The CEO’s Fake Fiancee: (A Virgin & Billionaire Romance)

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The CEO’s Fake Fiancee: (A Virgin & Billionaire Romance) Page 31

by Amber Burns

  I let out a long groan and began thrusting again, my balls felt heavy, and I knew it wouldn’t be long. But there was something extra about riding out her orgasm that I just wanted to enjoy that heated embrace. I pressed my forehead to her shoulder and put a bit more force behind my hips. I wouldn’t last long, but I was going to go out with a fucking bang. Her fingers scraped against my skin, and I could feel her trembling around me as I forged ahead harder.

  “Everything,” I bit out next to her ear. “I want it all.”

  “Yes,” she moaned in response.

  “Me and you through thick and thin,” I growled and sat up on my needs, my hands going to her hips as I ground against them. “You don’t get to bail when shit hits the fan and gets scary. You understand?”

  She nodded, her face flushed and her gaze blurred. “Not going… anywhere,” she said between gasps.

  “I don’t care if this is still new,” I huffed and kept pounding into her. “I will,” the shakes started, and I tried to hold on as I could feel everything getting tight. “Be putting a ring,” I gritted my teeth, I didn’t want to come just yet. “On this,” I gasped then seized as I exploded into her.

  I saw stars, and it was all I could do to not fall forward onto her. I melted down, trying my best to keep from putting too much weight on her. My hips jerked as it felt like I just poured three weeks worth of come into her. It had been that fucking long.

  “God,” I hissed, still feeling the throbbing as my dick started to go soft. “Damn,” I shifted to kiss her face. “That was too fucking long to go without this,” I winced and licked the side of her mouth. “Fucking torture, woman.”

  “I’m sorry,” she panted under me, making no move to wiggle out of my grasp. Her inner muscles loosened their hold on me, and she rolled her hips as she seemed to enjoy me just being in her. “I promise it won’t--”

  A bang on my bedroom wall interrupted her, and we both jerked to look up at it. “That’s enough,” a voice boomed on the other side. “Some people have to go to work in the morning!”

  I felt her tense underneath me, and I punched the wall. “Fuck off, Jerry,” I hollered back. “I don’t bitch when you get laid.” She looked up at me wide-eyed, her brows pulled up so high they nearly touched her hairline. “Neighbor,” I could only shrug. “This place is cheap, so the walls are paper thin.”

  She nodded and blinked slowly as she seemed to understand what I was saying. “I guess that means we’ll have to just get you out of here,” her gaze went serious as she tugged me closer. “We never had anyone beating on the walls at my place,” she pointed out. “Maybe that’s just where we need to put you?”

  “That mean you’re going to give me my key back?” I asked curiously.

  She started to run her fingers through my beard, using her fingers to clean the residue of her cum from it. “You get your key back,” she said lightly. “And if you want to take your things to my place, all your things not just a few pieces of clothing, I wouldn’t object.”

  I snorted slightly, trying not to laugh at the idea she was proposing. “You mean you want me to move in?”

  “I think I remember you being there all the time when we first started dating anyway,” she paused to kiss me lightly. “Besides it’s not half as serious as you putting a ring on it.”

  “Let’s see how this goes with me moving in,” I said as she paused in kissing me. “If we can hack living together then I’ll put a ring on it. We’ll discuss details later,” I took her lip between my teeth and narrowed my eyes at her. “I think I feel a second wind coming on.”

  I didn’t give her a chance to protest, I rolled us over so that she was on top. “You ready to make it up to me?”

  She gasped out and sat up, sitting back on my thighs and feeling my growing hardness in her. “Wh-what about your neighbor?”

  “Fuck Jerry,” I put my hands on her hips and thrust up into her experimentally. I wasn’t fully hard, but with the way she clamped around me, I knew it wouldn’t take me long to get that way. “You liked fucking me this way before,” I rolled my hips against hers and I saw her brows go together at the feeling of my pubic bone rubbing against her clit. “Or we can shift this around, and I can throw it into you from behind. You like it that way, too, if I remember correctly.”

  “Yes,” she breathed, and her hands went down to rest on my stomach, she started to move with me. “Maybe,” her breath hitched. “We can try both ways.”

  “I ain’t going to jail,” I assured her. “We got all day to cycle through all the positions you like.”

  There was nothing like that knowledge that you had nothing keeping you from throwing it into the girl you loved.


  It had taken some serious convincing on my part, but after I moved in with her and we managed a routine, I had finally worn her down. Not that it didn’t take effort, there were some serious talks about consequences and how safety was important. But I won out in the long run. That was something I was still celebrating as I sat on my bike, holding it up and letting it purr between my thighs. I looked at her, raising an eyebrow daring her.

