Depths of Desire: Complete and Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

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Depths of Desire: Complete and Uncut (Taboo Erotica) Page 7

by Anya Merchant

  “Look, I can’t say all that much just yet, but do you know anything related to the research my dad was doing? Where he would have hidden secret files, or put his sensitive work?”

  “He used to spend a lot of time down below, with the thermal generators and extra storage,” said Kim. “But I really doubt that he would have been working or keeping anything down there.”

  Leon knew his father, and had a feeling that was exactly where he would keep something that he wanted to hide.

  “Thanks Kim, that’s perfect,” he said.

  “Wait, come on, tell me more!” she cried as he rushed out of the room.

  “I will, later, trust me!”

  It was hard for Leon to move across the dome slowly, and without attracting attention. The hatch leading down to the sublevel was behind the science hub, and he looked around to make sure nobody was watching before heading to it.

  He found that the hatch was unlocked, and easy enough to get open. The dome lights were beginning to dim for the night, and it gave him another cover to avoid being seen at a distance. He slipped down and let it close behind him.

  It was dark, and surprisingly cool inside. Leon fiddled around on the wall until he found a light switch, which he flicked on. With the stairs illuminated, he was able to see that the stairs led down at least twenty or thirty feet.

  At the bottom, the gentle hum of thermal generators working their magic was soft in his ears. There was another hallway headed around back, in the direction of where the hatch had been, and he walked down that one.

  A half dozen doors lined either side of the corridor he found himself in. He had no idea which one to head in through, or if any of them really contained anything. Leon ended up opening the first one to his right and heading inside. It was full of what looked like scientific equipment.

  He headed to the next one, and then the next one after that, finding that each of them were used for seemingly strict industrial purposes. When he reached the last one on the rights side, he opened it, and found that it was full of rows of filled bookshelves, instead.

  Most of them were covered in dust, and if not for what Kim had told him earlier, he would have paid the room no mind. But one volume near the back of the room had a clean spine, as though it had been pulled out recently. Leon made his way over to it and slipped it out of its place.

  “Underwater Cartography: Maps Of The Pacific Ocean,” he whispered out loud as he read the title.

  He opened it, and instantly understood why this was the one piece of research that his father needed to keep absolutely hidden until the right time.

  Each of the pages were marked with small little dots. The large map in the beginning, in particular, had a small arrow pointing to one spot of it that Leon recognized as the position of Project Cobalt. There were other dots on the map, and on smaller scale and more focused ones. Some were scattered far off, but he was easily able to pick out the one that represented the mer city that he had been to.

  “He’s finding all of them,” whispered Leon.

  There were at least a dozen different locations marked. Leon found himself wondering just how the mer had gone unnoticed for so long. It made sense, it a way, at the depth they were at, but it also seemed to underscore just how vulnerable they would be to unconstrained human contact.

  Leon turned the page in the book, and a small folded piece of paper fell out of it. He picked it up and spread it out, finding that it contained a number of diagrams on it. One was of an underwater trench, sealed off on top and with mer swimming around it. His dad had drawn a protected mer fortress, he realized.

  Others were of equipment, underwater buildings, and mining operations. On the back of it was a layout for a gigantic underwater dome, with deep lake at the center that had tunnels running into and out of it. It was a blueprint for a joint human-mer habitat, and his father had wanted to make it a reality.

  This was his father’s dream. Leon found himself hearing Max’s voice in his head, and all the lessons he'd been taught as a kid about getting along with others seemed to resound with a touch of nostalgia in his head.

  He had to make it real. It was up to him now to bring about the ideas that his father had created. How exactly he was to go about doing it, Leon was still at a loss for. But he knew that he had to.

  He took the book and the paper and hid them behind some other volumes, making sure it was harder to spot than it had even been before. Leon looked over the room one last time, and then headed out through the hallway and back up the stairs.

