Red Hot

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Red Hot Page 6

by Ann B. Harrison

  “That is interesting. How long do you think until you know for sure?” Rhian sliced tomatoes and layered them on a plate with goat’s cheese.

  “Another six months at least until we have any concrete evidence that is consistent with our last round of tests.” Red put his beer down and ran over the stats he’d collated today.

  Rhian stood and listened to him patiently, a smile on her face as she gazed at him. Red’s face heated with embarrassment when he realized he was going on, and apologized.

  “I enjoy listening to you talk about your work. I like a man passionate about his job Red. ‘T would be a sorry world indeed if none of us felt the way you do about what consumes a great deal of our lives.”

  “I have the kind of job doesn't interest most women.”

  “Well, I'll have you know that I'm not most women and I do find your work interesting. How would you like to pour me a glass of wine and we can go out and light the grill. Grab another beer if you want or pour a wine instead.”

  She took a plate of steaks from the fridge, handed him a bottle and walked out onto the deck. Red heard the grill light up and he poured two glasses of wine before he followed her out. She sat on a chair and overlooked the bay, her legs tucked under the long flowing dress she wore. He handed her a glass of wine and sat in the chair closest to her.

  “Why the pensive face, Red? Is something running around in the amazing brain of yours that you find distasteful?” Rhian cocked her head to one side and glanced at him, a small smile lighting her eyes. “Tell me then before it grows into something of major proportions and ruins your evening.”

  “I'm not very good at this dating thing.” He shook his head before he met her gaze again. “I don't feel comfortable because I really don't spend enough time around other people. Social niceties aren't required in the lab. It wasn't how I grew up either. We lived a pretty quiet life. With most of my time outside of school, I followed my father around his research facility.” He took a deep breath and his body shuddered. “I just don't want you to think I'm a jerk.”

  “Oh, come on Red. I would never think that. Geesh. I actually think it’s kinda cute that you're so sensitive and shy. It brings out the protective feelings in me.” She laughed delightedly at the pained expression he knew was on his face. “Seriously though, it makes a nice change to meet a guy who doesn't have a high opinion of himself. I hate it when I have to compete with a guy’s ego for his attention.”

  She took a sip of wine and ran her tongue over her lips. His pulse jumped and he resisted the urge to lean over and suck her tongue into his mouth to get a taste of the woman and the wine. Why she wouldn't be the center of attention for any male was beyond him? She was beautiful and sexy, funny and compassionate. Everything he wanted in a woman. The trick would be to keep hold of her long enough to make her believe he was good enough for her.

  “Did you want me to put the steaks on the grill now?”

  * * * *

  Rhian looked at him mentally shaking herself. “Um, sorry miles away. That would be wonderful, thanks.” He moved with the grace of a cat toward the outdoor grill and her mind shot back to her lusty dreams. Nothing would please her more than to get out of her chair, grab his body and run her hands around his cute tight butt squeezing them under her itchy palms. Her body filled with warmth and the heat ran up her cheeks. If the Goddess was gracing her tonight, there would be another bout of hot sex with the delectable mild mannered scientist. Oohh, she was getting seriously flustered thinking about it.

  She clenched her legs together and willed away the volcano threatening to erupt. Never before had she had an orgasm without touching herself but she was so damned close it was sending her body into overdrive. Think boring, flowers in the field, a cool stream over rounded pebbles, anything but running her tongue over the stunning body standing in front of her.

  Rhian tried to keep her thoughts to herself and not act as though she was desperate for her next sexual encounter as they ate dinner, but it was a struggle. Every time Red lifted his fork to his mouth her gaze followed it. She panted softly and had to stifle the soft noises rising from her throat. Her skin was on fire and small jolts of electricity sparked in her most sensitive spots. If he didn't look like he was interested in making a move on her soon she would clear the table in one foul swoop and crawl into his lap, her claws out ready for the kill.

  “What did your brother mean when he said 'did I know about you'?”

