The Alpha's Toy

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The Alpha's Toy Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  All she wanted to do was get breakfast over with as fast as she could. Picking up her fork, she tensed when she felt Zeke sit beside her.

  He made no move to speak to her, which she was thankful for.

  During the breakfast Helen spoke of Zeke growing up, the good old days of being kids. She was given a rundown of embarrassing facts for all seasons. Throughout it all Mary relaxed even as she felt aware of Zeke at the same time.

  With breakfast finished she started on the dishes as Zeke showed his parents out of the door. Sticking her hands into the soapy water she curved her hand around the blade of the knife. Zeke walked up behind her. When he was close enough to touch, she tugged the knife out of the water and brandished it in front of her. “You’re going to start talking, or else I’m going to fucking hurt you,” she said.

  Her emotions were all over the place. Even as she brandished her knife at him, she couldn’t help but think she was overreacting.

  He held his hands up in surrender. The smile on his lips made her even angrier.

  “What did your mother say about mating? Why did you bite my neck, and how did you explain your lack of control?” she asked.

  “Let go of the knife,” he said, reaching for it. Handing him back the knife, heat filled her cheeks.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” She touched her cheeks, wondering what the hell she’d done wrong.

  “You’re going through something.” He stopped, looking down at the floor in front of him.

  “What? What am I going through?” she asked, confused.

  “My mother wasn’t wrong. We’re mated. Last night, I lost control.”

  Mary stared at him. The silence in the room was deafening.

  “There’s a lot of things you do not know,” Zeke said.

  “Well why don’t you start telling me about all those things I don’t know.” She was tired of being kept in the dark about everything. Touching her neck, she felt the raised skin and wished there was something more she could do.

  “I’ll tell you. Can we do the dishes without you trying to kill me?” he asked.

  Glaring at him, she finished doing the dishes as he dried them before putting them away. When she was finished Mary walked over toward the windows staring out over the city. She wasn’t due back at work for another three weeks.

  Running fingers through her hair, she tried to focus on the three weeks, but she was starting to think her time wasn’t nearly over.

  “You’re not going to let me go after the month, are you?” she asked. She saw his reflection in the window.

  “No, I’m not. I can’t let you go.”

  Nodding, she felt tears sting her eyes. Mary knew she should be upset about his news, yet part of her was relieved to hear him not getting rid of her.

  “What do you need to tell me?” she asked.

  “I was the dog you saw down the alley,” he said. His arms wrapped around her waist holding onto her tightly.


  “I’m the one who smelled you, Mary. I was the large black dog that couldn’t resist you. I’d been scenting you for some time, and then you were coming out of the building and I couldn’t stop. I was the one who bit you,” Zeke said.

  Her heart pounded as she recalled the black dog approaching. At the time she reached out, in an attempt to touch him. He’d struck, sinking his teeth into her arm. The pain had been excruciating. Afterward all she remembered were Roger and Dani. They’d taken her away from him.

  “I had every intention of finding you. In fact, I never gave up trying to find you,” he said, surprising her.

  “You were looking for me?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I asked Roger and Dani if they’d ever seen you before. They always told me no. I could never smell you. We believe the injections you were given were an attempt to mask your scent. They fucking succeeded as well.”

  “Why are you telling me all this?”


  The big question he’d been waiting for. Licking his lips, he folded his arms and stared at her. “You’re my destined mate, Mary.” He settled for the truth.


  “Our wolves recognize each other. You’re the woman I’m destined to spend the rest of my life with.”

  “How is that possible?”

  Stepping closer, he invaded her personal space. “You can feel your wolf wanting me, Mary. She knows me. Our wolves are a perfect match, and if you give me a chance I’ll prove to you that I’m the man for you.”

  She shook her head turning back toward the windows. “This is all so confusing.”

  Reaching out, he gripped her shoulders not wanting to let her go. What started out as her being his toy had developed into something far more. On the quest to find his sister he’d discovered the woman who’d settle his soul and tempt his body. “Give us a chance.”

  “The first time we met you had killed the leaders of my pack.”

  “They were using you as a fucking science experiment. The whole pack was as corrupt as their leaders,” he said, trying to reason with her.

  “You were going to kill a teenager. Jessica is too fucking young to die.”

  “I wouldn’t have killed her.” He admitted the truth to her.

  She jerked, looking back at him. “What? Max told me this before. You don’t need to say anything.”

  “Yes, I do need to say something. I’m not a monster, Mary. I wouldn’t have killed her. I’d have pushed her aside. She didn’t smell corrupt or anything like the rest of the pack. She smelled like you, innocent.”

  He heard and felt her take a deep breath. “This is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me,” she said.

  “I love you, Mary.” Zeke figured he should be the one to put the words out there. She could do with them what she wanted, but he wasn’t going to hide from his feelings.

  She turned in his arms, staring up at him. “How do we know this is not because of the wolves? How can you love me? You don’t even know me.”

  Taking her hand he pressed it over his heart. “Ever since I turned you, Mary, I’ve been looking for you. Your scent drove me crazy. I’ve never known a woman like you. None of the other women in the packs have been the one for me.” Pressing his palm to her chest he felt the rapid beating of her heart. “I know you’re perfect for me and for the pack.”

