The Days Fly (The Firsts Book 11)

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The Days Fly (The Firsts Book 11) Page 32

by C. L. Quinn

  Scaling his thighs, she finally landed on the other side of the bed, the only spot large enough for her with his arms and legs so wide. Lying beside him now, since he hadn’t moved again, Sarah let her fingers slide over the cheeks and forehead of Mies’s new face. If she had designed it herself, it couldn’t have been more beautiful.

  On their own, as she just watched them, her fingers continued their journey, over the chin, across curved shoulders, down the heavily muscled chest, over contour after contour of muscles. Those curious fingers did not stop. After scoring past tight abdominal muscles, and making circles around the belly button, they hesitated briefly before they began to move again and slid around the resting cock buried in soft hair.

  The cock responded immediately and hardened in her hand, the tip pressing against her palm. Her eyes shot to his face to see if he had awakened. His eyes remained closed, but he released a sigh and his breathing quickened. Disappointed, she ran her fingertip around and around the head, then leaned down to lick across the top, and this time, when she glanced back to his face, he was lifting up on his arms, his eyes moving quickly over her.

  Delicious. Erotic sensations eased Mies from his sleep, his cock rock hard again, his body tightening to stimulation that woke him from rest. His eyes opened slowly and he almost put a hand down to massage his cock when he felt something move across the head and nearly came off the bed.

  He lifted up on his elbows, his eyes moving first to his penis, shocked to see Sarah there, her tongue moving across him, her eyes on him, her naked body stretched along his side. Could there ever have been a better dream?

  “You’re not dreaming,” the vision said.

  Sarah lifted herself and slid a leg over Mies, and as she positioned her buttocks in front of his cock, fully engaged now, she lowered her body to place a hand on the pillow on either side of his head. Mies didn’t move.

  “Do I have your attention now?” she asked.

  Speechless, Mies nodded.

  “Good. Now, listen to me, and hear me, old one. That dream of living out my average human lifetime died when I fell in love with a vampire who traveled centuries to be with me. If you think that you are leaving me and that perfect little girl we made, you are very much mistaken. Do you understand?”

  Again, he nodded.

  “Do you comply?”

  One more nod, but a smile that had begun after the first nod continued to grow.

  “Fine. Because we have guests, I can’t do to you what I want to do, so this will have to work to seal the deal. Do you agree to my terms?”

  Mies swallowed, so aroused he wasn’t sure if he could speak. His hands went to her thighs, and he finally answered her. “To anything.”

  He watched as Sarah lifted up and slowly lowered her body over him, his firm penis sliding easily into her warm opening. She lifted again, and again and again, until he nearly shot into her too soon. As she began to move faster and faster, he pulled her down to his chest, her nipples grazing his skin.

  “I love you, as well, Sarah the doctor. If you want this man torn out of place, he is the luckiest man in the universe to have found you across time. I would never leave you or our baby.”

  “Mies, I want all the years ahead of us when I join you and become vampire.”

  “Ah, Sarah…”

  “Shut up and let me bring this home.”

  Mies held her thighs again as she sat up and began to ride harder while he thrust upward into her, erotic friction of skin against skin, and when the orgasms hit, he grabbed Sarah and pulled her down to turn them both over onto his side. He’d shot his seed into her again, a sense of satisfaction even greater because this was the first time they’d made love when they both knew that it really was love and that they could be together.

  Were those shooting stars she saw around their heads? Bright lights weaved around them, grazing the two bodies entwined on the bed. When her body stopped shuddering from the orgasm, she looked into Mies’s eyes, her hand on his back, pulling him close.

  “The lights again.”

  “Magics. We were meant, my love. The universe approves.”

  Sarah rolled onto her back. Mies remained on his side because it was the perfect view and he could touch her anywhere, which, he planned to.

  “Mies, the question is settled. You’re staying?”

  “I could never leave either of my women.”

  “Okay. I just wanted to make certain there was no misunderstanding. You belong with us.”

  His fingers moved along her belly, he couldn’t pull his eyes away. “I belong to you,” he whispered.

  “Umm, all right. I guess I should let you get some rest.”

  “No, don’t leave me Sarah.”

  “I have to go get Zia from Nik and Naji.”

  “Let me.”

  Pausing as she tried to get out of the bed, Sarah considered the request. “Okay. Stay in the hall and don’t go into their room unless you know it’s safe.” It wasn’t like Nikolai would be surprised.

  Mies kissed Sarah’s belly, then her knees, then her feet, before he lifted off the bed. Sliding his jeans on, he went to the bedroom two doors away where he knew Nikolai and Naji slept.

  A muffled voice answered, and only his excellent vampire hearing let him know that someone invited him in. The door opened easily, it hadn’t been locked, and he spoke from behind it.

  “It’s Mies. Is it safe for me to enter?”

  Nikolai’s voice traveled from beyond the door.

  “It’s safe. We have blocking in here too, and it’s pulled closed. Mies, please, come in.”

  Stepping into view, Mies scanned Naji, still in bed, sitting up, the sheet pulled to her chest, but Nikolai was in front of him with a ready hug.

  “Did you need something, my brother?” he asked, his usual smile bright.

