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Lavos Page 22

by Laurann Dohner

  “The first generations are around two hundred years old. Let’s just say that they look like my dad does. Early to mid-thirties.”


  “Did Lavos tell you drinking his blood is going to do a number on your body? You won’t age in human years anymore, Jadee. Accept his blood during sex. It will make you stronger too. Forget catching a cold, and you’ll heal faster over time.”

  “This is a lot to take in, but it doesn’t suck.”

  Kira smiled.

  * * * * *

  Lavos finished his meal and laughed at the easy flow of conversation around the table. He liked the other clan enforcers, especially Wen. The guy was laid-back with a good sense of humor. He kept feeling glares directed his way and stayed alert, paying close attention to who seemed to hate him. One of those was Mya.

  He got up from the table, along with everyone else, to mingle. It didn’t take the woman long to come after him. She stepped in his path, her eyes turning near black and her nostrils flaring.

  “You mated a human!” she spat. “I’m insulted.”

  “It had nothing to do with you. Instincts won’t be denied.”

  “So you just…what? Left for a few hours, ran into a human, and decided to fuck her while you were on duty?” Her claws grew. “You wouldn’t test a mating with me, but you did her?”

  Lavos stepped back, not wanting to have to fight her or cause a scene. “She was working for our clan. Not that she knew what we were,” he added. “I’d met her before and was strongly drawn to her. Today just happened, but I don’t regret it. She’s my mate.”

  “You bastard! I’m better than some human.” Her fangs extended and she took a threatening step forward.

  Trayis, leader of one of the clans, was suddenly there. He gripped Mya by the back of the neck and she froze, her eyes widening. Trayis winked at Lavos, then leaned in, putting his mouth close to her ear.

  “What have I told you before, Mya? Don’t be a pushy bitch. Some men aren’t impressed with your aggressive behavior. You snuck over here without my permission but I let it go. I know you want to leave my clan since I keep a close eye on you, but I just had dinner with Lorn. He wouldn’t take your shit either. Go home. That’s an order.” He released her. “Now.” His voice deepened.

  Mya fled.

  Trayis smiled and held out his hand. “Sorry about her. Every clan has a few problems. You just met one of mine.”

  Lavos shook his hand. “Thank you. I didn’t want to have to get into it with a woman but she looked ready to fight.”

  “That’s Mya. She cleans up nice in a dress but she’s no lady.” Trayis released him. “She’s been coming on to me for ten years so I know how she can be when she’s after a man.”

  “You ever test a mating with her?”

  “Hell no. She’s beautiful, but a lot of our women are. I don’t fuck the ones in my clan. I learned a long time ago that no good comes of it, and none are my mate, if strong attraction is any indication. I don’t feel that way about any of them.”

  “What lesson did you learn? May I ask?”

  “I was sleeping with a woman like Mya once. She kind of unofficially started acting like she was my mate and it caused problems. I put a stop to it as soon as I found out she was using her lover status to bully some of my clan. It’s a good thing you took a mate so fast. Otherwise, that’s likely a lesson you’d have learned as Lorn’s lead enforcer. Some women come after you for the power, and even if you’re just their lover, they’ll try to take advantage of your position to bolster theirs.”

  “My mate is human.”

  “I know. Congrats.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m actually glad it happened. Not the Mya thing, but you taking a mate while we were here. It proves your brother is nothing like Decker. He’d have killed you both. You for breaking his law, and her just because of her bloodline.”

  “Decker had no tolerance.” Lavos sighed. “And not all of our clan will be happy about my mate. Decker poisoned them against humans. We actually have another clan member who recently claimed a human mate. Lorn accepted her, as well. He’s nothing like Decker.”

  “Decker thought everyone was out to fuck him over—and he was right. You can’t do that much bad without making a hell of a lot of enemies. You reap what you sow.”


  Trayis glanced around. “I’ve been watching the faces of your clan. Most seem okay, but that group in the far corner is trouble.”

