Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 62

by Kristen Echo

  “Good morning,” she said when Cameron walked into the kitchen. His short hair was wet from a shower and his face was freshly shaven. He looked smoking hot in a tailored suit. The buttons on his shirt were only halfway done, revealing his defined pecks. He had the cuffs rolled up, showing off his muscular forearms. She held up the coffeepot, nearly spilling it as she ogled him. “Cof… coffee?”

  “Thanks, but not on game days. I’ll make a smoothie before I head out shortly. April’s sleeping in for a change. She had a tough night, and it took her a while to fall back asleep,” he yawned. “You have the passes for the game, right?”

  She nodded, unable to form any words. He smiled, flashed those killer dimples and went to work, making his breakfast. He had to know how fantastic his ass looked in dress pants. She watched in awe as he moved with precision and grace.

  “Does April wake up every night?” She leaned against the counter, holding her coffee, but not drinking it.

  “She was getting better. Down to maybe one a month and then Mom left; now you’re here. She doesn’t handle change well. It’s not your fault so don’t take it personally. I think the nightmares are her way of coping.” He turned on the blender and peeked towards the hall. Waiting to see if he’d woken the lady of the house.

  She didn’t wake. He poured the green, mostly plant-based concoction, into a glass. It was clearly packed full of nutrients and looked interesting, but when he offered her a glass, she declined. Coffee was her morning staple.

  “Next time she wakes in the middle of the night, I can sit with her until she falls back asleep. That’s why I’m here. To let you rest and help you focus on the game. I don’t mind.”

  “That’s above and beyond the call of duty. I wouldn’t expect you to lose sleep.” He chugged his beverage and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand when he was finished.

  Her eyes were fixed on his mouth the entire time. The chemistry between them filled the air like a heavy mist. She felt like it wasn’t one sided, but did it matter? It wasn’t appropriate for her to want him. He’d told her his life was complicated and she was supposed to make things easy not harder. She was there for April, not to find a boyfriend.

  “I’m offering because I want to help. You were clear about your expectations. I’m just reminding you you’re not alone.”

  “Nice jersey. Who’s on the back?” He stepped towards her and she wished it had Smith written on it. She didn’t move. He gripped her shoulders, turning her around. “Larson. Bloody hell. I’ll leave one of mine at the front for you. Why him?” He turned her towards him and held onto her arms.

  Her face heated as did the rest of her with him so close. “He… he saved me from hypothermia and Mr. Northcote gave it to me. I… we hadn’t met yet.”

  “Hypothetically, you walk into a store right now; which jersey do you buy?” His eyes locked onto her, and his body caged her against the counter, leaving her nowhere to run.

  This method of flirting was far more direct than she was used to. Once she told him, there was no turning back. “Do you really want to know?” She pressed one hand against his bared chest, directly over his heart and she felt hers expand.

  “For some reason, yeah, I do. You’re different. In a good way. I’m curious about you and what you like.” He placed his huge hand over hers, rubbing it against his chest.

  The act was intimate. “I’m not so different,” she breathed.

  “You are. I like the way your cheeks flush when I’m near you and the way you say everything on your mind. I bet you’re shit at keeping secrets. That’s... I fucking love that. Your honesty and innocence are very attractive qualities.” He sucked on his lower lip for a moment. “I shouldn’t be saying any of this.”

  “Keep going. I don’t mind. Your talking stops me from talking. Although, if you knew what was in my head, you wouldn’t say I’m innocent.”

  He tapped against her temple. His palm rested against her cheek and she resisted the urge to melt into his touch. “What are you thinking?”

  For a girl who hated making decisions, she made one in that second. Putting herself out there might be scary, but never knowing would be worse. Lindy told her to embrace every opportunity that came her way and this qualified. Chemistry like that didn’t come along often. “Smith. You… um, asked about whose jersey. Well, I’d march right up to the cashier and buy one of yours.”

  Any attraction she had for Joe Larson had vanished. She only had eyes for Cameron Smith. Her boss. Pseudo-boss.

