he had a bad feeling about all of this. He opted to stand against one of the wooden pillars waiting for the bomb to drop. It only took minutes for Smoke to begin.

  “ Morning. Sorry to call you all here at the ass crack of dawn but I got some info late last night and after talking with Red and Magic we all think it’s important.” Smoke took a long draw off his cigarette and slowly exhaled. Whatever this was, wasn’t good. Magic had a big manila envelope in his hand. Handing it to Smoke and nodding.

  “Mambo saw a few new faces around and figured he better check it out. Looks like the Bastards have prospects and we gotta deal with them. We can’t let them add to their numbers. The way I see it we got one of two choices, kill them or convert them. Ain’t no other way, I wish there was. They’re just kids, maybe twenty and that fuckin’ sucks but we gotta do what we gotta do.” He handed the two pictures out and watched as they were passed from one brother to the next.

  Krispy took the two photos looking at the first one. Smoke was right, he was just a kid. As he pulled the second one out his heart stopped as the beer he had been holding slipped from his hand. It crashed on the concrete floor and shattered.

  “Oh fuck me sideways! No, no, no! This can’t be right!” Krispy was shouting and all the brothers just stared, not knowing what the hell just happened.

  “Kid, what is it?” Smoke had made his was to the pillar where he had been standing. Krispy handed him the second picture.

  “See this? Anything look familiar about this guy? Well it should, that’s my baby brother. Last time I saw him I was fourteen, but I’m fuckin’ sure as shit that’s Jake.” He was visibly shaking, knowing what was about to happen. Smoke understood and addressed the clubs.

  “This one,” he said as he held up the photo, “bring him to me. Don’t kill him unless he leaves you no choice. But do your fuckin’ best to bring him in alive. The other don’t much matter.” Smoke put his hand on Krispy’s shoulder. The kid was in shock, he knew it. Family no matter how long you’d been apart meant everything.

  “Kid I’m gonna do everything I can to keep him alive. But if he won’t agree to coming over, well that’s something for later.” Krispy had to get out of there, he had to ride. Anything to clear his thoughts and try to figure out how to keep Jake alive. Heading towards the door Ajax stopped him.

  “Come with me.” It wasn’t a request and he knew it. The fact that the cleaner was a new patch didn’t matter, he was Isadora’s father. Krispy followed him out back, expecting to have his ass beat but that didn’t happen. What transpired even shocked him.

  “I’m gonna help you find him. He’s family kiddo. But you gotta promise me something.” Krispy swallowed hard, scared shitless of what Ajax was going to say. “If he’s loyal and won’t break you have to put him down. Ain’t no choice at that point. Can you do that? Kill your brother?”

  “I dunno man.” He shrugged his shoulders. “That’s a hard one to answer. I can tell you if he goes after Izzy I can and will kill him. No hesitation and no remorse. Remember when I said I think I love her? I don’t think Ajax, I know. I will do anything I have to so she’s safe.” He watched as the cleaner nodded, still waiting for that hard right cross.

  “I know you do, you’d have to kid. To put up with my shit you’d have to. I know it ain’t just a piece of ass. Nobody could put up with my shit just for that. But what I said still stands, do nothurt her.” Krispy got the message loud and clear, Ajax would kill him if he hurt Isadora.

  Family Affair The Bastards hangout was a bar called the Rack & Q and that’s where Krispy was heading to. He had to know if Jake was there, and if he could catch a glimpse of the elusive Jester. Nobody had ever seen his face, he kept it covered by a skull bandana from the nose down anytime he was on his bike. Smoke had mentioned having a spy go to the Rack but changed his mind, stating the danger would outweigh any quality information they would acquire.

  Parking his bike by the library and walking the half mile to the bar, Krispy wasn’t sure how to handle seeing Jake in a cut with the Bastards prospect patch on it. Jake was always the more level h
eaded of the two boys, but when they got separated in Foster care; Krispy had no clue what happened after that. He saw Jake once by chance outside a restaurant, he looked good but seemed far off. Like something was very off in his world. The Foster parents seemed okay but there was just something off and Krispy couldn’t place it. That was ten years ago and the last time he saw his brother.