  Lavos knew the ones he spoke of. “They’re elders who were loyal to Decker.”

  “Ah. Watch them.”

  “We are. Especially since we expect a few of them to raise hell over my mate.”

  “They should come live in my clan. That would cure them of being race snobs.”

  That interested Lavos. “Why?”

  Trayis seemed to consider his words before he spoke. “We joke that it must be something in the water, but we’ve had a higher rate of mated pairs birthing sons in our clan for the past forty years. It’s not as drastic as the Gargoyles. Their daughter birthrate is extremely low. But the men in my clan have learned to appreciate women, no matter what their bloodlines are.”

  “Is that why you so easily accept your clan mating humans and full Lycans?”

  “Partially. You’ve unfortunately met Mya. Some of our younger unmated women abuse the power they wield over the single men in my clan. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to break up fights when they use the lure of possible sex to pit horny men against each other. It’s like a twisted game for them to see how much trouble they can cause, even if it’s brother against brother.” His tone deepened, anger showing through. “It pisses me off, so I encourage our men to seek out women from anywhere they can. I send the unmated to visit Lycan packs often. If they come across a human mate while they’re traveling, so be it. Every man who finds a mate is one less for Mya and her group of friends to mind fuck.”

  Lavos considered everything Trayis had said, filling in the blanks. Mya had been aggressive and wanted to start a fight when she didn’t get her way. He was glad Trayis had stepped in or it might have turned into a scene. “I don’t blame you.”

  Trayis smiled, his good mood back. “Elders can be assholes. I might be one, but at least I’m open to change. I want my clan to be happy and don’t give a shit about them all being pure VampLycans.” He jerked his head in the direction of the corner. “Ones like those are toxic to our long-term survival. They didn’t learn a damn thing from the Gargoyles.”

  “You mean how picky Lord Aveoth and his clan are about not mating with VampLycans?”

  “I’ve made friends in other parts of the world. The GarLycan clan in the cliffs is the only one I’ve ever heard of. Lord Aveoth’s clan is thriving. Not so much for pure Gargoyle clans. They’re dying out. They don’t breed with Lycans.”

  “I wasn’t aware.”

  “They mostly only steal human women to be their breeding vessels. The Gargoyles make the pregnant women drink their blood so the kid comes out all Gargoyle. From what I’ve learned, it’s why so many of them are born male. All the human traits are also overpowered during breeding. Lycan genetics could pass through, but Gargoyle bloodlines still dominate.” Trayis shrugged. “They wouldn’t relish having children who could possibly get traits they hate. We VampLycans get mostly Lycan traits, but I can’t say we got screwed out of the good Vampire powers.” His eyes began to glow. “It comes in handy.”

  Lavos grinned. “Yes, it does. Though my mate is immune to mind control,” he admitted.

  Trayis allowed his eyes to dim to normal. “Share your blood with her often. It will make her stronger. And especially when she’s carrying your young in her belly. Otherwise you risk having a child unable to shift.”

  Kira came to mind. She’d been born too human, despite having a VampLycan father. “So you’re saying…”

  “It makes your children stronger in the womb. The down side is lots of boy births. Thou
gh, I’ve asked some of my mated couples to try something.”

  “What?” Lavos was curious.

  “To cut back on sharing blood while they try to get pregnant, wait until the pregnancy takes, then feed the female blood after. That way the sex of the child is already determined. We had four girls born after I asked. It looks promising.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Unless you want sons. Then feed her blood all the time.” Trayis grinned. “The experiment might be wishful thinking on my part, since I’d welcome more girls being born into our clan, but it’s a learning curve, right? It’s not like we have thousands of years of history to learn this shit from by studying the past.”


  “I’ll leave you to it and mingle. It was good talking to you.”

  “You too,” Lavos admitted. He watched the clan leader walk away and smiled at Lorn when he caught his brother watching him, assuring him everything was fine.

