The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1)

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The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1) Page 7

by Autumn Winchester

  He already wanted more of Summer and her sweet nature. He was thrilled that he had made the correct choice. There was no way that the now eighteen-year-old would have been willing to let him take her if it wasn’t for the drugs. And he wasn’t planning to have sex with her, but between being drugged himself, and having a drugged wife who was willing, he wasn’t able to pass up the possibility. Plus, he was a guy after all. How would be he able to tell his wife ‘no’? He’d never tell her that.

  He not only took her once, but again as she woke up during the night. Thinking back, she really wasn’t awake, but as the date rape drug ran in her system, she rode him to pleasure. She had leaned back on her hands, showing Chase that she could take control of his own sleepy body. She was a sex kitten on a mission and he worried what would happen between them when she came awake.

  He hadn’t lasted long that time either, even as she fell on top of his chest with a light snore afterwards. He hoped that she wouldn’t suffer too badly from the after effects of the drugs as she came awake. He could deal with them just fine on his own but didn’t wish his wife to also.

  Not wanting to move, knowing that once he did, Summer would want nothing more to do with him, he let his eyes slip closed, listening to the sounds around him and waiting for Summer to awake. His cock came to life, of course, but he ignored it. He would forever be satisfied from the night before. He’d never do such a thing again, and he would be sure to tell her how sorry he was once she was awake.

  Summer had nothing to fear from him. God, he hoped that she wouldn’t think he raped her. Because if she had given off any sort of sign that she didn’t want to have sex, he would have stopped it right then and there.

  Summer stayed still as her body began to rise with the bright morning sun. She kept her dry eyes closed, wishing her thoughts would stop spinning. Behind her closed eyelids, flashes of last night jumped into one another. Her heart began to race with her pounding head and dry mouth. She felt like crap.

  A white dress. A drink or two which were drugged. A ring that surprisingly fit her well in both size and style. It was simple, white gold. One simple stone in the middle. Perfect. Just thinking about the ring, made her heart fall to her stomach. She never wore jewelry, but she was in love with the small thing.

  Parts of the last twelve hours were hazy, her mind still fuzzy. She couldn’t control the lone tear that leaked from the corner of her eye as she lay on Chase’s bare chest. What had happened? What did she get herself into now?

  She remembered that Chase had been gentle, making sure she was ready before he tenderly entered his cock into her, taking his time to let her adjust.

  Sex had never been so . . . . pleasuring. She had hated sex with other men and she hardly ever was wet so it was always uncomfortable, no matter how long or how many times she had been forced to have sex with the said men. It was always the worst pain she could endure.

  She was confused as she never willingly had sex before. She knew she was drugged, that was a given.

  Opening her eyes, she looked around his room slowly taking in how clean it was as her naked body came alive. At the thought of her naked body, she was on full alert. She slowly took stock that she felt a little used down below but nothing hurt. Nothing throbbed with her quickened heartbeat.

  Looking down at his body half covered by the dark cream colored sheet as he slept, she could tell he was as nude as she was and she found herself slightly turned on and that thought alarmed her. Slowly, she made her way off the bed. Chase’s light snoring not faulting. His limp arm that was around her back, holding her to him, fell to the bed with a soft thud. She saw the tent of the blanket, covering her mouth with her hands to hold in her sobbing fear that was boiling at the top.

  As quick as a mouse, she made her way through the room to the open door, giving a glance to the scattered clothes that were scattered on the floor. Once she was in the hallway, and a safe distance from Chase, she made a mad dash to the bathroom at the end of the hall. Once there, she shut the door softly behind her before falling against the wall next to the tub, pulling her knees up to her chest tightly. She sobbed into her bent knees, shaking as the cold from the tile floor soaked into her bottom.

  What had she done? Was there any turning back from this? What had Chase forced her into? Would she die at his hands now that he had her? Would he want more from her? Could she survive?

  Of course, she knew better, but the fear was there. Did Chase force Valerie to drug Summer just to get sex out of her? She wouldn’t have fought him if he wanted it, since he was her handler. . . . no husband now.

  “Oh God,” she sobbed, her voice filled with desperation. She wouldn’t be able to get out now. It was too late. She sobbed harder, and before she could have a chance to calm down, she vomited all over the floor and her bare legs. The strong smell of bile filled the small space she was in as she tried to get her emotions under control. She wasn’t sure what she wanted now.

  Chase had been so gentle, letting her take control, never pushing or holding her down. They were equals for just a few hours. With Chase, it was addicting. And she wanted more.

  “Oh, Summer!” Clare’s voice broke through her panic, although she couldn’t get her head to lift up to look up at the girl. Clare had heard Summer sobbing in the bathroom on her way upstairs to work on cleaning the spare room and rushed to see what was wrong. Her heart fell out of her chest at what she saw.

  She didn’t know what to do. She hated vomit so there was no way she was going to go any closer to the sobbing girl. Instead, she sprinted to Chase’s room since he seemed like he really meant what he had said and wouldn’t hurt either of them. Oh God, did she hope he kept his words.

