the Runner

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the Runner Page 39

by Peter Ponzo



  "Kevn called, while you were out with Cori," Lori said, hiding her excitement.

  Gry grunted and collapsed in a chair and Cori climbed onto his lap. She was almost nine years old, with blond curly hair and fair skin. The image of her mother as he was wont to say. Gry ran his hand through her hair and smiled. On Cori's left ear hung a slender drop of glowing blue crystal, a gift from Runr, from the keeper.

  "Why?" mumbled Gry. "Why did he call? What did Kevn want? Is he coming over for dinner, with Sal and Tir? I haven't seen those guys for ... uh, months. And Tir is pretty nice too - for a gal, that is."

  Lori frowned.

  "And Sal is pretty nice too, for a guy that is," she said, putting down the ladle and sitting in a chair. Gry could smell the dinner and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. Lori was silent so he opened his eyes and gazed at his pretty wife and pulled a silver ring which hung from his ear.

  "You look ... uh, excited about something," he said. "It can't be just a visit from Sal and his wife. Must be something though. What?"

  Lori blurted it out: "Runr is coming Home!"

  Gry jumped to his feet and Cori slid onto the floor.

  "Daddy? Is that the man you said was my brother? Is that who's coming?"

  Gry swept Cori from the floor and began to dance about the room. Lori joined him, the girl between them as they danced.

  "Yes sweets," said Gry. "That's Runr, your brother, I guess you could say. He stayed with us, as a kid, before you came along. We haven't seen him in ... uh, how many years?"

  "Seven long years," Lori said, giggling with delight. "Oh Gry, it'll be wonderful to see him again. I bet he's grown so. I hope he brings Aura."

  "And his wife," said Gry. "I'd like to see her again too."

  "I'm sure you would," grunted Lori, winking at Cori. "I think your Daddy is in love with Tawna. You just watch what a fool he'll make of himself if Runr brings his wife."

  "How long will he - they, stay?" asked Gry.

  "Kevn didn't say, but I invited him for dinner tonight. Maybe he'll have more information. Maybe we can plan a big welcome for Runr."

  They all began to dance again, in a ring, holding hands - and Cori was as excited as they.


  When Kevn arrived the brandy was already hot and Lori filled his chalice even before he sat down, with Cori on his knee. Gry was pacing back and forth, pulling at his rings.

  "Gry, please sit down. You're making me nervous," said Lori.

  Gry stopped before Kevn and stared at him, then blurted out, "Okay, what's up? When do they arrive? How long will they stay? Is ... uh, Tawna coming too?"

  Kevn threw back his head and laughed and Cori joined him.

  "C'mon First Citizen. Tell us," moaned Gry impatiently.

  "Well, they should be here in about four weeks. And yes, Tawna is coming, and their daughter Aura. They'll stay just a day or two but - but there's something else. Runr asked me not to say anything until he arrived, but I think you should know since it involves you, the three of you."

  They waited for Kevn to continue. He drank some brandy, licked his lips and put the chalice on a table. Cori watched intently, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  "It seems that Aura is, well - a brat. Her powers over the planet are almost as great as Runr's, maybe equal, maybe more - and she's pretty destructive. Runr didn't say it, exactly, but I understand that the kid thinks too much of herself, is impatient to be the keeper. Plays with the planet like a toy. Some buildings have been destroyed by her childish anger and a holy person - well, I needn't go into that."

  They waited until Kevn had sipped from his chalice, Gry now sitting on the edge of a chair.

  "Here's where you come in. Runr would like to leave Aura with you for a while - just until she gets over this infantile behavior."

  Lori jumped up and down. "How wonderful!" she cried. "It's like having our granddaughter here, isn't it?"

  Gry seemed not so pleased. "Wait a minute. If this kid is destructive then she'll make a mess of this place, Home planet, the Dome, our rooms? Am I right?"

  "Silly," said Lori. "It's Afria that makes her destructive. Can't you see that? Home planet isn't Afria. She has no power here. She'll be just a little girl who needs love and affection. We can give her that." She looked at Cori and the little girl's eyes flashed in agreement.

  "Exactly," said Kevn. "Just a little girl with a headache."

  They stared at Kevn. It was Lori who spoke.

  "Headache? What do you mean, Kevn? Is Aura not well?"

  "Aah ... I didn't mean to bring that up. Runr was going to explain."