  The boys wound up wards of the state after their father went to prison for manslaughter and their mother just disappeared. It was one night when she left for work and never came back. He was eleven and Jake eight. He barely remembered either if them at this point. He knew they both looked like her, but he couldn’t even remember what his father looked like. He could recall that the man was a mean son of a bitch, beating the boys at the drop of a hat.

  Standing under a tree near the corner he could clearly see the bar, the shocking part was no bikes. He expected to at least see one or two. The Bastards would sleep in the back if they had too much to drink, or if one decided he wanted to screw one of the staff or patrons of the establishment. From what they had all heard, that happened frequently.

  “Quiet at the Q.” Krispy jumped at Smokes words. He wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings and his president got him. He should have known Smoke knew where he went.

  “Fuck Prez, scared the shit outta me.” Smoke just chuckled. He knew the kid wasn’t expecting him but he damn well knew where Krispy had gone. He would have done the same thing.

  “Go back to the property kid, no need to draw unwanted attention now. Me and Red are working on how to deal with this.” Smoke said as he lit a cigarette but Krispy had no intention of going home. He had to find Jake, try to make him listen. There was an abandoned clubhouse just over the county line, he needed to go. At least see if there were bikes parked outside or any signs the Bastards were using the old building. Krispy didn’t say anything, he just walked back towards his ride. He was heading east, he had to. Something was pulling him to that old building, it was just a gut feeling, there was a voice screaming inside him to save his baby brother.

  Smoke watched Krispy walk away knowing he had trouble on his hands. The look in the kid’s eye spoke volumes. He was hunting his brother and the only way he would survive was for Smoke and the rest of them to join in the manhunt. The president knew his wife would murder him if Krispy got hurt. Smoke pulled out his phone.

  “Ren we got a problem. Found the kid at the Rack and now I think he’s heading to the Anarchists old place. Get the brothers together and meet me by the mill.”

  “Will do boss.” Smoke knew Renegade and he never let him down. “One more thing brother, bring my wife. If anybody can talk some sense into him, it’s her.” With that he hung up and took off for the mill. It had been close for years, generally used for a place for the teens to party but today smoke needed it. He had a feeling Krispy was going to need his Attitude adjusted.

  Smoke gave him just enough of a head start that he could take the back roads and beat him. His plan was to have the brothers block the roadway so he could keep the young patch from getting killed. Smoke had no intention of hurting him unless he pushed his boundaries. Disrespect would earn him that and more if Krispy didn’t reign himself in.

  Krispy rode down the deserted highway at exactly the speed limit. His cut tucked neatly in his saddle bag, no need to have the law busting his balls just because he was a Devil. He still had no idea why this was eating at him like it was. He and Jake had never been tight but knowing he was prospecting for Jester chaffed his nuts.

  It had been months since he had time alone to ride. Once Aries had started his shenanigans it was just an unspoken rule; no one goes alone. Right now he had to be alone. Knowing Jake was out there and with the Bastards no less, was gnawing at his gut. Krispy had a bad feeling Smoke would kick his ass for this but it would be worth any beat down the President could give if he found his brother.

  Krispy was just coming up to Old Mill road when he saw them; a line of hogs blocking the roadway. “Fuck!” he screamed half hoping he was heard. Damn them for interfering. This wasn’t for them to get in the middle of, this was his to handle. Krispy had no choice but to stop. It just happened to be right in front of his president.

  “Prez I gotta do this, let me pass. I ain’t gonna start shit, just see if he’s there.” Smoke let him speak, shaking his head. There was no way the kid was getting though.

  “No can do kid. Too much at stake to let you go off half cocked. Don’t push me Krispy, you know I love you like blood but that by no means will save you from an ass kicking if you keep at this.” He knew what was coming but he had to get through that blockade. The key was still in the on position and he hit the button. His old Dyna roared to life, preparing to ram his way through when he heard it. A soft, sweet, feminine voice that did him in.

  “ Joshua Alan Harrison! Turn off that bike and come here, now!” The queen’s voice came through as clear as if she was standing next to him. Krispy glanced over his shoulder seeing her standing there. He couldn’t not do what she asked, dismounting and hanging his head.

