Owned by Him

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Owned by Him Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She did the best she could with her arms bound above her.

  Slipping a finger into her cunt, he smeared the well lubed butt plug to her anus. She whimpered, and he felt her pussy quiver around his finger. He pressed the plug and watched as her ass opened up to accept it.

  He slapped her thigh, and Amber tensed seconds before relaxing.

  “That’s it, baby. Take this plug in your ass.” He worked the plug until it was seated in her ass. “Hold it in there.”

  Elijah left her side to grab some tape. He was improvising, and he didn’t want her in a harness. Tearing off some tape, he strapped the plug into her ass with the tape spread over her ass cheeks.



  He landed another spank to her ass loving the way her skin bloomed. The color red looked so tantalizing on her skin.

  “Let’s see how turned on you are.” He fingered her slit and found her more turned on with the plug in her ass. “Good girl.”

  Pressing the finger to her lips he ordered her to suck it. Amber sucked his finger and moaned as she did.

  “So sexy and so mine.”

  He cupped her tits, thumbing the nipples. Glancing behind him, he spotted the crocodile nipple clamps.

  Leaving her again, he grabbed the nipple clamps. Fingering her nipples, he warmed them up ready to receive the clips.

  She cried out as he put both on her nipples at the same time.

  “You’re so fucking perfect. I’m stiff for you, baby, but before I fuck you, you need your ass spanked. Your behavior outside was naughty.” He slapped her thigh and left her once again.

  He saw the camera he’d purchased on a shelf on the far side of the wall. Turning back to face her, Elijah admired her sweet body. He’d love the chance to take some pictures but decided against it. There would be a time for pictures and more kinky play.

  Grabbing a wooden paddle off the wall he went back to her side.

  “Who is your Master, Amber?”

  “You are.”

  “And who am I?”

  “Elijah Booth.”

  “Why are you being punished?”

  “For teasing you outside.”

  He clucked his tongue. “I don’t mind being teased, baby. What I don’t like is you being naked for other people to see. You’re mine. This body is mine, and no one is going to get the pleasure of looking at it but me.”

  Running the paddle down her back, he saw her panting. “And that’s why you’re being punished.”

  “I understand, Master.” She sounded breathless. He also detected the anticipation in her voice. Amber wanted him to do this as much as he wanted to do it.

  “You’re going to count after each one. You’re getting five to start off with.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Resting his palm on her stomach, he raised the paddle and brought it down on her ass. The sound of the wood on her ass turned him on. He was so hard he thought he was going to explode inside his swimming trunks.

  “One, Master.”

  “Very good.”

  He raised the paddle four more times, and Amber counted after each one. Dropping his hand down between her thighs, he tested her arousal. She was soaking wet, and her cream coated the whole of his palm.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re dripping wet.”

  Looking over at his spanking tools he saw the whip.

  “I think it’s time to take another five from the whip.” He placed the paddle near the cleaning area and grabbed the whip.

  Elijah repeated the process with the whip, landing the hard leather to the ass. The red cheeks now had darker red stripes over it.

  “Please, Master,” she said.

  It had been months since they’d played, and he was pushing her to edge.

  “I know, Amber.” He was going to fuck her, but he wasn’t going to fuck her cunt. He wanted inside her ass.

  Grabbing a dildo and the lube from the shelves he pushed his trunks down his thighs. He covered his cock with a condom and smeared lube all over the shaft. “I’m not fucking your pussy today, baby. I need to claim your sweet, tight ass.”

  Tearing the tape off her ass, he tugged the plug from her anus, leaving it on the floor. Dropping the dildo to her pussy, he pushed the fake cock deep into her body. “Hold that there. Tighten your legs together to keep it inside.”

  He gripped her hips, tilted them to the right angle so he could see her lush ass. Aligning his cock to her anus, he saw the tip press to her muscles. “Push out, Amber. There’s no fighting this. I’m taking your ass.”

  “I want you to take my ass, Master.”

  She pushed out, and the tip lodged into her ass. He watched her ass open up around him, and Elijah fed his cock into her ass. They both moaned as he seated himself deep inside her. Her ass was incredibly tight and held him like a fist.

  “That’s it, baby. I’m proud of you.” He stroked her back, encouraging her. “I can feel that fake cock inside your pussy. You better get used to that. It’s the only extra cock you’re ever going to get.” He was never sharing her. Some Doms liked to share their women with other men or Doms. He was never sharing his woman with anyone.

  “I don’t want to be shared, Master. I love being yours, and I love you.”

  “Good answer, baby.” He pulled out of her tight, hot ass then pressed back inside.

  She whimpered, and her ass tightened around him.

  He reached between her thighs and fingered her clit. “Come for me, baby.”

  “I love you, Master.”

  “I love you, too, Amber. Now come for me.”

  She screamed, and her ass squeezed him.

  He slowed down his thrusts and pushed deep inside her tight hole.

  Biting onto his neck, he sucked in her flesh, relishing her cries. She was so perfect in every way, and she was all his.

  Elijah kept his thrusts slow, letting her grow accustomed to his loving of her ass. He drew everything out until he could stand it no longer. Speeding up his thrusts he slammed into her ass.

