The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 11

by Catherine Beery

  “As well as a man who lost a dear friend can be. I think he took some malicious joy in watching the corporal run.”The Guardian observed.“I must admit that I most certainly did.”It added smugly.

  Duncan raised a questioning brow when he noticed his young companion’s stillness.“They are coming back.”She whispered to him.

  “Then let’s get this thing in position.”Duncan said as he returned to carefully placing the infrasound machine they had retrieved from the Grinlean ship just outside the closest King’s Guard camp.“Alrighty then, I think we are good here.”

  Kairevasigh nodded and focused on veiling the device and hiding her use of magic. She had to admit that she was getting better at it. Like any muscle, the ability got stronger with use. She felt the illusion settle into place. Unless they had telecy or some way to cancel magic, no one would know there was a large metal box sitting just outside the camp. All they would see were trees and dense vegetation. They would only really notice if they had been paying attention to their surroundings, but the rebels were hoping that the Guard would be too fearful of what had happened in the Monastery to notice. There was also the hope that the symptoms caused by the machine would also make it hard for them to concentrate on the changes. “It’s done.”She whispered.

  Duncan grinned at her. “Go and have some more fun with that table.”

  She smiled back.“I will,“the smile faded as she gave him a pointed look,“as long as you’re careful.”Kairevasigh told him warningly.“I don’t want to have to explain to Perela why I left you alone to get into trouble.”

  Duncan blinked in surprise at the usually reserved girl’s warning. He then chuckled.“She is a formidable woman, I would be worried too. Which is why I’ll be careful.”

  “Good.”with a final look Kairevasigh vanished.

  “Man, I wish I could do that…”Duncan muttered as he settled the large amber crystal into is place in the machine. He was told that it was a power gem that only had so much of a charge in it. It would run the machine for a whole week before losing that charge. All that he had to do now was wait for the men to return before turning the thing on. As he waited he made sure that it was pointed in the right direction. The Grinlean scholar who had come with it had warned him how vital it was for him not to be in the device’s path. He intended to follow those instructions to the letter. He had absolutely no intention of being affected like the Guard who were coming.

  Before too much longer, he heard the crashing sound that was the Guard rushing back. They were not trying to be quiet at all. They were trained and brave men, but swords could do little against ghosts let alone illusions. Seeing the panicked faces of the soldiers made Duncan fervently glad that Kairevasigh was on the rebels' side. Her mind affecting magic was terrifying.

  “Sergeant T’Serol was right!”One of the men was saying as he panted near the fire.“It was a mistake to be against the Grimedian Order.”

  His fellow had his sword drawn and was gazing worriedly back the way they had come. He then turned to his panting companion.“Careful Ralphy, that’s treasonous talk. The monastic knights are with the rebels.”

  “And what are we with, Aiden? Can you tell me that?”The other demanded.

  More soldiers raced out of the foliage. The panting Ralphy drew his sword and watched them come. The last to come was Corporal Grigier. The other soldiers also drew their swords and pointed them at the corporal.

  “Don’t come a step closer.”Aiden said.

  The corporal’s eyes widened and he stumbled to a stop.“What do you think you are doing?” The corporal demanded.“This is treason!”His eyes shifted over all the men facing him. His gaze landed on the sergeants who were watching.

  “The sergeant said you killed him. He put a curse on you.”Ralphy pointed out.

  “Please, you are telling me you believe in stupid curses?”Grigier asked dismissively.

  “Corporal, where is Sergeant T’Serol?”One of the other sergeants asked.

  “The last I saw him was in the command tent.”

  “Why didn’t he come with us to the monastery?”the other sergeant inquired.

  Grigier glanced surreptitiously about. His mind was working furiously. He had to get himself out of this situation. His dark masters only helped those who helped themselves. His allies within the ranks were obviously ready to cut all ties to him if he messed this up. Good thing he had no intention of messing anything up. He took a breath and answered the sergeant.“He told me that he had to speak with Private Rider, sir. I think he thought of Rider as his son or something.”

