The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1)

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The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1) Page 5

by Autumn Winchester

  “Really, Chase? You let them choose this room first? I thought Kayla taught you better than that,” she said in humor, looking at the man. Although there was disgust under her tone, mostly at how filthy the room was, and now the two girls that were working inside the room.

  “They will need a place to do their schooling,” Chase said in a shrug, like it was a known fact. “It doesn’t concern you anyway, Valerie. They get something out of getting the room clean.” His voice wasn’t warm, nor that it was cold. Summer could hear the distrust he carried. She could hear that there was something about this woman that the man didn’t like too well.

  “Whatever,” she huffed, walking on to the end bedroom, her heels making soft clunks against the soft cream colored carpet.

  “Summer,” Chase began. He’d never tire of saying her name. Such a simple name for her light complexion. Even with her soft brown hair over her shoulders and all. She really was much more than he ever could have pictured. “Valerie has a few things to help you get ready for this afternoon. I expect you to do what she says. She’s waiting for you in my bedroom.”

  Wearily, she stood, her feet had fallen asleep so they tingled as she took the first few short steps. She was confused on what was going on, but followed the command. She wasn't going to complain; she could use a break from the dust, as she could feel her nose clogging up from inhaling so much of it.

  Once they reached Chase’s room, Valerie sat down the bags of clothes next to the closet and dug out a variety of shampoos and makeup. Summer wasn’t sure what she would need those for, so she stood still in front of the bed, waiting for instructions, hands clasped in front of her in submission as she had been taught.

  “Oh, you don’t make much noise do you,” Valerie said softly once she noticed Summer standing there, not making a sound. She remained quiet. “Chase has something going on later today, and you are to join him. But to do so, you need to take a shower, and then I’ll help get you ready. I already have some underwear and a bra on the sink, and a robe for you to put on afterwards. Don’t worry about brushing your hair out, as I’ll do that once you are finished, and trim it too,” she said, turning back to the bags and digging through them.

  Taking that as an order, Summer did as she was told. She was nothing to look at for him to want her to go anywhere with him, so she was confused. She was no one special. Surely, Clare would be a better fit, or even Valerie herself.

  After taking a warm, fast shower and washing her hair out with the shampoo and then applying the conditioner that Valerie had handed her on her way past the closet, she stepped out of the shower. Wrapping a soft cream towel around her dripping hair, then one around her body to dry off, she took a moment to look at the undergarments left out.

  They were not something she would have picked out herself. The underwear consisted of white boy shorts with a lace trim and matching bra which had thin straps and fit her perfect. Not that she really needed a bra with how little her breasts were due to lack of food for years. She used the lotion that the other woman had already set out, making her skin smell like some sort of flowers, she then wrapped a purple silk robe around her body, leaving her hair up in a towel.

  Summer felt out of place in such nice clothes. But instead of dwelling on it, she exited the bathroom.

  “Hey,” Clare said quietly from the doorway. “You’ll be okay.” She gave the older girl a small smile, already knowing what was going on, but she wasn’t permitted to say anything. She had overheard Valerie and Chase talking in the hallway, but he demanded Clare not to say a word about it, even though he had looked torn on that idea.

  Summer simply nodded, making her way back to the bedroom where Valerie was waiting with makeup lined out along the edge of the bed, and a folding chair sitting next to it.

  “Sit,” Valerie said, pointing to the leather chair, knowing the girl would obey. Summer sat, trying to not pull her knees up like she wanted. She felt exposed. She knew whatever was going on wasn’t going to be good. Nothing good ever came out of getting cleaned up, and wearing silk on top of it.

  “Here, drink, relax. Clare said you haven’t had anything to drink since breakfast,” Valerie stated, pushing a cup of orange juice into the girl’s hand. Summer took a sip. She was thirsty, but she wasn’t going to allow it to be known. The drink had a weird aftertaste, but she didn’t think anything of it. She’d had different brands before, so she gathered that it was just an all-natural kind.

  “First, I’m going to do your hair, trim and all, then your makeup. After that, you can get dressed in what Chase has picked out for you to wear,” she went on, busying herself with the things she would be using.

  As Valerie took her brown hair out of the towel, Summer continued to take small sips of the drink. Valerie brushed out the tangles, being gentle, knowing that she was in no rush. It didn’t take long for Valerie to have Summer’s hair styled, even taking her time so the girl could drink.

  Valerie pulled back part of the hair, making it into a half updo style, leaving some shorter pieces to frame Summer’s heart-shaped face. The back of the hair left down, cascading down her back in soft waves. She then had sprayed a good amount of hairspray to hold it in place for the rest of the day. Summer was sure that it would never come out, even if she pried it apart piece by piece.

  She had left the bottom part to dry naturally, causing it to slightly curl and add to its natural shine. Summer was quick to finish her drink as Valerie was almost done. She stayed quiet, letting her thoughts roam. The black haired women took the empty cup from the younger girl, setting it on the dresser before moving to do her make up.