  His mind returned to Jadee. He wanted to get back to her but he had a few hours to go. Being social sucked.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jadee kept quiet as Lavos walked her home. She’d been worried about seeing Lavos’s older brother again, but there had been no need. Lorn had given her a hug, welcomed her to the family, and had gone out of his way to be friendly.

  “What are you thinking about? Did Kira say something that upset you?”

  “No,” she stated honestly. “I was thinking about your brother. He was so unfriendly the first time we met. I’m so glad he seemed happy we’re together.”

  “Lorn was stressed that day. He also worried you posed a danger to us, and I was being an idiot by not allowing him to attempt to remove your memories. It’s his job to protect his clan first and foremost. He’s genuinely happy that I found my mate.”

  “Even if I’m human?”

  He squeezed her hand. “Yes.”

  “Kira explained about how I could be dangerous if I told anyone that your people exist. She gave me VampLycan 101. It was great. I learned a lot.”

  “Uh-oh. What did she tell you about us?” He opened the front door and ushered her in first, flipping on the lights.

  She turned and faced him. “It was all good stuff.”

  He closed and locked the door, pulling her into his arms. He kissed her forehead and smiled down at her when he backed up a little. “I’m glad to hear that. Did you two get along?”

  “Yes. She was an only child too growing up. We hope to become as close as sisters. I’m looking forward to that. I really like her.”

  “Good. Lorn and I are very close, best friends. It would be wonderful if our mates are too.”

  “I’m so happy I came here, Lavos.”

  “I am too.”

  “How did the dinner at the lodge go?”

  “Better than expected. It looks as if the other clans truly support us. I hope they’ll worry less, now that they’ve spent more time with Lorn and I. We’re not like Decker. One of the enforcers from another clan is even going to stick around for a bit.”

  “To watch you guys? Kind of play spy?”

  “No. Wen offered to help us. It’s possible some of our people will challenge my brother for leadership. In other clans, that wouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately, Decker didn’t exactly encourage our clan to behave honorably.”

  Jadee frowned.

  “The right way to challenge for leadership is for one member to approach Lorn and fight him. In this clan, they might group together and attack my brother to make the odds unfair. He’s tough, but it would be hard for him to win against, say, five VampLycans who ambush him.”

  “So what should be a one-on-one fight can turn into a brawl?”

  He chuckled. “Yes.”

  “That sounds shitty and underhanded.”

  “It is. We’re still weeding out who’s accepting Lorn and the ones who are plotting to kill him. But enough about that. It’s a grim subject. Are you hungry?”

  “No. Kira and I had grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. She eats a lot. I’m shocked she’s so thin.”

  He laughed. “Welcome to this world. We all put away a lot of food at meals. She’s becoming more VampLycan every day, according to my brother.”

  The thing foremost on her mind popped out. “Does it bother you that I’m human?”

  “No.” He answered without hesitation. “Not at all. I worry about you because you’re frail. I won’t lie about that, but you being mated with me will make you stronger.”

  “That’s what Kira said. Does it bother you that I’ll never shift?”

  He pulled her tighter against him, hugging her. “Never.”

  “I was worried about that.”

  “Don’t be. That’s silly.” He smiled to soften his words. “I think you’re incredibly sexy just as you are. I’m not so sure I could honestly say that if you were hairy.”

  She laughed. “You kind of scare me when you change.”

  “I’d never hurt you.”

  “I trust that. It’s just the whole looking like a hell beast and your eyes going dark.”

  “Hell beast?”

  “Kind of similar to a devil dog, if you want the truth. Like you should be sitting at the feet of Satan himself.”

  “I didn’t realize I looked that bad.”

  “I’m sure you’re very handsome for a shifted VampLycan, but considering I’m not used to seeing them, you’re scary.” She worried she might have hurt his feelings. “Please don’t be offended.”

  “I’m not. You accept me, and that’s all that matters, sweetheart.”

  “How did it go with that woman?”