  "C'mon Kevn," said Gry, frowning. "Now tell us about this headache stuff."

  Cori slipped from Kevn's lap as he stood, then Kevn paced the room. They watched him, Lori with a worried look and Gry frowning.

  "It seems that the kid has headaches of some kind. I didn't quite understand why. I don't think Runr knows why. I think it has something to do with the planet Afria and Runr thinks it might go away if she's here, with you."

  Kevn paused, then sat down and Cori immediately jumped again onto his lap.

  "I think we should wait for Runr to explain. I probably got it wrong anyway. Maybe the kid just needs to be away from Afria for awhile."

  There was silence for some time, then Cori spoke.

  "I think its wonderful, don't you mommy? I can take Aura to the coliseum and we can play in the fields. Can we go out to the fields, please."

  Gry looked at Kevn, then at Lori, then at Cori who could hardly contain her excitement.

  "Yes, if it's a nice day," he said. "You can play in the fields about the Dome but don't go near the cows or chickens and don't go into the food pasture."

  Cori jumped up with delight and the look of worry vanished from Lori's face.

  Runr was coming Home.


  The viewscreen displayed the black void of space dotted with myriad stars. Runr sat at the console, stared at the screen but saw nothing for he was deep in thought. The Africana had passed each of the Afrian sister planets on its way Home and each planet had felt the presence of Aura. Runr was proud of the power his daughter controlled and was pleased that she would one day be the keeper. Yet he was concerned that this power now lay in the hands of a child whose torment grew with each day.

  As they passed Afria-beta the planet seemed to grow larger, aglow in the black of space, and Aura had collapsed in pain. Only when the planet was but a spot on the screen did she recover, angry and confused. Tawna had tried to console her but she grew more angry, cursing the planet. Runr, too, had felt something of the planet's awareness, something of the anger and frustration - and he too had experienced some of his daughter's torment, a pounding, a throbbing.

  Now he sat and stared without seeing at the viewscreen, thinking of the effect which beta had had on both him and his daughter. Although the Afrians had visited the planet Afria-gamma , also called C-phon3, and brought back the beast to live out its life on Afria, neither he nor any Afrian had visited beta. It seemed remote, unfriendly, somehow dangerous. Now he was certain that it posed a threat to his people - but could not foresee the form this threat would take.

  Runr, and indeed all Afrians, could speak to and understand the phonarite automatons which ran the space vessel without any need for either textual or verbal communication. The planet Afria was such an automaton and all Afrians played some role in appealing to the phonarite planet and, through it, could influence the temperature, the winds and the flowering of plants. Whereas the planet submitted to the requests of the Afrians it was Runr, the keeper, who was master of the planet. Soon, perhaps too soon, it would be his daughter Aura.

  "I do not like beta," she said as she walked into the command room. "It is evil and one day I shall destroy it."

  Runr turned to see Aur
a at the door, so small and frail yet so mature in her ways.

  "I too felt the pain of its presence," said Runr gently.

  "I was not in pain!" cried the child. "I am Afria! I am most perfect!"

  Runr held out his arms and she walked slowly to him and stood without moving, staring blankly at the screen. Runr dropped his hands to his knees and spoke slowly.

  "You will stay with my parents until you are well. There is much you can learn from the citizens of the Dome. They are good and wise and -"

  "No! I shall not stay! I am well! You can not make me stay!" she cried, and she raised her hands and sang and blue lights flashed on the console and the space vessel shook. Runr jumped to his feet.

  "Stop that! You shall do as I say!"

  Runr raised his voice and the blue lights dimmed and the vessel steadied on its course to Home planet. Aura began to cry and he picked her up and held her in his arms and kissed her cheek and carried her from the room.

  When he returned to the command room he became aware that something was wrong. Placing his hands on the console, he sang softly and the blue lights danced about his fingers. Tawna appeared at the door, saw that Runr was troubled and went to him.

  "Tell me what worries you," she said quietly. Runr did not answer but continued to sing softly. Tawna waited. Soon Runr turned and gazed unseeing at his wife.

  "Something is wrong," he murmured. "I do not know what is wrong and the crystals do not know, but something is wrong." Then he looked up at Tawna and she held out her hand and he took it and rose from his chair and embraced her.

  "Aura may help," Tawna whispered in his ear. "Ask her to come. Ask her to say what is wrong."

