The Dragon Twins

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by B. A. Stretke

  The Dragon Twins

  Dragon’s Blood M.C. Book 8

  M/M/M Paranormal Romance

  By B.A. Stretke

  Copyright © 2019 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  The twins, Forbes and Flynn were the last of the Quest Dragons of Clan Keith to be still waiting to find their mates. They'd stood by these last nearly eight years and watched as every other member of their Quest found their mates and established their lives. The Seer had told them all of the Quest dragons would find their mates where the first was found.

  Calum Keith, their Chieftain, was the first to find his mate. He found Chance Bashford in this dusty, out of the way, town and that was the reason Clan Keith had set down roots here in Laramie.

  There hadn't been a child born to their Circle in well over three centuries, and that was what caused their King to send them on this Quest. Without new life, a dragon circle would lose their magic and die out. The Quest was the last hope for the Shetland Dragon Circle. Now Chance was pregnant with the first child, and it signaled the beginning of growth and prosperity to Clan Keith and the Shetland Dragon Circle. Their King was well pleased, and the elders and those wishing to relocate would be arriving soon from the homeland.

  Calum and his men established themselves in the area, bought massive tracks of land, built homes and lodges all in preparation for this day. The Shetland Dragon Circle, on the orders of King Duncan, would begin to reform itself in Wyoming.


  "I'd like to turn the restaurant over to Dane and see about purchasing the Federal," Flynn mentioned casually to his twin Forbes as they sat together on the back deck enjoying the evening sun. "I'm not cut out for food service on the scale of the Embers Restaurant." He glanced over at Forbes who was listening closely. He knew his twin was never into the restaurant but supported and helped him run it because he thought it was Flynn’s dream.

  “Why the Federal?” Forbes asked trying not to show how excited he was that Flynn was interested in moving on from the Embers.

  "I need something more interesting than an eatery. I enjoy cooking, but I've discovered that cooking rapidly and in the volume necessary for a restaurant, is not my dream. I prefer to cook for the family. The Federal is for sale, and I'm ready for something rougher, less confined, and more interesting." Flynn left it there and waited for Forbes to comment or advise.

  "Has Dane agreed to take over the Embers?" Dane had worked as a short-order cook at a local diner before being mated to Alrick, the Second to their Chieftain. For the past few years, he'd worked with them in the kitchen on a part-time basis and helped in its operation by serving in other capacities as well. He was well versed and experienced in the restaurant business, but would Alrick want his mate operating a business full-time?

  "Yes, he has. He already discussed it with Alrick, and as long as it doesn't consume all of his time, it's a go." Flynn chuckled. "Yeah that surprised me too, but Dane plans on hiring a full staff including a chef, so he'll simply act as manager. He wants to make sure he has time for both Alrick and Archie." Archie was Dane's nephew who he and Alrick adopted after Dane's sister died.

  "Have you checked out the Federal lately?" Forbes and Flynn used to frequent the joint when looking for a warm and willing body for the night. Lately, the level of clientele there had them looking elsewhere. "As you know, the place has a reputation for being seedy and full of shady characters with a bent towards the degenerate. Do you plan to run it as is or are you going to try and class it up?”

  “Not necessarily class it up, but I’d like to raise it out of the sewer.” Flynn snorted as Forbes barked a laugh.

  "Yeah, that'd be a good start," Forbes added.

  "You willing to go partners with me on this?" Flynn knew he could handle it on his own, but he didn't want to. He preferred to work with his twin. They had their own individual interests as well, with Forbes being the Clan medic and Flynn, the cook. But they were joint partners on all their major undertakings including the Quest that brought them to America.

  They were identical twins and had a lot in common from their tastes in food to their tastes in men. One of their interests and kinks that they hadn’t been able to indulge in for a while, with the demands of their schedules at the restaurant, was their fascination with double teaming.

  The twins liked to share their men when it was agreeable to all. Sometimes they would share one man and sometimes two. They used to pick up their one-night stands at the Federal but over the past couple of years the pickings had gone considerably downhill, so they’d moved to the clubs downtown.

  "Sure, it sounds interesting, and maybe we can improve the clientele." Forbes winked at his brother.

  “My thoughts exactly. Let’s check it out later this evening and see how we feel about the place and then head to the VIP Club and see if we can pick up something fun for the night.” Forbes was on board with that idea. The VIP was a popular gay club and their customers at least bathed regularly, which was something the Federal could not boast.

  “Sounds wonderful, it’s been awhile.” They both fell silent for a few minutes as they lost themselves in the anticipation. Forbes laughed and turned to his brother with a big expectant smile. “Let’s go now. I want to get to the VIP early.” They jumped to their feet and raced to the garage that housed the larger vehicles.

  "Let's take the black SUV. It's big enough that we can take him in the back seat if the situation calls for it." Flynn joked.

  “I’d rather save it for one of our large beds back home, but I have nothing against starting the evening in the back seat.” Forbes quipped with that same expectant smile still firmly in place.


