Dancing With The Dead

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Dancing With The Dead Page 14

by Nancy McGovern

  To their surprise, the townsfolk of Greenfield, instead of shunning them, had embraced them. Everyone was sympathetic to Jacob and Lucas’ grief. As for Kaylee, Jacob had talked to her teachers and they’d decided it would be best if she was only told a brief, abridged version.

  Kaylee had been really shaken up at first, but Jacob made sure she regularly saw a counselor. That, combined with the fact that Aunt Eugenie had moved into the Giordano home to help take care of her, really helped things. Now eighteen months later, Kaylee was a happy, bubbly child again, surrounded by adults who truly loved her.

  The song ended and Grace and Jacob took a bow. A fast song started up and Lucas jumped to his feet, along with Kaylee. The two of them did an outrageously funny chicken-dance, making the crowd roar with laughter.

  Lucas and Finley had both put their differences aside and decided to run the company together. To everyone’s surprise, they’d actually made it work. Viola’s death seemed to have knocked the immaturity out of Lucas, who poured himself into his new work. It seemed to make Finley far kinder to Lucas, too, and so Finley’s charm and Lucas’ ideas combined to make Giso bigger and better than it had ever been before.

  Kaylee was now dancing in a circle, holding hands with Jacob and Grace. They were all laughing together. They looked up and Grace motioned to Nora and Harvey, asking them to join.

  “Come on!” Harvey pulled Nora up. As if he’d guessed her thoughts, he added, “Enough with the past. We’ve got a bright future to look forward to.”

  It was true, Nora knew. The last year and a half had been tough. Yet the Giordano family had all bonded together and faced it head-on. The future looked brighter day by day.

  “Look at me, Aunt Nora!” Kaylee exclaimed. “I’m doing the Macarena!” She shook her hips along with the music and Grace shook hers, too, in perfect sync. Both looked at each other with happiness shining in their eyes and Nora found herself blinking back tears.

  “Come on, Aunt Nora!”

  “You have to call her ‘Grandma Nora’ now,” Grace said with a wink.

  “What do you mean?” Kaylee looked baffled.

  “Well, you know your Uncle Jacob and I signed civil marriage papers a year ago, right? So that we could properly submit the adoption papers?”

  “Yeah?” Kaylee looked confused.

  “We got them back today!” Grace said with a big smile. “So I’m officially your new mom, if you’ll have me. And Nora is now your grandma!”

  “For real?” Kaylee’s eyes grew wide.

  “For real, kiddo.” Jacob bent down and kissed her. “I’m no longer your uncle. I’m officially your dad, according to the United States Government.”

  “Seriously? You’re my real family now?”

  “We always were, sweetheart,” Grace said. “Love is what makes a family, isn’t it? And we all love you.”

  Kaylee threw herself upon them both with a big hug. “This is the happiest day of my life!” she exclaimed.

  “And mine,” Jacob said, a bit teary.

  “And mine,” Grace agreed.

  Nora let herself be swept away to the dance floor by Harvey, giving Grace a moment of privacy with her new family. She didn’t say it out loud, but seeing Grace so happy made Nora feel, finally, like the past was fading away, and a new future was shining as bright as the ring upon Grace’s finger.

  The End

  Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you liked it! If so, please VISIT MY WEBSITE to learn more about the next book in this series (and all of my other books)!

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  Continue For Your Delicious Recipe…


  Nora’s Cheesy Garlic Mashed Potatoes

  Total Time: 30 Minutes

  Serves: 4-6


  6 Russet potatoes, peeled

  1 Cup of half & half

  3/4 Cup of shredded cheddar cheese, sharp or extra sharp (to taste)

  2 tablespoons of salted butter

  1 teaspoon of minced garlic

  1 teaspoon of salt

  1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper


  1. Boil your potatoes in a medium-large saucepan until a fork can easily penetrate to the center (usually 10-15 minutes).

  2. Drain the water from the potatoes and mash in a large bowl.

  3. In the saucepan, melt the butter and stir in the garlic.

  4. Cook for 3 minutes.

  5. Add the butter/garlic mixture to the now mashed potatoes and stir thoroughly.

  6. Add the half & half gradually, stirring each addition until thoroughly blended. Once all of the half & half has been added, stir until the potatoes are smooth.

  7. Sprinkle the salt across the top and mix thoroughly.

  8. Repeat with the pepper.

  9. Gradually add in the cheese, allowing each addition to melt before adding more, ensuring a thorough mixture.

  10. Serve & enjoy!


  One More Thing…

  One More Thing…

  If you would be willing to take a few minutes to leave a positive review for this book ON AMAZON and/or GoodReads, I would really appreciate it! Reviews are SO important to indie authors like me and can often make the difference between a series becoming a success or a dud! So, if you can find the time to drop a quick line or two for me, it will go a long way toward making this a long & fruitful trip for both of us! Thank you so much!


  Let’s connect…

  Nancy McGovern’s…




  [email protected]







  ***** Remember, when you sign up for my newsletter, I’ll not only send you updates & special offers on my future books, but you’ll also receive a FREE COZY MYSTERY (from my “A Murder In Milburn” series, Nora’s original series) as a Thank You for joining me!


  Until next time…

  Rights & Disclaimer

  This is entirely a work of fiction. All people, places and events contained have been completely fabricated by the author. Any similarities to real people, places, or events are completely coincidental.

  Dancing With The Dead Copyright © 2018 Nancy McGovern, McGovern Books

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any manner or used in any way without advanced written permission by the author.




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