  Runr hesitated, then Aura was at the door.

  "Why do you worry?" Aura asked. "It is nothing."

  "Do you feel it, as I do?" asked Runr.

  "Yes, I feel it, but it is nothing. You are afraid, but I am not, for it is nothing."

  Runr walked to Aura and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  "Tell me what you know, that I may know it too."

  Aura turned and walked out and Runr's hand slid from her shoulder.

  "Keeper, you must ask her to say what is wrong," whispered Tawna, but Runr did not listen.


  Gry, Lori and Kevn waited at the landing pad as Africana descended. Cori peered at the huge space vessel from the window of the skooter, becoming more excited as the stairs slipped from beneath the ship and extended to the ground. When the door opened and Runr appeared, Cori ran out.

  "Runr! Runr!" she shouted and the tall handsome Afrian smiled and quickly descended the stairs and Cori ran directly into his arms. The others smiled and stood back, Lori shaking with anticipation.

  "Runr!" cried Lori, "we're so pleased you've come Home, even for a short while - we're so happy to see you again - it's been so long."

  The words came tumbling out and Lori ran to the stairs and embraced him.

  "I, too, am pleased to see you all again," he said, then he turned and looked up and Tawna was standing at the door. Gry stood open-mouthed to see her as she came down, stately, with blue robe rolling gently in the warm winds.

  They all embraced and shook hands and said all the customary things and Gry embraced Tawna once again, then Aura appeared at the door and they waited. Aura looked across the Barrens and frowned, then walked slowly down the stairs. Cori ran to her and held out her hand.

  "Hi! I'm Cori and you're Aura. Pleased to meet you."

  Cori bowed slightly, smiling and keeping her eyes on the tall black girl with green eyes and rust-colored hair falling to her waist. Aura gazed for a moment at Cori's hand, ignored it, then continued across the landing pad, staring at the Dome in the distance. Cori dropped her hand to her side and looked at Lori, then again at Aura.

  "Come," said Kevn. "We have two skooters here. Runr, you and Tawna come with me and Aura can go with Gry and Lori."

  Aura shook her head. "I go where I please," she muttered, and began to walk toward the Dome.

  "She is strong willed," said Runr. "I am afraid that - that -"

  "She's just a girl," cooed Lori, "and this is all so new to her. Let her walk. We can follow in the skooters. Cori? Will you walk with Aura?"

  Cori needed no further encouragement. She ran after the tall black girl and the others watched for a moment, then entered the skooters.

  "I think we must be related," said Cori. "Your father is my brother. That's what Mommy says. Did you know that?" Aura didn't answer. "I didn't know you were so beautiful!" cried Cori. "... and so tall! And I really am happy you came to visit - to stay with us - to see the Dome, and Daddy says we can play in the fields and -"

  Aura spun about, facing Cori, green eyes flashing. "I shall not stay! I am Afria and I go where I please - and it does not please me to stay."

  Cori stepped back. The Afrian raised her hands and began to sing, her song rising and falling - but the ground did not heave nor the sky darken. Aura frowned and turned again and walked toward the Dome.

  She didn't notice the increased glow of the blue ring hanging from Cori's ear.


  The skooters were just behind them when the girls reached the exitport. Cori shouted, "DOC! Please open the door! Thank you!" and the door to the Dome slid open. Aura turned and stared at Cori.

  "You ask, and the door opens?" she muttered. "I will close it!" Aura closed her eyes and began to sing - and the door began to close.

  Runr saw it happen and moaned and sang and the door slid open again.

  "Keeper," said Tawna, "does Aura speak to the Dome?"

  Runr was quiet, then Kevn said, "I think DOC is listening." He turned to Tawna. "DOC is a phonarite computer. I guess he's just responding to Aura's wishes. Will that be a problem, Runr?"

  "That will not be a problem."

  Runr sounded emphatic and Kevn didn't pursue the matter.


  It was dark when they finished the meal. Lori had spent the day preparing a special treat with vegetables from the newly created pastures just outside the Dome and real chicken with greensauce and now they all sat drinking hot brandy. Aura had said little and eaten nothing. There had been little conversation during the meal, but now Runr spoke.

  "Cori, can you take Aura and show her the Dome?" He turned to Lori. "Will that be all right?"

  "Certainly! Cori would be delighted, wouldn't you dear?"

