The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 22

by Catherine Beery

  “You know, the prophecy mentions the four swords, but there are only Three Swords of Power.”

  Kairevasigh repeated the prophecy to herself and found that Kindra was right. There were the two shattered swords, their breaker which was also the Catalyst, and the Star’s Sword.“You are right.”She said aloud.

  “I wonder,”Kindra said looking at the library around them.“Library, do you have any information on the Three Swords of Power?”

  Light cascaded down from the ceiling and formed an image of three swords. A black one with a glowing blue-white core was crossed behind a normal looking steel blade that had a large emerald jewel in its hilt. The third sword was a black line between the other two, its brass hilt gleamed in the light. The two women recognized them as the Three Swords of Power: The Sword of the Blessed, its sister the Sword of the Created, and their brother the Catalyst. That image faded and the individual components of the swords were revealed. Black diamonds, onyx stones, steel, two types of wood, the emerald Dragon’s Crystal, pulsating energy and silver. The final image was a man with black hair and blue eyes.

  “Who is he?”Kairevasigh asked.

  “Library, who is the man?”Kindra asked. A book materialized upon the table in front of them. Kairevasigh picked it up and her eyebrows rose. Before Kindra could ask, Kairevasigh held out the book to her. Kindra took it and studied the maroon leather cover. In golden script read the title‘The Life of Josiah Holden’. Kindra opened the book and read the short introduction aloud.

  “”My God, Grant me your

  peace and courage to protect

  the innocent and the weak”

  -the creed of Josiah Holden

  “’This is a record of the life of Josiah Holden, recorded as faithfully as can be done. Josiah Holden was born the second son of Simon Holden, the Patriarch of the Holden family in the year 165 of the Dragon Era.’”Kindra paused and looked at Kairevasigh.“That was about three thousand and thirty some odd years ago.”Kindra turned back to the book.“’It has often been said about Josiah that he was a strong leader and a master swordsman. He was the founder of the Blade Knights, a group of individuals who protected those who could not protect themselves. Their creed was his own prayer. One of his men said that he had a‘wicked cunning’strategist’s mind. I can attest to this with a warning; never play chess with the man and expect to win. Josiah was also a man who valued his relationship with God. He listened and went wherever God wanted him to go.‘

  “’I write about him in the past tense, not because he is dead, but because he is no longer in the body he was born with. He had been Called to serve and protect the peoples of Pershara by becoming the living element of the Sword of the Created. It is his voice who guides the wielder of the Sword in combat. His demand for any who wish to wield the sword is that they follow the desires of God and that they have no doubt in the Creator…’”Kindra stopped reading to see Kairevasigh pondering the man’s image.“So the question is; where did his spirit go?”she asked.

  Kairevasigh shrugged.“I don’t know. Would it have gone on? Or did the breaking of the Sword twist it somehow?”the girl wondered aloud. She tilted her head in thought before saying“I wonder if Ryan would have a guess.”

  Kindra frowned.“Because he is a Seer?”

  “Yeah, that would probably be the most sure way of learning something. The other depends on whether he is or not…well… “Kairevasigh trailed off in puzzlement. She glanced back up at Kindra.“You didn’t see who the author is, did you?”

  Kindra closed the book and looked down to the author’s name. Her brows, like Kairevasigh’s had, rose. In a smaller lettering was the name: Fieressen.

  Chapter Twenty-One–Locked Memories

  Arathin- Mardo, Marlhema

  “Lord Illion!”a dragon guard called as soon as Illion and Razyan entered the Citadel.

  “What is it, Captain Datye?”the Dragon Steward asked.

  The captain saluted and made his report.“A Sheyestivan flew over the Island. We made to intercept him, but he disappeared before we could stop him.”

  It took a moment before Illion remembered how to breathe.“Was it just the one? And was it obvious that he knew we were here before the guard made to intercept him?”

  “Just one,sir. And it was obvious. The shield masters could sense his interference with the shield.”