  Picking up on what his corporal was doing, one of Grigier’s allies volunteered some information.“That’s right. And Rider was always the one to question orders. An’cause he trusted the lad, the good ol’sergeant listened to him.”

  “Rider never did like blockading the Monastery.”Grigier added thoughtfully.“I think that is perhaps why the sergeant wanted to talk to him. He had to teach the lad that being a good soldier meant following orders.”

  “This is ridiculous!”Ralphy denied caustically. He looked at the two sergeants.“Begging your pardon, sirs, but Rider was as good a soldier as any! I should know since we are good friends.”

  “Where is this Private Rider?”The first sergeant asked.

  One of the men in the corporal’s camp looked around and said“not here. Don’t remember seeing him in the monastery either.”

  “Same with the sergeant.”Corporal Grigier observed.“I wonder if perhaps there was a disagreement over orders and the sergeant ended up dead.”

  “You saying Ridermay have killed the sergeant?”Another man from the crowd said in shock. He shook his head in denial.“There is no way. The sergeant saved Rider and Rider respected the man greatly. The sergeant was like a father to him!”

  “And there is no way the ghost could have been blaming Rider cause he was pointing at you!”Ralphy said jabbing his sword in the corporal’s direction.

  The corporal raised an eyebrow.“Are you sure it was me and not you? After all, killing the sergeant would be an act of treason and you lot have shown that you are treasonous bastards.”He said gesturing toward the swords pointing at him.“And Rider was like you. He also respected the monks who have proven to be rebels.”

  “Who here believes the corporal’s words?”One of the sergeants inquired. All of the men who were allies of the dark and some men who had no idea what to think raised their hands. Of thirty men only twelve kept their hands down. The sergeant nodded.“We will have to have a hearing, but for now, arrest them.”

  “No!”Ralphy said glaring at the men around him.“You can’t just let that murdering son of a bitch walk free!”Always one to take action, Ralphy made to kill the corporal which elicited the men who had raised their hands to try to intercept him. Aiden and Private Richardson and the rest of the twelve moved to protect their rash friend. Seeing that they faced the rest of the group and the fact that they didn’t want to kill anyone other than the corporal they chose the better part of valor. They fled.

  Duncan held still in the bushes, shocked and wondering how he could help the fleeing men.

  “Cas’allem, GrimBennet.”Duncan started and found that the Guardian of the Table was crouched next him. The gray winged leopard managed to convey a comforting smile with its silver eyes.“Peace”It said again, this time in Persharen.“The child and I have it covered. Those men will find safety.”

  Duncan breathed a soft sigh of relief.“Thanks.”He whispered.

  The leopard purred inaudibly before vanishing in a similar fashion to Kairevasigh. Duncan made one last check on the machine, than turned it on low so that the men wouldn’t immediately notice it. He then slipped away heading back toward the monastery.


  Privates Richardson, Ralphy, Aiden, and the other nine raced through the forest as fast as they could not caring if they left a trail or not. Eventually sense caught up with the desire to live and cautioned them to move more stealthily. They searched
for leafless patches and areas where their foot prints would be less likely to be found. The entire time they strained their ears for any sound of pursuit.

  “Go to the monastery, my friends. You mean no harm. Sanctuary you will find there” a ghostly voice said. They froze and saw the misty form of their former sergeant appear.“Go, the others will not follow you there. They are too afraid.”

  Aiden eyed the men around him and saw that they were afraid, but they were determined too. If the sergeant’s ghost was telling them that they had a safe place to go, then they would go. Even if that place was the haunted monastery…


  Meanwhile, the Town of Riverdale

  “Things be changing and for the better, me thinks.”Old Lura said settling beside Master Jacob in the O’Kieffy kitchen. Lura, Master Jacob, and the O’Kieffy’s were good friends. In a way, they were the ruling elders of Riverdale. The town folk came to each of them seeking advice of some sort or other. For the last several months, the companions had met in the kitchen of O’Kieffy’s Tavern and tried to come up with action plans if things got nasty with the King’s Guard. And having limited communication with the Knights at the Monastery, they could really do nothing. All they had were evacuation plans in case the Guard got bored. There was nothing worse for townsfolk than bored soldiers. And more disturbing then bored soldiers were strange whisperings on the edge of town.

