Sweet Alibi

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Sweet Alibi Page 44

by Adriane Leigh

  “Sorry, baby. Let’s go swim.” I darted off down the beach with Brooke squealing with delight in my arms. I set her down in the sand and she immediately started digging as the waves lapped at her chubby little feet.

  “I’ll be out in a minute.” Tristan lifted Brady from his shoulders. Brady headed for his sister and plopped down, showing her how to make a sandcastle with the toys.

  Tristan wrapped his arms around my waist and swayed me back and forth as he tucked his nose into my neck. I sucked in a contented breath and lay back against his chest.

  “Thank you,” I sighed.

  “For what?” His lips tickled the skin beneath my ear.

  “For everything. All of it. From the beginning to the end, thank you.”

  “Mmm, my pleasure, ma’am,” he said in his best southern drawl.

  “Seriously. Buying this house? Best decision I ever made.” I turned in his arms and caught his gaze with my own. “That first day sailing? I'm so thankful you asked me and I said yes. Every minute I’m thankful for, even the hard ones.” Tears pricked behind my eyelids, as I looked at the beautiful boy that had been stopping and restarting my heart from the moment I’d met him.

  “Oh, baby.” He kissed me softly. “Thank you, for bringing me back to life. For making this beat.” He put my hand on his heart. “It beats for you and them.” He gestured toward our babies playing in the sand.

  I nodded and tucked my head into the crook of his neck. I inhaled deeply and took in his ocean fresh scent that had made my knees weak from the start. His lips whispered along my jaw line as he placed soft kisses across my skin.

  “I love you,” I murmured.

  “I love you so much more,” he replied before his lips took mine in a reverent kiss.

  There he went again, stealing my breath, except he wasn’t stealing it; I gave it to him freely because he owned me. We owned each other.

  From the beginning, our lives had been set on a course to find each other. There'd been no deviating. Despite the bumps in the road, it’d gotten us here, and here was so good.

  Here was the best.

  Here was right where we were meant to be.


  Sunday Morning: A Bonus Scene


  five years later

  “Mmm…now?” She groaned as I slid my hand up her soft skin to palm a full breast under her t-shirt.

  “It’s morning baby, no better time.” I thrust my hips into her thigh to show her just how ready and willing I was.

  “I think I got a total of three hours sleep last night.” She pouted and tried to turn away from me.

  No way that was happening.

  “So let’s start the day off with a bang.” I grinned and rolled her on her back. I dipped my head and laved up her neck to suck on the flesh under her ear. I ran my hands through her hair, pulling it off her neck and taking her lips with mine as I thrust my hips into her.

  A slow groan escaped her rosy lips before she began to respond and wrapped her curvy thighs around my waist. I nestled in and rubbed against the heat between her legs.

  “Mmm...” I growled and ran my hands up her body to snag the oversized shirt she slept in and yank it over her head. I grinned and sucked one of her nipples in my mouth, plucked and flicked with my tongue until she was arching into me.

  “Ready baby?”

  “Mmm,” she groaned and tugged at my disheveled blonde hair. I grinned when I realized she’d been running her fingers through my hair from day one, I think it was her favorite thing. Luckily, it was my favorite too. Georgia undid me when she ran her fingertips through my hair and tugged a little. I swear it was a straight shot to my dick; the tugging and jerking had him at attention and raring to plunge into her, full steam head.

  I pulled my boxer briefs down my legs and teased my erection at her wet lips. Ran my length up and down, nudging the head at her clit and teasing as she arched and moaned, her eyes shut tightly as the morning sun streamed in through the window and cast shadows across the soft features of her face.

  Just as I was about to sink into her, take her, make her mine, our perfect start to a Sunday was interrupted by a whine and a scratch.

  “Fuck.” I dipped my head into her chest, sucking in breaths as I stilled.

  The scratching continued.

  “Wrigley,” I groaned. God damn dog. “Doesn’t he know I’m trying to get some?” I muttered.

  She chuckled and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth as she stretched her arms above her head in a stretch, her tits thrusting up in my face, the hardened nipples begging for my mouth.

  “Ignore the bastard,” I grunted and started running my length up and down her wet slit again. A smile curved her lips as her arms wrapped around me and she melted into my body.

  Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

  “Asshole.” I jumped off the bed, pulled my boxers over my legs and stormed out the door to let the dogs out. I heard her laughing all the way down the hallway.

  I was gone less than a minute, just enough time to let both dogs out, before I was back in my warm bed with my sexy wife.

  I groaned as I stripped out of my boxers and tucked my head into her neck.

  “I’m hungry,” she moaned as that devilish smile curved her full lips.

  “For my dick?” I grinned and thrust between her wet heat.

  ‘Not uh. Pancakes.” She pouted.

  “This first..” I nudged my head at her entrance. “Then pancakes,” I muttered and nipped at her bottom lip.

  ‘Mmm, only if I get the pancakes.”

  “Pancakes for all.” I thrust in and felt her tighten around me. Her neck arched and a low groan escaped her throat. My eyes shut as I thrust into her, feeling her clench around me. Pulse and twitch with every movement. I eased in slowly then back out, thrust and drag, enjoying every warm inch of her.

