Plain Jane and the Mafia Beast

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Plain Jane and the Mafia Beast Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Please,” she said.

  “I’ll let you keep your job, but you will live somewhere else.” He pulled out of her and slammed in deep again.

  “This is my place.”

  “I will protect you how I see fit. Keep your job, but you will let me protect you. Those locks are not enough.”

  “Please, Vincenzo, I don’t need your protection.”

  “To be mine, you will do this. I’ll let you keep your job, but not this. A compromise.”

  He saw her grit her teeth.

  “My job or my apartment?”

  “Yes. I think I’m being rather considerate, don’t you?”


  “Well, it’s one or the other. Pick.” He fucked her hard, watching her struggle to form the words. She was stunning to watch. She belonged all to him. He’d never had a woman that was his before, and he liked it.

  “I’ll keep my job,” she said.

  “Good. We’ll start hunting for a new place for you tomorrow. For now, I want you to come.” He reached between her thighs and started to stroke her, feeling her pussy tighten around him. Her tits shook as he pushed her toward orgasm, and seeing her come apart, that was a sight to behold.

  He would do everything in his power to protect her, to keep his world from ever touching her. Nothing could happen to her. When he was with her, she kept his own demons at bay, and that thrilled him more than anything. He’d tried to keep his distance, to not see her. It hadn’t happened. He couldn’t stay away.

  So now he’d find a way to make a life with her while keeping her safe.

  What could possibly go wrong?


  Arika looked at the third apartment that Vincenzo had dragged her to. Waking up that morning with him still in her bed had been a little surreal. He’d not slept in the same bed as she had when they were together, so she wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it.

  The real estate agent was yammering away, flirting with him to no end. When they first met up over two hours ago, she’d called her the sister. When Vincenzo had taken her hand, pressed a kiss to her knuckles and said she wasn’t his sister but his woman, her stomach had done little flutters. Of course, the woman had looked shocked. Why wouldn’t she be?

  Arika was the plain woman who’d snagged herself a handsome man.

  Keeping her distance, she looked at the large space. There was no furniture in sight. Moving toward the window, she saw the pool at the back where several men, women, and children were already enjoying the weather.

  “How much is this place to rent?” she asked, interrupting whatever they’d been taking about.

  The agent looked at Vincenzo with a smile. “This is not a rental property.”

  “I’m not looking to rent something,” Vincenzo said, moving toward her, wrapping his arms around her.

  “I can only afford rentals. I thought we were clear on that.” She had tried this morning to compromise and negotiate what he was spending on her.

  She didn’t want him to throw away good money if he became bored for whatever reason.

  “Arika, I listened, but I didn’t pay attention. I want you to have the best. You like the pool?” he asked, looking over her shoulder.

  “How much is this to buy?”

  The agent gave her an amount that made her jerk back. Vincenzo didn’t let her go.

  “You can’t pay for this. It’s ridiculous.”

  “This is one of the safest areas within the city. The building offers not only security but there’s a pool, a game room, and also a small grocery store on the ground floor for your convenience. The cost is all included in the purchase price. There’s also a gym.”

  She thought about Vincenzo working out at his home and the women here drooling all over him. “I won’t need a gym.”

  “Arika, this is the home I want you to have.”

  “It’s too expensive.”

  “I won’t spare any expense when it comes to your safety. Do you like this place?”

  She gritted her teeth and turned back to look out of the window.

  “Leave us, please. I want to talk with her in private.”

  “I’ll be outside. Take all the time you need.”

  She heard the woman’s heels clicking on the wood floor. The door opened, closed, and then they were alone.

  Vincenzo pulled her against him, his arms banding around her waist as his lips nuzzled her neck. “Tell me what the problem is, Arika.”

  “This is too much. It’s too expensive.”

  “I think it’s rather cheap.”

  “Really? This is … I know I said you could buy or rent me an apartment, but this goes beyond that. I can’t do this on my own if you decide to leave me.”

  His hold on her tightened. “You really think there’s a chance of me wanting to leave you?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t, but I’m me and you’re you. You’ve probably been with thousands of women. You can have anyone you want.”

  He sighed. “And yet here I am, willing to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  This shocked her.

  She spun in his arms, staring into his eyes. “A life?”

  “You don’t think this was only going to be a few passing months, did you?”

  “I didn’t know what to think. A lifetime is a long time.”

  “Yes, it is, and I want to spend it with you. Not arguing about where you are. This is a cheap place, but it’s in a good area. Low to zero crime rate. You can also walk to the diner. I want to get you a car.”

  “I can’t drive.”

  “Then I’ll pay for lessons. You’ll drive to the diner and home. I won’t have it any other way. We will also be training you to shoot.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “You’ll have your own gun, just in case.”

  “Vincenzo, this is too much.”

