Mass Effect: Retribution

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Mass Effect: Retribution Page 20

by Drew Karpyshyn

  The entire encounter had taken less than thirty seconds, but in that time the shooting at the other end of the warehouse had stopped. Looking up, Anderson noticed several of Aria’s troops—including Orgun—lying dead on the floor. Some were bent and twisted, limbs protruding at awkward angles in the unmistakable pose of those killed by powerful biotic attacks. Others appeared to have been beaten to death, their heads staved in as if someone had smashed them with a sledgehammer.

  But he couldn’t see Grayson anywhere in the carnage … or Kahlee.

  Running toward the center of the room to get a better view, he realized he was the only one still alive inside the building. He had no idea what had happened to Kahlee, but a thousand scenarios were playing through his head, none of them reassuring.

  Fearing the worst, he raced across the room and out the door, only to find her standing in the dimly lit street, alone and unharmed. She was staring off into the distance, her back to him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, panting slightly from his recent exertion as he ran up to her.

  She turned in response to his voice.

  “I’m all right,” she assured him. “When the shooting started I just tried to stay low. Luckily nobody was aiming for me.”

  “What about Grayson?”

  “He’s gone,” she said. “He broke through the circle of Aria’s people and escaped out the door. They all ran off after him.”

  Anderson realized this was their chance. For the next little while it would be chaos as Aria’s people tried to stop Grayson from escaping Omega. With everyone focused on him, they might be able to slip away unnoticed.

  “Come on,” he said to Kahlee. “We’re getting off this station.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “We just have to find someone with a ship who doesn’t answer to Aria,” he explained, knowing it wouldn’t be nearly as easy as he’d made it sound.

  A man he didn’t recognize stepped out from the shadow of a nearby building.

  “Maybe I can help with that,” he said by way of introduction.


  Kai Leng heard the sound of gunfire from inside the warehouse; the trap had been sprung. A few moments later, however, he realized Aria’s people had failed as Grayson emerged from the building still alive. As before, Kai Leng pressed himself into the shadows rather than confront him. As loyal as he was to Cerberus, he wasn’t suicidal.

  Grayson broke into a run, and seconds later three armed krogan burst from the warehouse in pursuit. Despite their massive bulk they could run much faster than humans, their muscular legs powering them along. Grayson, however, was no longer human. The cybernetic enhancements of the Reapers gave him incredible speed, and he had already opened up a gap of at least thirty meters before the krogan even appeared on the scene.

  They opened fire with their assault rifles as they chased after him, their accuracy compromised by the poor illumination of the street and their desperate efforts to keep up with their target. Grayson moved in an erratic, zigzagging pattern to make it even harder for them to line up a clear shot. But it was impossible to dodge the hail of gunfire completely, and a few stray rounds found their mark.

  The impacts caused Grayson to stumble, momentarily knocking him off stride. In response he wheeled around and thrust his palm out toward his pursuers. The air seemed to ripple and distort with the power of his biotic push.

  Kai Leng had no doubt that if the krogan had been closer the energy wave would have pulverized them, breaking bones and liquefying even their redundant internal organs. As it was, Grayson’s flight had already left them so far behind that the force of the attack had dissipated considerably by the time it reached them. Instead of crushing them, it had only enough strength to knock them off their feet.

  Before his enemies could pick themselves up, Grayson was off and running again. He was limping noticeably, but the awkward gait did little to slow him down.

  Behind him reinforcements came pouring out of the building: half a dozen batarians and two more krogan. While the original pursuers picked themselves up, those newly arrived joined the chase. Like the others, they fired their assault rifles as they ran, but by this time Grayson was well beyond the effective range of their weapons.

  As he raced past Kai Leng’s hiding place, he passed under one of the few lights on the street, giving the assassin a brief but clear look at his wounds. Blood was streaming from several places in his right thigh. His left arm dangled awkwardly at his side; Kai Leng suspected a round had shattered his shoulder. His injuries were severe, but none appeared lethal—miraculously, he didn’t appear to have been hit in the torso or head.

