Sweet Alibi

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Sweet Alibi Page 11

by Adriane Leigh

  “Fuck,” the word escaped his lips as I began massaging my clit. His eyes closed and he angled deeper and thrust faster, his face twisting in pleasure and his body shuddering with release. I closed my eyes and fell over the cliff as my own climax wracked my body for the second time. He continued to ease in and out of me slowly as my nerves tingled with pleasure. My chest heaved and I tried to catch my breath, finding him staring down at me, his expression thoughtful and sated.

  “You look beautiful when you do that,” he said as a small grin lifted his mouth. I bit my lip in embarrassment and covered my eyes with the back of my arm.

  “Oh no, not a chance. You’re not hiding that beautiful face from me.” He smiled as he lifted my arm away and I rolled my eyes at him. His grin widened and he rested on top of me, his elbows holding his weight. I sighed as our cool, sweat-slicked skin made contact.

  “Okay?” He lifted his head in concern.

  “Perfect.” I pressed his head back into my neck. Our breathing mingled together as we tried to catch our breath. The cool breeze swept up our skin, the dune grass dancing, the waves singing on the shore―a symphony to our connection. A large smile spread across my face as I threaded my fingers through his hair. We lay there for a long time, still connected, listening to the sounds of the Carolina night until finally Tristan turned his head and I felt his lips kissing me beneath my ear.

  “No regrets, Georgia?” he whispered.

  I turned my face to his with a content smile and my lips traced the shell of his ear. “No regrets, Tristan.”



  I WOKE IN a cold sweat. Hair sticking to the back of my neck and heart racing, I shot into a sitting position. Another nightmare. A nightmare so vivid, truth and fiction bled together into one.

  Heavy boots and vacant screams echoing down empty hallways.

  The clammy cool sensation of finished wood against my cheek.

  I was terrified of going back to sleep. A shift was taking place in my life―the beach house, Kyle, Tristan; the tides were changing and my brain was trying to make sense of it. Perhaps my guilty conscience was working overtime. Kyle had tried to call and text a few times that day and I had avoided all of it. I just needed distance to figure out if the life we had planned for us was the life I still wanted.

  I wrapped a blanket around my shoulders before I realized I wasn’t in my own room. Guilt turned my stomach -- I was in Tristan’s bed. After we’d walked home from the cottage, Tristan had insisted I stay in his room. The paint fumes were still strong in my own; I’d thrown the windows open to air it out for a few hours, but it hadn’t been enough.

  I looked around the room, wondering where Tristan was. He’d held me in his arms until I’d fallen asleep, but now there was no sign of him. I shuffled to the French doors off his bedroom and stepped onto the deck. Wrapping a blanket around my shoulders, I leaned against the railing. The moonlight, sparkling like diamonds, reflected off the silver water. I was startled to see Tristan rocking back and forth slowly on the padded porch swing watching me. My heart leapt in my throat and I wasn’t sure if I should leave him or curl into his safe arms and let him ease the ache in my heart left by the dream.

  “Hey.” He smiled fondly.

  “Hey. Sorry to interrupt. I’m heading back to bed, I just―”

  “Stay, Georgia.” He slid his hand along the soft fabric of the swing next to him.

  “Okay.” I sat, curling my legs underneath me, covering my body with the warmth of the quilt.

  “I could hear you tossing and turning. Did you have a nightmare?” He watched me with concern. I nodded and looked down the beach. Shadows from the trees stretched across the sand and made for an eerie landscape.

  “Do you have them a lot?”

  My eyes landed back on his. I could see the concern radiating from them. “Yeah, more lately,” I whispered.

  “Is it because…?” He sucked his lip between his teeth. I ached to run my tongue along it.

  “I don't know.” I looked away. He was wondering if what we’d done earlier had caused the nightmare. If I was having regrets.

  “I don't want what happened between us to be weird, Georgia. It doesn't have to be,” he said as he slid his hand out and let one finger caress the blanket overtop my knee.

  “I know. But it is.”