  “This is what I require. I want this, Arika. I want to be with you. My place, it’s not as safe. A lot of shit has gone down there, and I want us to have our place, something to call our own. I know you’re not after me for my money or shit like that. I get it, Arika. You’re not like other women I’m used to. I am who I am so I need to know at all times that you’re protected. The only way to do that is to make sure you can take care of yourself.”

  She glanced over his shoulder. “By learning to shoot a gun?”

  “Yes. Don’t worry. That’s all you’ll be taught. I don’t need you to get all happy about this. Now, are we going to argue about this, or are you going to listen to me?”

  “This is too much.”

  “Then we’ll find another apartment for you. One I will be buying and you’ll love. This one could go while you’re being a pain in the ass. I’ve got no problem you being here. It’s safe, and I’ve looked into the security of every single apartment we’re looking at today.”

  She turned back to look down at the pool. The families there looked so happy.

  Vincenzo moved past her, opening the door that led out onto the balcony. “Come and look.”

  He held his hand out, and she gripped it, stepping up beside him, looking down. The pool looked really inviting on this hot day. She was tired of apartment hunting. The place she’d been living in had taken her three months to find. It was perfect for her. This was sheer luxury as far as she was concerned.

  “They all look happy.”

  “You can be happy here too, Arika. I want you to have everything your heart desires.”

  “I’m not with you for what you can give me.”

  “I know that, believe me. You not wanting me for my money or my position only makes me want to spoil you even more. You’re a gem, and I will take care of you however I can.”

  She took a deep breath. “Then I do like it here. I prefer it here.”

  “You’re not just saying that?”


  “Good. Stay here while I’ll handle the rest.”

  She watched him leave before leaning on the balcony, staring
down below. There were several families running around, squealing and jumping in the pool. All of them were laughing, and she found herself chuckling along with their antics. It did look like a lot of fun.

  When one kid threw several girls into the pool, she smiled and stood up.

  Stepping back into the apartment, she took a deep breath. This was her home.

  Running her fingers against the wall, she stepped into the corridor that led to two bedrooms. Opening one, she went straight to the window, seeing the view overlooking the city.

  This space was amazing.

  She was walking into the kitchen when Vincenzo came back into the room.

  “Where’s the woman gone?”

  “Signed and sealed. This place is now yours.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yep. We need to go and pack up your apartment.”

  “We’re going to need a big truck to bring my furniture.”

  “I’ve already called a place I know. They’re going to deliver your furniture here.”

  “You’ve given someone else keys to my apartment?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “No. You’re having new.”


  “Nope. I’m not going to hear it. This apartment is a lot bigger than yours. You can be pissed at me, but I promised to take care of you. This is me doing my job the best way I know how.” He gripped her hips, pulling her close.

  “It’s a job?”

  “No. Taking care of you is not a job. Not even close. It’s a pleasure.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “This was a new first for me today.”

  “It was? How?”

  “I’ve never been shopping for an apartment for my woman before.”

  “You’ve never been in a relationship?”

  “Not once. You’re a first.”

  “That woman at the restaurant?”

  “You don’t even need to worry about her. She doesn’t matter.”

  “What about other women? I mean, is this going to be exclusive?” She should have probably asked all of this before agreeing to move into an apartment for him to pay for. Arika hadn’t wanted to change her apartment, but Vincenzo had convinced her that it would be safer for her protection and if he was worried about her, he wouldn’t be able to focus on his job. She didn’t want to think of him getting hurt because of her, and she’d realized how unreasonable she’d been with him over sharing an apartment or at least living together. It didn’t make this any easier for her though. He didn’t want her at his apartment because it wasn’t as safe as he wanted it. She didn’t want to move in with him yet because of what it made her feel like with him helping her financially. She didn’t think she brought much to their relationship as it was. She was so torn over this. She bit her lip, waiting for an answer.

  “There’s not going to be anyone else but you.” He stroked her cheek. “How can you even for a second think that there’s someone else in this world that I’d want more than you?”

  With that, he dropped his lips against hers and her troubles melted away as if they were nothing.

  She could do this.

  Have her life and be part of his.

  She couldn’t give him up. That wasn’t an option.

  Chapter Twelve

  “This is a gun range?” Arika asked.

  “Yes. This is where I used to come to practice.” Vincenzo climbed out of his car and rounded the vehicle to help her. Heading toward the trunk, he grabbed his case of weapons and locked up his car.

  “Do you think it’s a good idea for me to be here?”

  “Yes. Plenty of women learn to shoot. I won’t put you in danger.” He took her hand as they made their way inside.

  “I wasn’t really worrying about that.”

  “You’re just trying to find an excuse to not do this.”

  “I don’t like the thought of handling a gun. They’re dangerous, you know. Deadly.”

  “I know. That’s the point. You can still shoot to disarm, not to kill.”

  “I’d rather not shoot at all.” She wrinkled her nose, and he found her utterly charming. Pinching her nose, he pressed a kiss to her lips, playing with her.