  And then Grayson was gone, fleeing down the street before vanishing around a corner. Kai Leng remained perfectly still as Aria’s troops rumbled past several seconds later, knowing any movement might draw their attention to his hiding spot. He doubted they would bother to stop; they seemed intent on chasing Grayson down. But he wasn’t taking any chances.

  Several of them were shouting instructions into the transmitters of their helmets as they went by, no doubt calling in further reinforcements to help them bring Grayson to his knees. Kai Leng had a hunch they wouldn’t be successful.

  It was almost a certainty that Grayson was going to escape the station; the Illusive Man would not be pleased. But witnessing the failed ambush had still given Kai Leng hope. Grayson’s wounds were proof that, as powerful as the Reapers were, they were not invulnerable. If any of Aria’s people had managed a clean headshot, the threat might have been eliminated.

  He was still concealed in his hiding place, wondering what to do next, when Kahlee Sanders stepped out onto the street. An idea began to form in Kai Leng’s head.

  Once Grayson left Omega, Cerberus would need to track him down again. The Illusive Man had told Aria T’Loak that Sanders was the key. That might no longer be the case, given her role in setting him up at the warehouse. But there was a chance she could still be used as bait to lure him out of hiding a second time.

  As Kai Leng was contemplating his next move, David Anderson came out of the warehouse to join Sanders. He was armed with a pistol, though Kai Leng wasn’t worried. If it came down to a physical confrontation, he was certain he was more than a match for Anderson and Sanders. But he wasn’t sure that was the right way to proceed.

  He stepped out of his hiding spot and began to move quickly but silently toward them. He stayed close to the edges of the buildings along the street, trying to make himself less conspicuous by sticking to the shadows. His efforts were helped by the fact that Sanders and Anderson were completely focused on each other.

  “We just have to find someone with a ship who doesn’t answer to Aria,” he heard Anderson say once he was within earshot.

  Acting on a sudden impulse, he stepped out into the open and declared, “Maybe I can help with that.”

  Kahlee took a quick step back, and Anderson raised his pistol.

  “Who are you?” he demanded.

  Kai Leng was close enough to easily disarm the admiral before he could fire a single shot. But he knew Cerberus would need Sanders’s cooperation if they wanted to find Grayson. So instead of violence, he resorted to something even more radical: the truth.

  “My name is Kai Leng. I have a ship docked at one of the ports outside Aria’s sphere of influence.”

  “And you just happened to wander into this district?” Anderson said, making no effort to hide his skepticism. His pistol was still pointed directly at Kai Leng’s chest.

  “He’s with Cerberus,” Kahlee said, putting the pieces together. “The Illusive Man sent him to spy on Aria. He wanted to make sure she finished Grayson off.”

  “We have common goals,” Kai Leng assured them, not bothering to deny her accusation. “We all want to get off the station, and we all want to find Grayson. We should work together.”

  “Or I could just shoot you where you stand,” Anderson said, waving the pistol menacingly.

  “You could try,” Kai
Leng answered. “But how will that help you escape Omega?”

  “Not everyone here is in Aria’s pocket,” Kahlee replied. “We’ll find someone willing to give us a ride.”

  “How long will that take? You don’t have much time. Right now her focus is on stopping Grayson, but once he escapes—and he will—she’ll turn her attention back to you.”

  “We’ll take that chance,” Anderson said, squeezing the trigger.

  Kai Leng was already in motion, spinning out of the way. Before Anderson could bring the pistol to bear again, he seized the admiral’s wrist, forcing it down and twisting it at a painful angle.

  Anderson tried to fight back as the gun slipped from his suddenly nerveless fingers by bringing his knee up toward Kai Leng’s groin. But he blocked the move by turning his hips so the blow only struck him in the meat of his thigh.

  Kahlee jumped in to join the fray, driving her foot into the center of Kai Leng’s back. He absorbed the impact by tumbling forward in a somersault, still keeping his grip on Anderson’s wrist. His momentum yanked Anderson off balance, dragging him down to the ground.