  “Oh, nothing really. Fergus tends to go on. You know what boys are like.” Rhian suddenly found interest in digging her fingers into her thighs, avoiding his gaze. His question shook her and she wasn't prepared to let go of her sexual high to give him a serious answer, not just at this present moment in time.

  Why didn't I tell him the truth? Because his ancestors probably burned mine at the stake, that's why. You can't make someone as scientific as him believe in something as strange as me. Fuck ,fuck, fuck.

  Rhian jumped up and took her plate to the kitchen counter. She was jittery and now she had probably made the biggest fuck up in this very green, so desperately needed relationship. The Fates would kill her if she didn't pull through with this one. She scraped her plate clean and after rinsing it, she put it in the dishwasher.

  She turned back to the table and smiled at Red. “Can I get you a coffee or another glass of wine?”

  “Coffee would be great.” He made to stand and help her.

  “No, sit please.” Rhian raced forward, took his plate and pressed her hand on his shoulder to make him stay seated. He looked up at her and a flood of longing shot through her. With a muffled moan, she turned from him and put on the coffee.

  To keep her hands busy she fussed over the cups and tried to make light conversation. “Did you grow up in the Bay Area, Red?”

  He looked at her, blinking slowly. “Uh yeah, I did. In the house I live in now actually.” He laughed short and almost bitter. “Sad to think you never leave the nest, isn't it?”

  “Oh, I don't think so. Look at me for instance. I still live in our original family home.” She poured two cups and returned to sit opposite him at the table. “I was born in this house. My Mam moved here when she married Da. They couldn't afford a place of their own so they lived with Gram.”

  He toyed with the handle on the mug and Rhian held hands tightly on her lap to stop herself from grabbing his hands and pulling them to her body.

  “It's funny how a date can go from warm to freezing cold when someone finds out I live at home. I mean, now my folks are dead, there’s only me but before they were killed I was happy to live there too. I guess most girls want you to have your own condo and freedom.” He took a sip of coffee. “It just made sense to stay there, you know? I mean, we worked together and put in long hours most of the time. We didn't have much in the way of down time because we spent it all at work. I didn't see the point of moving out when I had everything I wanted all along.”

  “And what about your folks then, Red? Did they want to keep you under the same roof as them?”

  “Yes. Dad and I lived and breathed our work, and Mum was pretty involved too. We didn't really have much of a social life unless it was part of the promotion side.” His lips tightened and he shook his head. “My mother loved to organize fundraisers, she was into that kind of thing. Dad and I had to dress up like penguins to impress the backers but we needed them less and less as our research progressed and we sold our findings.”

  “And how about now, do you socialize much or is it still all about work for you?” She held her breath while she waited for his answer.

  “Um, not much on the dating front no, pretty much just work. But there is something coming up.” He looked at her with a slightly wild look in his eyes. “My mother started this tradition with my father. Because we didn’t do much in the way of Christmas, not my father’s thing at all, she decided she needed a break in February. She made him leave work early just that one day of the year. It was what she called her date night.” He glanced up at
her, and she longed to take him in her arms and tell him how wonderfully worthy she thought he was. “I’ve never had a date on Valentine’s Day. Would you like to be my first?”

  “I would be honored to, Red. Thank you for asking.”

  “Look, it’s okay if you don’t want to you know. I’ll understand if you change your mind.”

  “I’m not going to change my mind. Really, Red, you shouldn’t think so little of yourself. You need to stop selling yourself short.”

  “I don't know any other way, Rhian. I'm sorry if that's not what you were after but I told you I'm not good at the dating game.” He leaned forward on his arms and looked intently at her. “I wasn't trying to play hard to get. I'm just not that good at doing the whole social scene. I'm much happier on my bike with the road racing past under the wheels, or studying microns or germs. It's not the kind of thing most dates want their man to prefer.”