  Cori nodded her head emphatically and jumped up from the table.

  "Aura, come. We can go to the mall and I can show you my school and -"

  Aura arose and walked silently to the door which dissolved to let her pass. Cori looked at Lori for a moment then followed and the door reestablished itself again. It was clear that Runr was worried and they all waited for him to speak. When he didn't, Lori did.

  "She's a beautiful girl, Tawna," Lori said. "You must be very proud. Perhaps, tomorrow, we can find something she will eat - and enjoy. Gry is very inventive, aren't you dear?" Gry grunted and pulled his rings and again no one spoke.

  Finally Runr said, "Aura is not well. She is often in pain and I do not understand the cause of her pain. I have known for some time that she knows something, sees something and I cannot see it. Afria knows it too, but cannot understand." He paused and they waited until he continued.

  "When we passed Afria-beta, which you call C-phon2, I could feel that something was wrong. There is something which comes - and it is evil - and the Afrian planets are aware of it, but cannot tell me. Aura knows it for it is the cause of her torment, but she says nothing."

  Again there was silence. Kevn sipped his brandy and leaned forward in his chair, looking at Runr as he spoke.

  "Where is this - this evil thing coming from? Does it come from C-phon2?"

  "No," said Runr in a whisper. "But
that planet seems more aware than the other Afrian sister planets - and it knows of this thing that comes."

  Gry leaned forward too, feeling it was appropriate to the discussion.

  "Well ... uh, why don't we ask DOC? Maybe he knows something." Gry whispered, then felt uncomfortable whispering and said more loudly. "Why are we whispering?" he muttered. "Is someone listening?"

  Kevn leaned back and laughed and everyone relaxed somewhat. Lori smiled at Tawna who sat quietly watching the keeper. Gry got out of his chair and walked to the small console and punched a comtab.


  WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE came the booming reply.

  "Is there ... uh, something coming? Something evil?" Gry asked.

  After a moment's pause DOC replied:


  Runr raised his hand and they all fell silent. Then Runr began to sing softly, his eyes closed, and the lights flickered on the console. When he stopped DOC responded.


  Then, after a moment:


  They all sat silently, gazing at the floor. No one spoke.

  Runr was certain that DOC would find nothing.


  TOM was inspecting the subspace drives of the transworld vessel L-47, when LIZ spoke.

  "TOM? DOC seems to be looking for something. Do you know what it is?"

  The android stopped, walked to the console and poked several comtabs.

  "He's looking out to space," he muttered. "That seems very curious. The sensors can find nothing unusual. LIZ, can you scan subspace and see what you can find? Maybe we can be of help."

  "But what are we looking for?"

  "I don't know."

  "Don't you think it wise to ask DOC so that we will know if we have found it?"

  "Yes, quite right," TOM said. Then, before he had a chance to ask, DOC's voice boomed in the command room.




  TOM shook his head as though to clear his thoughts.

  "LIZ? Can you look for that?"

  "Look for what?"

  "Something evil, coming from space."

  The lights flashed wildly on the console, but LIZ said nothing more.


  Aura was on her knees, holding her head and moaning softly. Cori ran to her side and knelt beside her.

  "Aura, is something wrong? Can I help?"

  Several citizens gathered and offered to carry the black girl to the MedLabs but she ignored them. Soon a crowd formed and moments later a Medteam arrived.

  "Okay sweetheart," said one, "let's take you to the lab and see what's wrong."

  Aura rose in a fury and shouted, "Do not touch me!" then she collapsed and they carried her to the lab. It was less than thirty minutes later when Orin, the Chief of the Medical Research Lab, contacted Gry.

  "No, we can't explain it," he said. "She collapsed in the mall and we took her to the lab. She was radiating low energy pulses and some of our instruments lit up like candles. Strange. Then, suddenly, it stopped and she opened her eyes, green eyes, and she was really angry. She began to shout - something about Afria - and our computers started to go crazy, the monitors filled with characters - meaningless strings of symbols. We had to shut them down."

  "How is she now?" asked Gry.

  "She's quiet now, sleeping I think. Strange kid."

  "We'll be around to pick her up," Gry grunted, then closed the phonelink.

  Tawna was on her feet and Lori poked the comtab which dissolved the door. Both left immediately with Runr, Kevn and Gry close behind.


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