  From his prone position, Kai Leng scissored his legs and swept Kahlee’s feet out from under her, bringing her crashing down to the ground on top of the two men. He momentarily stunned Anderson with an elbow to the solar plexus, rolled free of the tangled mass of bodies, grabbed the pistol where it had fallen, and sprang to his feet.

  He pointed the weapon at his two opponents, both of whom were still on the ground. He’d left them unharmed, though the blow he’d delivered to Anderson had him gasping for air.

  He kept the pistol trained on them long enough to make it clear they would have been dead had he wished it, then slipped the weapon into the back of his belt.

  “Cerberus is not your enemy,” he told them. “We are defenders of the human race. We have no quarrel with you.”

  Kahlee cautiously got to her feet. Anderson was still having trouble catching his breath. She reached down and offered him a hand. He shook his head and waved her off, coughing and wheezing as he struggled up on his own.

  “Don’t pitch your propaganda to me,” Kahlee spat, refusing to back down even after Kai Leng’s display of physical superiority. “I know what you really are. I saw what you did to Grayson’s daughter. I saw what you did to him.”

  “Sometimes individual sacrifices are necessary for the greater good.”

  “Bullshit,” Anderson chimed in. “Justify your actions however you want. You’re nothing but a bunch of terrorists.”

  “The Reapers are a threat unlike anything humanity has ever faced,” Kai Leng reminded them. “You may think the Illusive Man went too far, but it was necessary to learn about our enemy. The survival of our species depends on it.”

  “You created a monster and set him loose on the galaxy!” Anderson shot back.

  “That was as much your fault as ours. But blame gets us nowhere. We need to work together to bring Grayson back in.”

  “I’m not going to help you kill him,” Kahlee declared. “So either shoot us, or leave us the hell alone.”

  “You saw what Grayson has become,” Kai Leng pressed. “You can imagine what he’s capable of. He has to be stopped.”

  “Clean up your own damn mess,” Anderson answered, siding with his companion.

  “We can help him,” Kai Leng said, knowing there was still a way to get Kahlee to listen to him.

  “We have the knowledge and resources to reverse the transformation,” he lied. “But soon it will be too late. Everything Grayson is will be consumed by the Reapers.”

  Kahlee didn’t say anything right away, causing Anderson to glance over at her.

  “Is that true?” he asked her. “Can they reverse this?”

  “Maybe,” she said. “I don’t know. But if there’s even a chance to save him …”

  She left the words hanging in the air.

  “Even if it means working with Cerberus?” Anderson asked softly.

  Kahlee nodded.

  “Take us to your damn ship,” Anderson grumbled.

  “This way,” Kai Leng said, pointing back down the street. “You’ll understand if I prefer you didn’t walk behind me.”

  Aria was at her usual spot in Afterlife when one of her asari underlings rushed in with news of the failed attempt to capture Grayson alive.

  “Orgun and Sanak are both dead,” she said. “Grayson is on the run, and Keedo is leading the pursuit.”

  The Pirate Queen kept her features calm, concealing her extreme displeasure.

  “What about Sanders and Anderson?”

  The attendant who had brought her the news shook her head. “I don’t know. Keedo didn’t say.”

  “Then why are you here?” Aria asked coolly.

  “Keedo is requesting reinforcements. He says Grayson is … changed.”

  “Changed? In what way?”

  “Cybernetic enhancements of some kind. He didn’t go into details.”

  Aria silently cursed herself for trusting Cerberus. There was no doubt in her mind they knew about Grayson’s upgrades; they might even have been responsible for them. Yet they had failed to warn her. If she had known, she might have sent more people to the meeting … and she might have reconsidered the idea of taking him alive.