  “You’re cute.”

  He did the necessary checks before heading toward the back of the shooting range. This place had several different ways of being able to shoot. Rather than take her outside to shoot long range, he’d brought her inside where she could stand in a lane, and he’d be able to show her.

  The next best place would be to shoot beer cans in the woods, but he didn’t think she’d go for that.

  He put the case on the counter, opening it up and taking out a pistol.

  “This seems like a waste of bullets.”

  “Come on, Arika. I need to know you can do this.”

  Grabbing some ear protection, he placed them on her head and smiled at her. “See, all ready.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  Stepping behind her, he placed her hand on the gun, covering hers with his. There was already a target pinned up waiting.

  “Now, I want you to aim for his chest.”

  “Can’t I aim for a shoulder?”

  “If something was to ever happen you’re going to need to cause maximum damage to give you a chance to get away. A shoulder bullet will hurt, but if the man or men who are coming at you are used to being hit, they could get angry and hurt you even more.”

  “How about I take the gun and put it against my temple? Me dead stops all that.”

  He tensed up and placed his lips against her ear. “Do not ever threaten that again, Arika. I mean it. Your death is not something I take very fucking lightly.”

  “You’re angry.”

  “You just threatened to kill yourself. Of course I’m angry.”

  “It was just a joke.”

  “A real fucking lame one. Now, make it up to me and shoot something.”

  She took a deep breath, aimed, and fired. He held her hands, but she did all the work.

  “Good.” He pressed the button, and the target came up to them.

  She’d hit the space around the target. “Well, I can piss off air.”

  He removed the target and replaced it with another. “I had my hands on you so it may have affected your targeting.” Once everything was back in place, he put his hands on her waist, staying close to her. “Aim for the chest.”

  She took a deep breath and shot twice.


  She shot again.

  He pressed a button, and the target came into focus. “Were you thinking about me?”

  Four bullets were inside the head of the target.

  “I was aiming for his stomach.”

  “Then let’s aim for his head this time and see what happens.”

  For the next hour he kept making her shoot, practice after practice. She’d get some targets that she aimed for, and others just didn’t hit the right mark.

  He wouldn’t let her stop though. This was important.

  After five hours of practice, he knew it was time to call it quits. Packing away her targets into the box with his guns, which he’d unloaded, they left the range.

  He helped her into the car, and they drove away.

  “I didn’t like that place. As a date, it sucked big time.”

  “I had no intention of calling it a date. Are you hungry?” To answer his question, her stomach growled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  They passed a drive-thru for burgers and he pulled in, ordering them both some food.

  Their order had to wait, and he parked up in one of the available spots. The scent was making his mouth water. He didn’t like junk food like this, but for now it would do.

  The position they were in, they saw inside the fast food joint. A family sat near a window. A girl no older than three was playing with a pony. A boy with a car and their parents were there too.

  It looked like a good family outing, and he glanced over at Arika. For the first time, he saw a little hint of envy in her eyes
. “Did you ever want to be adopted?”

  “When I was a lot younger and I hadn’t been passed over so many times. Whenever new parents would come there was always that nervous excitement within the home, you know. They all wanted the chance at a different life. You never know what could have happened. I think most of the time we all just wanted to be loved.”

  “Was your foster home not a loving one?”

  “It was a good one. I mean, it helped us through a lot of tough times in our life, but it wasn’t exactly a place designed to be loving. They were there to do their job. I think it’s where I realized that we were work, you know. They were taking care of us, and some of them had homes to go back to. Families. I remember one Christmas when I believed in miracles and Santa and all that stuff. I asked for a family for Christmas. I know, rather lame, but I did. A family that loved me and would take care of me. Anyway, that never happened, and one of the new women that had been working at the home came back in the New Year. I was passing their office, and I happened to hear them talking. She talked about how amazing her Christmas was and what her kids had got and what her husband had got her. She was so happy. Showing pictures and then I heard her say she wished she didn’t have to come back to work at times. Then I knew that like a teacher or a receptionist or a secretary or a fireman, she was doing her job. Being paid to take care of us. I think I grew up that year. You?”

  “I freaked the fuck out of the system to be honest. I hurt things. Whenever they were around me, they always looked terrified. They even blamed the cat’s death on me.”

  “You killed a cat?”

  “No. I didn’t kill a cat or a dog or a bunny. I liked to watch insects and occasionally see how they handled having their wings or legs pulled. I also liked playing with knives, and I’d sneak into the kitchen. They found me a few times carving up meat that was to be cooked. I was a freaky fucking kid.”

  “They’re places that are necessary.”

  “Yes. They are. There were always kids that were full of themselves. How they’d get picked over you. Driving it to you that you were fucking weird and people only wanted perfection. It pissed me off. It’s how the Galiza family became alerted to me.”


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