  Illion closed his eyes for a moment before taking a breath.“Thank you, Captain. Please continue with your duties.”The captain nodded before heading back the way he had come. Illion turned his head to look at a grim faced Razyan.“It seems the enemy already knocks at our door.”

  “I take it that we are changing plans regarding Terana?”

  Illion nodded.“It is too dangerous now to bring her before the Council. We need to keep her on the Island to keep her safe.”


  Terana and Russy were becoming adept at finding their way around the Citadel. They also found more special places; hidden nooks, beautiful balconies over looking the Citadel or even peeking outside. One such was along the lower tier and over looked a small cove. Vines trailed into the placid water. The open sea lay just outside a narrow opening between high cliff arms that enclosed the cove. Reclining on an all weather divan was Tsoya.

  The young woman had a distant look in her eyes and a smile on her face. Russy cocked his head at her before looking up at Terana.“Do you know what is wrong with her?” The wolf asked.

  Terana shook her head.“Tsoya?”She called. Tsoya didn’t seem to notice the newcomers. Terana came closer and the movement caught Tsoya’s attention.

  “Just a minute, grandmamma.”She said before smiling at Terana.“Hi Terana, what is it?”

  Terana looked around the balcony, but didn't see anyone else. Raising an eyebrow at Tsoya she asked“Grandmamma?”Tsoya nodded.“Is she invisible or something?”

  Tsoya chuckled.“No. She is in here.”She said holding out her wrist and pulling back the sleeve. A delicate gold chain winking with pink opals glittered in the sunlight. Dangling from the chain was a silver star with a larger pink opal in its center. Terana blinked in surprise. Except for the fact that it was all silver with a pink opal, it looked just like the one she had.

  “Do you mean that your grandmother is in that?”she asked puzzled.“What is that?”

  “It’s called a Star Gem. All of us make one at some point, when it feels right.”Tsoya smiled as she continued.“We also tend to collect those of our family members who pass away. This one was made by my grandmamma on her wedding day. Star Gems are quite useful. They can store magic for times when you need a little extra and memories so you can relive them down the road. And, if you are a powerful enough mage, your soul. My grandmamma was one such.”

  “You are saying that she is actuallyin there?”Terana asked in disbelief.

  “Here, I’ll show you.”Tsoya said. She touched the star, whispering something. The opal glowed from within and a light pressure touched the nape of Terana’s neck. The light projected itself out of the stone into the shape of a woman in her prime. She looked a lot like her daughter and grand daughter. She had the same facial features and hair.

  She smiled at Terana and bowed her head.“Greetings, Princess. It is an honor to meet you. To know that the Silsharea’s have returned to our people.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you.”Terana said breathlessly.“I am sorry for interrupting your conversation. I hadn’t realized…”

  “It is okay, lass. You had no way of knowing.”Tsoya’s grandmother said soothingly.“Tsoya has told me that you have only recently learned who and what you are. Do not worry yourself over this. If you hadn’t 'interrupted', as you say, I wouldn’t have been able to meet you myself.”Terana relaxed and spent several more minutes talking with Tsoya and her grandmother. When she left she thoughtfully touched the Star Gem that she had picked up on the road outside of Plarn. She wondered whose it was. Could it have been her father’s? Was that even possible?

  Terana sat at the
table and stared at the lump of amethyst that she was supposed to shape into a fine featured lily. Lori had explained that the goal of this lesson was to learn control of her magic.“This is amethyst,”Lori had explained,“and being that it is amethyst you will have to be careful with how much maranayou pour into it. It is one of those tricky gems. If you pour too much power into it, it will shatter. Too little, and it will not do what you want it to. Just enough and with patience, you can convince it to form into any shape, within reason, that you want it in.”

  “What is out of reason?”Terana had asked.

  “Something that cannot support its own weight or balance.”Lori had answered. She then smiled.“Don’t expect it to do stunts. Its rock, not a puppy.”