  Amber’s moans echoed off the walls.

  “I’m going to come.” He tightened his grip on her hips and thrust inside her. On the final thrust he tensed and filled the condom with cum.

  They were both panting loudly, and they were the only ones to hear the sounds.

  “Elijah?” she said. Her voice was so quiet.

  “Yes, baby.”

  “Will you loosen the cuffs so I can hug you?” she asked.

  Reaching up, he released her hands and withdrew from her ass. She spun around and held him close. “I love you so much.”

  He loved her with his whole heart, and he couldn’t believe he’d waited so long to tell her how he felt. Elijah knew he’d never make that mistake again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Amber hummed as she put the kettle up for the morning coffee. She’d been watching Elijah sleep for the last half an hour. It was the first time she’d been able to linger on her morning. She’d never felt so relaxed in all of her life. Her love for Elijah was growing by the day. From the very first crush she had on Elijah, she’d fallen madly for him.

  Pausing, Amber pressed a palm to her neck where his love mark rested on her skin. In all the years they’d been playing he’d never left anything as significant as a love mark. She wanted to wear it like a badge of honor.

  She went back to her humming and poured coffee into two cups before heading back to the bedroom to where Elijah lay sleeping. Opening the door, she saw her man slowly waking up. He looked toward her and smiled.

  “Hey, baby. Is that coffee for me?” he asked.

  Nodding, she walked around to his side of the bed and took a seat. Amber wore one of his shirts to cover her nakedness. It was Sunday, and they were due to travel back home soon enough.

  He took a sip and moaned. “Perfect.”

  Smiling, Amber watched him as she took a sip of her own coffee.

  Elijah leaned forward pushing a lock of hair off her face.

  The silence was deafening. “Okay, I really need to ask you something,” Amber said.

  “Go ahead.” He stayed forward, looking at her as she stared back at him.

  “I need to know if this is how we’re going to stay? I know you love me, but I keep expecting you to freak out and burst this little bubble I’ve got going on, and, Elijah, I don’t want my bubble to burst.”

  He silenced her with a kiss. “Baby, our bubble is not going to burst. You better get used to me being around because I love this bubble just as much as you.”

  Elijah cupped her cheek, stroking her with his thumb.

  She let out a sigh. “Okay, I just needed to know. I’m really happy being here and with us.” Tears gathered in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

  “Besides, Heather, Ashley, Connie, and Julian will all come and kick my ass. I’ve been thoroughly warned by all of them. Your happiness is guaranteed, and so is mine.” He claimed her lips once again.

  When he released her, Amber moaned, wanting more. “I never want you to stop doing that.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t.” He held one of her hands as they sat drinking coffee.

  “You know, I can’t believe Heather was so happy about us being together,” she said, thinking about her friend.

  “Heather’s a great person inside and out. She just needs to hear stuff from the right person, and she’s fine.”

  Amber stared at him, realizing that he always had Heather’s back. Not once in all the time she knew him did he make fun or be horrid toward his sister. She recalled all the times Heather had complained about him.

  “You’ve been really good to Heather, you know?”

  He looked up. “She’s my sister.”

  “Still, she doesn’t make it easy for you. I think it’s great how you support her. You’re amazing, Elijah, and I’m so happy to be part of your life,” she said.

  He smiled. “Enough with all the heavy talk. Heather’s my sister, and I love her. She makes mistakes like we always do. Let’s get back to us.” He gave her a pointed look. “How do you want to spend your last day? We don’t have to leave until four.”

  “I want to spend it with you,” she said.

  “You know exactly what to say to make a guy feel wanted.” He took the cup from her nervous fingers and pulled her in tight against his body. “God, I love you.” His hands sank into her hair, and he held her close as he ravished her lips.

  His tongue plundered inside her mouth, and she whimpered. Her nipples went hard, and her pussy was dripping wet.

  “I want to fuck you over and over again. Then I want to spank your glorious ass and mark every part of you as mine.”

  “You’ve already marked me.” She moved her hair out of the way for him to see his handiwork.

  “It’s not nearly enough. All the men need to know who you belong to.” He tore the shirt she wore open.

  “That was your shirt.”

  “I hated it, and it was in my way. I don’t want anything to get in my way of your body, Amber.” He palmed one of her breasts and presented it to his lips. “Love your tits. I could suck them all day.”

  Amber held onto his thick arms as he began to lick, suck, and bite down on her nipple. The sensation went straight to her clit making her pulse with arousal. He moved her so she was straddling his hard body.

  “I need to be inside you,” he said. He held his cock as she slowly sank down onto his hard cock. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She did what he instructed. Elijah didn’t move. His attention went back to her breasts. There was no getting him to budge. She tugged on his ponytail, trying to gain his attention. Tightening her pussy around his thick shaft didn’t help either. Nothing got his attention. He would only fuck her when he was ready, and the attention he was giving to her breasts was driving her insane.

  “Please, Elijah, I need you,” she said, whimpering.

  “Not yet.”

  He cupped her ass, and his grip was almost bruising. She loved the slight edge of pain, especially when he bit down onto her breast. The pain went straight to her pussy.