  She whimpered and arched as her breath came out in erratic pants, her arms around my torso, nails dragging at my shoulder blades.

  I fisted at the flesh of her breast and plucked at the pert nipple standing at attention before I grabbed at her waist with both hands and flung us over so she was on top.

  She shrieked and giggled.

  “Shh…” I leaned up and locked her lips in a kiss.

  “Tristan,” she moaned and swayed over me, her body molding against me, her pelvis grinding against to provide enough friction against her clit that would have her shooting off in no time.


  “Fuck,” I grunted, threw my arm over my eyes as I heard our son call from his room down the hall.

  A smile turned her lips as she leaned over me, her arms wrapping around my body as she sucked in sharp breaths at my neck. We lay still for a minute, hoping the little three-foot-tall terror and his sister that thoroughly ruled our lives would give us just five more minutes of peace.

  “I think we’re in the clear,” I whispered.

  “If you make it quick.”

  “Quick I can do.” I fisted at her ass cheek. She smiled and started riding me again. Her body pushing against mine, taking me in, deep breaths sucking in and out as she rode me slow and steady, just the way I loved it. Lazy Sunday morning sex. Nothing better.


  “Oh my god. Are you close?” she breathed and as she rode me, refusing to slow. I could see the look in her eyes, she was close to coming all over my dick.

  “Really fucking close.” I clutched at her hips and held her still as I thrust upwards, pummeling into her, plunging before her hand slid down between her legs and she thumbed at her clit.

  “Tristan, Tristan, Tristan,” she whimpered my name uncontrollably before her body tightened and her pussy shot off in waves all around me. I grunted and circled my hips before my own release barreled through my body. I stroked a few last times to milk myself of my orgasm before she laid down, her tits pressed against my damp chest, her brown hair in a wild whirl around both of us.

  “Mommy?” Our door creaked ope
n and I felt Georgia’s entire body tighten.

  “Yeah baby?” she murmured as she turned her head, while her hands tucked the sheet in around us, making sure we were covered.

  “I went poop.”

  Jesus Christ. Boys. Leave it to my boy to announce that first thing in the morning.

  “Okay baby, that’s great, daddy will be out in just a minute to help you.”

  “Kay.” Our little boy trotted out of the bedroom, happy as a lark and naked as a jaybird.

  “Why me?” My eyebrows scrunched up.

  “Because you’re the poop guy.”

  “What? Says who?”

  “You're the man of the house. The man of the house is the automatic poop guy.”

  “That’s a bullshit title. Who do I talk to about reassignment?”

  A beautiful grin lit her lips as she eased off me. She turned to make sure there were no little people standing in the doorway and then swiped her shirt and ran for the bathroom.

  “Poop guy,” I grumbled and rolled my eyes as I pulled my pajama buttons on and headed for the kids bathroom down the hall.

  Five years after marrying the girl of my dreams, two kids, two dogs, and a diva cat later, and my life wasn’t at all how I’d imagined it would be.

  It was so much fucking better.

  Character Interview

  Tristan and Georgia:

  How hard was it for both of you, being away from each other those months, while Georgia was back with Kyle?

  T: Torture. Complete and utter torture is the only way to describe it.

  G: Agreed. I was trying to force myself down the path I thought I wanted, but I've learned our lives take the journey they are meant to take, regardless if we think it's best at the time. I know now that being with this guy (Georgia smiles at Tristan) is where my heart's always been, but I'm stubborn.

  T: Is she ever.

  G: Hey! (Georgia punches Tristan in the arm playfully.)

  Georgia, not to overstep the mark or anything, but what made you stay with Kyle even after everything that happened?

  G: Tristan and I don't really talk about this-- it's a painful memory-- but I was afraid to take the leap with him. His track record with women wasn't exactly comforting and I didn't have much faith that he could change. I was with Kyle for a long time, and once things went bad between us he kept promising he'd change but he never did. My insecurities got the better of me. But there came a point when staying became more painful than leaving. That's when I knew, whether Tristan and I reconnected or not, I had to leave.

  T: Kyle also knew how to manipulate Georgia and her feelings for him. They had a lot of history and he used that against her. Douche. (Georgia frowns at him.) Sorry baby, but it's true.

  You decided to take things slow, build up to a relationship. Was it just because you thought if you rushed back into things, that it could end again? Isn't there always that possibility in a relationship?

  T: This one's for you, I was never interested in taking things slow. (Tristan winks at Georgia and gives her a crooked grin.)

  G: You're terrible (Georgia addresses Tristan with a smile). I wanted to take things slow because we had a bad history of hurting each other. I'd just come out of a long relationship and he'd never really had one. It made the most sense.

  T: Notice it didn't last long, though? She can't keep her hands off me for long.

  G: Oh my God. (Georgia rolls her eyes.)

  T: No shame, baby. Drove me in-fucking-sane to not touch you for those weeks.

  G: A little patience probably did you good.

  T: Absolutely not, and never again.

  We get to see only some of your side of the story Tristan, do you think Georgia would tell it differently?

  G: Yes.

  T: What did I say wrong?