  That had been an hour ago. At first, Terana had used too much power and the purple rock started to crack. She had to stop and focus on melting it back together. It kept splitting. She had to pull away and pace for a moment. It was times like these when she wished Liam hadn’t left. He could have reversed the magic so all she had to deal with was the rock as it had been beforeshe had ruined it. Next she tried to melt it so that she could work with it, the thought being it would be more malleable…apparently that only worked with metal. It just became a strange lump of purple rock.

  Russy was no help at all. The silly canine just laughed at her troubles. The rest of the time he just slept, bored out of his mind. No encouragement at all…

  Sighing Terana rested her head on her folded arms. She looked up when she heard footsteps outside the room. She turned quickly, a question on the tip of her tongue for Lori. But it wasn’t just Lori who entered. It was also Illion and Razyan. The question died without ever having been given breath. Lori looked worried and the men looked grim.

  “What is it?”She asked straightening. Russy sat up his ears pricked at attention.

  “I’m afraid that you will not be meeting the Council as planned.”Illion began.

  Terana tilted her head in relieved confusion.“I won’t lie that I’m kind of happy to put that off, but why are we putting it off?”Terana asked.

  “A Sheyestivan was seen flying over the Island not that long ago. He knows that we are here.”Illion answered.

  “Then why are we changing plans?”Terana asked.“If the Sheyestivans know we are here now, how will my staying here be a good thing? They probably don’t even know that I’m here and the Council will thank that the dragons are hiding something if the plans change.”She pointed out, surprised that she was arguing why she should go to the Council, which was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “We know the defenses here.”Illion replied.“We know that we can protect you better here.”

  “But won’t I have a guard there?”

  “Yes, but it would be easier for the Sheyestivans to overwhelm a few than an entire population.”The Dragon Steward pointed out.

  Terana blinked, going pale. These people, her people, were willing to sacrifice themselves if need be, to protect her? Terana swallowed.“But isn’t it the king or queen’s duty to protect her people, not the other way around?”

  “In politics, yes.”Illion admitted.“If you were trained in war, then you would lead us. But you are not. And you are not just our Queen. You are our last hope to end this war. Because of that, it is your people’s duty and honor to protect you.”Terana couldn’t find a way to argue with that. It made her feel even more inadequate. Seeing the young monarch's thoughts cross her face, Illion continued gently.“It is not easy being a leader. It is why leaders have advisors to assist them.”Terana looked up at his words.“Listen to my advice,”Illion continued.“In time, you will meet the Council, just not when we had originally intended.”

  Terana sighed and nodded.

  Frustrated out of her mind Terana was finally able to escape the lump of amethyst several hours later. After Illion and Razyan left, Lori had given her pointers on how to keep the magic at the right level. Terana tried. She could heal instinctively, she could shapeshift, and she could use great amounts of magic to accomplish spells without too much trouble. A tiny, even trickle was proving to be a problem. It was either that or amethyst just didn’t like her. She wondered this because when it came to healing, she could limit the amount of magic if needed. But when it came to working with this finicky stone she wasn’t having much luck. Lori eventually took pity on her and the poor, lumpy mess that was the stone. She told Terana that she could take a break for the rest of the afternoon and that they would pick it up tomorrow…yippy.

  Terana and Russy made it to a reading lounge that they had discovered earlier in the week. Terana had plans that involved the couch, closed eyes, and a ticket to la la land. She hadn’t expected to find Jewel there. The older red head looked up and smiled at her in greeting.

  “How did the lesson go?”She asked innocently.

  “I think amethyst hates me.”Terana said going to the couch.

  “It isn’t alive, Terana. It neither likes nor hates you.”Jewel said.

  “Oh yeah? Well, I think that lump of rock back there is a secret living crystal agent whose sole mission in life is to give me a headache.”

  Jewel snorted and turned to Russy.“She is a bit dramatic today, don’t you think?”

  “Only a bit. You should have been there. It was funny.”Russy informed Jewel unhelpfully with a wolfish grin.

  Terana glared at the wolf from the couch.“Hey now! There is no need to spread the misery around.”

  “It wasn’t my misery. It was my entertainment. I reserve the right to share my joys with others.” Her wolf replied.