  It was dark, with the upper ring of dome lights been having turned down to low illumination levels. Still, Leon was able to make out the figure of someone moving towards him as he rounded his way to the front of the science hub.

  “You bastard!” shouted Miles. He was running towards Leon at a full sprint.

  “Miles, what the he-“ The fist of the other man slammed into his stomach before he ha time to react. Leon doubled over, winded, but still managed to roll out of the way of the follow-up kick Miles targeted him with.

  “You think you can just come down here and start fucking with people’s lives?” Miles screamed at him, his voice so full of rage that his words bordered on the verge of being unintelligible.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” gasped Leon. He pulled himself to his feet and brought his fists up into a defense position, feeling as though his lack of fighting experience put him at a serious disadvantage.

  “Kendra is mine,” he replied. “Stay away from her, or I will kill you.”

  Leon couldn’t resist a small smile from creeping onto his face. He didn’t want to incite Miles to any further violence, but he felt as though it was his turn to strike in a way that hurt.

  “Oh yeah, is that so?” Leon looked the other man directly in the eyes. “I get the feeling I might bump into her again rather soon, if you catch my drift.”

  Miles growled, and then rushed forward, swinging at Leon again in a rage. This time, he was ready, and managed to dodge the first strike and retaliate with a blow of his own, landing his fist solidly against the red haired man’s chin. He grunted, and staggered back.

  “I think your girlfriend is trying to play everyone for a fool,” said Leon.

  “Fuck you!”

  “If I were you, I would talk to her, and try to get a sense of what’s going on in her head and just what she’s trying to accomplish.” Leon waited for a moment, hoping his words would sink into Miles awareness. The fight seemed to be over, and he slowly backed away, and then started off to the domiciles.


  Leon moved slowly as he made his way back over to the residential area of Project Cobalt. His ribs and stomach ached from the blow Miles had landed, and each breath he took felt as though it was straining against his chest.

  His mind was full of ideas, all of them concerning the mer people, and the world that was outside the dome, outside of most of humanity’s perception. He had an almost uncountable number of questions, about everything from their history, to their lifestyle, and beyond.

  The translucent shell was next to the path he was taking, and he stopped for a moment to stare out into the ocean. Leon could see a couple of vague shapes moving by. Without the upper ring of lights illuminating at full strength, it was just about impossible to make out any of the fish or sea creatures regardless of how close they came.

  He thought about his dad, and thought about just how much his obsession had consumed him. The torch had been passed from father and son, and now it seemed as though it was his turn. Leon knew that he would have to work at it harder than his dad ever had if he wanted to achieve any tangible results.

  Finally, he made his way back to his mom’s domicile. Julia was in the kitchen when he walked in, putting the finishing touches on what looked to be an amazing meal.

  “Finally,” said Julia. “I’ve been waiting all day for you to get back. Honey, all you do is make you worry, I hope you know that.”

  “I’m sorry m
om.” Leon walked over to where she was behind the counter and gave her a hug. His mom had changed into some comfortable clothes, sweat pants and a tight t-shirt, and the feeling of having her so close to him made his cock become strangely excited. The image of him and Kendra bumping and grinding together before popped into his mind, and he found himself guiltily wondering about what his own mom would look like naked.

  “Have a seat, I cooked plenty,” she said. “I figured you’d be pretty hungry after what happened.”

  “I’m absolutely ravenous, thanks.”

  Julia set a plate down on the table, and Leon began eating. She had really gone all out, cooking fresh meat and vegetables, which about as rare and prized in Project Cobalt as any food item could be.

  “I hope you like it, sweetie,” she said. “But even if you don’t, I’m just so glad you’re back.”

  “So am I mom, so am I,” he replied.

  They had a nice discussion. Leon was happy that his mom didn’t find it necessary to pry any extra details out of him about the incident. It was hard for him to lie to her, and the fact that she just seemed content with having him alive made him incredibly grateful.

