Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 15

by Kristen Echo

  This was a nightmare. She stood there in stunned silence, blinked a few times, but it was still happening.

  “Stop!” Maddy rushed to Brody’s defense, throwing herself between the two men. “Get off him.”

  Her blond leather clad hero released the shirt, stood up and backed away. His hands raised in defense as if he hadn’t been the attacker in the scenario. Both men were tall, but Brody was lanky with less meat on the bone. It wouldn’t have taken much for Mr. Man to break him in two.

  The others came over to check on the commotion and defend Brody if need be. Caroline needed to smooth this over before things got out of hand. The back room was tiny and felt even smaller with four men surrounding her. She wiped the unwanted taste from her lips as the shock wore off. She couldn’t believe he’d crossed that line.

  “What’s your issue?” Brody straightened his shirt and scrambled to his feet. “That was fucking uncalled for,” he said as he rubbed the side of his face.

  “What’s going on?” Nathan lifted his fists, ready for a fight. The guys had missed the action, but wouldn’t hesitate to help their friend.

  “This asshole attacked B. Are you okay?” Maddy doted on him as if he hadn’t just assaulted Caroline’s mouth. It’s possible she hadn’t seen what happened.

  Mr. Man shot them an incredulous look. “Are you for real? You’re calling me the asshole.” His voice was so even and smooth; a total contrast to her smoky rasp.

  Caroline stepped in front of him, planting her hand against his solid chest. She appreciated his coming to her defense, but she didn’t need a white knight to rescue her; especially not from Brody. That guy might need an ass kicking but it would come from her. “Enough. I don’t want to cause a scene. This is done. Are we all clear? Everyone put your hands down.”

  “I’m not the one in rage-mode. We’re cool, right?” That Brody would even think they were okay, showed how ignorant he was with women.

  Caroline shook her head. “We’re not even close to good. But I’ll deal with you in a second.”

  “Whatever, I’m going to grab ice.” Brody turned his back to them and marched out of the room with Maddy hot on his tail.

  As quickly as the scene had started; it ended. Nathan and Peter eyed the stranger but decided not to press the matter. “You got this?” Peter asked, and she nodded. He and Nathan went back to packing up their gear and talking about the after party.

  This was a mess. She turned her attention back to the wall of muscle standing next to her. Why was he back there and what was she supposed to say? Thank you didn’t seem right given he might have cost her the spot in the band. Damn it!

  “Are you all right, Caroline?” He remembered her name.

  That shouldn’t have mattered, but for some reason it sent butterflies fluttering around her belly. “I’m fine. I can handle men like Brody. It’s not a big deal.” She downplayed it, hoping he’d let it go.

  “No one should touch a woman unless they’re given permission. Seeing how you pushed him away and screamed, I assumed you hadn’t granted him that privilege.”

  She didn’t remember screaming, but it had thrown her off guard. She hadn’t come out and told Brody no, but she hadn’t given him any signals of interest either. This was partially her fault, and she owned that. “You’re not wrong; I didn’t ask for him to kiss me. I didn’t want that at all, but he didn’t deserve to have his face punched in. The kiss was meaningless.”

  “Your kisses are far from meaningless.”

  If her pulse wasn’t racing before, it was now. He thought her kiss meant something. Her cheeks flushed. “Is… um, that why you’re here? You wanted another kiss.” Her eyes latched on his full lips.

  “Tempting, but you dropped your purse. I actually snuck back here to return it.” He pointed to the small shiny bag on the ground by the door.

  Her face turned beet red. “Oh. Thanks,” she said, twisting a lock of hair around her finger. Her other hand was still resting against his broad pecks. She’d been touching him for way too long. She went to pull away, but his hand covered hers. The heat traveled over her like a tsunami. His lips moved, and she suspected he was speaking, but she couldn’t hear. The noise of her heartbeat was too loud. He was the hottest thing ever; more scorching than lava.

  How could anyone concentrate when you’re melting from the inside out?

  “Say again.”