  Mies had missed that and hadn’t realized how much until right now, so when he hugged his best male friend, Mies held on.

  When Nikolai pulled away, he raised his eyebrows.

  “You are here for your daughter?”

  “I am. Sarah would like her with us.”

  The sentence said it all. Naji squealed, then quickly held the sheet over her mouth, but Nikolai just turned to pick the baby up out of her basket.

  “I am pleased. You two belong together, I believe this almost from the first time you place eyes on each other.”

  “She is my heart. And now, this little lady is the other half. Thank you, Nikolai, Naji, for taking care of her and my child. If…”

  Mies stopped, his throat blocked, the words hard to say because the idea tore him apart.

  “If they take me away again, just love them, please, make sure that they have a happy life.”

  Shaking his head, tears filling his eyes, Nikolai handed the sleeping baby to her father. Zia nuzzled into Mies’s bare chest.

  “Take your daughter and go back to Sarah. We will not speak of things that shall not happen. When the sun drops, so will the celebration.”

  Mies’s eyes stayed on Zia, resting comfortably in his arms, then to Nikolai.

  “There is truth in what you say. Sleep well. We will celebrate all night.”

  With a final hug and a nod to Naji, who just lowered her chin with a smile, Mies carried Zia toward the room where her mother awaited them.

  Coming through the door, he strode up to a naked Sarah lying on her belly, one leg in the air, her breasts displayed as she supported herself on her elbows.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” she said to the baby he placed on the soft sheets in front of her. “She didn’t wake?”

  “No. I felt her send a message to me. How can she do that so young?”

  Sarah tucked her finger into the diaper to make sure it was dry. Luckily, it was. “Your first blood offspring, vampire, was cognitive before birth. She’s been doing that from the very beginning. What was the message?”

  Dropping onto his haunches, Mies placed his hand alongside Zia’s sleeping face.

is overjoyed that her parents are together.”

  Her eyes nearly glowing, Sarah lifted the baby and crawled back to lay her in the center of the bed.

  “Come, daddy, sleep with us. She is not the only one who is overjoyed.”

  Curled together, the new family slept undisturbed, restful, soul-repairing sleep that they all needed after all the pain they suffered to get here, safe, and finally together.

  The happiest baby in the world woke once to send a tether from her small lifeforce to touch her mother on one side and her father on the other. Zia had the same talent as her namesake, an attachment beyond any other to all life on the mother planet. The weak tethers that she wielded now to bond with her parents would grow stronger as she matured, would bind her to the living planet and every other living thing on this world. She knew already that she had a part to play some day to protect the Mother planet. She accepted her destiny, but first, she wanted to love her parents and be a child.

  Destiny smiled. She had accomplished her goal to bring this special baby to the world, although her task had never been easy. She had to put into place the two people who were meant to make her…from multitudes of centuries apart and two different worlds. It had been an impossible task…how would they ever get together to create the final warrior who would be needed in another one hundred years? Destiny had accomplished it by moving heaven and earth. The task done, even Destiny needed rest.

  First meal was a generous spread provided by the un-daylight challenged Nikolai and Naji, who’d gone out that evening and made arrangements for the celebration that Nikolai had promised Mies earlier that day.

  Sarah had risen with Zia hours before Mies did. The baby’s diaper was changed, she was fed, and happily giggling in Naji’s arms.

  “So, you two do the nasty last night?” Naji asked.

  “Naj! What we did was not nasty!” Sarah smiled and peeked past the kitchen area to see if Nikolai was coming back. “And yes, we did.” Pausing, Sarah continued.

  “Being with him, after all of this, when I never expected to see him again, Naj, we admitted our love for each other. When we were together, it was with our hearts and souls. Now, knowing that he might get to stay, it was like he said we would be…bound together by ancestry of blood, by our child.”

  “I’m starting to believe in destiny. Look at us, all finding the loves of our lives and getting our happily ever afters.”

  Mies walked into a busy kitchen where he saw Nikolai and Naji cooking, Sarah chopping vegetables, and in the corner of the room, a first blood vampire he did not know held his child. He rubbed his eyes as he caught Sarah’s.

  “Good evening, sleepy-head,” she said.

  “Good evening. We’re preparing first meal?”

  “We are. Nik and Naji headed to the store before we rose for supplies.”

  “I am grateful. But,” he looked at the other people in the room, all staring at him expectantly. “I wonder if I could convince you to walk with me at the beach.”

  “I don’t know, we have a lot of things…”

  “Please, Sarah. I need to speak with you.”

  She couldn’t refuse him. “Okay, let me grab my shoes and a sweater.”

  As Sarah followed Mies along the shoreline, she wondered what he found so imperative. When he didn’t speak at first, she stopped him suddenly with a hand on his arm.

  “I know I thanked you last night for coming with us to help Zia. But I want to say it again, Mies, it means the world to us. If you hadn’t come back, I don’t think she would have survived.”

  “It would have been my fault.”

  That statement startled her. “How would it have been your fault? You had no say in how any of this happened.”

  “You told me right away that you did not want to be with a vampire.”