  “You still chicken?”

  Madi stood at the edge of her porch, looking nervous. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that emphasized the curves of her hips and thighs in the most delicious way. She had on a tank top and my riding jacket on over that, even though it swallowed her whole. I wasn’t going to be careless with her. She was far too important.

  “You promise not to go too fast, right?”

  “I won’t go faster than the speed limit,” I assured her, pulling a spare helmet from a saddlebag. “I love this bike about as much as I love you. I ain’t gonna do anything stupid on it.”

  I hoped she understood. A man’s bike was almost as important as his old lady. I watched her blush, and she came down the final steps to meet me in the driveway. She took the helmet from me, and I helped her put it on. It needed some adjusting, and I found that I’d probably need to get another one that fit her properly before we did any serious riding. I had visions of Sturgis with her on the back of my bike. If I could sucker her on it now, I could only imagine how much more fun a rally would be with her.

  “That’s going to have to do for now,” I grimaced as I noticed it wasn’t as snug as it should be. She’d need a riding jacket that fit her, too. “You ready to get on?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” she breathed, the nervousness in her green eyes bright. She had been tempted to put contacts in, it took one mention of bugs to convince her that glasses were the way to go. “You promise you’ll be safe?”

  I grabbed her hand and tugged her close, “I want to keep you with me forever.” I growled over the purr of my motorcycle. “I’m not going to be able to do that if I do something stupid and we have an accident. Do you get me? I need you safe and sound, so I’m going to be safe.”

  She nodded, and I helped her onto the bike behind me, tugging her knees into position so that she was pulled tight against me. She shifted and gasped, the vibrations seeming to affect her predictably. I couldn’t keep from grinning, “Hold on to me, wrap your arms around me and if I lean a certain way, lean with me.”

  “O-okay,” her voice shook, and her arms came around my waist and held me tight.

  “I’m going to get us going slow through the neighborhood. If you don’t freak out I’ll take us out in town,” I threw a smirk back at her before I started the bike forward.

  She yelped sharply, and her hands dug into my shirt, her thighs tightening around my hips. She didn’t cry out for me to stop, she just clung to me harder with each turn we took. There was nothing better than feeling the length of her pressed against my back. I wouldn’t trade this for anything. No matter the fact that we had relations before hand, I could feel my dick getting hard again.

  I kept our ride short because the roar of the engine and the sound of the road made it difficult to hear anything. If she had complaints I wanted to be able to hear them, it had taken a
great deal of time to soothe her fears about taking this ride. I took us to the bar, when I rolled us to a stop and cut the engine she gasped in surprise.

  “Why did you stop?”

  I tried not to laugh as I pulled my helmet off then turned to tug hers off, too. I needed to see her face.

  “We got where we were going,” I informed her. “Why? You want a longer ride?”

  “If I decide this is for keeps, I get to ride with you anytime I want, right?” She asked, her eyes were bright behind her smudged glasses, and I could tell the same bug that had bitten me had bitten her, too.

  I felt my heart pick up in my chest and I looked at her hard, “You want me for keeps now?”

  She tugged me back against her, and I felt her lips against my ear. “I liked you in the beginning, and I can honestly say you grew on me with little effort,” her teeth tugged at the lobe of my ear, and I groaned as I felt my cock started to perk up to attention. “Now I want you for keeps.”

  “Shit,” I handed her the helmet back. “I was going to take us out on a nice social outing, now you’re telling me I’ve got to take you back home and put you to bed. I’m getting so many mixed signals,” I complained in jest, after hearing all of that I could wait to get ball deep into her.

  “But, I didn’t,” she started to argue. “I didn’t say to take me back home!”

  “Oh no,” I put my helmet back on. “You don’t get to say shit like that and not have me take you home to lay you down for some sweet lovin’. Nope, you say you want me for keeps you better be prepared for me to bend you over.”

  I heard her laugh even as I kicked my bike back to life and turned to take us back to her place. Her place, she had made it, so it wasn’t just her place anymore. She made it that our place.

  “Now you’re never going to be rid of me.”

  Continue Experiencing the World of the Boneyard Brotherhood with

  Enforcer – Boneyard Brotherhood MC Book 2

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  Excerpt from

  Enforcer –

  Boneyard Brotherhood Book 2

  Click Here For More

  “I don’t need a doctor’s note for this, do I?”

  She blushed as I worked her bra down her arms, “I think if you take it easy you should be alright. I don’t think it’ll be necessary to get a doctor’s note.”

  “Really?” I tipped her chin up so she would have to look at me. “What if I don’t ‘take it easy?”

