The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1)

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The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1) Page 25

by Autumn Winchester


  At the age of fifteen, Chase saw Summer around, but not often. It had been years since he saw the girl. Her mother worked in the house he grew up in. In the few short years, Emma was almost like a second mother.

  Emma often talked about her daughter, and how much she missed her. It never escaped Chase’s notice that the young girl was forced to live a certain way that wasn’t right. He knew without a doubt that Summer wasn’t treated as a person. It didn’t take much to figure it out. Even a blind man would have been able to see it.

  The girl had been seen by Chase at a clients’ home, and he was shocked at how ill she looked. It was clear that she was not eating healthy or being treated fairly. He wanted to help her, but didn’t know where to start. Chase could see that the life was draining away from her without her even knowing it.

  She jumped at every command given to her, and Chase couldn’t do a thing about it. His heart hurt for her, knowing his hands were tied.

  “Is there any way out for her? Surely there has to be?” Chase asked as he sat at the island, sipping a soda as Emma made dinner for the family.

  “Not really, unless you want Jason at your doorstep. For some reason, he has these ideas in his head, and plans to take over what your family has been working so hard at and taking her would make it happen sooner,” Emma had answered sadly. “Ivan proposed for you to take her hand in marriage once she was of age, but Jason flat out denied that request. He wants her step brother to have her and I have no idea why.” Well, she did, but was not willing to say it out loud. It was bad enough she knew.

  “There has to be a way to get her out of his clutches though,” Chase mused, running both hands through his hair.

  “Only way is death, Chase,” Emma said, meeting the boy’s sad eyes. “Jason only wants arm candy, and he plans to use Summer as just that in time. She’ll be forced to be at his side in submission, at least until he tires of her. I was one of the lucky ones that got away, for the most part. I was stupid as it was choosing him when there were other options to go with.

  “You know as well as I, Chase. There is no escape from this life. Either we live the way it is, and how we are all born into it, or we die.”

  “What if I did marry her? Not now, obviously, but when I’m of age?” Chase asked as the idea popped into his head. It could fix a lot of issues. But also, it would cause new issues, all of which Chase was determined to take care of. “I can figure out a way to get her out of there, and with me.”

  “It would give her more time, sure,” Emma answered carefully, keeping her words quiet so they weren’t overheard. “But that could cause a war. If you marry my daughter, I know she’d be protected, but you’d have to be prepared to kill that man. There is no other way. And you would have to take down anyone that is on his side.”

  Chase wanted a war. It was long past due, and rightfully so. Jason Meads had more say over his own head then his own father at times. All because of some stupid argument over land and buildings that had been in the Marcel family for years. The Prince would bring that man down before his time was up. It had to be done. It didn’t matter if Chase did end up with the girl or not.

  “I could. I would kill him now,” Chase said, already beginning to plan. “I promised Summer that I could kill that man the first time I saw her. Marrying her would prove that I keep my word.”

  “You were a child then. She probably doesn’t even remember,” Emma said, shaking her head. She wondered what had gotten into the boy who was always so strong. Sweet, but strong.

  “Age doesn’t matter, Em. I’m the Prince of the Marcel house. I can, and will marry Summer Meads. And I will kill that man if it’s the last thing I do to make that girl have a better life.” He held his head high, proving to not only himself, but the woman too, that he was capable of just that.

  “She’s not the only one, Chase. There are others in the same, if not worse, place than my daughter,” Emma said, not letting hope get the better of her. “There are so many women and children taken and forced to be slaves against their wills.”

  “I will make this world a better place. I promise,” Chase said before dashing off to his favorite thinking spot, knowing he needed to begin to put his plan into motion right then and there to save the girl that he made his first promise to. It didn’t matter if she remembered or not. He did, and that was what mattered to Chase.


  Chase’s phone chirped with an incoming text from Asher, saying that their ride was here. With a sigh, he woke his wife up, telling her it was time to go. With a groan, Summer pushed herself up and let Chase help her. She noticed his green eyes were dark, filled with emotions that she didn’t understand. She didn’t dwell on it, too tired and stressed herself to deal with much more.

  He held her hand tightly as he led her from the room, leaving the door keycard on the bed. He shut the door behind them before leaving the floor through the elevator. He kept his eyes peeled for any followers and led Summer through a back entrance, leaving no trace left behind. Once in the black SUV, with Asher in the driver’s seat, Summer scooted closer to Chase, leaning her head against his shoulder and letting her eyes drift closed again. She couldn’t stop herself from seeking out his warmth as the kiss flashed through her mind.

  “It’s all clear,” Asher said before Chase could ask anything. “He thinks he was following the wrong couple, or at least did. I followed him for an hour before grabbing your things.”

  “Did he call anyone?” Chase asked, rubbing Summer’s arm. He knew that she was awake, listening to them talk. Even as she leaned against him, his arm over her lower back to hold her as close as she wanted to be.