  Terana turned to Jewel in indignation.“I tell you, he was no help at all. He offered absolutely no encouragement. He just laughed at me or yawned with nothing happened for ten seconds!”Jewel calmly met Terana’s gaze and they stared at each other for a moment before they both started laughing. Russy glanced between the two of them before joining in with a silent chuckle and the soft thumping of his tail on the floor.

  After a while Terana calmed down. She told Jewel that she wasn’t going to be introduced to the Council yet because a Sheyestivan had flown over the island.

  “That is awfully close.”Jewel observed.

  “Yes. It has scared everyone. So they asked that I remain on the island…Jewel,”Terana began slowly,“You might think this is from nowhere, but I saw Tsoya talking to her grandmother before Illion came to tell me about the change of plans…I was wondering, could you tell me about my parents?”

  Jewel set aside her journaling and turned toward Terana.“I was wondering when this question would come. I will tell you what I can. First, and most importantly, I can tell you that your parents loved each other dearly. Sieth, as you know, was the Dragon Prince. Ainara was a human from a family of strong mages. They married for love.”Jewel smiled wistfully.“Anyone at court, from visitor to king, could see the joy the two had in each other’s company.”Terana nodded. In the dream memory she had seen her mother’s joy in life and her love for her husband.

  “They showed compassion to everyone.”Jewel continued, her focus on the distant past.“They even reached out to Kaishan when his people visited Marlhema. He was very young then. I think fifteen or so. Now your parents were obviously older then he was, in their late twenties or early thirties. But they couldn’t imagine anyone, of any age, wanting to sit in on the meeting between kings and their advisors. So they showed him around.“

  Terana glanced at her hands. Of what she knew of Kaishan, he would have been comfortable in either setting. In one, he could listen to the agreements being made. The second provided him with an excuse to explore the palace and gain insight into the people his were going to attack. Frowning Terana looked back up at Jewel.“Did you and Arité ever suspect that there would be a war?”She asked.

  Jewel sighed heavily.“No. We didn’t. The hope had been that there would be peace from then on.”

  “You make that sound as if there had been a war before that, but I’ve only ever heard of the Shadow War.”
r />   For a moment Jewel just looked at her. Eventually she said.“There had been a war, Terana. A devastating war long, long ago…”Jewel’s eyes became even more distant. Giving herself a shake, she focused back on Terana.“But you want to know more about your parents. I hadn’t known them for very long. So all I can tell you is the little I had been able to witness and hear about. I wish…”Jewel trailed off, thinking.“I wonder, your father had one,”She murmured softly.“Aritéhas a Star Gem that she got nineteen years ago…”

  Terana leaned forward recognizing the term.“Tsoya talked to her grandmother with a Star Gem.”She quickly pulled the chain out from under her shirt, revealing to Jewel both ring and star.“I found this on the road just outside my home town.”

  Jewel’s eyes lit with recognition.“That looks like Sieth’s Gem. He is one of the few to make a Star Gem with a black opal. Most use white or pink…Can I see it?”She asked. Terana took the chain off and walked over to Jewel so she could see it. Touching it gently Jewel turned the star about and frowned.“It is your father’s, you can tell from the way the silver was formed around the opal, but I don’t remember seeing this onyx edging on it before.”She said pointing to it.

  Terana frowned.“But you are sure it is my father’s?”She asked anxiously.

  Jewel nodded. She tilted her head, looking at the star closer.“I think that the onyx is a result of Aritémaking a link with it. As I muttered earlier, she got a Star Gem nineteen years ago. The same time that this one was left near Plarn. The one she has is an onyx replica of this.”

  “Why would she form a link?”Terana asked.

  Jewel raised an eyebrow at her.“Somehow, I think you already know the answer to that.”

  Terana blushed. Of course, the link was how Aritéshared Kaishan’s memories with her in her dreams. “Would her making a link have damaged the Gem?”She asked concerned.

  Jewel shook her head.“No. I don’t see how it could.”


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