  He chuckled, and she wanted to bathe in that sound. She pictured him naked and in a tub, waiting for her. His thick arms outstretched, and his… Oh boy, this was not the time to get ahead of herself. He returned her bag, nothing more. There were so many things wrong with her. Like the fact, she hadn’t been laid in months; this wreaked havoc on her brain cells.

  “Are you done here, or do you have another set?” He wanted to know about her plans. Maybe he wasn’t there just to give her back her purse although that was extremely thoughtful of him.

  She took a calming breath. One enquiry into her evening did not mean he wanted to sleep with her, right? Not everything revolved around sex. But looking into his light blue eyes that was all she could think about. Him on top of her, beneath her, and more importantly, inside her. Her insides contracted, and she shuffled her feet. “One set only. What are your plans this New Year’s Eve?” Her throat sounded even more throaty than usual.

  His fingers tapped over her hand, which was precariously close to this heart. The faint beating was nowhere near as quick as hers. It made her feel like this attraction might be one sided.

  “I don’t make plans, but I’m sure we can find something to do. Are you game?”

  There was that word again. A game had gotten her into this and she wasn’t ready to call it quits yet. He also used the words we, which she liked a whole lot. “I’m always game. What did you have in mind?”

  “Why don’t you come with me and we’ll figure that out together. We can play it by ear.”

  She hated that saying. Going with the flow and not having a plan didn’t sit right. Caroline liked control and knowing what came next. Schedules had become her best-friend growing up, especially with Connie. Everything was easier to manage when she planned ahead.

  But this wasn’t about building a future. He had booty call written all over his handsome face. One night of pure sin that would end with her still single. She wasn’t sure she wanted that, but as she glanced down at his giant hands, she couldn’t help but want them all over her.

  One night of bliss would be worth the repercussions. It had to be enough, because she got the impression even if she wanted more, that wasn’t an option. Again, she may have jumped to conclusions. But a man who doesn’t even take off his coat at a party isn’t someone who plans on sticking around. At the very least, she could find out what he had in mind. She owed herself that adventure. But before she let loose, she had to check on Connie.

  “Wait right here. Don’t leave.” She lifted onto the tips of her toes and planted a chaste kiss against his lips. They were just as soft as she remembered and tasted like more.

  She didn’t look back, but she heard his laughter as she bolted out the door. The room had begun to empty, but many people still danced. She shuffled through the balloons, confetti and spilled drinks to the table where her sister had been all evening. It was empty, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Meagan had finally taken her home.

  A quick glance around and she saw her father engaged in another conversation with one of his players. She had no intention of talking with him as she b-lined it back to Mr. Man. At some point she would have to get his name. It had taken her more time to get back as several people stopped her to say how much they liked her voice and the band. The compliments enveloped her like an elixir to her soul. By the love of all that sparkled, he listened and was leaning against the wall when she returned. He stood with her purse in his hands.

  In the corner, Maddy and the guys chatted. She held up her finger and walked over to her band.

  “Hey,” she said.

�� Brody replied, a dark shadow had already developed along his jaw. Maddy wouldn’t even look at her. “We’re gonna kick it back to Pete’s. Are you coming?”

  Caroline was happy to get the invite, but she also wanted to stay. She was torn, but the promise of pleasure won out. “I’ll catch up with you guys tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I’d stay and tap that too.” Pete smacked her ass, and she squealed.

  “Whatever, the guy is an asshole. I don’t trust him, and you shouldn’t either.” Brody licked his wounds and tried to make her second guess her decision. “Makes me wonder what kind of person you are if you stay?” This was not how she wanted to ring in the New Year.

  “Can I talk to you? Alone for a sec.” She didn’t want what happened to affect her place in the band. Her role wasn’t solid and one mistake could unravel the whole deal.

  He nodded and the rest of the group moved to the door to gather their coats. Brody was their leader to some extent, and his opinion mattered. “Let’s make this quick.”