  After the finished, Leon sat down on the couch while his mom moved the dishes into the sink. She came out and joined him once she finished, and he could tell from the look on her face that she did have something on her mind.

  “Honey,” said Julia. “I talked to Kendra today…”

  His blood began to heat up a little bit. This was not a line of questioning that he really wanted her to pursue, either.

  “Oh yeah? What about?” he replied.

  “Don’t play dumb, honey, I could tell from the way she talked about you that…something happened.” Julia had a nervous, uncomfortable look on her face that made Leon feel like squirming to have to see.

  “It was no big deal mom, we just had…well, we uh…” It was hard for him to find the words to phrase it.

  “Just tell me sweetie, it’s okay,” said his mom.

  “Well we had an encounter,” he finally managed to get out.

  There was a loaded silence in the room. The look on Julia’s face was a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and frustration.

  “Sweetie, that’s not okay!” she shouted. “You need to stay away from that woman!”

  “Mom, I’m sorry, it just kind of happened,” said Leon.

  “If you need something, come to me baby,” she whispered. “I can take care of whatever you need. Just come to me, it’s okay.”

  Julia slid closer to him on the couch, and slid her hands down his chest. She let one of them come to a rest on his crotch, and then immediately began rubbing his cock with her fingers, intent on working it up into an active state to really make her point.

  “Mom, this isn’t right,” said Leon. “I…I don’t think you should-“

  “Shhh, sweetie, just let mommy take care of you,” said Julia. “She’s so glad to have you back.”

  She began rubbing her son’s cock more openly, in a way that couldn’t be interpreted as anything other than a sexual, erotic gesture. Leon felt his heart beginning to beat faster. Logic was telling him that he should push her away, and put a stop to it, but his hormones, however…

  “I’m going to make it feel even better than I did last night,” said Julia. “If…you promise that you won’t go near Kendra.”

  “Mom, I-“

  “Promise me!” The look in her eyes was intense, and different from anything Leon had ever seen before. His cock was sensitive and throbbing against her hand, but he tried to convince himself that he was saying the words for the sake of her not for the sake of getting off.

  “I promise, mom,” he replied.

  “Good sweetie,” she said. “Now just lie back and enjoy…”

  Leon had another opportunity to stop his mom, but shamefully, he found himself not being able to summon the willpower to do it. Julia slowly pulled his pants down and freed his cock from the confines of his boxer briefs, and then brought her mouth in close to it and kissed the tip.

  “Oh god mom,” he said. “This…oh god.”

  She continued kissing it, rubbing her lips against ever inch of his member from the base of the shaft to the head. Leon felt the pre cum beginning to form and drip out, and shivered with pleasure as his mom brought her tongue to it and licked it off.

  “Did you like that, sweetie?” asked Julia. “Tell your mommy how her lips and tongue feel…”

  “Mom, they feel amazing,” he said, feeling guilty as the words entered the air. “Mom, please…”

  She smiled at him, and then slowly began to take his cock into her mouth. Leon’s member pulsed with pleasurable intensity as Julia began to work her magic. It felt so warm, and so wet, and Leon was at a loss for anything he could compare it to the even came close to being as pleasurable.

  “Mom…oh fuck,” he moaned. “How…how can you be doing this?”

  Julia answered him by massaging the bottom of his shaft with her tongue, and then pushing down deep and letting it slip slightly into the back of her throat. The act was so wrong, so taboo, yet at the same time he could feel his mother’s love, almost to the extent that it made him nostalgic of his childhood.

  “Don’t stop mom,” he said. “Keep going, please…”

  She began to speed up, bringing her lips up and down his full length with every bob of her head. Leon reached out to put his hand on the back of her head, but Julia seemed to be in her own world, so focused on doing a good job sucking her son’s cock that any outside guidance would be entirely wasted on her.