  Amber couldn’t move. Elijah was the one in control, and he wasn’t giving her the chance to forget it either.

  “I can’t think.”

  “I don’t want you to think, baby. I want you to feel.”

  He slapped her ass, pulling her focus away from her need. His cock was hard and pulsed between her thighs.

  She cried out, whimpering.

  “Does my little sub need to come?” he asked, pulling away from her breasts. She couldn’t believe she was jealous of a body part.

  “Yes, please, Master, I’m begging you,” she said.

  “And your begging is so sweet.”

  He leaned back on the pillow looking up at her. His hand dove between her legs, and she felt his fingers on her clit. “Who owns this clit?” he asked.

  “You do.”

  “And who owns your tits?”

  “You do.”

  “Who owns you?” he asked.

  “You do.”

  “Good, now come for me.”

  He stroked her clit, and she closed her eyes, giving herself over to the pleasure.

  “No closing your eyes. You’re to look at me when you come.”

  She opened her eyes and stared at him.

  “I’m the one in control of you, baby. Look at me. I want those pretty eyes on me at all times.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Now, come for me. Give me all your cream. I’ll fuck you when you’re dripping wet with it, and then I’ll know you want what I can give you.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Two fingers stroked her clit. She was so wet that her own juice lubricated his fingers. Staring into his dark brown gaze, Amber felt truly owned and dominated by him. Elijah was the only man she wanted in her life. There was no one else.

  With her gaze on him and his cock inside her pussy and his fingers caressing her clit, Amber exploded into orgasm. It was the most intense yet sweet release she’d ever experienced.


  Elijah gritted his teeth fighting with his control. Her tight cunt was gripping him like a vise, and he struggled to gain control. He was the one in charge, but Amber’s sweet responses were threatening to tear him apart.

  There was no chance in hell that he was letting her go. Amber was his woman, and he intended to do the right thing by her. He was going to claim her and own her the way a man should own his woman … with a ring on her finger.

  Staring into her eyes, he saw the love, the wonder, and the need flit across her face. His woman was an open book to him. Her cream surrounded his aching cock, and her gaze never once left his.

  Only when her orgasm was lessening did he tip her back onto the bed, hovering over her.

  “Now, I’ll fuck you.”

  Pulling out of her tight heat, he gazed down at his slick prick and plundered back inside her.

  She screamed, and he felt himself hit her cervix. He was so deep inside her.

  “That’s it, baby. Feel who owns every part of you.”

  “You do, Master.”

  He wasn’t finished claiming her.

  Elijah spun her until she was on her knees before him, her ass open and inviting. He’d claimed her ass the previous night. Now, he wanted to claim her cunt again.

  Slamming inside her pussy, Elijah kept up the hard thrusts, wanting her to feel every inch of him inside her.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  He slapped her ass at her orders. Amber yelped and then moaned.

  “I’ll punish you after for ordering me around.” There was something he wanted to do in the playroom before they headed home. It was his own little fantasy that he intended to work out.

  Elijah fucked her hard, taking her pussy hard. He slapped her ass in between thrusts, relishing her cries of submission.

  Amber was all his, and he wasn’t letting her go. This was them for life. They were staying together forever. They’d wasted so much time bef
ore, and he wasn’t going to allow that to happen again.

  He’d be the Master, and she’d be his sub. Together they could make a future for them work.

  He slammed inside her one final time and cried out as his release spilled into her waiting body. Elijah cursed silently inside his head. He’d forgotten the condom again.

  His head pounded as his orgasm crashed through his body. It was the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced before, and he knew it was down to his acceptance and love of Amber.

  They collapsed together on the bed.

  “I love you,” she said.

  He would never get tired of hearing that.

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  Elijah pulled her in tight against his body. He wanted to do right by her.

  “You forgot a condom again,” she said, chuckling. “I think you’re asking for trouble and do want to get me pregnant.”

  “Busted.” He kissed her head and held her.

  Amber was the first to pull away. “We need to finish packing.”

  “I don’t want to pack or go back to the city.”

  She slapped his ass with a pillow, giggling. “The sooner we get it done, the sooner we can play. I’ve got work tomorrow, and I won’t be much good because I’ll be thinking about you and this wonderful trip. Also, you’ve got your sister to think about as well. She’ll miss you,” Amber said.

  “Heather puts up with me. She won’t miss me.”

  She slapped him again with a pillow. “Come on. I don’t want to spend our last few hours panicking about packing. Get your lazy ass out of bed.”

  The pillow connected with his head this time. “I’m so going to give you a spanking,” he said.

  “Not if you’re in bed.”

  She left him alone and started packing. Elijah climbed out of bed and finished packing along with her. They ate a light breakfast together of fruit and some more coffee.

  He took her down to the ocean one final time.

  “Are we going to come back here again?” she asked.

  “I own the cabin. We’ll be back before you know it.”

  She settled against him as they both watched the placid ocean. With only two hours remaining of their time at the resort, Elijah led the way to his playroom.

  “I’ve had this fantasy a few times and we’ve never played it out, so I’m going to play it out now,” he said.


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