  “I've already told you I'm not most kind of dates, Red. We’ve both had issues with the opposite sex and obviously some terrible dating hang-ups. But if you could just give us a chance, you won't regret it.” Rhian sat still holding her breath and watched as he chewed on his bottom lip. Her sex quivered as she imagined those teeth somewhere else and she hurried on. “Can we just agree we’ll try and see how we go? I mean, neither of us are seeing anyone else and we have something that's worth looking into further. And Valentine’s Day sounds lovely.”

  Chapter 5

  “If you promise to tell me when you want to end it.” Red couldn't believe he had spoken those words. He wanted to have a relationship with her, he did. But not at the cost of being dumped as soon as his heart was pounding for her and long-term thoughts were creeping into his dreams.

  Using him as a convenient sex stop between boyfriends had been what most of his dates had been up until now, all except Eleanor that is. Not that he minded the sex. He was a red-blooded male after all. But they could have been honest and up front. He wouldn't have minded if he'd known the truth. He was old enough to have dreams of little clones of himself and football games on the weekends instead of his job consuming his every waking minute. Although it had been his whole life for so long, he craved more and didn't need to be dragged along and dumped just when he was feeling good about the relationship. “I don't want to get comfortable if all you want is sex while giving me the idea you want more than that.”

  “Oh God, I want the sex. I won't lie to you about that. I'm not a slut, I've just been through a man drought and I need your body like you wouldn't believe. But I want more, I already told you that too.” She tucked a curl behind her ear and looked earnestly into his face. “I'm not getting any younger, you know? I want a home and a family. Okay, I have a home but this big old house is so lonely with just the animals. I want more and I think it shows on my dates and that's why they run a mile. They think I scream out 'desperate fruity needs to procreate now. Mad woman with animals for friends'.”

  “I'm not running, Rhian. Just give me total honesty and we can take it from there. You are a beautiful sensual woman and for the life of me I can't understand why you would want to get together with me. But I'll trust you and I'll take you at your word.” He looked deep into her eyes. “I don't mind giving the dating thing a go if that's what you want but can we keep it above board and be honest with each other? I don't really want a ‘friends with benefits’ thing if I can help it, not anymore. Deal?”

  He held out his hand. She looked into his eyes and muttered under her breath something he couldn't hear before gripping his hand and shaking it. Getting up, she held it tight as she walked around the table, wiggled onto his lap and straddled him

  * * * *

  “Sorry, but I can't wait any longer.” She took off his glasses and placed them on the table behind her. She ran her fingers through his hair and gripped the silky strands tight as her body quivered on the verge of exploding. Rhian pulled his face to hers, locked her lips over his and pushed her tongue deep into his mouth to mate with his.

  His hands held onto her butt while she ground her sex into his aroused maleness as their tongues darted and sucked at one another. With a deep groan Rhian let go, her orgasm rocking through her core with such intensity she cried out and threw her head back, arching against him. Red held her down on his lap and nuzzled at her neck as she lost herself in the throes of one of the strongest and most needed orgasms in a long time.

  When her body slowed and she caught her breath, Rhian leaned back and looked at Red. He was calmly stroking his fingers over her bare shoulders, trailing them down her arms.

  “That was fantastic, thank you.” She shook her head and her hair fell softly around her face. “I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you but I've been riding a sexual high all day and I just couldn't help it.”


  “Because I was looking forward to you coming over and getting you into bed again, that's why.” She ran her tongue over his top lip and nipped it with her teeth. When he pulled back she laughed. “I'm sorry, Red but you do something to me that scares me just a little bit. I've never had an orgasm like that before. See the power you have over my body.”

  “I don't understand why you think it's me. I don't usually have that kind of effect on women, believe me I know.”

  “Oh I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You are an incredibly handsome man.” She ran a red nail down the side of his face and touched her forehead to his. His warm breath shimmered over her mouth and her insides churned with a powerful need to wrap this man in her arms and not let him go. “You have so much to give the right person, Red. You just have to trust I’m that person. I hope that I don't scare you off. My Da is right though, I don't think before I open my mouth. It's who I am and I can't change that.” She touched their lips together ever so softly. “Don't let me scare you away.”