  “I did. I also remember that none of it was your decision. I walked into this with my eyes wide open, Mies. And by the way, I wouldn’t change anything. That baby girl is my life. I hope that you come to think so too.”

  “I already love her and you more than my own life.”

  Sarah could barely speak. “Then, we’re a family.”

  “If you want me, yes, without question. But Sarah, you must understand, I do not know if I can. It is impossible to know what they might do with me.”

  “Then I’ll be clear. I want you. Forever, if I’m lucky. For less time, if it’s all I get. We don’t know what the fates and destiny have planned for any of us, and I won’t live my life terrified that they will suddenly decide to take you back. Besides, I think they’ve gotten what they wanted from you.”

  Mies came to a dead stop. “What do you mean?”

  “Zia. Cherise says that’s why we were brought together, and I know it’s true. You and I were meant to come together to create that little girl. It’s happening all over the first blood community…children in numbers never before known. True, the other children came with less complications, but trust the universe to find a way to bring us together from thousands of years apart. Mies, our baby was your mission. Does that make sense to you?”

  He didn’t speak because he knew, instantly, that Sarah was right. “She was always meant to be, right here, right now, exactly as it happened.”

  “I believe so,” Sarah answered. Seconds later, a scream interrupted her.

  “Jason! Oh, my God, Jason, you’re alive! I knew they got it wrong!”

  The boisterous voice came from above Mies on the boardwalk where a frantically waving man insisted on his attention.

  Sarah laughed and pulled Mies toward the beach, away from the speaker.

  Moving fast, she hauled him behind her to put as much distance as possible between them and Jason’s fan.

  “We may have to leave Boston. It seems that your body belonged to a local celebrity. Interestingly, he was an environmentalist. If people keep seeing him walking around alive, you may never get any peace.”

  Mies lifted Sarah into his arms.

  “I will go anywhere on this world with you and Zia. You tell me where and I’ll make a home for us there. Xavier invited me to return to his home with him in France. Perhaps we could consider that.”

  “We have a standing invitation, so yes, it’s possible someday.”

  “I liked the man. He wore a mantle of power and honesty.”

  “He does. My parents and grandparents were blood-bonded before me. His keep is the only home I’ve ever known until now.”

  “If you would like to go there, I will go with you, Sarah.”

  “I’m happy here. I think we can make it work. The Jacob fans, eventually they’ll stop asking. Until then, we just need to make sure we have a good explanation. We’ll need to find better housing since we must have more permanent daylight protection.”

  “I didn’t imagine you would take me back into your life. When I returned in this body, I felt lost.”

  “You will never be lost. You belong to us and we belong to you.”

  “I am yours, Sarah. Do with me what you will.”

  “Take us further down the beach.”

  Using his abilities, he moved them in seconds half a mile from where they were.

  He watched her eyes sparkle as she glanced around the dark sands to see if they were alone. They were.

  “Okay. Take your clothes off.”

  The End of this part of Sarah and Mies’s story.


  “Those are some fine women. I will have to return soon to continue that triad of pleasure.”

  Xavier swallowed the final swig of a bottle of Scotch he’d shared with the ladies and pitched the bottle into a bin. The tink as it hit the bottom seemed like a fitting homage to the end of this journey. It was time to go home.

  He wished that his newfound friend had been able to join him. Those overseas flights were long and tedious, and this Nick seemed like he would have been an amusing companion.

  Aye, though, he needed to rest anyway after several nights underneath
various diversely gorgeous and talented American women.

  “Thank ya for yer hospitality, Boston,” he said as he enjoyed his last walk down a mostly abandoned street. When next a taxi came by, he’d use compulsion to get his ride to Logan International.

  Watching the bright lights and remembering his experiences, Xavier decided that it was time that he got out more. Several long centuries tied to his keep outside of Paris left him restless, and it wasn’t until this trip to visit Sarah and her child that he realized it. Travel, then, was his goal now. It was well past time for him to truly live again and see what the mother earth had to offer.

  Distracted, he didn’t see the shadow move out of an alley he passed two blocks past the bin where his final whisky bottle lay.

  Claude stayed out of the light, unnoticed, and hopefully, off the big vampire’s radar. He’d successfully blocked his lifeforce from his sire for the past year, but with this proximity to a first blood vampire, he wasn’t sure he had the power to keep it blocked from him. Prudence and caution were his middle names.

  Besides, if Xavier found out he was so near to him, Claude would be dead before he could protest. That, he knew.

  Still, the tickle of joy he felt when he saw Xavier, alone in Boston, gave him a bit of a hard-on. The big-ass vampire was on Claude’s list. It was a long list, and Xavier was near the top.

  This was his first opportunity to kill one of his targets, and what a perfect one to start with. The arrogant prick, the Scottish bastard who killed Lamont and thought he was superior to Claude.

  Lamont deserved it, he didn’t mourn the slain creep, but this Xavier had been rude and irreverent, laughed at Claude and Lamont, and would have swatted them both like flies if he’d had the chance. Now, Claude had every element on his side. Surprise, a healthy need for vengeance, and the ability to do so.

  Excitement swelled his organ even more. He was going to kill Xavier tonight! A forever death!


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