  Jenny O’Kieffy set down a warm bowl of soup for the older woman.“What makes you say so?”She asked as she refilled Master Jacob's coffee mug.

  Old Lura curled her aged yet still nimble fingers about her warm bowl and smiled.“Exactly what I said, lovely.”

  “There is nothing worse than a cryptic old woman.”Master Jacob muttered in his deep voice before he took a sip of his coffee. He grunted and watched the coffee slosh within the mug. Luckily for him, it stayed in the mug. He then turned to glare at the woman beside him.

  She smirked, not looking at all apologetic for kicking him.“That is what you get dearie, for calling a woman old.”She sniffed.

  “That is only true for ladies. And we both know that kind of female description has long since become invalid for you.”Master Jacob said jokingly.

  Old Lura gaped at him before a mock vengeful glitter entered her eyes. She moved to kick him again when Jenny, the youngest of the three, called a halt to the bickering.“Children!”She said in a firm voice.“Enough.”

  Both looked at her before sulkily turning back to their coffee and soup.“Yes mom.”They said in unison.

  Jenny’s lips twitched.“Now tell each other you’re sorry.”

  Master Jacob raised an eyebrow at her over his mug and Old Lura said“Now, now lovely, don’t be telling your elders what to do.”

  “I respectfully disagree, ma’am. I only treat you like children when you act like children.”

  The three stared at each other for a moment in silence before laughing. Jacob turned to the woman beside him and apologized. Lura laughed, waving the apology away saying that she hadn’t been a lady for a long time and that she was called‘Old’as if it was part of her name.

  It was about that time when Ben O’Kieffy entered the room leading another man.“I see we are having a good time back here.”Ben observed.

  “That we are.”Jenny said patting his cheek before going back to the hearth.

  Ben smiled before introducing the black haired woodsman standing just inside the door.“This here is Trevor McGill. He says he came from the monastery.”

  “Is that so?”Old Lura said with a satisfied smile and a wink at Master Jacob.

  “It is.”Trevor nodded.

  “McGill?”Master Jacob repeated thoughtfully. “Isn’t there a lad training to be a knight with that name?”

  “There is. He is my younger cousin.”

  “Ah.”Jacob said, his eyes lighting up.“You are thatTrevor." the smile faded as he continued. "It was said you were dead.”Jacob said with a frown.

  Trevor shrugged“yes, well. The enemy tried. And I rather they not know that they failed if they don’t already.”

  “So what news from the Monastery?”Ben asked.

  “Ben!”His wife scolded before she turned to Trevor.“Why don’t you sit yourself down and I’ll get you something to eat.”

  “Thank you.”Trevor said with a smile. Ben and Trevor sat down as Jenny saw that they both got something to eat. Ben looked properly contrite.

  “Now that your mouth is full, why don’t you tell us what is going on.”Old Lura suggested with a smile.

  Trevor swallowed before saying“It has been rather interesting at the Monastery of late. First of all a squad of King’s Guard just outside the gates had a brutal change of command earlier this evening. It was a disagreement over orders, I believe. Long story short, that squad and two others are in the process of attacking the monastery. But don’t worry, we had a plan in place.”Trevor said in response to Jenny’s gasp of shock. He then leaned forward.“Now, there is a part of the plan that we need your help with.”

  “Oh?”Master Jacob inquired.

  Trevor nodded.“We managed to get an infrasound generator from Grinley.”At his announcement Master Jacob's eyes widened.“We are in the process of getting it in position just outside the Guard’s camp. As you probably well know,“Trevor said inclining his head toward Master Jacob,“those men are going to be feeling very ill.”