  “What you did wasn’t cool. I love this band, and I hope this doesn’t jeopardize my spot in it, but there won’t be any more kissing; at least not between us. Our relationship can be as friends and band mates; nothing more. Do you feel me?”

  “Get over yourself, Blondie. I thought you wanted me to kiss you. It was a mistake. For weeks you’ve been smiling at me and batting your eyelashes. I flirted, and you dished it right back. Don’t act like I’m a scumbag now.”

  Her kindness and desire to fit in had been mistaken for flirting. “You’re not and I didn’t realize I sent the wrong signal. I never mix business with pleasure. It’s a family rule.”

  “Got it,” he said, walking away. “But remember that some rules are meant to be broken.”

  She smiled, but that was one rule she never intended to break. “I don’t think so.”

  For some unknown reason, he grabbed Maddy’s ass and pulled her against him. Caroline hoped she wasn’t his consolation prize; because she deserved more than that. Hot or not, Brody had a lot to learn about how to treat a woman right.

  The crew had their foot out the door ready to leave, when Caroline ran up to them. “Maddy, hold back.”

  Her friend stopped reluctantly. “What?” Her tone was snippy and so unlike the kindhearted Maddison she’d known since she was a kid.

  “Yikes, who pissed in your cornflakes?”

  “Nobody, I’m ready to have a drink and celebrate the New Year. Find my kiss if you know what I mean.” Her eyes traveled to Brody and back.

  Damn, she did have a crush on Brody. “You know he kissed me, right? Not the other way around.”

  “He told me in the hall what happened. It was just part of the game. He hates to lose.”

  She hoped that was true, but she doubted it. “Hooking up with Brody would be a mistake for you. He might be hot and talented, but he’s a womanizer. You can do so much better, Maddy.”

  “He’s a great guy. You don’t know him, and I wasn’t talking about him anyways. Pete’s invited half the city over. You should come.”

  Caroline glanced back at her broody Norse God and knew she would not make the party. “Another time. I am staying here for a while.”

  “You know… Never mind. Catch you tomorrow. Be safe.” Her friend kissed her cheek and hurried off.

  Caroline got a feeling she knew something, but kept it to herself. Whatever that might be, she could grill her tomorrow. Tonight, she would throw caution to the wind and have fun. The kind of fun with no strings attached. It was a New Year, and she could try something new or someone new.

  Chapter 5

  After waving goodbye to the band, she stood alone with her mysterious knight in black leather. He didn’t talk much. In fact, he hadn’t said a word as she cleaned up and said farewell to her friends. He kept his distance, rubbing his beard as his pale eyes assessed her. Whatever he saw, he seemed to like because he hadn’t left. Every inch of bare skin those baby blues traveled left her feeling more exposed. With each second that passed the room seemed smaller. With the band there, there had been little room to move around. But with only the two of them, it was downright claustrophobic.

  The faint sound of the orchestra filled the silence. It was too quiet and Caroline took a few deep breaths. They didn’t help. The room wasn’t bright with only a crystal encrusted chandelier above, but she saw him clear as day. Sweat beaded on her brow as they stared at one another.

  It was too hot. He was too hot. It’s not like she hadn’t been with a good-looking man before, because she had. Caroline wasn’t single because she couldn’t attract a man. She just had a problem finding one that wanted to stick around. All of her exes seemed great for the first few months, but the mere mention of a future had them running for the hills. She hadn’t asked them to marry her, but she wanted a commitment. She needed the security of knowing they wouldn’t disappear. Yet, they all did, reminding her that few people could be counted on in this world.

  There was nothing innocent about the air that crackled between her and Mr. Man. Her heart might take a beating from her decision, but she didn’t care. “Do you want to dance?” She wasn’t sure if he danced or not, but she had to leave that tiny, quiet space. He didn’t seem impressed with her suggestion and stayed leaning against the wall, looking all shades of fine. “We don’t have to. Are you one of those men that can’t dance? Dancing is not that important… I mean… I thought since there’s a dance floor.”

