Red Hot

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Red Hot Page 3

by Ann B. Harrison

  “Whatever, dude.” Jake hung up on him obviously pissed about the job ahead.

  Red slipped the phone into his pocket and leaned on his balcony overlooking the bay. His thoughts went to the beautiful, crazy chick leaning over him when he’d opened his eyes. He didn’t think he had been knocked out cold, just stunned. He’d wrecked his elbow; he’d known before he finished sliding along the road on his ass. The rips in his jacket and pants proved that too, along with the red gravel rash he was sporting on his butt. So why after she had rubbed her hands together and touched his arm did it feel as if he’d had no injuries?

  Definitely the fruity type but so very sexy. Way out of his league, even though she had treated him kindly. She must have felt bad he and his bike were damaged because of the orphaned deer she was caring for. He walked inside and took a cold beer from the fridge. Enid, his cleaning lady had left a meal ready for him as she usually did but he didn’t want to eat yet. Returning back to the balcony, he sat on a chair with his feet up on the railing. Thoughts of sex with Rhian filled his mind, torturing his body.

  He’d gone for the ride to relieve the sexual ache and all he had done was increase it. He shifted on the chair, his balls starting to hum with anticipation. He seriously had to get laid. It had been too long. Red pondered the idea of calling past her surgery tomorrow night on his way home from work. She might be a little weird but she was cute and incredibly sexy. He thought back over their conversation.

  “Well, it was lovely to meet you Red. I wish it could have been under different circumstances though but at least you didn’t get hurt too much. We'll have to catch up again sometime. You know where I live, so drop by sometime.”

  Drop by sometime. Why not? The worst that could happen would be another rejection, nothing new to him.

  Maybe it was worth the agony.

  Deciding on that course of action, he drank the rest of his beer and then went inside to heat up his meal. He went to sleep with dreams of blonde crazy ladies chasing him through the forest.

  * * * *

  Red rode into Jake’s shop in the morning ready for a confrontation. The guy was his best friend but when it came to the care of his bike, Jake didn’t hold back the punches.

  “You frigging idiot.” Red shook his head at the first words out of Jake’s mouth. “Seriously man, you have to start looking after this or I’ll find it a new home.” Jake ran his hands over the gouges in the tank and shook his head. He pointed to the mangled foot pedal. “Totally fucked I would say. I’ve already ordered a new one. Maybe I should keep one as a spare, you seem to go through them the way you ride. I don’t know why I let you buy something this good. You don’t deserve it the way you treat it. Buy an old shitter if you want to knock it around like this.”

  “Stop already. I’m not that bad and you know it. Listen, I have to get to work. Is that my loaner over there?” He pointed to a sedate Honda sitting in the corner, cringing at the thought of riding such an old bike.

  Jake nodded his head, a grin spreading over his face. “Yeah, there is no way I’m letting you have anything decent of mine if this is what you do to your own baby. Suck it up big dude and take care of it, I want it back unscathed. I think this will be here for a couple of days. I have to pull the tank off and see if I can blow the dent out before I try to repaint it.”

  Red grimaced and pulled his helmet back on before he hopped on the old bike and turned it around. Jake laughed as Red kick started it, his boot slipping on the worn pedal. Flicking his friend the bird, Red pulled out of the garage and headed toward the highway and work at a slower speed than usual.

  By the time he rode into the parking lot his mind was already on the series of tests he was conducting and he waved to his receptionist without stopping to talk, keen to get to his laboratory and get a head start on the day. When he walked in, he was assailed with the cloying smell of Cara's perfume. He coughed and rubbed his nose, taking a deep breath under his hand. She was already on her computer and waved to Red as he headed for his office.

  It was so different to the fresh floral smell of Rhian’s hair, and thoughts of her filled his mind. She was getting under his skin and he didn't know if he was prepared for the rejection that normally followed. At his age he should be used to people’s reactions. He was the geeky looking scientist who was socially inept and became confused around any female who was remotely good looking. It was as if the bad fairy had taken all of his inbuilt chick skills and given them to someone else, leaving him with the articulation ability of a three-year old.