  “Good answer.” His lips loomed closer. He hesitated and closed his eyes. When he reopened them, he stepped away, removing his hand from her body and leaving her bereft. “I’m a magnet for complication and you should stay away from me.”

  “If I don’t want to?”

  “Life is unpredictable and I’m rolling with it. Now, you’re here and there’s something I want to do. I wish I had the time to do it properly because I don’t want to rush it.”

  “Rushing… wouldn’t want to do that. Mistakes happen when people move too fast and don’t think things through. Not that I’m saying you’re not thinking properly. Maybe you’re the only one thinking straight. I don’t know what I’m saying. I will stop talking and go wake up your daughter.” Meagan stepped away from the counter. Her steps slow and controlled so she wouldn’t fall over or trip. She glanced over her shoulder and he was watching her. “Yup, walking away now.”

  He laughed. The sound spread over her like lotion on a sunburn, soothing the sting of the missed kissed. “I’m admiring the view.”

  “Me too,” she said before disappearing down the hall.

  April woke up with a smile that faded the instant Cameron said goodbye. The meltdown hadn’t lasted long as Meagan distracted her with blueberry pancakes topped with raspberry puree. They made an enormous mess of the kitchen and had a blast doing it. There was flour and leftover mix all over the counter. The tiny Smith was an excellent sous-chef. Although, she wasn’t much of an eater. A mountain of pancakes remained once they’d finished their meal.

  Rather than clean their mess, they went for a quick walk around the block. Cameron’s home was modest compared to the multi-million-dollar homes in his neighborhood. There was a playground at the end of his street, but it was too cold to stay out for long. The March temperatures hadn’t fully welcomed Spring with open arms. Once back in the warmth of the house, they read a book and got ready for the big game.

  She was ready to tackle the cleanup when she heard a faint knock on the back door. The sound of the door opening sparked her into motion. April was on the floor, playing with her blocks, oblivious to the company. Meagan rounded the corner to find a woman in her early thirties, closing the door behind herself.

  “Hello, can I help you?” She crossed her arms over her chest, in an effort to come across as tough.

  “I’m Gail. Mr. Smith’s housekeeper.” She held up her key and smiled brightly. Her blonde hair was curled to perfection and her makeup applied flawlessly; not the appearance of your typical maid. “He told me he had a new nanny. You must be Megun.”

  Her mind wandered to the approved guest list and the name Gail rang a bell. “It’s Meagan not Megun, and it’s nice to meet you.” She held out her hand and received a limp shake in return.

  The woman shucked her jacket off and waltzed past her, wearing tight blue jeans and an even tighter shirt. She had an exceptional body. Meagan second guessed her decision to have the extra pancakes.

  “It didn’t take you long to learn your way around the kitchen?” Her steel blue eyes looked her over from top to bottom. “What a mess.”

  “Sorry about that. April helped make breakfast, and we got carried away. I’ll help.” She raced towards the sink and filled it with soap and water as Gail collected the plates from the table. April waved and continued playing. “Have you worked for Cameron long?”

  Gail snickered. “Already on a first name basis. Sure doesn’t take him long.” She placed the dirty dishes next to her and
grabbed a sponge to clean the counters.

  “What do you mean? Doesn’t everyone call him by his first name?” She turned off the water.

  “I’m not implying anything. Relax. It’s… he has a habit of um, how shall I phrase it,” she whispered the last part, not wanting little ears to overhear. “Getting friendly with his staff. A personal approach some might say.” She winked and scrubbed the counter, shaking her size-one ass in the process.

  “Have you and he… you know?” Meagan couldn’t finish her sentence. Her blood ran cold. If he got friendly with women like Gail, there’s no way he’d be interested in her. They were like two different species. Light and lithe versus dark and solid. They were built differently, and men didn’t typically alter their tastes to those extremes.

  It was possible she’d misread the signs and the flirting. She felt sick to her stomach and gripped the edge of the sink for support. Why had she asked? She didn’t want to hear about it.