  “I’m a half breed. How can a half breed ever have a place in your pack? You’re an Alpha, Zeke. You’re not a half breed or a lower member or whatever. I don’t even understand wolf politics,” she said, arguing her point.

  Cupping her face, he leaned down closing the gap between them. He caressed her lips with his own, stroking along the plump softness until he plundered her mouth with his tongue. She met him, caressing him back. Zeke felt his blood boil. The feelings built inside him to a fever pitch. Mary was his woman. Her wolf was a perfect match for him.

  “You can’t kiss me to make the problems go away,” she said, whimpering.

  “I can. I’m the fucking Alpha, and I can do whatever the hell I want.” Running his thumb along her bottom lip he moaned as her tongue peeked out, licking him. “I need you to trust me,” he said.

  Her eyes were glazed over with tears. Her skin was running hot from a mixture of his kiss and the pregnancy.

  You’ve got to tell her about the pregnancy.

  First he needed for her to understand that they were a mated pair. Right now he felt his wolf purring at her closeness.

  “I love you, Mary. This is right, and you know we’re meant to be together.”

  Her hand was shaking as she pressed her palm against his chest. “Then show me,” she said.


  “I’ve never seen a proper mated pair apart from Roger and Dani. Jane and Max I only ever really saw briefly. Show me a mated pair.”

  Grabbing his cell phone from his pocket, he dialed his father’s number. “What’s the matter, son?” he asked.

  “This Friday, is it okay if I bring Mary to a pack ga
thering? She needs to see other mated couples, and I think it’s time for her to see what it’s all about to be a proper wolf.” He didn’t break eye contact with her. Zeke needed permission from his father before entering a pack gathering. William’s pack was far bigger than his own because of how old his father was. Zeke hoped to create a good pack without fear of starting a war.

  “I will accept. You’ll need to let Mary know the laws of respect within a gathering, but I’m more than happy to have her be there,” William said.

  Zeke agreed and hung up the phone. “You want to see other mated couples? Then this Friday we’ll be entering my father’s territory. You’ll see other mated couples, and there will be rules you’ll have to abide by.”

  “What rules?” she asked.

  Taking her in his arms, he led her over to the sofa. He needed to touch her in some way for him to know she existed.

  “We’re going into another territory, and with that we’ve got rules to follow.”

  “It’s your father,” she said.

  Smiling, Zeke shook his head. “Just because we’re related doesn’t mean we don’t follow rules. My father doesn’t like conflict within his pack. When we go I’m submitting to his rules, and he is the Alpha while we’re there.”

  “Which means?”

  “We’ll both be under his protection. Any arguments that happen will be handled by him. We’ll be entering the gathering with you known as my woman, my mate. You cannot approach other males. This is purely for mated couples to be together. It’s not sexual, but some nights it can lead to sex as tensions run high.”

  Teasing strands of her hair, Zeke couldn’t stop touching her even if he wanted to. She leaned in close to him allowing his touch. Every move she made opened her up to his touch. The wolf within her was stroking along the surface trying to get closer once again. When they ran together he knew they’d be a force to be reckoned with.

  “What else do I need to know?” she asked, breathlessly.

  “You can’t judge at all. There will be full breeds and half breeds, along with several couples with mixed breeding.”

  “Why would I judge? Love is love.” She nuzzled his hand as she stroked his thigh.

  Laughing, he cupped her cheek feeling the softness of her skin. “You’d be surprised how many people would judge my father or myself. You were the first half breed to join your old pack. From what I can gather you were the last.”

  She shivered, pulling away as he brought up the old leaders. “I hate them for what they did. How is Jessica doing?”

  “She’s getting better. Her memories are returning, and she hates the fact they’ve taken them from her.” Zeke was sad thinking about the other girl.

  “I bet. My time with them is fuzzy, but as the days go by I’m remembering more and more.”

  “I hope we caught them before they did something far worse,” he said.

  “What could be far worse?” she asked.

  “If they’ve told someone about what they’re doing. There are others out there with enough greed to look past experimenting on their own.” Running a hand down his face, Zeke felt tired all of a sudden. Knowing there were people out there who wouldn’t care about taking out other packs scared him far more than anything else.

  “I hope you’re right.” She snuggled in against him. “You’re so warm.”

  They were silent for several minutes. He stroked her hair relishing the time they had together without any fear or worry. His biggest concern was his missing sister. Zeke really hoped she was safe somewhere away from any danger.

  “Tell me everything is going to be all right?” she asked.

  Chuckling, he kissed her head. “Everything is going to be all right. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. That I can promise you.”

  The rest of the day was spent with her in his arms as they watched movie after movie. Zeke was content to simply hold her and never let go. Friday couldn’t come soon enough, but he’d have to bide his time. He made sure not to speak of his feelings until then.