  But she was also angry at herself. Eager to avenge Liselle’s death, she’d accepted Cerberus’s proposal despite her misgivings. She had let her feelings for her daughter interfere with her judgment. She had let emotion get in the way of good business. She wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

  “Give Keedo whatever he needs,” she answered. “And send an alert out to everyone we have: Grayson is to be shot on sight. Civilian casualties should be minimized if possible, but I won’t hold anyone responsible for collateral damage.”

  The attendant nodded and rushed off to relay the orders.

  Aria watched her go, sipping her drink while she thought about how she would have her revenge against Cerberus and the Illusive Man.

  Grayson could do nothing but watch in fascinated horror as the Reapers sent him on a rampage through Omega. They had buried him so deep inside his own mind he had lost nearly all connection with his physical self. He could still see and hear, but he could no longer feel his own body. He knew in some academic way that he had been shot, but the pain was so distanced from his awareness that it had no meaning.

  The escape from the warehouse had been only the beginning. As he raced down Omega’s streets, it seemed as if everyone on the station was trying to kill him. Every time he rounded a corner he seemed to run into an armed patrol or a blockade. Aria was sending everything she had at him; Grayson wondered if it would be enough.

  The Reapers had turned him into a devastating weapon, but their power wasn’t infinite. The constant pressure kept them from replenishing the stored energy in his body; each time they drew on it they became fractionally weaker and more vulnerable. He was already seeing the effects of their exertions as each encounter became more difficult and more dangerous.

  The first group to get in his way had been easily dispatched with a biotic singularity. With a mere flick of his wrist, the Reapers had caused a single point of near-infinite mass to be created right in the center of the four asari lying in wait for him around a corner. The gravitational field swallowed them up instantly, collapsing them into nothingness before they could summon their own biotic powers to strike back.

  The next group of enemies—a mixed squad of humans and batarians—fell to a brutal physical onslaught. Grayson simply barreled into them before they had a chance to fire their weapons, his hands and feet becoming lethal weapons that bludgeoned, bashed, and tore his enemies to shreds. At the end of the encounter, the Reapers paused long enough to scoop up the weapons of his fallen foes, then sent Grayson racing off once more with an assault rifle in each hand.

  The rifles allowed the Reapers to switch tactics. Instead of having to overwhelm enemies with biotics or melee combat, they were able to fight a r
unning battle through the Omega streets. Unlike Aria’s people, Grayson wasn’t wearing a combat suit, so the Reapers never went toe-to-toe with any of the patrols they came across. Instead, they would fire off a quick burst, then retreat, ducking around a corner into one of Omega’s countless side streets or alleys. Using speed and maneuverability to offset the enemies’ kinetic barriers and greater numbers, they would pick off the enemy squad one by one until the path was clear again.

  The strategy would have been impossible under normal circumstances. Technological advances had helped reduce the kickback, but the sheer volume of rounds being discharged still required the use of both hands to stabilize the weapon. Even a krogan wasn’t strong enough to use one in each hand effectively, but Grayson managed them as easily as if they were pistols.

  Assault rifles also weren’t known for accuracy. Even with the automated targeting systems built into the guns, the odds of repeatedly hitting a single target while on the move were low. But Grayson’s synthetic enhancements gave the Reapers incredible accuracy, allowing them to focus both guns precisely on a single target. Kinetic barriers couldn’t hold up under such a concentrated barrage, and as soon as the target became vulnerable the Reapers would finish the job with a perfectly placed head shot.

  Aria’s people fought back as best they could, but no organic foe could match the ruthless efficiency of a near-perfect killing machine. However, even aiming the weapons with laserlike precision was taxing his energy reserves. No matter how superior he was to his opponents, their numbers would eventually overwhelm him. He’d lost track of how many victims the Reapers had claimed somewhere around twenty, but he knew Aria had plenty more fodder to throw at them.

  Recognizing the futility of trying to defeat an entire army, the Reapers began to search for a way to escape the station. The layout of Omega was a confusing labyrinth of haphazard, unplanned construction. It was littered with dead ends and routes to nowhere. But in the two years he had worked for Aria, Grayson had become as familiar with the layout as anyone.


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