  “So what do you want us to do?”Ben asked.

  “They are probably going to come here and beg for help. A cure to a sudden epidemic of nausea and other symptoms.”

  “I am guessing that they won’t know what is actually causing the problem.”Master Jacob surmised.

  “Correct. The thought is this: the‘cure’given to them would be a sleeping drought strong enough to knock them out long enough to put them in the brig of the Grinlean river boat.”

  Master Jacob chuckled“So the plan is to send them down the river.”

  “I’m sure that there is some lovely place to dump them off at down south.”Trevor said also smiling.

  Jacob turned to Old Lura,“So what about it, old woman, got a plant that will do that?”

  Lura smiled contentedly.“Why of course, dearie. It is in your coffee.”Master Jacob sputtered and Lura cackled. She slapped his shoulder heartily.“I’s only kidding.”She turned dancing eyes to see Trevor’s raised eyebrows.“But I wasn’t kidding about the plant. It is tasteless and mixes very nicely with tinctures for ill tummies.”She got to her feet. Everyone else copied her action.“I’ll go and prepare it.”She said before shuffling out


  The next morning found Kairevasigh, Duncan, Trevor, Private Rider, and the other soldiers who had fled to the monastery for sanctuary last night stood around the large black table in the depths of Riverdale. Both Rider and the Guardian of the Table spoke for the men. So they too were allowed to know the secret of the monastery.

  “It’s working.”Kairevasigh said indicating the lights that were some of the men fleeing to the town seeking aid.”

  “It is.”Duncan said also watching.

  “I love it when a plan actually comes together.”Trevor muttered with a smile.

  “Now what?”Private Aiden Cole asked.

  “Well, the villagers are going to go with the soldiers back to the camp with more of the tea.”Duncan began.“Which means the machine will have to come off. Once in the camp, the townsfolk are going to add in the special ingredient. Kairevasigh is going to stay here and work with the table. The rest of us are going to go give support for the villagers in case things get hairy. Any questions?”Duncan asked looking about.

  The soldiers shook their heads. Duncan had to admit, he liked having thirteen additional men other than just Trevor and himself. Fifteen to nineteen were much better odds than two against thirty something.

  Sometime later Duncan lay in the underbrush with the others watching the villagers give the soldiers their special tea. The machine was off a few feet from him. It didn’t take long for
the secret ingredient to kick in. The men were falling asleep one after another.

  Corporal Grigier noticed what was happening before he took a sip. He had been the last to get some of the herbal tea as a punishment from the other two sergeants. They were almost as bad as the superstitious soldiers, not that he could really blame them since the illness only started after the traitors left. He was still aching, though not as bad as before. And he hadn’t had a sip yet. That was the first warning that something was not right. His second was the men falling asleep, dropping like flies. Being last was proving to be a boon after all.

  He turned on the villagers who didn’t seem at all shocked that his men were falling asleep.“You!”he shouted throwing his mug away from him. He then drew his sword, he was going to look like a hero after this: the man who killed the traitors who poisoned his men. No doubt would fall on him then in regards of the situation of the late Sergeant T’Serol.“You poisoned them!”He added incase some of the men were still able to hear.

  The old woman’s eyes widened as he charged her. The men who had come with her came with sticks and old rusted swords to defend her. Grigier wasn’t worried about them. They wouldn’t be heard to slaughter.

  Duncan saw the corporal throw down his mug and knew that trouble had arrived. But before he could get up, Private Marcus Rider was already leaving cover. His own sword was drawn. The corporal didn’t see Rider or the other soldiers coming up behind him. So he was quite surprised when a hand yanked him backward by the hair and cold steel was pressed to his throat.

  “This is for the Sergeant, you murdering bastard.”Marcus hissed in his ear before slitting his throat and dropping him.

  Rider looked up from his fallen enemy to see his fellow soldiers checking to make sure the villagers were alright. It was clear that they were only shaken.“Thank you, m’boy.”The old woman said approaching him with the aid of Private Richardson.


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