  “I know that you probably think―”

  “You don't know what I’m thinking. I don't even know what I’m thinking,” I said more to myself than him. What I did know was what I’d experienced with Tristan earlier that night was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Not with Kyle, or anyone else. The emotions that ran between us, the connection we shared, were profound and left me reeling. It felt like he’d unlocked a new and previously undiscovered piece of my heart.

  He watched for a moment then turned his head back to the water. He left his hand on the swing next to my thigh, one finger caressing the fabric. My brain couldn't focus on anything except that barest of touches. I wished the blanket wasn't between us.

  “Do you think we can go back to how we were?” I looked up at him, the moonlight washing across his face, highlighting the angle of his jaw, the line of his nose and his full lips. No matter how powerful our connection had been, despite the fact that I was upset with Kyle, I still loved him. I wasn’t sure I could give up loving Kyle for the night of bliss I’d shared with someone who went through his fair share of women.

  “I don't want to, Georgia.” His eyes glinted in the light.

  “What?” My mouth dropped open in surprise. I hadn't meant to lose him in the fallout of our one-night stand. I’d told him I wouldn’t have regrets, and I was trying desperately not to, but with the nightmares and my guilt over Kyle, I didn’t know if I could keep them at bay.

  “I don't want to lose you as a friend,” I murmured as painful tears pricked my eyelids. It had only been one month. Four short weeks since this sweet, thoughtful, endearing man had come into my life, and already I was attached.

  “That's not what I meant.” He looked at me with a set jaw and searing eyes.

  “What do you mean?” I whispered. His eyes cut into me and I couldn't avert my gaze if I tried. Tristan had me. The energy that passed between us was palpable. My heart thudded in my chest and I swallowed a lump that had settled in the back of my throat.

  “I want you, all of you, Georgia. And I want you to want me too. I know you’re with him, but he's not here. He's not with you, not really. And I am.” His words blazed a path straight to the pit of my stomach. My heartbeat thundered in my ears and drowned out the roaring ocean waves.

  “What?” The word escaped in a breathless rush.

  “I want you.” He couldn't pull his eyes from mine anymore than I could pull mine from his.

  “I thought that we were…that it was only―”

  “Sex? No, Georgia. I thought it would be too. But it wasn't and I should have known it wouldn't be. It could never be just sex between us.”

  “But those girls at the club, I thought―”

  “That I took them home? I didn’t. I slept on my boat. Alone.” He said the last word softly.

  “But I’m with Kyle,” I said, my eyes still locked on his beautiful green depths.

  “Do you want to be?” His question cut me straight to the core.

  “Of course,” I whispered and ripped my eyes from his.

  “It doesn't seem like that,” he said, trailing a fingertip below my ear.

  “Tristan…” I licked my lips. My throat was suddenly parched.

  “It's okay, Georgia. If you’re not ready, I won't force you. But I’m going to spend the entire summer helping you come to the realization that you want me too.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a grin.

  My eyes flitted back to his for a split second.

  “Now share the blanket, I’m cold.” He scooted closer and tugged the quilt from my shoulders. He wrapped me in his arms, throwing the blanket over both of us. My brain galloped i
nto overdrive. I should stop him, but he was so safe and warm. I knew we were crossing into dangerous territory but I couldn't pull away. I gave in and snuggled deep into the crook of his arm and rested my head against his chest. I inhaled his fresh, ocean scent and sighed.

  “You’re beautiful, Georgia.” He stroked my hair with a heavy hand and rested his chin on top of my head. I wrapped an arm around his waist and shut my eyes tightly. I should feel guilty snuggling with Tristan. I thought of Kyle pouring over his legal books in our tiny apartment. But the guilt didn’t come. I only remembered Kyle's apathy the past few years and a tear trailed down my cheek. Tristan rocked us back and forth with one leg as he stroked my hair affectionately.

  “There's a shooting star,” he said wistfully. I’d seen it and had already wished my wish. It wasn't for Kyle or Tristan, it was for me. I wished I could find the path that I was meant to be on, and I’d find it sooner rather than later without hurting the people I cared for. I shut my eyes, realizing I was already hurting people―Kyle, and probably Tristan, before the summer ended.