  Approaching the Queen, he tried to look mean but Krispy couldn’t. Not with her anyway. He remembered Peyton’s face being the first one he saw after he finally woke up from surgery. The brothers had mentioned more than once that she didn’t leave his bedside unless Bones was there. She was his family, more than anyone else in the world and whatever ass chewing she was about to give; well he would have to suck it up.

  “Joshua what are you doing?” She asked in that motherly voice only she had. “Queen I gotta do this. Don’t you understand? Doesn’t anyone understand?” Krispy glanced back at Smoke and the brothers. “He’s all I got in this world Peyton. The only blood I got left and I can’t let him get killed. Please Queen, help me!” He was pleading but Krispy didn’t care, she was the only one that could change Smoke’s mind.

  Peyton understood more than he knew. She killed her father and even though he had it coming ten fold it still hurt that it had escalated to that point. “Stay here. I mean it Joshua, don’t you move. You think my husband is scary, wait until I’m mad.” She said as she walked away towards the brothers. He had a feeling she could be terrifying when she wanted to. You don’t marry the president of a one percent club without having a set of brass balls. He stayed exactly where he was, watching her work her magic with Smoke and the rest of the clubs.

  Ten minutes had come and gone and he was still in the same place, watching Peyton and the president talk. Krispy was too far away to hear them but by the looks of it, she was winning her argument. She turned and smiled at him before she came back.

  “Okay this is how it’s going to go. And before you say a word, this is non-negotiable. Wyatt is going to go, you’re too close and we need to know what’s going on there. I love you Joshua but all you’re looking for is Jake. We need intel on everything there. Then if he is there we make a plan of attack. Nobody will go after him, just grab him and bring him back.”

  Krispy didn’t like having to sit this one out but Peyton was right. He looked down at her wanting to argue, but that wouldn’t do any good. Her words to him were law. That and he had seen her mad and knew she had a mean right hook. One that not only put her husband on his ass, but Renegade too.

  He wasafter his brother and didn’t give a shit what happened to the rest of them. He gave her a nod and got his bike and headed home. There was no other choice and Krispy needed a drink, maybe ten drinks and few hits off the joint in his wallet. Today had been nothing short of shit and he was knee deep in it. There was a spot at the edge of the canyon where he could be alone and think, that’s where he would be.

  Krispy made it back and grabbed a bottle from the clubhouse heading on foot to the spot he knew he’d have some quiet. He sat on a flat topped boulder looking down and listening to the river below as the water splashed on the rocks that lined the bank. Of all the people Jake could get involved with, Krispy just couldn’t fathom why he chose the Bastards. Maybe they promised him so
mething or maybe they had some leverage, either way he had to save his brother from certain death. After what transpired with Aries, Smoke was on a mission. This was the kill or be killed type. Krispy just couldn’t allow his president to kill Jake. If it came to that he would be the one to put him down.

  He knew he was supposed to watch Isadora but he just needed some time to sort things in his head. The sounds of the water was somehow soothing his soul. All his adult life the club had been all that mattered, it was as easy as breathing. Now he was choking on the air that once fed him. The breeze coming from below blew his unruly blonde curls in his eyes as he reached into the back pocket of his Levi’s for the black bandana he always kept there. He never wore a lid on the bike so his trusty, faded bandana kept his hair somewhat under control. He was struggling to tie it when a soft set of hands took the ties from him.

  “I got this Joshua. Let me help you.” He didn’t need to look, he would know her touch anywhere; Isadora. “Hey,” he said not making eye contact. He was certain by now she had heard the chatter of his screw up today. The entire club knew what transpired on the Mill road today.

  “Take me for a ride.” She nudged at his shoulder. “ I wanna ride and if you don’t take me I’ll go on my own. Or better yet I’ll ask Havoc. The Sinners are here.”

  “The fuck you will!” He jumped to his feet, glaring at her for even suggesting such a thing. Isadora knew that would get him, it was the reason she said it. She remembered how huffy her dad got when Havoc was flirting with her, she hoped his name had the same effect on Krispy. “Stay the fuck away from him! You’re mine!” He didn’t mean to say it but she was his and fighting Havoc wasn’t on his list of things he wanted to do. He knew Havoc would wipe the floor with him. He’d seen him once take on four guys in Handlebars and he barely broke a sweat. Krispy didn’t want any part of him. Isadora sat down next to him, laying her head on his shoulder.


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