  I had this girl right here. The girl that I’ve not been able to get out of my head. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than throw her onto my bed and fuck her to the point that neither of us can move.

  Her blue eyes widened, but she shook her head. I pushed her back on the bed, she let out a short squeak but didn't protest. I unbuttoned her jeans and tugged them down her legs, I didn’t even check to see what her panties looked like. I was so ready to dive between her legs that I had to wrestle her shoes off to get her jeans out of my way. The last time we were together I didn’t get to see her fully. She had a neat little line of hair trimmed over her lower lips, and I couldn’t help, but stroke my fingers through it. I brushed my fingers down to part her flushed lips and look at her pink center, I didn’t wait for any queues.

  I leaned down to drag my tongue over her, from the bottom up so I could swirl my tongue against the little bead of nerves at the top of her sex. I heard a sharp intake of breath, and I started lashing my tongue against it, her hips bucked up against my mouth. Clue enough that she liked it. I sucked the little bit of skin in, and I heard the first moan, it came out breathless, and I looked up to see her watching me pensively. I slid a finger into her damp opening, and her muscles immediately clenched around me. I curled my finger upward, and her head fell back onto the bed. I worked her until her moans rose in volume, I inserted another finger and curled them both up until her hips started rolling against my face. I knew she was close when her fingers dived into my hair and she pressed my face into her pussy.

  “Don’t stop,” it came out like a plea, and it quickly turned into a chant.

  Excerpt from

  Rowan –

  Woodsmen and City Girls

  Click Here For More

  “You like it?” he asked, and although he didn’t even finish the sentence, Nina found herself nodding, smiling, laughing in agreement.

  “Yes,” she said, and she took a step forward. She reached out a hand and pressed it against his stomach, her fingers finding the outlines of his abs. She breathed in as her pulse quickened, then looked up at him, her eyes a dangerous shade of green. “I really like it.”

  Rowan looked at her for a moment, his face unreadable, his eyes black pools of temptation. Then in one motion he leaned forward, grabbed her roughly and pulled her towards him, and pressed his lips against her own. Nina gasped and pressed her lips against his face. He held her tenderly yet roughly against him, his abs heaving and pressing into her torso, his hips pushing against her own in a way that made her gasp. Her tongue flicked against the roof of his mouth, and he felt himself beginning to harden. He ran his fingers through her mane of hair, daring to burn his tattooed flesh against the fiery tendrils of her mane, daring to be burned, if only to roll with her in heated bliss for a few moments. He cupped her face and kissed her fiercely, tenderly, his fingers tracing the outline of her cheek, her hands running down his back, grabbing at his ass, his hips, then finally, finally, and his eyes began to roll back in bliss, sliding beneath his shirt and slinking downwards towards his crotch.

  That was when he stopped. He pulled away from her roughly, so suddenly that she startled, her eyes flashing open with green electricity, her hair flying backward in the wind. He picked her up under one arm and threw her down against the soft ground. She cried out in pleasure, her fingers slinking beneath her shirt, caressing her breasts. He grinned and peeled his own shirt back away from his body, revealing his impossibly toned stomach, the inky snake dangerously slinking up and down his center. His chest heaved up and down in time with the rhythm of her own writhing. This made his dick throb. He reached down and undid his pants. Her eyes widened, and she pinched both her nipples, her lips hanging open, her legs trembling with eager anticipation.

  Excerpt from

  Silver and Bold

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  Thomas kissed her temple as he slowly wrapped her scarf around her eyes. That very first moment of being deprived of her eyesight, Enya felt shivers run through her whole body. She panicked and her first thought was to ask him to release her.

  “Breath, darling” Thomas whispered the calming words into her ear.

  Placing his hands on her hips, he slowly turned her body and pulled her closer to that she was leaning against his hard chest. He was the anchor she needed to trust if she hoped to survive this night, and enjoying it.

  Both of Thomas’ hands ran up her body, touching her stomach. With the tip of his finger, he circled her navel and thrust lightly into that little hole she never thought would be so sensitive. His hands continued their journey upward until he was cupping both her breasts in his hands. Her heartbeat was so fast and so loud that Enya was sure Thomas could hear it clearly. He squeezed the soft globe in his hand and jolts of pleasure burst inside her body.

  Every little touch felt so much more intense; every puff of his breath on her skin made her jump, making her aware of the hundreds of tiny bumps that rose on her skin; every word he said echoed through her
soul and found its reflections in her throbbing clit.

  He unzipped her dress and pushed it down her shoulders. The light fabric caressed her body as it revealed her to him. With it gone, she was standing in front of him in her underwear and the scarf around her eyes. She wondered what he thought, whether he liked her or not. Enya could only guess he did from his heavy, uneven inhales of air.


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