  Clare didn’t know what to do. She’d never seen someone react that way to any of the drugs they were given. Sure, she had heard them go at it during the night and she didn’t get much sleep from the moans that carried down the hallway, but she never thought that Summer would react like that.

  “Chase!” Clare screeched out next to his bed. He was naked, and pushed the blanket down off his legs as he sat up. She tried to keep her eyes anywhere else but his semi hard cock.

  “What?” Chase said, sitting up straight and opening his eyes, disoriented. He looked around the room, his eyes landing on a frightened pale looking Clare. His hard look turned softer, waiting for her to speak, his mind trying to catch up.

  “Summer. Bathroom,” Clare was able to mumble out before her voice faltered in fear as tears gathered in her eyes. Her arms were wrapped around herself, trying to hold herself together. His nakedness forgotten to her.

  Chase was up and running to the bathroom in a heartbeat, worried about his wife. He knew she wouldn’t react well once she woke up, but he had hoped he’d be able to feel her move. He must have been more tired than he had thought. Entering the bathroom, he saw Summer and the smell of bile hit him full force. She was shaking and had a fine sheen of sweat covering her body. No wonder Clare was in such a panic herself.

  “Hey, Summer, honey,” Clare said, kneeling down so he could be eye level with her. He kept his hands to himself for the moment, not wanting to scare her. Vomit never bothered him, as he’s had to deal with it more times than he’d like to, along with blood of the people he’s killed.

  “It’s okay to be upset,” he went on in a soothing tone, slowly inching closer to her. “But right now, we need to get you cleaned up and dressed, okay?”

  When Summer didn’t answer, like he expected, he touched her arm and she flinched away. With a deep sigh, he picked her up, taking her to his bathroom and sat her in the tub, turning the water on warm. He held her tight against him even as she tried to shield herself to be as far away as possible in such an embrace. Since he had knelt in her vomit, he climbed in too before calling for Clare. At least Clare had been waiting right outside the door. She still had tears streaming down her face.

  “Can you get her some clothes, and a couple extra towels, please,” Chase said, shooting her a calm look, lett
ing her know that he was not upset at her in any way. With a nod, Clare went and gathered what Chase had asked of her. Chase then turned and put the plug in the bathtub, stopping the water as it began to fill the tub nice and warm.

  Since he hadn’t sat down yet, he stepped out to grab a washrag that was on the side of the sink before sitting down behind Summer, letting her stiff form sit in front of him.

  Tenderly, Chase washed away all sweat and bile from her body, letting his legs spread out on either side of her. Clare came in, setting the clothes on the counter, before moving to sit in the hallway, just in case she was needed. Summer stayed immobile, not sure what to do. She was just there. She didn’t feel anything and it was a drastic change to how she had felt last night. She had felt everything.

  “You like that?” she asked, grounding her hips as she rode his thick cock, her eyes half open. She felt his cock press against her clit, creating the best type of friction she ever knew of.

  She shivered, trying to figure out why she felt the way she did. Why did she like last night so much? Why was she so drawn to him?

  She jumped when Chase began to wash her hair as it was taken out of the up-do sometime during the night. She knew, deep down, that Chase wouldn’t hurt her, but he had said there would be no sex required in this house, so why did last night happen?

  “Valerie gave you Klonopin, only to take the edge off yesterday and so you wouldn’t fight me as we wedded, along with Zoloft,” Chase said, just to break the silence or he knew what was going through her mind. He could feel her body shaking as he rinsed the suds from her head and began to put conditioner at the ends. Tearless, noiseless sobs wracked her frail body.

  Chase let the water drain after washing her body, then replugged the drain as he gently washed her hair once more.

  “She then ended up slipping it into our wine while no one was watching. She gave me some also, just to make sure that if you made any moves on me, that I would follow along,” he went on, hoping he made sense as his thoughts were strictly on his wife. Her body continued to shake. He was not sure if it was in fear, or the after effects of the drugs. Quite possibly both.

  “She tends to do things before thinking them through,” Chase mumbled out. “I’m not sure how Trent can stand her.”

  "But I wouldn’t have touched you, let alone allow you to have sex with me, if you hadn’t truly wanted it. I know I should have stopped it, but you were just so . . .” he trailed off, not wanting to call her a sex kitten. But she was. Summer wanted a release, and she went for it.

  Once she was cleaned, Chase wiped down his own legs before pulling the plug again, standing and lifting her up. Summer was like a puppet, lost in thought. She stood when Chase picked her up and helped her out of the bath tub. He gently wrapped a towel around her shoulders, then used another one to wring out her hair. After he dried her body, she let Chase dress her in a long shirt that was his, and a pair of underwear and shorts that Valerie had brought the day before. Once he had her dressed, Chase wrapped a towel around his waist before having her sit on the toilet lid, beginning to brush her hair out.

  He was gentle, almost caring in a way. Silent tears streaked down her face. She wasn’t sure why. She wasn’t used to being treated in such a manner. No one had taken such care towards her.

  Chase didn’t know what to say, or even if she was really listening to him, so he stayed quiet, tending to his wife. He braided her hair, not very well but well enough for the time being, before taking her now warm hand in his, leading her to his room.

