A Study in Scandal (Ladies' Amateur Sleuth Society Book 1)

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A Study in Scandal (Ladies' Amateur Sleuth Society Book 1) Page 19

by Robyn DeHart

“Run far, Miss Smith, else I’ll catch you and finish what I started today.”

  She hailed a cab and climbed inside, her heart slamming violently against her chest.

  Tears pricked at her eyes. She swiped at them furiously. “No,” she said. She would not be upset. This was her fault. She should never had been so foolish as to go out alone. Colin had warned her about such things. But she’d been so certain she could get the information on her own.

  The hackney pulled to a stop and she climbed out. Wiping her eyes once more, she made her way to her room and nearly collided with Colin on the stairwell.

  “Dear God, Amelia, what the hell happened to you?” He took one look at the torn fabric of her dress, then pulled her into his room.

  She started to cry, but not wanting him to know what a fool she’d been, she quickly turned from him. “Nothing. I got it caught on something, and it tore.”

  “Amelia, look at me.” He put his hand on her shoulder and turned her to him. He sucked in his breath and turned her head first to the right and then the left. “Who did this to you?”

  She shook her head, unable to stop the tears now.

  His face darkened to a heavy scowl. “Did he do anything else to you?” He walked all the way around her, giving her a full inspection.

  “No,” she managed to say.

  “Who did this?” His voice was tight and angry.

  “The shop owner. I got away before he could do anything else. I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have gone. You were right. I’m such a fool.” She broke into sobs.

  He pulled her into his arms. “Shhhh. It’s all right now. All is right. And you are not a fool.” His hand soothed her back, rubbing gently.

  “Tell me what he said.”

  She recounted the story, explaining the shopkeeper’s strange behavior once she mentioned the Nefertiti bust.

  He poured her a glass of brandy. “Drink this, it will calm your nerves a bit.” He left her for a moment and returned wearing his coat.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going out, but I want you to stay here. I’ll speak with the innkeeper and secure these rooms another night. You’re in no condition to travel.

  We’ll speak of this more when I return. For now, I want you to crawl in bed and try to get some rest.” He led her over and tucked her in. “Now promise me you will stay right here until I return.”

  He was gentle, but there was ferocity in his seriousness.

  “I promise.”

  “Here, finish this drink.”

  She did as he instructed, and sat up and swallowed the rest of her drink. Then he kissed her briefly on the head and left the room.

  She closed her eyes. Her senses swirled around her, the drink already beginning to affect her.

  What was he going to do? She worried a little, but having seen the shopkeeper, she knew Colin was a much larger man. And he’d been an inspector with Scotland Yard. Surely they’d taught him how to protect himself from criminals.

  He would return to her. He had to. And when he did, she’d tell him the truth. Tell him that she loved him.

  Colin let the rage roll around his body, filling him completely. He felt ready to tear the man’s head completely from his body. He stared into the eyes of the man whose head he held pressed against the counter.

  “Who the hell are you?” the man yelled.

  “It matters not who the hell I am. What matters is that you harmed a lady friend of mine this morning.”

  “That little bitch. I told her if I found her, I’d finish what I started.”

  Colin pushed the man’s face farther into the wood counter. “I’ve a mind to crack your skull against this counter.”

  “You the chit’s lover?”

  “Don’t say another word. Listen very carefully, or my voice will be the last sound you ever hear. Is that understood?”

  The man nodded as best he could.

  “If you ever lay a hand on my lady or any other lady again, I shall hunt you down and kill you in a way you can’t even begin to imagine. Am I understood?”

  The man said nothing, so Colin slammed his head against the counter for good measure.

  He leaned in right next to the man’s ear. “Do you understand?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes. Please, just let me go. I meant her no harm.”

  Colin released the man, then stood back. The man lifted his head, and blood trickled down his cheek and matted his hair.

  “Don’t give me a reason to ever cross your path again. Next time, I shall not be so forgiving.” With that Colin turned on his heel and left the shop.

  If it weren’t for Amelia back at the inn, he would have forgone the hackney and walked back. He needed the extra time to rid his body of the anger coursing through him.

  He wanted to wash his hands. Hell, he wanted to douse his entire body in water. Cleanse himself. He’d never harmed another soul. Even working with the Yard, he’d allowed the other detectives to do the physical work with the suspects. He merely went about collecting evidence.

  But he’d always suspected he had it in him. Always knew it lurked just below the surface. Wherever great passion lay, there would also be the potential for great violence. He’d seen it again and again. He was no exception. He was capable of horrible things. It was why he’d lived his life as he had. His stomach rolled in protest.

  But Amelia’s honor had needed defending. And he’d wanted to harm that man. Truly hurt him as that man had hurt her.

  Now Colin needed to ensure she was all right. He needed to touch her, know she’d be fine, know she wasn’t hurt to too great a degree. She’d nearly gotten herself into entirely too much trouble today. Asking her to be his mistress might have to wait, but he was even more certain it was best for both of them.