  “What woman?” He arched his eyebrows.

  “Don’t try to look all innocent. You know who I’m talking about.”

  A teasing glint showed in his eyes. “You’re the only woman I notice.”


  He hugged her tighter. “Still jealous? There’s no need. You’re it for me, Jadee.”

  “Can I get a straight answer?” She rubbed her hands along his shirt, lightly massaging him.

  “Fine.” He sobered. “Your scent is all over me and everyone could smell that I’d mated. Tha—”

  “How can they tell? I mean, couldn’t you have just hugged me as a friend?”

  He took long seconds before he spoke, seeming to think over his answer. “It’s more than the scent I carry on my clothes from coming into physical contact with you. It’s kind of tough to explain, but Lycans put off pheromones. When one is horny and single, that scent can attract the opposite sex.” He winked. “When one is mated, we put off different pheromones. The I’m-mated-and-not-interested-in-anyone-else kind. They’re particularly strong right now because…”

  “You’re going through Lycan PMS?”

  He threw back his head and laughed, then stared down at her. “Yes. We also just exchanged blood, so there’s no missing that you’re a part of me. The fact that I wanted your scent all over my clothes as well is a bold statement of how proud I am to be mated to you.”

  “How did that woman react?”

  “Mya was angry, but her clan leader stepped in and ordered her to leave our territory. She’s a troublemaker for Trayis, and was seeking to find a mate in our clan. She targeted me because I’m second-in-command. I found her annoying when we first met today, I had no interest in sleeping with her to test a mating, and all I could think about was you. Any more questions, mate?”

  She smiled. “Just one.”

  “What is it?”

  “Why are we still dressed? I missed you.”

  He lifted her off her feet, walking them both to the couch, then eased her back onto her feet in front of it. He let go, backed off a little, and pulled his shirt over his head. “Get naked with me.”

  Jadee had a feeling she was going to love being mated to Lavos. “Race you.”

  Lavos’s cell phone rang and a vicious snarl tore from his throat. “I have to get this.”

  She stilled, watching him je
rk his phone from his pocket, accept the call, and put it to his ear. “What’s wrong?”

  He listened, his face twisting in anger. “I’ll be right there. Can you send Davis to watch my home?” He paused, listening. “Tell him thank you.” He ended the call and shoved his phone back into his pocket. “Velder called an emergency meeting. I have to go back to the lodge. I’m so sorry. It’s important.”

  She watched him bend, snatch up the shirt he’d just discarded, and put it back on. Disappointment struck. “Are you taking me back to Kira’s?”

  “No. Stay inside with the doors locked. Davis was busy, so Bran offered to patrol around our house to keep you safe. Don’t be alarmed if you see a black-haired man outside. He won’t try to come in.”

  “Who is Bran?”

  “He’s the father of a friend of mine who also mated a human. Veso refused to join the meeting because he’s still on his honeymoon. I don’t have that option. I need to go.”

  “Because you’re lead enforcer.”

  “Exactly. I won’t be long.” He leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. “Lock the door after me. You’re safe.”

  He left and she followed him to the door, twisting the bolts with a deep sigh. She hoped this wasn’t her future, them being interrupted often and him having to leave.

  “Damn.” She turned, studying the living room. “At least I have time to get acquainted with my new home.”

  * * * * *

  Lavos entered Lorn’s office. He’d hung around outside his home until Bran had actually arrived to patrol. He wasn’t willing to take a chance that someone would attack Jadee. He glanced around the large space, surprised to see not only all four clan leaders, but at least three of each of their enforcers present too. Kar and Garson were standing behind Lorn’s desk, where is brother sat. He crossed the room, getting close to his brother. Tension hung in the silent room, so thick it almost had a scent.

  Velder sat in a chair in front of the desk, the two other clan leaders next to him. It seemed they’d been waiting for Lavos to arrive, because Maku, Velder’s man, closed the door.

  “What’s going on?” Lorn stared directly at Velder.


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