The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1)

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The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1) Page 27

by Autumn Winchester

  “Why me?” Summer mumbled out, opening her eyes with a questionable look. She had wondered why her for years. What made everyone either hate or want her? Why did so many people promise things that could never be kept? But mostly, why did Chase pick her?

  Her feelings grew for the man each day, and no matter how much she tried to deny them, it was still there. Today, with a clearer head, Summer could see there was no way out. She didn’t stand a chance by trying to run off after everything was over. And she wouldn’t be able to do anything but stand beside her husband.

  “Why?” Chase repeated, letting his hand drop as his green eyes clouded over in thought. He then gave her a sad smile before answering.

  “I picked you for a few reasons,” he began. “The first time I saw you, Summer, I was drawn to you. You were so small, only a child. You didn’t get to live the life that was meant for you, and I promised that I would help get you away from your father when I was old enough. And I kept that promise.

  “You were born to Jason, and you should have been treated like a Princess from the start. But for some reason, he hid you, and forced your mother to leave. He never claimed you outright to be his daughter. I want to know his exact reasons for his actions.

  “I won’t lie though. When I saw you were available in the compound, I thought it would be an easy way to get to Jason, as he wants to take my family down. He’s threatened each one of us a number of times, and I want him taken out. So when I saw you, I wanted to use that against him.

  “But now, Summer,” Chase spoke, his voice soft and tender as he brushed a stray hair from her face, her eyes wide and swimming in tears. Tears of fear and hope. “Now, I can’t let you go like I planned. I want you, Summer. Not to get back at your father. Not to prove a point. I want you to be my Princess, for now and always.”

  “What were your plans?” Summer was able to ask out loud, her voice thick. If he had only taken her to get back at Jason, what would have happened to her?

  “I was going to marry you one way or another, just to keep you safe. But after the wedding and I had your father’s attention, I was going to send you somewhere he would never have found you. You would have gone into protective services; I would never see you again. You wouldn’t have seen any of us again.

  “You would have had a life that you would have dreamed of. A life of pampering, safety and freedom without any mafia family coming after you for any sort of reason,” he answered. “If you want to, I can make that happen once things calm down. I do love you enough to set you free, Summer.”

  By now, Summer had tears streaming down her face, at a loss for words. She didn’t know what to say or do. How could someone love her? But then, if given that option, would it be easier to do that? Just to disappear and live like nothing had happened? She didn’t think she could. She would always be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life. She knew that if she stayed with Chase, at least on her own commands, she would be safe and well taken care of.

  And if she fought against his wants and wishes, then she’d be forced to stay unwillingly, and he’d still treat her with the utmost respect. But what stuck the most, was that he loved her. How could she ever leave him knowing that her heart felt the same way? A feeling she’d never show, as it would be used against her most likely, but it was there all the same.

  Chapter 24

  Summer stripped the bed, laying the dirty blankets on the floor in a heap of a pile. The bedding was past due to be washed. Chase was shut away in his office, doing a Skype meeting with Asher, who was still in Las Vegas and trying to close up a few loose ends before he headed out here to the middle of nowhere. She wished Chase wasn't so busy; she had enjoyed the time they had in Vegas and wished there could be more time like that now.

  So she kept busy, as she didn’t want to impose. Clare had been busy with her school work, and took much more time than Summer’s was at the moment.

  Summer had started her classes, and it took up only four to five hours of her day, if she was lucky. She found the beginning class easy, almost too easy. Each week, she was to complete one subject, and on Friday there would be a test that covered the material. So with most of her day free still, she was lost on what to do. Summer didn’t want to bother Chase as he tended to business, and he seemed grumpy. Her experience with moody men had never been good, no matter how they acted while in a good mood.

  She got all the washing done, plus sweeping, dusting, mopping and even making some cookies. The house was quiet and she took that time to let her thoughts wander. Times like this seemed to be more and more in occurrence lately. But she had felt like the house needed a bit of cleaning before Asher did arrive. Not that he’d notice, as he was a guy, but Summer didn’t know what else to do.

  In the past two weeks, the cut on her left arm was healing nicely and the stitches were taken out by Kayla on one of her house visits. The mother figure told the young Princess that she could always talk to her if Summer ever needed to. The same went for Zinna, who began texting Summer at least a couple times a week.

  Zinna wanted to get to know the new family member, and help her out with anything she needed. The strange girl told Summer often enough that she would always be there if she ever wanted to talk. As strange as Summer sometimes thought Zinna was, she still liked her and felt almost comfortable around her.

  Summer was feeling strong, both mentally and emotionally, for the most part. She wasn’t near as tired, thank goodness, and was eating healthier. Chase made sure she ate at least two meals a day, as at lunch time Chase was usually on the phone or in a meeting. He encouraged her to eat lunch with Clare, of course.