  * * *

  THE NEXT MORNING I awoke more than a little somber. The day was overcast but still warm and humid. I stepped onto the porch expecting to find Tristan, cup of coffee already in hand, but his usual chair was empty. My heart swelled and a small sigh of relief escaped my throat before I could catch it. I knew I should feel guilty about the connection I had with Tristan but every day it was becoming harder to push him away.

  Should I pretend we had never happened and step back into Kyle’s waiting arms? I wasn't sure I could. The peace I felt in Tristan’s arms made me smile. I walked down the steps and traipsed slowly to the edge of the water. Inhaling the thick salty air, I listened to the waves washing ashore and the birds squawking above.


  I twisted at the sound of Tristan's warm voice coming up from behind me.


  The early morning humidity had beads of sweat collecting on his bronzed skin. He took deep breaths and his chest heaved, emphasizing the low-riding jogging shorts and the sharp cut of his pelvic muscle. He was the finest example of the male form I’d ever seen and my belly clenched at the sight of him.

  “See something you like?” His head cocked to the side, a sexy smile lifting his lips. I bit my bottom lip as my eyes caught his. Hair damp with sweat lay across his forehead and I itched to push the errant strands away and press my lips to his in a morning kiss.

  “No,” I choked out. A throaty laugh escaped his lips.

  “Didn't look like that to me.” Tristan stepped closer, invading my personal space with his heaving chest and breathless panting. The air felt thick and heavy as it filled my lungs. Was it from the North Carolina humidity or the gorgeous man standing inches from me?

  “It isn't anything I haven't seen before,” I whispered, shutting my eyes from his intense gaze. He laughed again and I looked up at him with a small grin. He stepped away and pulled his white t-shirt out of the waistband of his shorts and wiped his face. The move was intensely erotic and I felt a zing of fire travel straight between my legs. My breathing came out in quick pants and I closed my eyes tightly and took a few deep breaths.

  “You’re up early,” Tristan said mildly behind me, coming closer. I knew if I leaned back his hard chest would be against my back. Suddenly I yearned to feel his fingertips grazing my skin. Across my shoulders, traveling the arch of my neck.

  As if he could read my mind, Tristan touched my skin as he pulled the hair off my neck. “You should come with me next time,” he whispered in my ear. I knew he was referring to his early morning run, but I imagined lying beneath his body as he rocked into me, hands clutching the sand and sea grass as I panted and writhed.

  “Everything okay, Georgia?” he asked, dusting his nose up the curve of my neck behind my ear. I swallowed.

  “Yesss,” the hiss escaped my throat.

  “Is something on your mind this morning?” I could hear the smile in his voice as his warm palm cupped my neck. I swayed on my feet and landed against his firm chest. I closed my eyes tightly, my brain blitzed with incomprehensible thoughts.

  Fire shot straight to the pit of my stomach and goosebumps electrified my skin. Tristan snaked one arm around my waist and held me firmly to his chest, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck and whispering his lips along the skin.

  “Tristan,” I said in a barely audible whisper.

  “Yes, Georgia?” he replied in a throaty whisper, his teeth ghosting along the shell of my ear. My heart thudded so loud in my chest I was sure he could hear it.

  “I shouldn’t…” my voice cracked before I could get the rest of my thought out.

  “You shouldn’t, but you want to,” he purred and turned me in his arms. He threaded his fingers in my hair and pulled my lips to his. He kissed me slowly, as if he were tasting and savoring me for the first time. I knew I should pull away, but I couldn't. I surrendered and wrapped my arms around his torso, digging my nails into his back.

  He pressed his body to mine and I could feel his erection at my hip. Rocking his lower half into me, arousal coursed through my body.

  Tristan trailed his hands down my neck, over my shoulders, playing with the straps of my tank top teasingly, before continuing down my ribcage and stopping at my thighs. He squeezed tightly before lifting me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed my lips firmly to his. My hands ran along the sweat-dampened skin of his shoulders, playing over corded muscles and smooth flesh. I pulled away, catching my breath. He attacked my neck with adoring kisses and sharp nips: a pleasure-pain desire tingling my body.