  Once he was in his white coat he went back out to the laboratory. He took his slide samples from storage and powered up his computer. The morning flew by and before he knew it Cara had pushed a mug of coffee in front of him.

  “I'm going out for lunch, can I get you anything?” she asked.

  “Um, no thanks. Thanks anyway.” Red looked at the clock. One thirty already. His mind went to Rhian and he could see her sitting in the sunshine on the side of the road, her head tilted to one side and her hair tumbling over her shoulders as he pulled himself together. He wondered if he should call or just drive past her surgery on the way home. Red knew the house she lived in. It wasn't that far from his place. He could casually call in and enquire after the baby deer and see what happened. If he could pluck up the courage he might even ask her out.

  He shook his head and took a big swallow of his coffee.

  Like she would want to get involved with me anyway.

  He reset the computer to run the next set of tests and quickly lost himself in his work again.

  * * * *

  Rhian looked up when the bell on the surgery door chimed. Her receptionist May, had just left and there were no more visits booked. Hoping she didn’t have an emergency, she hurried out. Her heart beat bumped up a notch when she walked into the reception room and saw Red standing just inside the door.

  The poor boy looks terrified.

  He was darting looks around the room and his fingers were tugging at the sleeves of his jacket, the same leather one he had on yesterday when she helped pick him up off the road.

  She took a deep breath and counted to ten before she spoke, afraid the quiver in her body would come out in her words. It had been so long since she’d had sex. It was taking a toll on her to be sociable and not throw him to the floor, ripping the clothing from his body. No one this gorgeous had come her way in a long while and it was playing havoc with her hormones.

  “Hey, come on in.” She stepped forward holding out her hand. “It's nice to see you Red. Bet you're wondering how the fawn is?”

  He stepped closer to her and took the outstretched hand tentatively. Rhian pulled him close and slipped her arm through his, guiding him effortlessly through to the back of the clinic to her part of the house. Nero came running and wound himself in and out of his leather clad legs, the cat’s delicate paws moving in time with Red’s heavy boots

  “I don't believe this cat. I've never had an animal react to me this way before.” His voice was shaky and she longed to squeeze him tight and tell him there was no need to be nervous. She would make everything right for them. She had it all planned out in her head how she was going to seduce him. Ever since she had watched him drive away she had drooled over him. The man drought of the last few months had her on edge and she was counting on this hunk to sooth her frazzled nerves.

  Her soft laugh seemed to soothe him and she saw the tension leave his body as his shoulders relaxed. “I told you he was a very good judge of character. I always listen to what he has to say. Animals instincts are so much better than ours, I think.”

  The living room was very similar to her weekend cottage. The only difference was this room was so much bigger. Her house was stunning and one of San Francisco's finest old mansions. She drew him over to a corner of the room where a baby pen was set up. Inside lay the fawn, curled up on a blanket. When it saw them approach, it stood and wagged its tail.

  Rhian leaned over and picked it up, and turned t
o place it in Red’s arms. His face broke out in a smile and he ran a finger over the soft speckled fur.

  “You have a seat while I make a cup of tea. I won't be long.”

  She headed to the kitchen with a spring in her step. It was good he came to her because Rhian wasn’t sure what excuse she would have used to go and see him. It wasn’t like she could just walk in and say she was just passing by. Filling the kettle at the sink she looked out the window at the skyline. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on those long thighs and tight butt. She had a bum fetish and imagined running her hands over the leather and slipping them into the snug waistband to travel down to what lay waiting. Her mouth watered at the thought of the soft pink skin and the joys her lips could bring to him.

  A soft squeal left her mouth when she turned around and found he had moved into the kitchen and was standing beside the counter watching her.

  “Oh, I thought you were in the other room,” she said her hand on her heart. The warmth started up her cheeks and he smiled at her, seemingly amused by her reaction.