  G: All those f-bombs for one.

  T: It's a great word. Conveys emotion. There's nothing like a good fuck, in both senses of the word. (Tristan flashes a devilish grin.)

  G: So beyond his dirty mouth--

  T: That you love...

  G: That he seems to think I love... He told our story as it happened. Guys don't bullshit.

  T: Mmm, who's got the dirty mouth now? (Tristan growls in Georgia's ear and suddenly the sexual tension in the room is bouncing off the walls.)

  G: It was painful for me to read, especially the beginning. I had no idea he was that hurt-- I thought he'd just move on...

  T: Never. (Georgia smiles at him as he grabs her hand and places a kiss on her knuckles.)

  Why do you think you didn't bump into each other sooner when you both got back to town?

  G: I was trying to keep busy, unpacking and getting the house ready for winter. If I let my thoughts linger on Tristan too much...it just hurt.

  T: I was in a daze. Even when I wasn't drunk, I was really just going through the motions. I kick myself when I think that I walked down the beach every morning and didn't look up and notice her sitting on the porch. Granted, the houses are a few hundred yards apart so it wouldn't necessarily be easy to spot, but nonetheless I kick myself.

  There are some things that Georgia says which hurt you, yet you stayed steadfast in your belief that you were meant to be together. Where does that belief come from? How were you so certain?

  T: I'd never felt even a fraction for anyone else the way I felt, the way I feel, about Georgia. And no matter how hard she may have fought it, I knew I couldn't love someone as completely as I love her and her not feel the same in return. I just had to wait her out 'til she came to her senses.

  G: I'll give him that. I was hesitant at first, but it didn't take me long to realize that there wasn't anyone else for me.

  Do you think either of you have any regrets about how things happened?

  T: I don't think I can. It's what got us here. The things we learned, experiences we had, they've made us a stronger couple. I have no doubt we can overcome anything.

  G: I have regrets. So many, too many to count. I understand when Tristan says we're stronger for them, and maybe that's true, but when I think about his face that night during the fireworks, or when he sat on the porch and told me he was leaving, it tears me up inside. I regret being the reason for his pain. I'm so thankful we were able to overcome it, but I can't help but wish I could take some of those moments back. (Tears form in Georgia's eyes and Tristan pulls her closer to him and rubs her back.)

  Sudden Death:

  Three words to describe each other?

  G: Hmm... Playful, thoughtful, and naughty.

  T: Ooo... good words, babe. Georgia is sexy, sassy, and loving.

  Favorite feature or attribute about each other?

  G: His lips.

  T: Do I have to keep this PG? (Georgia punches him in the shoulder.) Fine, her thighs, because they wrap around my waist perfectly.

  One thing you never leave home without?

  G: Chapstick.

  T: My phone. I need internet at all times.

  Sexy time against the wall or in a bed or on the beach?

  G: Beach! So romantic!

  T: Ugh, all that sand can get...uncomfortable. I'm an against the wall kind of guy.

  Making Love or Fucking Hard?

  G: Uhm...this is a little TMI. I'll just say anything with Tristan works for me.

  T: Both. All night...or morning...afternoon. Anytime really.

  Favorite sexual trick?

  G: Again with the TMI! Can I answer it about him? It's this look he gives-- his green eyes get all dark and hooded and I know exactly what he's thinking. Nothing turns me on as quick as that look.

  T: Georgia's the blow job queen.

  G: What?! Oh my God I can't even believe you just said that!

  T: Your answer was a throwaway, I had to give the people what they wanted. So Georgia the blow job queen does this thing with her tongue where she swirls and sucks, and then her finger slides down...and yeah... Are we done yet? (Tristan looks at Georgia and I realize exactly what she's talking about with the dark a
nd hooded eye thing. Completely panty-melting.)

  Telling the Truth or Lying to Protect?

  G: I'm sort of both. I need the truth if it's important, but let's face it, if my ass is getting big, I need you to lie to me.

  T: Noted. (Tristan laughs.) I want the truth from her at all times.

  Song that best suits you both?

  G:“If I Knew”by Bruno Mars suits Tristan. I know he wishes he could take some things back about his past, especially after the Trevor stuff, but I love him exactly as he is, past and all.

  T: I still love “Poison & Wine” by The Civil Wars for us. It's sort of sad, but exactly how I felt and still feel. Loving her was unavoidable, whether good or bad, it's just fact.

  One wish for the future?

  G: To stay right here, with our little family on the beach.

  T: For this interview to be over so I can devour the girl next to me.

  G: Mature. (She rolls her eyes and Tristan grins and winks at her.)

  Favorite place in the world?

  G: Right here on the North Carolina beach.

  T: On my boat with Georgia.

  Falling in love or staying in love?

  G: Our falling was rocky, so I'm going with staying.

  T: I agree. Falling was stressful for me. I like the staying part. We done? You don't mind letting yourself out, right? (Tristan stands and pulls Georgia with him, giving her a kiss on both hands before throwing her over his shoulder and making off down the hallway.)

  G: Thanks for the interview! (Georgia squeals and smacks him on the ass before they disappear down the hallway.)


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