  “Lay down,” he gently commanded once he was back in front of the bed on the side she had slept on. She lay down, her sad eyes on the ceiling as Chase sat on the edge of the bed. He didn’t know what to do for her. Summer wasn’t sure what Chase wanted so she waited, for either him to talk or just have his way with her.

  “How about you sleep off the rest of the drugs that are in your system, Summer,” Chase said, more of a demand than hinting. “I will not force you to be a sex slave in this house. I will not require you to do that again, but you will be sleeping in this bed.” With a tender kiss to her head, he pulled the covers up over her, and left the room. He didn’t think she’d want him to hold her. “If not for the drugs this wouldn't have happened this soon. I will not touch you where you don’t want me to. Ever.”

  He walked away, a heavy feeling upon his shoulders. He pulled the dark wood door closed too, leaving it opened a crack. He felt horrible, worried, and something else he wasn’t willing to admit yet.

  Once Chase’s footsteps faded away, Summer turned on her side, letting her tears leak into the pillow, hoping that sleep would soon come. Her legs were pulled as close as possible to her body, hoping to get some sort of comfort from herself.

  Chapter 7

  Clare had cleaned the bathroom with Chase’s help, with little words between them after he tucked Summer into his bed. He had then headed downstairs. He had seemed off to Clare. Even with not knowing him long, she could tell that something was bothering him.

  Once Chase had sat heavily in his office chair, he put his head in his hands. He was filled with regret, even though he knew he wasn’t the only one to be held accountable for their actions. By the time he knew his wine was spiked, it was too late to do anything. That was the worst part, knowing that he didn’t have control over his actions. At least to some extent. He wouldn’t even have been able to protect himself in that state.

  He felt like the worst person alive on the planet. He never, ever, wanted to take his wife in such a manner. Not even how pleasuring it had been, he’d have turned back time to make sure it hadn’t happened.

  He was pissed at Valerie, too. There was no reason for her to give him, or his wife, any sort of drug.

  Flashes of her naked body, sweet moans, and willingness to act such a way, went through his mind. She was amazing; better than anyone he had before. Not that he had many past relationships, sexual or romantic, to compare. But having Summer in his bed was nothing he could ever compare to again.

  He knew he should have given Summer the antidote that Trent had left, but figured after her meltdown, she’d want to sleep and then she’d just sleep it off. He had hoped so anyway. He was upset with himself. He didn’t want to take her like that. He wanted to wait for her to want him, so they could stay on good natural ground. But now, he wasn’t sure how he’d be able do that. He couldn’t stop from groaning at his thoughts once more.

  Chase feared how she would react once she woke up. Would she be mad at him? Would she go back to the way she normally was, however that was? Or would she even start talking? They were now married and he would enjoy it if he could get to know her, as she was before she had been dragged into this life. He wanted to know every little detail about her. The good and the bad.

  Hopefully, when she woke up later he’d be able to explain better what happened and that he didn’t expect more from her. He wanted her birthday to be one to remember in a good light. He even had a gift for her and he would be giving it to her once she woke up. She deserved it. And more.

  In the bedroom, Clare quietly made her way in, worried about Summer.

  The dark haired girl was staring blankly at the wall, breathing in and out. Her emotions were all over the place but she knew with just one look, that Chase hadn’t planned on doing what he did. When she woke him from a deep sleep, his face was panic filled, then turned to pain as his eyes landed on Summer. He at least had known just what to do.

  Chase had been gentle, taking care of Summer when she had shut down. And during the time that he took care of her needs, he never once touched her in a sexual manner. He washed every inch of her with a lavender soap, giving her the calm that she needed. That is why she sobbed, letting go of any hope she had. He was too nice, and she didn’t deserve him. She had no idea why he chose her out of everyone. Couldn’t he possibly have picked someone that didn’t cry all the time? Didn’t act so broken?

  Clare took a moment to slide in behind the girl she already vie
wed as a sister in such a short time, and knowing they were in fact true sisters, made her care more for Summer. Clare wrapped an arm around Summer, hoping to bring her some sort of comfort. To Clare, it didn’t matter to her. If they weren’t blood related, Summer would still have been her sister.

  “I have always wanted to be held when life seemed to throw me a curveball,” Clare mused quietly, hoping to soothe the frazzled girl. “And that’s what sisters are for. I’ll be here, Summer. Always.” It was a promise.

  Clare wasn’t sure if she really could be there for her sister, but she’d try as much as she could. They each needed someone to lean on, to help pick up the broken pieces after each other.

  Summer wasn't sure how long Clare would be around and she knew that most of the 'enslaved women' didn’t stay in a house for long periods of time. She had seen so many different women come and go over the years.

  “Chase feels bad about what happened,” Clare said, letting her eyes close to stop the tears that threatened to fall. “I don’t think he meant to do what he did, but Valerie drugged you both. Neither of you were able to stop, or be in the right mind frame, so you both jumped in head first, so to say. But I know he’s beating himself up for the way he behaved.”


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