  “Georgia?” he whispered in a husky voice.

  “Yes?” Desire had flooded my brain and I rocked my hips seeking friction. I couldn't think straight; I wanted Tristan any way I could get him.

  “I need coffee.” He pulled away and gave me his cocky grin, my body pooling with lust before anger flared to life. I didn't know if I wanted to feel his lips on me again or smack him.

  “You are a tease,” I huffed. He stuck his lip out and pouted at me before squeezing the cheeks of my ass and giving me another lopsided grin. I glared at him before giving him a playful slap on the cheek. “You stink anyway.” I wiggled out of his arms and slipped down his body. His arousal still very ready for action. “Go shower and meet me back here for coffee.”

  He shook his head and laughed before twisting one hand in my hair and pulling my lips to his in a quick kiss. Butterflies came to life in my stomach. The way he could be so sexy and sensual one minute and completely and utterly sweet the next left me in a tailspin. And I enjoyed every minute of it.

  “Hey, G.” Drew wandered into the kitchen a short while later with a stack of papers and a highlighter in her hand. I had two mugs and was pouring coffee into one. Tristan wasn't yet out of the shower. “You must have heard me coming.” Drew set down her work and took one of the freshly poured mugs.

  “Talked to Kyle?” Drew took a sip and winced at the temperature. I heaved an exasperated sigh. It had been a few days since Kyle had canceled on his weekend plans. Drew had no idea that things had heated up between Tristan and me.

  “No,” I answered blankly.

  “You that mad that he couldn't make it?” She took another sip. I shrugged in response. Truth was I wasn’t sure if I was mad or glad that he hadn’t come down.

  “Something else going on, G?” Drew set her coffee cup down. I fidgeted with frayed strings on my cut-off shorts. “Spill it, G.”

  “Nothing to spill, Drew.” I brought the coffee cup to my lips.

  “I can see you lying from a mile away. It's not like you to hold a grudge against Kyle. In fact, you forgive him way more than I ever would―”

  “Mornin’, Drew. Thanks for making coffee, Georgia.” Tristan ran his fingers through his wet hair smiling warmly before strolling to the coffee pot to pour a mug for himself. Drew looked from him to me―her eyes widened.

  “Georgia,” she m
outhed, her eyes darting back to Tristan. I narrowed mine at her.

  “Did you…?” She made an obscene sexual gesture with her hands. My eyes widened at her but Tristan turned before I had a chance to answer. It didn’t matter; I would have lied through my teeth.

  “We should go to that vineyard today.” Tristan leaned a hip against the counter.

  “Yeah, sounds great,” I mumbled and took another sip of my coffee, avoiding both of their eyes.

  “Drew? You in?” Tristan asked her.

  “Umm, yeah… sounds fun, but I’ve got work, so you guys go. Have fun.” I could feel her eyes boring a hole into my skull, but I refused to meet her gaze.

  “We'll hold off then―” I started to offer.

  “No, no, no. Wine isn't really my thing. You guys go ahead.”

  “Maybe Silas―”

  “Silas didn’t come home last night,” Drew interrupted me before picking up her papers and sliding off the barstool, bumping shoulders with me intentionally. I glanced up at her and she wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at her.

  “What do you say, Georgia?” Tristan's hand traveled the short distance across the counter and his fingertips brushed my own. My gaze raced up to his dancing eyes and over to Drew, who had an interested look on her face as she backed out of the kitchen with a saucy grin. Damn Tristan for being so obvious and irresistible that my hormones didn’t stand a chance against his undeniably sexy self.

  “Sounds great,” I mumbled as I took another drink from my mug.

  * * *

  SOFT STRAINS OF piano and guitar filtered from my stereo speakers as Tristan and I drove inland to the vineyard. The D-Bags and Thirty Seconds to Mars dominated on the trip, but this song began slower. It was beautiful and haunting even before a man and woman’s voice sang together, the words echoing through my car.


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