  Hunter Davis, the new bartender at the Federal, was about to reach the end of his patience. He'd been on the job now for almost two days, and he was going to start breaking fingers if men did not stop grabbing his ass.

  He wasn't even dressed provocatively, just jeans and a white V-neck t-shirt, nothing to warrant the salacious attention he was getting. The previous day he left with actual bruises on his ass and thighs and one guy, uglier than shit, actually grabbed him by the junk. Luckily, he was so drunk that Hunter punched him once and he went down.

  It wouldn't be so bad if they tipped as well as touched, but the Federal regulars were cheap sons of bitches. The tip jar had nothing but a couple of cigarette butts in it so far, by quitting time it should be full, of cigarette butts. If it weren't for the fact that he needed a job and needed one immediately, he would not have considered the Federal. But the manager came through for him in his time of desperation, so Hunter would give the job his best effort.

  He managed to move to the left just as a huge grubby paw went for a feel and finally Hunter began to feel his rhythm. He dodged another and then another, and then Frank came from the back and threatened everyone standing at the bar.

  "Touch him again, and I'll gut the lot of you." That seemed to do the trick for a while anyway. Frank had some real clout with this bunch, and the relief was wonderful as Hunter focused on the orders and moving the drinks along.

  Perhaps in a month or two he could find another job but for now, this was his life, and he needed to make the best of it. Bes
ides, Frank wasn’t that bad, and the tips might improve. The internal pep talk did not improve his mood, and soon the hands on his ass were back and the mauling resumed.

  “Break time.” Briggs the other bartender called to him. The guy was huge and angry looking, and no one touched him unless he wanted them to, and Hunter noticed that he often wanted them to. But that was not Hunter’s business and if working on his father’s ranch for the whole of his life taught him anything, it was how to mind your own damn business.

  He wished his brother Lyle had learned that lesson, but he hadn't, and now Hunter was here slinging drinks for what appeared to be the lowest level of Laramie's social structure. He poured himself a club soda and headed for the broom closet that doubled as their break room.

  He'd like to go out back and get some air, but the last time he did that he discovered the alley was used primarily for sexual encounters. The activity and number of people in the alley rivaled the number inside the bar. The broom closet break room was a safer choice, and the privacy was a plus.

  As he sat there sipping his soda and listening to the now muted sounds of the loud riotous bar, his mind took a short journey back two days to the ranch that had been his home. Life had changed on a dime for him. One minute he was cleaning the stable, and the next he was thrown bodily into his truck with a smattering of his belongings and ordered off the property.

  His father had never been a soft, fair, or giving man and didn't abide long explanations or apologies, but Hunter had never realized just how cold he really was. He'd foolishly thought family trumped everything but apparently not sexual orientation. He knew his father wouldn't be happy about it and that was why Hunter had kept that secret and adhered to the don't ask, don't tell mindset.

  He didn't flaunt it, and he didn't discuss it; his private life was his own business. Only one person knew besides himself, and that was Lyle. His brother for whatever reason decided to inform their father of Hunter's proclivity as he called it. The moment was a blur of shouts and violence and culminated in Hunter no longer having a home or a family. Now he was scrambling for work and living out of his truck.

  He had a little in savings, just a few hundred and he wasn't ready to blow it on a motel. It was all that stood between him and utter devastation, as he saw it. He checked his watch and quickly downed his soda. His break was nearly over, and it would be Briggs' turn, leaving him to man the bar alone for thirty minutes. He took a deep breath gathered his fortitude and headed back out front.


  The Federal was busy as was usual for this bar. Forbes parked the SUV down the street, so as to not look like they were going to the Federal, yes it had finally developed that kind of reputation. The place had become near disgusting and was frequented more now by the paranormal crowd than the human. Nothing against the many wolf shifters that go there but basic hygiene is something that should not be considered an annual activity.

  “The building will need some repairs and updating before we start on the inside.” Flynn made some cursory observations.

  “Have you checked on the business itself? Does it have its paperwork in order and is the place solvent?” Forbes held the door for Flynn to enter.

  “Yeah, it supports itself and the owner.” Flynn smiled. “It isn’t raking in the dollars but with some upgrades and a new mission it could attract better and wealthier patrons.”

  "The first thing we do is change the name," Forbes stated. "Something that says come and have a drink with us and we promise not to assault or kill you." Flynn laughed.

  “That will be the first order of business.” They took a quick look around grabbed a couple of beers from Briggs and found some seats near the bar but off to the side so they could observe for a while.

  “Briggs said Frank hired a new bartender. Said he’s young and hung but playing hard to get.” Flynn commented.

  "Briggs is such a classy gentleman it's a wonder the Waldorf downtown hasn't snapped him up already."


  Hunter stood back and watched while Briggs served a man so distractingly good looking that Hunter actually just stared. He was frozen by the presence of this stunning man, so unexpected among this sea of ugliness. He didn’t belong here, yet he appeared comfortable and at ease. He had an aura of strength and confidence. Hunter noticed that no one gave him unwanted lecherous attention, but the hungry looks were many.