  “I’m sure Chase hasn’t told you much about himself,” she began to talk before instructing Summer to close her eyes. She began to cover the bruises on the girl’s face. It was sad to see such a young girl so beaten up. She'd never been in the same position, and couldn’t imagine it either.

  “My husband and Chase are cousins and grew up together, and although they aren’t brothers, they sure act like it. I met Chase about five years ago, and he is like a second sibling to me,” she continued on. “Being only twenty-four, he has a good thing going. He really is trying to make this town a better place, and the rest of his family will always stand behind him in doing so.

  “He has been raised in this life, but he is making a difference, even with pissing people off in the process. But it will be worth it. He’d gladly give his life to make sure his plan is completed.

  “I don’t know what he was thinking, but after seeing you, you will be perfect for him. Give him time. He won’t hurt you,” she ended, finishing up covering the bruising on Summer’s neck. None of the marks would be seen for the time being. Valerie was positive that Chase had made the right choice, but what did it mean for the rest of the family?

  “He has a different view on things, but he will never raise a hand to you.” By the time she finished Summer’s makeup, the younger girl felt different. Her eyes instantly flashed opened, glaring weakly at the dark skinned woman. “He won’t touch you in any way unless you take charge first. He may be stuck in his ways, but he is a gentleman.” For the most part, she thought. She’d once seen Chase make deadly threats, but never to a woman.

  She had been drugged! There was something in that drink. Summer’s emotions were calmer, and she wasn’t as stiff or edgy, but that didn’t mean she was okay with being drugged. Summer hated drugs of all kinds, and refused before when they had been offered.

  Just because there was a first to everything didn’t mean Summer ever wanted to try any type of drug. It was the only thing she had complete say over until now.

  “Let the Zoloft help, girl; don’t fight it. With what is going to happen, you’ll need the extra strength,” Valerie said, giving Summer a sad longing look, but the look held a question behind it. It had been Valerie’s idea to drug the girl. And now Valerie was even second guessing her actions. What could that possibly mean for Summer?

  Having a panicking bride, no matter how sma
ll of a ceremony, was not a good idea. Chase had plans that needed to be put into motion and what better way than drug the girl. It would do Summer some good to not be so on edge.

  Valerie knew the princess would need something to calm her down and of course. Zoloft wasn’t the only drug that was in that drink and Valerie wasn’t going to say anything about it. Summer would need that extra boost anyway. Not like the girl would dare say anything to her soon to be husband.

  Valerie had her own agenda for helping Chase get what he aimed for. He’d be extremely upset when he figured it out, but Val thought it would be worth it. Damn the consequences.

  No! No, please, no. Summer begged silently. She didn’t want whatever was going to happen. She didn’t. There had to be another way around this.

  Summer began to shake her head no, but she wasn’t panicking like she normally would have. Her blue eyes were wide, but her heart wasn’t pounding as the medication took hold. Her thoughts were calming quickly, her anger and fear dissolving. Understanding now why the orange juice had such an aftertaste was plain as day.

  “I am sorry, Summer, but it’s for your own good. You have to play a part. Chase is the Marcel Prince, and you probably have no idea who they are, do you?” Valerie said, packing the few makeup items into a bag.

  “No, she doesn’t,” Chase stated from the doorway, giving a sorrow filled look towards his bride to be. “I am sorry, Princess, but this is the way it has to be for now.” He then turned and left the room.

  He made his statement loud and clear: Valerie was not to tell her who he was. Not yet at least. Of course, Chase didn’t know that his sister drugged Summer so he didn’t see the hate filled gaze Summer shot at Valerie before she schooled her face once again.

  Chapter 5

  Dressed in a white silk and lace floor length gown that had thin straps and a small delicate white flower, Summer was being lead to Chase’s office by the woman. Her long hair swayed against her bare arms and the dress felt smooth against her legs.

  No bruises or cuts were to be seen on her pale skin thanks to Valerie’s magic makeup skills. She felt pretty for once. She felt like she belonged to live in this house. Of course, there was no way she would ever fit in here. She was just a person passed from house to house, place to place. An object to be looked at, even played with at times.

  Even when she glanced at herself in the full length mirror, she was amazed at how well Valerie knew her way around makeup. She certainly could make a masterpiece out of nothing.

  Summer had on a pair of Nike sandals that were hidden under the length of the dress. The dress was not tight fitting at all. Summer, surprisingly, liked the style of the dress and and appreciated the thought of Chase looking for the perfect type of dress for her. She had never worn anything close to as nice as this dress was. Nor did she think for a minute that she would ever be allowed to again.

  She’d heard of some of the girls being bought as trophy wives. They got to dress nicely, but had to have sex whenever they were commanded to do so. Would that be what she was here for? If so, it would still be better than what she’d been faced with before now.

  While Valerie had helped Summer get dressed, her hands had rubbed along the younger girl’s arms, creating a warm friction helping to calm her even more. Summer had never like to be touched, so whatever drugs she was forced to take was making her feel things that she didn’t want. The other woman's touch should have felt wrong, but was soft and warming in a way that wasn’t right.