  His lip kicked up on the side again, a half smile that took her breath away. He reached for her hand and twirled her around. She spun out and back, feeling like a princess. “I can dance, but not I’m not interested tonight.”

  “Okay. Then what are we going to do?”

  The look he gave sent a tremor of anticipation across her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps. If she could bottle that look it would be called pure lust. That subtle tilt to his smile gave her chills.

  “Do you need a play-by-play, or will you trust me?”

  She thought about it, and she trusted him. He could have stolen her wallet, but opted to return her stuff. He could have let Brody get away with kissing her, but he defended her honor. She didn’t need to be rescued, but she liked that he’d taken care of her tonight. It had been a long time since someone put her needs first. She also liked it when he spoke. The silky-smooth baritone was music to her ears. “I trust you.”

  “Good. Grab your stuff and let’s get out of here.” He let go of her hand and she instantly missed the contact, which was ridiculous. This was not the time to get attached.

  “I can leave my violin with the front desk and grab it later; that way I’m not lugging it around.” She put on her parka, which was the farthest thing from sexy but it was down-filled and warm. When she glanced back over, he was holding her instrument and her purse. Both looked tiny in his hands; hands that with any luck, would soon be all over her. She zipped up her coat and followed him out the door. They used the one connected to the hall and avoided the ballroom. That was fine with her since the last person she wanted to see was her father. She was still pissed that he’d allowed Connie to stay there all night. Her feelings were hurt that he disregarded her take on the matter. They usually saw eye to eye on everything relating to her sister, and they never fought. Their argument still didn’t sit right with her.

  The lobby was empty, and the clerk was helpful, handing her a ticket in exchange for her violin. “So, where are we going? Should I get them to call us a cab? My legs won’t be able to take the cold for long.” She looked down at her bare legs.

  He took her hand, guiding her towards the exit. “You’ve got great legs. We don’t need a car; I’ve got us covered. I promise to keep you warm.”

  The compliment wasn’t a new one; her legs were one of her best features. They were long and sleek which was why she’d chosen a short mini dress. “Thanks,” she said, with an extra skip in her step as they stepped into the freezing Winnipeg winter. “Brrr, it’s so cold.”

p; He hugged her close to his body, shielding her from the gusts of wind. “My ride’s around the corner.”

  They hurried. Her heels sunk into the snow-covered sidewalks. Her eyes widened and her step slowed. “Wow.” She hadn’t expected a stretched limo. She’d been in many limos but she pictured him on a motorcycle or maybe a monster truck. The driver rounded the car and opened the door for them. As she slid inside, she wondered what she was doing and whether this was a good decision.

  Then he sat next to her, and all was right in the world. His body heat took away the chill. She was getting warmer and in that moment, she was exactly where she was supposed to be. But she wanted to make a few things clear, so there wouldn’t be any misconceptions.

  “I want to let you know, I never do this kind of thing, like leaving with strangers in the wee hours of the morning; to go who knows where and do who knows what. I’m more into long term relationships.” She swallowed hard and continued when he said nothing. “Not that there’s anything wrong with what we’re doing, or about to do; I mean obviously we will do something.”

  Caroline looked into his eyes; his pupils were dilated. Her fingers itched to take off his jacket and rip open the buttons of his shirt. But as she stared into his eyes, she wanted to learn more about him.

  What was his story? Why were his eyes so sad? And why was he alone on New Year’s Eve?

  There were no answers hidden in those silver swirls. She looked away. The seats were plush leather and there was a mini bar along one side. She could use a drink, but she didn’t want to dull any of her senses. Not when he kept looking at her like she was dinner. But he hadn’t so much as touched her. She craved that more than her next breath.

  The limo was a nice touch although he could have taken her up against the wall in the hall if he'd wanted. Caroline prepared to lose her inhibitions just as she had when they first kissed. Perhaps, he was waiting for her to make the first move. She could do that. Rather than sit next to him, she moved over and straddled his lap. Her parka was in the way, so she unzipped it.


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