  Summer even caved and ordered a few clothing items as winter was beginning to make itself known. Knowing that Michigan could have harsh temperatures as well as snow, she didn’t want to wait until last minute if she could help it. Truth be told, it was nice to be able to shop for things on her own. This was all new to her and she was beginning to like all these little freedoms Chase was giving her and Clare. That he trusted them to even get online was exhilarating. It was just as refreshing knowing that he wouldn’t take the freedoms away when he wanted, either.

  The man, Peter, was in and out at all hours, mostly to make sure that the house was safe. No one could get in, but that didn’t mean they hadn’t tried. Chase had hired more guards to keep the house safer and protected around the clock. He knew of threats that Summer had yet to find out, and he planned to keep it that way. And it did help to make the two girls feel safer.

  Peter kept to himself, knowing that Summer was weary of him, but he did his best to show her that he meant no harm. Of course, Clare adored him like a big brother. She liked just about anyone now that she knew no harm would come to her. It amazed just about everyone who met her how accepting she could be.

  Summer often wished that she could be like Clare, letting the past roll off her shoulders. But to the older girl, it wasn’t that easy. Her past sat on her shoulders, weighing her down. Every time she thought she had a handle on what to expect, something seemed to pop up and make her rethink.

  As she set the cookies out on the counter, Chase leaned against the island, watching her. He could tell she was in deep thought, not sure about what exactly this time. He could see that she was doing much better.

  He took note of how she was starting to fill out, gaining weight in all the right places. She was finally gaining confidence in everyday tasks, even by just walking across the floor. Summer held her head up high, and didn’t jump every time a stranger entered the house or talked.

  They were both sure that the medication was what was helping her, but neither of them wanted to mention it. Chase wondered how she would do once Kayla took her off the anti-anxiety meds, and was already considering about asking to keep Summer on them long term if need be.

  Chase loved watching his wife as she used the kitchen, using it as if this house was her own home. Summer knew what she was doing and where everything was at. He did notice that she moved a few
items around and didn’t mind one bit. It wasn’t like he cooked much, although he could if he wanted to. He was just happy that Summer felt comfortable enough to make small changes throughout the house.

  He didn’t want to interrupt what she was doing, as Summer seemed to be in her own little bubble, but he needed to talk to her before he went ahead with a few things. She had said she wanted to be kept in the loop, and Chase would obey her wishes. It was strange for him to follow someone else’s lead, doing what they wanted instead of what he wanted. But he couldn’t change it, not for anything in the world.

  Summer knew instantly when Chase entered the kitchen; she could feel him watching her. She didn't know what it was, but even without hearing or seeing him she could feel him there. The last few days, her intuition about where he was, was growing stronger. Summer wanted to claim that it was due to her getting to know him better, as he hardly left her alone, nor the house. But she knew it was because she was drawn to the man. She couldn’t help but to feel that way.

  Summer continued on with laying the cookies out on the rack to cool before she placed them on the white plate. The smell of the oatmeal raisin coating the kitchen. She was careful to not burn herself, as Chase tended to overreact to every little thing when it came to her. She had to give out a small smile at just the thought.

  “Smells amazing,” Chase said, walking up to her and caging her in, in front of the counter for a moment. He had more like demanded that she slept in his bed from now on instead of with Clare. In fact, Summer was more than willing to, even with her confusing emotions running wild. She didn’t feel safer anywhere else at night but in his arms.

  She woke up often during the night when he would finally make his way to bed, and he’d wrap his arm around her, thinking she was still fast asleep. And she let him. She loved when he would pull her body to his and hold her. She enjoyed the feel of him holding her. But by the time she woke up each morning, if Chase was by chance in bed still, he was on his own side, making sure he wasn’t touching her. Summer wasn’t sure how she would hide it from him how she felt if she were still cuddled next to him when they woke in the morning, no matter how appealing it sounded.

  Her body buzzed as he reached around her, grabbing a cooling cookie before moving away to lean against the counter, but still in arm’s reach. His green eyes closed as he took a bite, savoring the taste. All she could think of was how she loved that look on his face. Then she wondered what his face would look like in the light when he would cum inside of her, if Chase would ever touch her in such a way again.

  Chase had never tasted such great flavored food, even with going to just about every high priced restaurant in his town and around the world. He told his wife exactly that, causing her to blush and he let out a thrilled laugh.

  “I enjoy your reactions as much as your food,” he joked, seeing her redden further as he gently smoothed his fingers along her cheek.

  Summer gave him a soft smile before she turned to start cleaning up the dishes she had put in the sink to soak. The counters were already cleaned and everything back to where it belonged.

  "I talked to Asher today,” Chase said once his cookie was gone, watching his wife for her reaction. Summer kept her face neutral, putting the last mixing bowl in the dishwasher and shutting the door softly.