  Gail tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Wouldn’t that be fun? Have you seen his hands? They are enormous.” She wiggled her over-plucked eyebrows. “I’ve been told, he knows how to work with them,” she added with a giggle.

  “It’s none of my business; I don’t—”

  “I can’t speak from personal experience. He dated my best friend. So, huge cock or not, I’m not interested in her seconds. I’ve heard great things about him from every single one of his hired help. They all fall madly in love with him until he fires them. Sex complicates things, and he doesn’t like complicated. He’s got enough of that around him.” Her eyes moved over to April. “The only reason I’ve lasted this long is because I won’t sleep with him. If you like your job, you might want to keep your distance.”

  Cameron Smith was a playboy. That didn’t fit the persona of the man she’d met, but she’d only known him a short while. In that amount of time they’d almost kissed. Twice.

  “Are you spreading rumors or did you talk to these women? I mean, it makes little sense. He’s—”

  “A hockey player and sexy as fuck. Yeah, I get that. He’s also a single dad who is on house arrest like ninety percent of the time. He’s young and saddled with a kid.”

  “Quiet. April’s right over there. That’s not something she should hear. Maybe they were fired for other reasons.”

  Gail stopped cleaning and faced her. “Think about it. Cam hasn’t dated since his mom left town weeks ago. He’s in his sexual prime. So, a quick and easy fix is to hire young women who will do anything he wants. Once he gets his fill, he moves onto the next.”

  Meagan stood there with her mouth open. She didn’t want to believe she wasn’t special. His touches and words were a ruse to get between her legs. She’d foolishly bought into all of it. ‘I’d buy your jersey’ she’d told him. He could probably smell her arousal like a shark.

  “I’m not saying he’ll do that with you.” Gail’s eyes surveyed Meagan’s hips. “I shouldn’t even be saying any of it because it’s truly none of my business. Four times a week, I come here to clean. I’ve stayed clear of the drama and I plan to keep it that way. Who he fucks is not my concern, but you’re so young. I’d feel bad if I didn’t at least give you the facts. If you get the chance and decide to jump his bones, you’ll know the score.” She shrugged her shoulders and returned to the counters.

  Her fingers were wrinkled as she finished cleaning the mixing bowl and placed it on the drying rack.

  “Thanks for the heads up. It was a pleasure meeting you. I’m certain our paths will cross again. I’ll be here for a few weeks. Enjoy your day. April and I should get going.”

  “Have fun at the game,” she said loud enough to catch April’s attention.

  “Is it finally time to go?”

  She nodded and took the girl’s hand, leading them towards the coats. She would fulfil her obligations to watch over April and find a permanent caregiver. Her duties ended there. The attraction and chemistry didn’t matter. No matter what signals or moves he put out there, she no longer had any intention of pursuing Cameron Smith.

  Chapter 6

  She brightened when they reached the arena. Her frustration disappeared when she saw the ice and the excitement of the fans. April went to all of her dad’s games, but this executive treatment was a first for Meagan.

  “Hey, girl.” Caroline Northcote-Ivarsson waved her over as they entered the owner’s box. Her golden hair shone brighter than the diamond on her finger. “Dad said we’d see you here. How are you settling in at Cam’s?”

  “Great. He’s easy to work with and April is such a good girl.” She leaned down and fixed April’s bangs, moving them out of her eyes. “It’s been an easy transition. How’s your sister?”

  “Connie’s over there and will be happy to see you.” Caroline glanced over her shoulder at her sister, whose face was buried in her tablet. She rolled her eyes and smiled. “It’s nice to see you again April. If you’re hungry, there’s a hotdog on the table with your name on it. If that’s okay with Meagan?”

  Meagan let go of her hand and nodded. “Go ahead. I bet after your nap in the car, you’re ready to eat again. Take a seat and I’ll join you in a moment.”

  The little girl took off for the food and Caroline laughed. “She’s so much like her dad. He’s a big eater too. I thought Nico packed away the meals, but Smith could eat out a grocery store.”

  “She picks her moments. I’m learning about his appetites,” she replied with little enthusiasm.