  Hunter felt a strange surge of jealousy rush through him as the man was appraised by every guy at the bar including Briggs. Hunter didn’t even know this man, why was he feeling jealous over others watching him? He tried to shake it off and stepped up to his station.

  “It’s all yours, I’ll be back in thirty.” Briggs disappeared quickly into the back and Hunter was left to handle the customers alone. He watched as the good-looking guy sat down at a table to his left. Hunter was taken aback by the fact that Mr. Handsome sat down with a man who looked exactly like him, he had a twin.

  The ideas rushing through his brain were intriguing, in a lecherous sort of way. Hunter could just imagine himself sandwiched salaciously between the two gorgeous and hunky men. Wavy black hair, vibrant green eyes, and muscles abounded in Hunter's lustful daydream.

  "Hey! Wake up, idiot. Two beers, now!" The man in front of him was yelling and pushing others aside. Hunter was pulled from his imaginings by the man’s ill-mannered shouts. He ignored him and dealt with the other customers in front of him. He knew it was a risk, the guy looked mean, but he wasn’t anyone’s bitch, especially not some scum at the Federal.

  He should have expected it, but he didn't and was ill prepared when the hulking beast reached across the bar and grabbed him around the throat then drug Hunter over the surface of the bar towards him. His face was close enough that Hunter tried to turn his head to avoid the rancid stench of his breath. He'd never smelled anything so bad, and he'd been a ranch hand his entire life.

  "I'm going to rip your fucking throat out." The guy stated with a scary calm that was much more upsetting than his anger had been. Hunter tried to get free and tried to speak, but both were unsuccessful. Panic began to overtake him when suddenly the deadly man was being pulled away from him and the hand, he had around Hunter's neck was twisted backward until he let go.

  Hunter dropped back down onto his feet and watched as Mr. Handsome threw the brute across the room. He landed on a table occupied by five equally looking angry men who didn’t take kindly to the disruption. Soon the twin hotties where wiping the floor with the group of men and it was outrageous, but they appeared to be enjoying themselves. For two guys who looked too polished to be at the Federal, they could easily hold their own in a brawl and then some.

  Hunter couldn’t stop himself from just watching the two gorgeous men move with grace and control even under these conditions of total chaos. The twins were magnificent as they worked in tandem disposing of one after the other of their attackers. The entire bar was soon engulfed in the fight and Hunter ducked into the back room as Briggs charged forward along with the bouncer Andy. He hoped the twins didn’t get hurt and he hoped he still had a job when it was all over.


  Flynn approached the bar to get a couple more beers when the ignorant wolf shifter decided to get physical with the new bartender. The guy was scared, piss your pants scared, and the intensity of that feeling hit Flynn like he owned it the closer he got to the bar.

  Flynn could feel the guys panic like a kick in the head. It was acrid and distasteful, and Flynn was immediately swamped with a driving need to eliminate the threat to this beautiful young man. His dragon was suddenly on the surface and preparing to kill for this stranger.

  He grabbed the wolf with the intent to do great bodily harm. This beast would pay for touching the sweet bartender. It wasn't his business, and usually, Flynn was not the type to start a fight. He enjoyed a good brawl but rarely was he the instigator. But there was something about this bartender that demanded Flynn step up and defend him. It wasn't until Flynn took the wolf's hand
crushing the bones as he removed it from the bartender's throat that the realization hit him.

  The lanky delicious looking human with the blond hair and blue eyes was his mate. Flynn was floored by the knowledge that he was next to find his mate. Like Forbes, he'd waited and watched as all the other men found their respective mates and looked forward to the day it would be his turn. This man right here was Fates gift, this man belonged to him. The mixture of joy and excitement was driving his dragon wild.

  The threat to his mate had to be destroyed, and that was the only thought in his head right now. Forbes jumped in immediately and together they were taking on the wolf pack and their jackal friends with ease. They were no match for two dragons, they were no match for one.

  A firearm discharged, and suddenly the fight began to slow down, and everyone checked for wounds. It was Frank, the manager, a human with a penchant for paranormal cock. He was aware of their kind and tended to attract the least of the lot. He built this business into the hole that it was today and seemed satisfied with its lowlife status. He wasn't a bad guy, just self-serving.

  Frank charged into the main room with Briggs and Andy on either side of him as if he would have had the balls to be there without their assistance. He could talk tough, but he relied completely on hired muscle.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” He yelled and emptied the other barrel of his shotgun into the ceiling before stopping to reload. Flynn was struck by the unnecessary damage being done to the interior of the bar. He would take the gun from Frank if he considered discharging it again but so far, the man was content in just waving it around. Flynn glanced behind the bar, but his mate was not there. He could still feel his distress, so he was nearby.

  The wolf was the first to speak and began shouting accusations against Flynn and Forbes and Hunter. Flynn assumed Hunter was the bartender. Frank dismissed the charges against Hunter but turned on Flynn and Forbes as the cause of the beat down. Flynn noticed Hunter moving from the back towards the bar, and he kept his eyes on him. Nothing could happen to Hunter; Flynn's dragon was so close any threat would be instantly destroyed.


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