  He wondered if Mary realized that everything she asked for he gave to her. They were mated, and denying her anything was no longer possible for him. He couldn’t tell her she was pregnant yet. She clearly didn’t know her condition, but she’d not long gotten used to being a wolf. Roger and Dani had taken away a lot of time for her to grow accustomed to her wolf and the change. He knew her wolf liked him, which was why the little bitch had been calm. It was only a matter of time before the wolf wanted to have one final run before she remained dormant for the baby to be born. The wonders of their kind were connected to the magic of birth. Before she entered the second month she could have one final change, but after that, she’d kill the baby. Crap. What was she going to do when she found out he’d knocked her up as well as claimed her?

  Chapter Eleven

  Staring around the room Mary saw over thirty different couples, mingling, talking, making out, or just sitting, petting each other. She wore a pair of jeans with one of Zeke’s shirts. His scent surrounded her, and in the last the few days she’d found his scent calmed her nerves. Every now and then her stomach would turn and her wolf felt close to the surface, and that alone scared her. Whenever Zeke was with her the wolf within would settle.

  She was starting to wonder who the actual master of her was, herself or Zeke.

  He stood beside her dressed similarly in jeans and a shirt. At first Mary had been horrified by their lack of formal clothing. Zeke had laughed, reminding her that they were going to a room full of wolves. There was no need for formal clothing.

  William and Helen had greeted them at the door. The couple seemed to be more in love than Mary remembered. Holding onto Zeke’s arm she looked around at all the couples.

  “How do you know they’re mated?” she asked.

  Zeke took her to a corner of the room, which gave them privacy but meant they were able to look around. “During a mating the male is not always gentle,” he said, reaching out to stroke the raised flesh of her neck. “Most men will lay their claim around the neck for most wolves to see. It’s a mark of ownership, love, and claiming but to also warn other males not to touch their property.”

  “So I’m your property now?” She folded her arms trying to cover her nipples, which had budded.

  He laughed. “Baby, your pussy is dripping wet. You’ve been mine a lot longer than you’ve been my toy.” He stroked a finger up her denim-clad thigh. “I’m being polite. Look around you, Mary. I know you can see the love, the need in every mated couple.” He closed the small gap between them. “I also know you feel something for me. I know you’ve changed around me, and I also know that you’ve not been my toy for a long time.”

  “That’s a lot of stuff you know,” she said, moaning at his closeness.

  Her body was on fire once again for his touch.

  “It’s not all I know.” His hand slid up to cup her mound. “You’re mine, Mary. Look around you. See for yourself.”

  She saw Max and Jane sat on the sofa talking with another couple she didn’t know. Helen and William were close as they made their way around the room.

  “These people are your family?” she asked.

  “Not all of them are related, but we’re all close.” His other hand sank into her hair, tilting her head back. “All wolves feel related in some way. It’s how I knew Roger and Dani had done something wrong. They no longer smelled like pack but of something corrupt and not very nice at all. They repelled me.”

  “What do I smell like?” She whimpered as his lips kissed along her neck. The air between them changed. It became suddenly charged with need, sex, and something far more. Mary knew Zeke was right. She was in love with Zeke. He was the first man to ever make her feel this way. She couldn’t imagine her life without him, and that scared her.

  All of her life she’d been under the impression that it took a lot longer than a couple of weeks to fall in love. Her wolf connected with his, and she found her dreams filled with images of them both
together. Mary knew her future was with him, but she needed to be totally sure.

  Seeing the couples together, Mary knew they were exactly the same.

  “Heaven, like the best fruit or dessert on the table. You’re everything I ever wanted. I could smell you in a crowded room or in the city. They took you away from me, but I won’t let it happen again.” His lips covered hers, and Mary accepted his word and his love.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat pulled Zeke away from her body.

  “Son, please, we try to keep things simple a little longer,” William said.

  Helen chuckled. “It’s lovely to see you both here. When William told me you were coming I couldn’t wait to see you again.”

  “What’s the matter, Dad?” Zeke asked.

  She sensed him tense as he took hold of her hand.

  “I need to have a word with you, Zeke. Alpha to Alpha. Helen has offered to keep your mate company.”

  “Is it important?”

  “Very. Otherwise I wouldn’t ask at a mate gathering for a private word,” William said.

  “Okay.” He turned to her. “I’m going to go, but I promise you Mom will take care of you.”

  Mary nodded. What else could she do?

  “Zeke, wait,” she said, wanting him to know how she felt. “I get it.” Glancing down at the floor, she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “I love you, too.”

  He paused, and then the biggest smile she’d ever seen brightened his whole face. “You pick the worst time to make me feel like the happiest man alive.” Zeke caught her up in his arms. “I love you, baby, and I promise you I’ll make this up to you.”

  His lips were hard, and she melted against him. Seconds later he wandered off, and she was alone with Helen.

  The other woman wrapped her arms around her. “I’m so happy.”

  Laughing, Mary hugged the older woman back.

  “My boy has spent so much time talking about you and how he’d find you. I didn’t doubt his effort, but I started to think he’d been taking weed and simply imagined you into existence.” Helen chuckled. “I know he’s not a young boy anymore.”

  “Zeke talked about me?” Mary asked.


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