  “I'm sorry. I just thought it was rude to not offer some help. Does this little guy need a bottle or anything now he’s awake?” The fawn was nuzzling into the crook of his arm and looked incredibly tiny against Red's large body.

  “Oh yes, I guess it must be about that time. That’s if you don’t mind.” Rhian reached for a small bottle and teat on the draining board, filling it from a jug she took from the fridge.

  “No, I guess I kind of enjoyed it on Saturday, it was a new experience for me. I never had much to do with animals when I was a kid unless it was lab rats.” He looked at her bashfully, a crooked smile on his lips as if the admission made him just a little bit uncomfortable.

  “Eww. That’s a bit sad. I always had a menagerie of sorts. I was constantly bringing something home and it drove my mother nuts. At the moment I only have this little guy, my last orphans were carried off to new homes this morning. I'll just warm this bottle for Bambi and we can go and sit on the deck and watch the boats.”

  “Bambi?” Red cocked an eyebrow at her and grinned. His whole face lit up and Rhian sighed, clamping her thighs together to stem the wash of heat racing through her body.

  “Yeah I know, not very original but hey, it's better than nothing.” Rhian shrugged her shoulders and filled the small bottle with animal formula and added it to the tray with the mugs of tea. She lifted it and walked out onto the deck and placed it on a table between two cushion-filled wicker chairs.

  Moving a stack of books from one of the chairs, she indicated Red should sit and then passed him the bottle. She watched a tranquil smile settle over his face as the fawn latched on and suckled contentedly.

  “I'm glad you stopped by. I was hoping you would,” she said softly.

  He looked over at her and dropped his gaze down to the floor. The blush rushed up over his cheeks and Rhian felt for him.

  “In fact, I was going to hunt you up if I didn't see you this week,” she said deciding to be open about it.


  “Why not? You made quite an impression on me yesterday, laying your bike down so you didn’t run over Bambi, who is a little female by the way. That was very sweet of you, not many people would have done that. Now she gets a chance to become a mother in the future. Such a shame it would have been if she had died along with her Mam, I think.” She flicked a lock of hair from her face and brought her gaze back to his. “Anyway I like you and I hoped that you felt the same way.” The shutters came down on his face.

  “I want to get to know you better, is that okay?” she asked.

  He put the empty bottle on the tray and rubbed the fawn's ears before he answered her. “I don’t know what you want from me, seriously. There are plenty of good looking guys out there you could date. I'm just a science geek with a side case of OCD who’s a bit of a loner. I don’t even know why I came here.” He had a panicked look in his eyes and Rhian resisted the urge to get up and wrap her arms around him.

  “Maybe I should just go,” he mumbled.

  “No. No don’t, please stay. I like your company Red. And I don’t see you as a geek. I see you as a man who has so much to offer but you have a barrier a mile wide around you. Did someone hurt you?”

  Red stood and walked inside, putting the deer back in its pen. Rhian got up and ran to his side. She grabbed his arm to stop him from heading for the door.

  “I'm so sorry. Da was right. I always let my mouth get the better of me. Look, just let me finish please. I want to get to know you because I like what I've seen so far. I don’t care if you think you are just a science geek. I see a handsome man who is so very unsure of his own magnetism.” She ran her hand up his arm and smiled at him. “I see someone who I want to get to know more. And I want to kiss you.”

  She ignored the shocked look on his face and stood on her tiptoes. Gripping both of his arms she placed her lips on his, tentatively at first and then firmly. When his mouth moved under hers, she flicked her tongue over the nub of his top lip before searching inside with her tongue for contact.

  Chapter 3

  Red’s arms instinctively wrapped around her body and he pulled her closer, her full breasts pressing against his chest. His cock sprang to attention, reacting to her warm flesh as she rubbed her body up against his. Stepping back, he gazed down into her dreamy eyes. “I don’t know if this is such a good idea.”

  “I think it’s a terrific idea actually. We obviously have chemistry and that’s a good start. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t had sex in a while and I really want to take you to bed if you don’t mind.” Rhian gazed at him, a wide grin on her face.