  The sounds coming from the action were hot and almost sickeningly arousing. They made Leon realize the reality of the situation. His mom was sucking his cock, and if things kept going at that pace, and that intensity…

  He felt himself reach his limit and go past it quite suddenly. Leon bucked his hips forward as he began to shoot his load, blasting cum deep into his mother’s throat. Julia kept sucking even as his cock began to tense up, making sure she cleaned up every last drop.

  His cock was beginning to go flaccid when she finally stopped, and pulled her head back up to face him. Julia ran one of her hands across his cheek, and then stood up and walked back to the kitchen.

  “I hope they don’t send you back outside again tomorrow,” said Julia. “I don’t know what I’d do if you had another close call like that.”

  “Yeah mom, I don’t know,” he said. “I think I’ll be okay.”

  It was as though she was pretending that it had never even happened. As far as Leon was concerned, that was the best outcome he could have hoped for. His mind was already dealing with enough without adding the dynamics of an incestuous relationship with his own mom into the mix.

  Leon stretched out on the couch, grabbing the blanket his mom had given him the night before and pulling it over him. It didn’t take long for sleep to arrive, and he was grateful for it.


  There was a knock at the door, loud and urgent enough to pull Leon out of sleep. He sat up on the couch and looked over at his mom’s bed. She was stirred slightly and sat up in the dark, a thin nightgown being the only piece of clothing preserving her modesty.

  “Mmmm…What’s that, sweetie?” she asked, half asleep.

  “Don’t worry mom, I’ll get it.”

  Leon had a feeling that whatever it was, it had to do with him, anyway. He pulled himself off the couch and slipped on a pair of pants, and then quickly made his way over to the door. He opened it a crack, and then after recognizing that it was Kim on the other side, he slipped out through the opening and closed it behind him.

  “Kim, it’s the middle of the night, what’s going on?”

  The look on her face was serious, and Leon felt himself becoming more awake as she shook her head, and slowly began to explain.

  “Leon, one of the suits is missing,” she said. “I was cleaning the components of all of them, making sure that they were in working order, and one of them isn
’t in the storage unit.”

  He thought about what she was saying for a minute. His mind was still groggy, and didn’t seem to want to make any connections.

  “So, was it misplaced, or…?”

  “Somebody opened and went out through Gate 2,” said Kim. “And Leon…Miles isn’t in his domicile.”

  Leon blinked, and then felt a strange mixture of panic and anger begin to race through his body. The situation was out of his control, all of the sudden. The mer were at risk of discovery, or worse, and there was no predicting what could happen with somebody like Miles headed their way.

  “Fuck, alright, I’ll figure something out,” he said. Kim was still looking at him expectantly, and after thinking about it for a moment, Leon put his hand on her shoulder and looked directly into her eyes. “Get another one of the suits ready.”

  “What? Leon, that’s crazy, we need to tell Elizabeth immediately!”

  “We can’t, Kim.” He paused for a moment, hoping that she understood the gravity of what was going on. ”I have to go out there, and find him. It’s the only way.”

  “It’s the middle of the night, Leon, it’s too risky.”

  “Just get the suit ready,” he said. Leon turned away from her and sprinted off, towards one of the domiciles across the residential area.

  “Where are you going?” asked Kim.

  “To figure out exactly how this happened.”

  Kendra’s abode was only a couple of hundred feet away, and when Leon reached it he pounded his fist on the door without hesitation. He was shirtless, barefoot, and wearing only the pair of pants he had grabbed before heading out and talking with Kim.

  The door opened, and Kendra stood behind it, her smile tinged with a smug coyness that made Leon feel even angrier. She only had on a nightgown, identical to the one he had seen his step mom wearing on his way out.

  “Leon,” said Kendra. “What brings you to my home at this late hour?”

  “Where the fuck is he?” Leon pushed his way into Kendra’s apartment. He knew that Miles wouldn’t be there, but he wanted to find something, anything, to serve as a clue and give him a better handle on the situation.


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