  “Yep. He called his boss, who then called the number I set up quickly so Jason ended up talking to me thinking it was Troy. He’s not very smart,” Asher laughed.

  “He is, though,” Summer said, opening her drowsy blue eyes. “He’s not great with phone calls, but he is smart. And once he finds out what you did, he won’t be happy.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on, sug,” Asher laughed, glancing back through the mirror. “But for the record, I did sound like the man that is now lost among the fishes, so to speak.”

  “You killed him?” Summer asked, not sure what she expected. Her voice was a mix between awe and shock.

  “He had to,” Chase said calmly.

  “But, no I didn’t, I had someone else do it. I don’t do the killing unless I have to, Princess. I have to keep my good aim secret from a lot of people, though I watched it happen,” Asher explained, giving her a wink through the mirror. But man did he want to. Drugging was his go to choice when taking anyone down, but he knew how to shoot a gun just as well.

  “Ok,” Summer said, feeling relieved. He seemed younger and older at the same time and that gave her mixed thoughts. She didn’t like killing, or guns, but knew she had to get used to it sometime, sooner rather than later. She was married to a Mafia Prince, after all. And Chase already hinted that she’d have to learn how to protect herself when she was fully physically healed.

  "Don’t worry about what I do, sweet girl,” Asher said. “I can handle it and more. I wouldn’t be here now if I couldn’t.”

  For some reason, that did sooth Summer, or maybe it was Chase who pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head. Either way, she let the events of the day, the past week even, pass over her head. There was nothing she could do about it. She knew her father was out there, waiting for the perfect moment to make her life a living hell once more. And of course, it was right when she was starting to enjoy the life that Chase offered her.

  Summer still didn’t know why he married her. There had to be better women out there to be his wife. But maybe, just maybe as a small bout of hope bloomed, she was the missing puzzle to him. Could it be possible that Chase needed her just as much as she now needed him?


  She was nine years old when she knew things were changing, and not for the better. She was putting the last bit of laun
dry away as Alex and Jackson, her father’s prized boys, ran up and down the hall. Alex was quieter than the other boy. Jackson was the loud one, but nicer of the two, surprisingly. And he seemed to always have red tinted cheeks whenever he was in her presence.

  Summer was humming to herself, but stopped and stiffened as she heard heavy footsteps in the hall. She knew who it was, and hoped to be invisible like last time, but was not in luck. There were three pairs of footsteps. Dread filled her chest as tears gathered in her eyes.

  “Sebastian, please. I don’t have a use for her,” Jason begged darkly with humor lacing his voice. “She’s as worthless as her mother, and will be until she’s eighteen.”

  “Why?” a man’s low voice asked in return as the two older men, and a young teenage boy, stopped in the hallway just outside the door. Summer was in perfect sight of them all. There was no where she could go; nowhere to hide. She certainly would have hidden if given the chance.

  Summer made sure to stay hidden away a number of times before when Jason invited guests over. Her current favorite place to hide was in the attic behind the boxes that were filled with sweet smelling herbs.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Jason mumbled out. “I want her gone. Either take her, or someone else will.”

  “Fine,” the one named Sebastian huffed out. He was hiding something, but Summer was unsure of what.

  “Girl!” Jason barked. “Get up.”

  Summer stood, keeping her head down, hands as her sides. She dropped the forgotten shirt to the floor she had been putting away on her way to standing.

  The one named Sebastian marched to the girl, grabbing her arm roughly, but gently at the same, time before he dragged her behind him. Summer was used to such treatment, but looked up anyways, pleading with her father to not do this. Sue, his wife, was out shopping and left Summer here with her boys. She wouldn’t be happy when she returned. That was if she returned.

  “Dad,” Jackson’s voice broke through as Summer’s eyes landed on a wide eyed boy with bright green eyes and wild crazy dark hair. His hair was darker than her own. He wasn’t the speaker, but still someone Summer vaguely remembered. He was older, but it was still the same boy she dreamed of once in a while. “Please don’t sell her. I want her myself. You promised me!”

  “Jack, not now. She is no use to us,” Jason said. “Plus, I have better plans for her than being stuck with her. She needs to learn the way of life, to be tamed to submit to our ways. I’m sure once you are of age, you can request her to come back to wed you.”

  “I’ll teach her right now,” Jackson stated, making his form taller. He may be thirteen, but he not only wanted to protect the girl, but also save her from the hell she’d be in soon enough. His light brown eyes were hard as he looked at the man he refused to call dad more than he had to.

  “When the time comes, you can have her, Jack. Not today though,” Jason said, glaring at the boy, promises of punishment her way if he didn’t do as commanded. Summer was a pawn in their game.

  The brown eyed boy gave the girl a sad smile, knowing he couldn’t do a thing to help her.


  “What about Jackson?” Summer asked as the car sped off towards the closest airport.