  Red was shocked by her blatant statement. Sure he would take her to bed but after sex, what would they have? She wouldn't return his calls and he would be left once again with sore balls and bad memories of the usual one night stand. The story of his life it would seem. No one wanted more than one date with him.

  “Why would you want to have sex with me now? Don't you want flowers and dinner or a movie first?” He hated the thought of the dating ritual.

  “No, not really, I'm a pretty basic person. I don’t have to be wined and dined although if you want to take me to dinner somewhere another night I won't say no. It will hardly make any difference to how I feel about you.”

  Yeah, sure. Same thing, different order.

  The last girl he dated wanted it all before sex. Dinner, a show, and a side plate of shopping before she would let him take her to bed. After waiting for so long, Red had got there quickly much to her disappointment. It was all about her and she was disgusted he had not taken ‘her needs into consideration before his own’, her words. Would this girl be different and could he risk it?

  He debated for all of five seconds before his mouth found hers again. He wound his fingers through her hair and groaned as he plundered her mouth. She smelled so good and her lips were silky soft under his. Grinding his hips against hers he felt so damned alive. She slid her hands down his back and gripped his ass. Squeezing his cheeks made his cock throb more and he worried he wouldn’t last long enough to please her. That had always been a problem for him. The lack of sex made each experience over too soon.

  “If you keep squeezing my ass like that, I won't make it to the bedroom.” He groaned as she did it again, laughing at his reaction.

  “We have all night Red. I'm sure you won't mind it I have an orgasm or two before you make love to me, in fact I'll insist on it. Why would I worry if you do as well? What's good for the goose and all that.” She looked up at him, the tip of her tongue peeking through those soft lips.

  Letting go of his ass, she wound her fingers through his and pulled him down the hallway and into a large corner room. The long windows in the room reached the ceiling and he could see right across the bay. The focal point of the room was the huge four poster bed covered in feminine pink and cream pillows piled high against the headboard. Through an open doorway he spotted a freestanding tub in an equa
lly sumptuous bathroom.

  Rhian grabbed the collar of his jacket and peeled it down over his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. She hooked her fingers behind his ears and removed his glasses, tossing them on to the table next to the bed. His T-shirt followed. She tweaked his nipples playfully, glancing up at his face before kneeling in front of him. He stood still as she unclipped his boots and lifted his feet, throwing his footwear to the side.

  Red held his breath as she leaned up and popped the button on his jeans. When her fingers ran the length of him before she undid the zipper, he almost cried out in agony. It had been too long since anyone had touched him. Rhian slid his jeans from his hips, smiling up at him, a wicked gleam in her eyes. His boxers were tented out in front of him, and she could be in little doubt about his present physical state. With a devilish look, she hooked her fingers under the elastic and slid the boxers down his legs to pool at his feet

  Rhian ran her fingers from the tip of his cock to his balls with a soft caress. She squeezed his sac, rolling his balls in one hand and used the fingers on her other hand to rub the head until he was thrusting against her palm.

  “Wow, slow down tiger,” she cooed to him. When her hot breath rolled over the head of his cock he almost lost control. Groaning, he rolled his hips and her warm lips clamped over him. Gripping handfuls of her long hair, he closed his eyes and gave in to the sensation of her moist lips on his cock. He leaned back and let her take him deep into her mouth.

  Rhian worked him up into a frenzy with her teeth scraping the sensitive skin. Red groaned low in his throat when she sucked him all the way into her mouth. He held his breath, terrified he would come too soon. If he bothered to take himself in hand more often he wouldn’t lose it so quickly but he always felt a bit weird doing it. No wonder he couldn’t keep a date more than one night, his stamina and sexual prowess were fucked up, totally.

  She took him deeper into her hot mouth, sliding his cock in and then backing off, scraping her teeth over the head before sucking it back in again. Her fingers worked on his sac, massaging his balls and no matter how much he tried not to come, Red knew he was failing. His body refused to listen to his brain and his hips pumped furiously as he tipped over the edge.


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