  Summer wanted to puke her guts out, but the medication stopped that from happening.

  "I know this is most likely not your style, but Chase didn’t give me much time at all,” Valerie mused, sliding the zipper up on the back of the dress. “I could see you in something a little more revealing, or more of a princess style even.” She mused, looking Summer over once more. She was clueless to the bride-to-be's style. Both of those were not Summer’s style at all.

  Summer didn’t want to feel calm. Didn’t want to feel like this. She had no control over her emotions; over her actions. Valerie kept looking at Summer like she was waiting for something to happen. The blue eyed girl didn’t know what to do. Although she’d never been under the influence of drugs before, she knew what was going on; knew what would be expected of her by the end of the night. And there was no way out.

  Her heart sank at just the thought.

  She knew that what would be in store, would not be something she’d have any control over. She'd witnessed different types, but it was all typically the same thing. If she could, she would have tried to run that very minute. Willingly walking into death with open arms.

  Maybe that was why Valerie drugged her, or maybe it was Chase’s idea. Summer wasn’t sure.

  Walking down the grand staircase with a black iron banister, Summer saw that Chase waited at the bottom. He was speechless as his green eyes landed on his bride. Of course, he would be disappointing many people since he was having a secret, small ceremony but he didn’t want something huge. And he was sure neither would his bride.

  “Smile,” Valerie whispered to Summer, who instantly did as was told. Her smile was small, but the calm, fake happiness shown through her eyes as they raked over the man waiting for them. Summer’s thoughts froze, the calming effect of the drugs taking full effect for the time being. But she couldn’t help but admire the man and how good he looked right then.

  If only she wasn't a slave to this world, she’d have gladly adored that man from head to toe. He could easily be sexy as sin.

  Chase wore a black tux, shirt untucked and no tie. He was trying to dress causal, as in more of a sexy comfortable way. His hair was halfway tamed, left down to his ears, and his green eyes were bright with life. Chase knew that something was up with Summer. She wasn’t the type to just smile all of a sudden; she didn’t trust him. Although, he did like this side of her. Summer being happy and accepting during the next couple of hours would be helpful in getting this day over with without any issues.

  He shot a questioning glare Valerie’s way as they descended the stairs at a slow pace.

  “What did you give her?” he hissed once Valerie reached him. He took ahold of Summer’s hand, making sure she wouldn’t be allowed to go and hide. He could see the underlying fear still in Summer’s eyes now that she was standing next to him.

  “Zoloft. So she won't panic,” Valerie said with a shrug, telling only part of what she gave the girl. “It is for the best.” What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

  “We will have a discussion about giving Summer drugs without my permission. I specifically told you not to give her anything,” Chase said darkly before pulling Summer along with him to his office. Her body shivered in fear from the man’s threatening words.

  Valerie simply returned his glare, challenging the Prince to do something about it. She lifted her chin in defiance, testing his limits once more. Her husband would protect her, so she held no fear to this man before her.

  “Don’t test me, Valerie,” Chase sneered before turning away, his back to her as her shocked expression overtook her features.

  Inside the office, Clare stood with a forlorn look on her face. She was dressed in a pretty pink dress that had thick straps along her shoulders. Her bruises were clear as day on her arms. Part of her hair was pulled back into a braid, while the back was loose, with a few stray pieces framing her face. Her dark blue eyes knew what was about to happen, and what was expected. She felt sorry for the older girl, as she was being forced to be even deeper in a life that neither of them wanted. Deeper than either of them ever expected to be.

  The office was just as clean and neat as the rest of the house. There was a bookshelf against the side wall, dark oak desk with a closed laptop sat near the huge windows looking out towards the yard. There was a oak colored lamp sitting on the floor near the set of opened windows as a cool breeze blew in. A section of seating was placed in the middle of the room, facing the electric fireplace that was on low.

y other day, this would easily be one of Summer’s favorite places to be. She could see herself curled up in front of that fireplace reading a book, a cup of tea in her hand.

  In front of the big desk stood a man twice the size of Summer. He was tall, muscular built and scary. The drugs did their job, keeping Summer calm as her eyes widened at the man’s size. He wore jeans and a plain gray shirt, his hair short. His face almost had a boyish expression upon it as his light brown eyes took her in from head to toe.

  “She’s a small li'l thing,” the man said with a smile, showing his dimples. Chase rolled his eyes at the man. Somehow, he always had to cut words in half.

  “Summer,” Chase said, pulling her alongside him as her smile faded. “This is Trent, my cousin.”

  “Hi,” Trent said with a smile, waving a huge hand in greeting, but didn't make a move toward her. “Chase and I are more like brothers, but Chase always denies it.” Summer simply nodded, still too stunned to do anything more as Chase pulled her closer to him, wrapping an arm around her waist, showing the man inside the room that he owned her in almost every way.


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