  “Let me introduce you to some ladies here. Carly and Beth wanted to be closer to the action and are down there somewhere.” She pointed towards the empty bench. The players had yet to take to the ice. “Sylvie, Jill and some other wives are over there. It’s a great group. Oh, but if you want to survive the afternoon, don’t bring a hotdog around Sylvie. She’s in her first trimester and is having major morning sickness.”

  “Thanks for the tip. Which one is Sylvie?” She peeked at the women, but couldn’t tell if anyone was with child. Caroline looped their arms together, like they’d been friends forever, when that wasn’t the case. Meagan was certain that Caroline disliked her and thought she couldn’t handle caring for her sister. “Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you didn’t like me.”

  “I’m very protective of Connie. When you moved in, you didn’t have any experience with Asperger’s. I didn’t like the decision to hire you. It wasn’t personal. You’ve proven to be great with her.”

  “It wasn’t personal to you, but it was to me.” Meagan kicked a fallen popcorn kernel across the floor.

  “I’m sorry.” Caroline squeezed her arm and smiled. “Since those men chased the two of you, my opinion has changed. You protected her. You’re kinda badass. If you hadn’t been there.” She shuddered, and so did Meagan.

  “Don’t mention it. I’m happy my father’s tactical exercises came to good use, though I hope I never have to use them again. Speaking of all that, how’s your crusade to find the missing teens coming along?”

  The city had a rash of missing teenagers. The numbers were climbing at an unprecedented rate. A fact that hadn’t garnered the media attention it deserved. The police were confident the majority were runaways or suicides. They hadn’t ruled out foul play, but the man hours weren’t being devoted to crack the case. Caroline had the resources and the balls to make a difference.

  While most trust fund kids followed the path set before them, Caroline forged her own way. She’d dropped out of University to pursue her musical dreams. Went against her father’s wishes by dating and recently marrying a hockey player. Meagan had overheard Mr. Northcote laying down the law, but his daughter wouldn’t back down. When Caroline made a decision, she charged full force after it. Meagan could take a page out of her book. They were close in age and she admired her.

  “I hope you never have to use your training again either. You might not see eye to eye with your dad, but he was smart to train his girls. Nico’s been harping at me to take a self-defense class. Like
I have time for that. I’ve been so busy with the band and recording lately that I’ve left poor Sylvie to do all the work of finding the missing teens. We’re hiring another person, but it’s still on my to do list.”

  Meagan immediately thought of her sister. Hailey had finished her tour of duty overseas and wanted to join the police force. They weren’t hiring. “I might be able to help,” she said as she spotted April sitting next to Connie. It warmed her heart to see them both smiling and having a good time.

  “Can you turn down the heat? Este, it’s hot in here.” A woman with a thick French accent, wearing a white jersey and leggings, stepped next to her. She was taller than Meagan, but her curves were every bit as pronounced.

  “Just the lady I wanted to see,” Caroline air kissed the woman’s cheeks. “Sylvie Thomas, this is Meagan Rylen. Connie’s nanny and temporarily helping Cameron with April. Sylvie married Martin Thomas, our starting goalie, on the same day I married Nico. Valentine’s Day is the perfect wedding day,” she said with an ear to ear grin.

  “Oui, I overheard Martin talking with Joe about finally having someone dependable to help him. It’s nice to meet you. Once this little one comes, I might try to steal you.” They laughed. “I might be married, but my last name is still Lamont. I won’t change my name and I refuse to hyphenate. No offense Northcote-Ivarsson. You have to admit it’s a mouthful.”

  “But what last name will the baby have?” Caroline placed her hand on Sylvie’s stomach. “Don’t you want to all have the same name?”

  The announcer introduced the team, and the men skated out. Her eyes found Smith as soon as he drifted into view. She clapped along with the rest of the fans. Once the fanfare died down, Sylvie tapped her arm, drawing her attention once again.

  “Our child will take Martin’s name. Back me up, Meagan. You wouldn’t take your man’s name or hyphenate, would you?”


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