  In such a relationship, he could offer her his protection. Ensure her safety, keep other men from harming her. And without marriage, he wouldn’t feel obligated to offer her love. He could allow them to have a physical relationship only. He would have to work at it, but he knew he could control his passions in such a situation. Allow himself to enjoy her body without losing control of his desires or urges.

  He would wait until tomorrow to approach her with it. Give her time to get over her ordeal from today. But once they returned to London, he’d be able to keep her safe.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I have never loved, Watson, but if I did and if the woman I loved had met such an end, I might act even as our lawless lion-hunter had done.” ~The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot

  Colin entered the room and found Amelia, not in the bed as he’d left her, but rather curled up on the chair looking out the window. She had a blanket wrapped around her. She looked peaceful yet vulnerable, with her head resting against her knees.

  He softly walked toward her, then placed a hand on her shoulder. “Amelia?”

  She turned to face him. Her face was free from tears and her eyes did not seem red or swollen. She gave him a tentative smile.

  “What did you do?” she asked.

  Colin shrugged out of his coat and placed it on the other chair. “I paid that antiquities dealer a visit.”

  She untucked her legs and placed her feet on the floor. Seeing those bare toes peeking from beneath the blanket sent a surge of protectiveness through him. She could have been hurt a lot more than she had been. He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Did you hurt him?” she asked.

  He took a deep breath. “I don’t believe so. At least not permanently.”


  “Are you quite right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. A little shaken and severely disappointed in my flagrant lack of good judgement. I should never have gone there alone.” She fidgeted with the blanket. “I simply wanted to help you. Wanted you to be proud of me.”

  “You do not need for me to be proud of you. You are quite accomplished with or without my knowing of it.”

  She shrugged. “Not really”

  He st
ood there for a moment, not sure what to say next. He wasn’t comfortable showering a woman with flowery compliments. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t mean them, he simply didn’t know what to say. He thought Amelia an was extraordinary woman—she was intelligent and passionate and kinder than any other person he knew.

  She had an uncanny ability to see the bright side of any person or situation. It meant some people would perceive her as more naïve than most, but the truth was, she was eternally optimistic. More people should live as she did. The world would be a better place.

  She stood and the blanket dropped to the floor. She wore nothing but her shift and the thin fabric did little to hide her body beneath. He recognized that it was far more erotic than it would have been had she stood before him completely nude. This hint at her nudity, a tease of her body, was intense and provocative. And all her wanted to do was toss her on the bed and plunge himself deep into her. Lose himself inside her and forget the rage that had consumed him today.

  But he couldn’t do that. Not after all that had occurred. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her with his passionate need for her. His needs could wait. Tonight was about her and what she needed.

  “I need for you to touch me, Colin,” she said. She walked up to him and placed both of his hands on her breasts. “I need to know you want me. If only for one more night. One more night to give me memories to cherish. Memories to wash away the vulgar ones from this morning.”

  How could he deny such a request?

  Her breasts were full in his hands. While not large by some standards, they were certainly sufficient for him. Her rosy nipples peaked and he hardened immediately. He’d taken her fast and hard last night. Tonight he wanted to take his time. And allow her to explore more. Be in control.

  Surely by allowing her to control their lovemaking tonight, he would help her realize that not all men took what they wanted without permission. She would realize that not all men were harsh and foul, that he was respectful and honored her and her body.

  He massaged her breasts, and she moaned softly and closed her eyes. She moved closer to him and lifted her head for a kiss. Her tongue slid across his bottom lip, then his top, then moved inside for a deep exploration. Her kissing was intoxicating, slow and passionate; she drove him wild with a mere flick of her tongue.

  He dropped his hands from her breasts and grabbed her buttocks, pulling her to him. She moaned loudly when he made contact with her tender flesh. He lifted one of her legs up to his hip so he could reach her better and moved his erection against her. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she deepened her kiss.

  She was such a paradox. A lady, mostly proper, mostly genteel, but with a hidden sexuality that nearly brought him to his knees. She was every man’s greatest fantasy, and she was here with him.

  All of herself, given freely to him. He did not deserve such a gift. But he would take it and not ask questions. Tomorrow would bring its own problems. For tonight, he’d enjoy the woman in his arms.

  “Oh, Colin, I want you,” she breathed.

  “I want you too,” he said. He’d never wanted anything more than he wanted her right now. It was a sobering thought, but not enough to make him walk away. Tonight she would be his once more.

  He led them over so that they stood next to the bed.

  “Undress me,” he said.

  Her eyes flashed and a positively naughty grin slid onto her face. “I would love to,” she said.

  She unbuttoned his shirt slowly, making eye contact every so often. The intensity of her eyes was nearly enough to bring him over the edge while her soft hands brushed against his body. Next his pants, which she tossed to the side. Then his drawers—she untied the drawstring and pulled it loose—allowing his drawers to fall to the floor.

  His member sprang free and stood proud between them. Tentatively she ran her hand along the shaft. He sucked in his breath. So tender and cautious was her touch.

  He reached over and pulled off her shift. She was beautiful. Her wanted to drink her in. See all the things he’d been in too much of a hurry to see the night before.