  “What about him?” Chase asked, not sure what his wife meant.

  “What will happen to him?” she asked. She wasn’t sure if he was still the boy that tried to protect her a few times from the wrath of her father. Or even if he still wanted her. He could have been brainwashed to do Jason’s bidding by now.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Chase said, giving her a sad look. “I grew up with him, but haven’t seen him in years so that made today easier to pass off as not being someone he would know at a glance. We are only acquaintances, so I don’t know what side he is playing on. I’m keeping tabs on him, closer than before, now that he found us once. If he’s working for Jason, tracking you down, I don’t trust him.” He didn’t trust many people to begin with.

  “Okay,” Summer yawned out. She wasn’t sure how to voice her thoughts, so she let it go. Maybe, the boy that kept her safe a time or two, wasn’t as bad as Chase made him out to be. But only time would tell.

  “You can sleep once we get to the jet. We are almost there,” Chase whispered out after pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. “Asher, I may need you sooner, depending on how things line out.”

  “Not a problem,” Asher replied, making a sharp turn.

  It didn’t take them long to get to the jet at a secret airport. As Chase led Summer to the white jet, Asher got the bags from the back of the car and handed them up to Chase who was waiting. Before Summer knew it, she was buckled, and the plane took off with Chase holding her hand tight. The inside was just as white as the outside, and the leg room was small.

  “Later this week when things calm down, I’d like you and Zinna, and even Clare, to have some girl time. No chores. Just talk and have fun,” Chase spoke. “Zinna is a good friend, and you may need her if things don’t go as I hope they do.”

  She gave her husband a small worried smile before another yawn took over.

  “Rest, honey. It will be a flurry of activity when we land,” Chase said, giving Summer a soft look.

  With a nod, Summer let her eyes slip close as the jet leveled out in the sky, letting sleep claim her, calming her worries and fears once more.

  Chapter 23

  Summer slept soundly on the jet the way back home. It was strange to call a place home, as she never knew such a place. But living with Chase was home to her. She felt safe, and could see herself staying there for more than just a few months. Maybe even years, if he let her.

  She was finally getting used to the entire idea of living a better life, and after the short trip and seeing a side of Chase that she didn’t know any man to have, she felt content with how things were going. She felt some of the tension leave her body as she accepted that Chase only wanted the best for her and Clare.

  The idea of getting to know Zinna, although frightening, was something Summer would do. And not just because Chase asked her to, but because Zinna could understand her better than anyone else could. Summer knew Zinna had been in a bad situation like herself and Clare, and Chase had been the one to save her also. It was time for Summer to figure out how to handle this new life that was given to her.

  Summer could see that Chase was sorry for forcing her to marry him, even though he didn’t come right out and say it. His actions spoke louder than his words ever would, nor could. He tried to spoil his wife and he did more than he really needed to. Summer never once asked for a single thing, but yet every time her gaze landed on something just a second longer, he was quick to pick the item up and paying before they left the store they were in.

  She did have fun, and if she got to come back, she hoped to be stronger mentally to be able to do whatever Chase wanted. She wouldn’t mind seeing one of the many shows that Las Vegas had. The advertisements that they had passed while out along the sidewalk and in the casinos showed that there was a number of things to watch, and even more places to shop at. There were a few things that Summer would not want to go see, but was looking forward to coming back again.

  With the loss of her pregnancy, blood, and overall everything, Summer was worn out. Beyond worn out. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to travel so soon after her attempt at killing herself. It didn’t help that she was on edge after seeing Jackson. He had grown up a lot since she last saw him.

  Jackson was Jason Meads’ adopted son and right hand man. Growing up, Summer and Jack got along well, even with the age difference between them. He tried to protect the small girl as best as he could, when he could. Summer grew to like the boy in a friendly manner, but that was as far as it got before she was sold off to the next person. Jackson never seemed to be the type that looked at Summer any differently than with a brotherly look.

  She wasn’t sold per say, but given to a man named Sebastian Monroe. Apparently, he had been some big guy who Jason owed a debt to. And what be
tter way to giving an innocent child to the man. Although, from what Summer could recall, she was treated fairly well with Sebastian. He was nice, and never once hit her. And he had given her more food than she had ever had before, apart from Chase.

  Seeing the boy she had once held a sort of affection for out of the blue as a grown man scared her. Scared her as much as the thought of Chase not wanting her anymore. Summer didn’t know what do, and she was sure the panic would take her over soon enough, even with the help of the medication in her system.

  Summer knew that a breakdown was inevitable, but hoped that she could hold it off until she was alone somewhere without so many eyes. Chase had enough to worry about, and she didn’t want to add to that worry.

  She was groggy as the plane landed in a private airport, and quietly followed Chase off. There were a number of men and black cars once Summer stepped out of the plane. The air was much cooler than it had been in Las Vegas. She was glad that her husband insisted that she take his suit jacket to ward off the chill.


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