  “I agree with him, and so does Trent and even Ryder, that he should be here to add protection for you – us,” Chase spoke calmly, his hands on the counter behind him supporting his weight somewhat. “Jason is sure to know where you are in due time, if he doesn’t already. And from what my source has been able to gather, Jackson didn’t figure out who you truly were, but is still looking into it. He’s hasn’t had any leads, either.”

  “Okay,” Summer said with a shrug. She had already gathered that Asher would be staying here. But then a thought clicked. “But where is he going to sleep?” She didn’t know of any other rooms in the house with bedroom furniture, not that she tried to open any doors that were locked or told she couldn’t from the first time she entered the house. She knew there was at least two open rooms that had no furniture in them though. One room Clare had taken over for her art room, or at least part of a room.

  “There’s an apartment over the garage,” Chase whispered, looking up at her through his eyelashes. He purposely didn’t want to bring it up, knowing that the girls would insist on cleaning it. And he didn’t use that space often. “It may need cleaned.” He spoke almost shyly at that.

  “Okay,” Summer said, squinting her eyes at her husband, wondering why he just now brought it up.

  “I don’t use it often, but has some work out equipment in it. It's a small studio apartment, so there's a kitchenette along with small eating area, a bed, dresser and a bathroom along with a walk-in closet. But I know it needs to be cleaned before Asher gets here in two days. I will help, of course. Or even hire someone to come in and do that,” Chase rambled on.

  “I can do it, it's fine,” Summer said, already thinking of what she needed to gather to begin cleaning. Truthfully, she was looking forward to having something to do. She was not used to having so much time on her own to fill.

  Chase wasn’t exactly surprised that Summer wasn’t fighting him over it; it was in her nature to keep things cleaned, and doing what was asked of her without thought. He made a mental note to place another order of gifts too, knowing that by the time the girls had the apartment cleaned up to be livable, they would more than deserve something extra. Plus, he wanted to spoil them. There was never any shame when it came to Summer and her sister.

  “The last time I was up there, the bed and furniture were covered in sheets to keep the dust at bay, but I’m not sure how the rest of the room is. It’s been about four months or so since it was last used,” Chase said quietly in thought, running a hand through his hair. He hoped it wasn’t too bad.

  “What time will Asher be here?” Summer asked before getting a bottle of water out of the fridge.

  “Around three on Friday afternoon,” Chase said, pushing himself up off the counter and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Maybe I should hire someone. You both have schooling.”

  “We can do it, Chase,” Clare said with a roll of her eyes as she entered into the kitchen. “I’m done with my school work for the day anyway. And since Summer’s in here cooking, I’d say she is too.”

  “How are you finding the school work, Summer?” he asked, since Clare did bring it up.

  “Easy,” she answered with a shrug. “I do the test on Friday, and it won’t take me more than an hour, just like last week.”

  “Good. Maybe you should have gone with a faster course than,” he mused.

  “I like this one so far,” Summer replied, her eyes telling the truth as she looked at Chase. It was only after the trip that she began to hold more eye contact, which thrilled him greatly. “Not too much at once, so I can answer a few of the other classmates’ questions easily.” That little bit of knowing she was helping someone else was what kept her going somewhat during her classes.

  “Alright,” Chase said with a nod of his head.

  “So the apartment?” Clare said, bringing them back to the topic at hand.

  “The entrance is outside on the back of the house,” he said. “I’ll open the door for you while you gather what you need.”

  Neither girl had ventured outside yet, mostly due to being busy and not wanting to risk getting in trouble. Plus, it was cold, and neither one of them were wanting to brave the wind. Summer didn’t even think about going around back, but Clare had talked about maybe going out front once in a while when Chase was busy before the trip.

  Clare grabbed the cleaning supplies out of the mud room while Summer went in search for a bucket under the kitchen sink to fill with a few rags, along with some trash bags. Who knows how much trash could be upstairs. By the time the girls were ready, Chase was back, leaving the back door in the kitchen opened that was practically hidden. Summer hadn’t realized that it was there until then.
  “I have a few hidden doors around the house so I – we – could get out fast if need be,” Chase explained as he saw her surprised reaction. He made another mental note to show the girls where the secret doors were. He would hate for something to happen and him not be there to show them how to escape.

  Clare was the first one out the door and headed to the white wooden stairs that led up to the room above the garage. The door was already opened, and so were the windows, letting in the natural light and fresh air. Summer slowly followed her sister as Chase watched. He still had more things to take care of, but once done, he’d help them if needed. Stepping into the apartment, Summer saw dust particles float around as a breeze blew through. True to his words, the bed and dresser was covered in sheets, along with a coating of dust. The bed had no other bedding on it though, so that would be somewhat easier.

  It was like a loft, everything opened from room to room. All but the bathroom that had a door that was slightly open and the walk in closet. The flooring was dark gray carpet, the walls a light cream color, and dark matching furniture.


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