  Her breasts rose proudly, the pink of their centers begging to be kissed. Her stomach was neither flat nor fleshy, but soft and rounded as a woman’s should be. Her hips were wide, as was her bottom, and he got the overwhelming urge to swat it lightly. He’d never seen a more perfect body.

  He wanted to touch her everywhere. Wanted to know that he could be with her and maintain his control. Wanted to know that he could comfort her, give her what she needed. He wanted this to be about her tonight.

  Tonight’s lovemaking would not be about his release—surely that meant he could rein in his passion. He need only concentrate on her pleasure, on her release, and he’d be fine. He lay on the bed and motioned to the spot next to him.

  She complied and climbed onto the bed beside him.

  “Touch me,” he said. He’d known last night that she’d wanted to explore him, but he’d been too eager for her to give her much freedom.

  “Where?” she asked. Her eyes had darkened, giving them a sensual look.



  “Any way you like.”

  “May I kiss you?”


  She leaned in and gave him a deep kiss. He ran his hands along her naked breasts, loving the feel of her, reveling in the way she responded to his touch. She left his mouth and trailed hot kisses across his cheek, down his jaw, and over to his ear. She licked and nibbled and sucked. Pleasure shot through his body and he had a hard time deciding what to do with his hands.

  Her kisses made him lose concentration.

  She got bolder, planting wet kisses along his collarbone and down his chest to his stomach. Her hand ran along the length of him, and he bucked against her touch. He needed to be inside her.

  “Climb on top of me,” he instructed.

  She looked at him with wide eyes, but she did as she was told. She straddled him, but kept herself upright, not resting against him.

  “Sit all the way down, Amelia. I’ll enter you in a moment. For the time being, simply sit atop me.”

  Again she followed his words. She was hot and slick against him, and he wanted desperately to part her and slip inside. But, he reminded himself, this was about her release, not his own. He rocked his hips and her eyes fluttered closed.

  He grabbed her hips and moved her body back and forth, showing her the motion she could control herself. It didn’t take her long to catch on. He had to grit his teeth to keep from climaxing as she slid back and forth across him.

  She cried out again and again with each movement against him. She was nearing her pleasure. He could see it in her face, tell by the pink flush that crept up her breasts into her cheeks. He’d let her take herself there.

  It shocked her when it hit; her features were lined with awe as she shook atop him. Before she could settle, he lifted her hips and entered her. Her eyes grew wide and her lips parted.

  “What do I do now?” she asked.

  “Just move.”

  “How will I know if I’m doing it right?”

  “You’ll do it right.” He ran his hand across her full bottom. He would really have to focus in order to last any time at all. “Just move as you did before.”

  Again, it didn’t take her long to catch on, build her own rhythm. He felt his own buildup immediately.

  She looked so beautiful above him. Her breasts, standing proud with their pouting nipples and blushed centers. He reached up and cupped them, and she tossed her head back. Her chestnut hair tickled his legs.

  Harder and harder she rode him, until he simply couldn’t hold off any longer. He grabbed her hips, pushed himself farther into her, and let go, spilling himself into her.

  She collapsed on top of him. Her hair tickled his neck and chest. Her breathing was labored, and she was quiet against him. He wasn’t certain what he should do next.

  He idly rubbed her back, waiting for her
to say something first. Instead her breathing slowed until he realized she’d fallen asleep. He didn’t move her for a while, allowing her to fall deeper into sleep before he shifted her.

  Once he had her settled next to him on the bed, he smoothed her hair back from her face. She looked peaceful. He had lost a semblance of his control tonight and found his own release, but not at the expense of hers. Hopefully this would remove all the vulgar memories as she’d hoped, and she’d return to London ready to return to her life as it was before they left.

  Amelia opened her eyes and first noticed the warm body beside her and the firm chest supporting her head. She turned to face Colin and found him awake as well.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  “Good morning.”

  “Last night was wonderful.” She ran one fingertip across his chest.

  “Yes. There is something we need to discuss,” he said.

  “I have something as well,” she said.

  He nodded. “Very well. You go first.”

  “All right.” How did she say this? She’d never before professed her love to someone. Well, she supposed there was no other way to say it other than to come right out and say it. “I realized yesterday that I love you, Colin. I know that I said that I wouldn’t, that my heart would be safe, and I still mean those things in some regard. I don’t expect you to feel the same way, so this doesn’t have to change anything between us. I simply wanted you to know.”

  He stared at her with a dumbfounded look on his face, then his eyes darkened and he sat up, moving away from her.

  She cradled the sheet against her, covering her breasts.

  “Was this some sort of trick you devised?”

  “No, not at all. It took me rather by surprise as well. But there is no need to fret. All is well,” she tried to reassure him.

  “All is not well, Amelia. You cannot love me,” he said firmly.

  That surprised her. And annoyed her. What choice did she have in what her heart felt? “I certainly can.”

  “No, you cannot.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I cannot or I may not?”

  “There is no difference,” he stated.


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