  Red tightened his arms around her waist and stood holding her body clasped against him. Striding out of the kitchen he headed for the bedroom. He pushed open the door to a room bathed in candlelight. He let her fall to the bed and with an impatient stroke he knocked all the pillows on to the floor.

  * * * *

  Laying down on the bed beside her, he traced his finger down her cheek. He was getting to know the contours of her face without his glasses on. Her breath hitched and she moaned. Rhian ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him down to her mouth. She traced her tongue over his lips before taking the bottom one in between her teeth and pulling gently.

  “Just stay still and let me.” He pushed her hands away and smiled when she lay like a rag doll on the bed.

  Red pushed the straps of her dress down over her shoulders and his tongue left a moist trail along the contours of her lush breasts. Her nipples puckered under his breath and she squirmed on the bed under him. With his teeth he nipped at the tight buds, teasing them to attention. He was intent on keeping control of this lovemaking session. Lifting her bottom from the bed, Red peeled her dress down, dropping it on the floor.

  She lay in all her glory, her eyes half closed as she gazed up at him, a small seductive smile on her lips. “Take off your clothes, lover boy, or I will have to disobey you and do it myself.”

  “Disobey and I go home, Rhian.” Red stood looking down at her, his heart thumping. For once he wanted to be in charge. He waited with dread for her to refuse him. Instead she closed her eyes and stretched her body like a sensual cat waiting to be stroked.

  He leaned over her and kissed the spot between her breasts before he pulled back and peeled his T-shirt over his head. The small mewing noises she made as he stripped made his body react. By the time he had placed the condom on the bedside table and had his boxers off, he was stiff and more than ready.

  But first he was going to bring Rhian to the brink again before making love to her. Lifting her ass up Red slipped a finger under the elastic of her panties and peeled them from her. Throwing them over his shoulder he knelt on the floor. Grasping a dainty foot, he licked from her heel to her toes. Her foot clenched
and her body twisted on the bed.

  Red had found her weak spot. Holding her foot tightly to stop her pulling away from him, he licked under her toes before sucking the smallest one into his mouth. She groaned and rolled on the bed. Red traced his tongue up the side of her foot to the instep and pressed his lips against the soft white skin.

  Rhian’s hands gripped the bedclothes. “God, Red, please don’t do that. It drives me crazy when you play with my feet.”

  “Good. Lay back and enjoy it then.” He grabbed her other ankle and tugged her down toward him until her knees hung over the edge of the bed. Lifting one leg, he placed it over his shoulder and turned his mouth into the small crease of the back of her knee. He licked and nipped and her groans of pleasure filled his senses as he stroked and tongued his way up her legs.

  When he came to her thighs he spread them open, and crept up until he reached her pussy. Using his fingertip he spread her folds open before sliding it into the pulsing, wet warmth. Rhian gasped and bucked against his hand.

  “Don’t come, not yet.” He smiled at her frown. With his thumb he rubbed her clit, working her up into a frenzy until she was straining against him. Withdrawing his fingers he reached over and grabbed the foil packet. Tearing it with his teeth he sheathed himself and reached for Rhian. Flipping her over on her stomach, he lifted her ass in the air and filled her in one stroke.

  Holding her hips against him, Red groaned.

  Fuck that felt good. Sex on his terms was so sweet.

  Rhian wiggled her ass against him and he started to thrust into her. With her knees on the bed she pushed against him, her sex quivering around his cock. He gripped her tight as she cried out as she came.

  When she relaxed and her body slowed, he ran his hands over her back to her neck. Gripping her shoulders, Red moved again. Slowly at first he pushed into her building up his pace until he felt her moving against him. He kissed the soft skin of her neck and upped the pace, pounding into her as his own climax took over and he lost himself in the warmth of her body.


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