Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 106

by Kristen Echo

  Jill bent and helped TJ. “Do you mind if I meet up with you all later? I’d like to go see someone.”

  “The boyfriend?” Rianne asked.

  She cleared her throat. “Yes, but I don’t have to go see him if it bothers you.”

  “What do you guys think? Should we let Mommy have fun?” Her sons nodded along with Rianne. “Go. I’ve got these monkeys covered.”

  She smiled and hugged her children. “You three are the best. I am the luckiest lady alive.”

  Once the kids were out the door, she drove to the hotel. She wanted to surprise Luka. When she entered the lobby, she was the one surprised. He sat on the couch surrounded by young women. The two beside him had their hands all over him.

  She marched towards him with her hands on her hips. “What’s going on?”

  He unfolded his hands and smiled. Some of her unease lifted just from seeing his face. “I did not think I’d see you today.”

  She lifted her eyebrows and eyed the girls. “Clearly.”

  His laugh bounced around the room as he brushed the hands away and stood. “Are you angry?” Luka stepped around the coffee table. Pictures of him and other players littered the tabletop.

  Her foot tapped, and she huffed. “Should I be?”

  “Should I be angry?” He threw the question back at her as he took her hands. His thumbs caressed her knuckles.

  Their last conversation had been cut short and her actions were suspect. He had every reason to be upset with her. “Angry. No,” she snorted.

  “Because I should trust you.” He pulled her closer, lifted her hands and kissed them. His mouth hovered over hers. “Does that work both ways?”

  “Yes,” she breathed and pressed her lips to his.

  He responded and opened to her advance. His tongue slipped inside her mouth. She moaned as he nibbled her lip. Being with him was exactly what she needed.

  “These ladies asked for autographs and cornered me and Theo. He just escaped. Lucky bastard,” he whispered into her ear. “How long do I have you?”

  Deep down, she’d known the scene with him and those girls was innocent. For some reason, she kept pushing him. It wasn’t fair of her to test him for Terry’s mistakes. Luka wasn’t him. She thanked her lucky stars for that.

  “Forever,” she answered. “Does that work for you?” She tugged him away from the girls and towards the elevators.

  He growled and pinched her ass. “Forget what I said about no sex. I don’t want to wait another minute to be with you. I promise to do whatever you want, but I’d like to make love. Over and over.”

  A second later, her lips claimed his. This man belonged to her. She had no intention of ever letting him go. Her fingers dove into his hair as she wrapped her legs around his waist. The primal urge inside her couldn’t be restrained. She loved him too much to hold back. He carried her in his strong arms to his room and followed through on his promise.

  Chapter 18

  Game six started, and the fans roared. If Winnipeg won, the Stanley Cup was theirs. Jill and the kids rooted for Montreal. This was their city; at least for now. The first faceoff didn’t go well. Theo Montagne passed to Cameron Smith, who brought the puck behind their blueline. They shuttled the puck back and forth as Joe Larson approached the net. One quick slide from Montagne, a backhanded tap from Larson and the puck slipped past the crease. They took the lead within the first two minutes of play.

  When Luka joined the line, her thighs pressed together, tingling from muscle memory. His version of over and over had him buried balls deep inside her for hours the previous night. They had made love on every surface of his hotel room. He’d given her what she wanted and then some. No part of their bodies went unexplored. He’d sacrificed his rest time to worship her.

  Looking at him skate, you’d never know he missed a moment of sleep. He tore down the ice on a mission. As the puck drifted from one player to the next, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him.

  Nicolas Ivarsson and the other defensemen allowed minimal shots on net. The few attempts Terry and his teammates made were stopped by Martin Thomas. She couldn’t say the same for their goalie. When the first period ended, Montreal was down two to nothing.

  Their seats gave them a great view of the action. This game wasn’t as brutal as the ones before it. Terry played well, but slightly subdued. On the flip side, Luka played harder than she’d ever seen him play. He earned his title as the Playoff King. Winnipeg was hungry for the win and finished the second period with a three-point advantage.

  “Pass it,” Rianne screamed at one of their wingers.

  “Do it,” Wayne cheered.

  A moment later, Luka slammed the player into the boards and Winnipeg recovered the puck. Montagne showed off his fancy stick skills and sailed the biscuit past Kristoff into the upper right-hand corner. Coming back from a three-point deficit was hard, but four was next to impossible. They pulled the goalie with over six minutes of play remaining.

  With the extra man on the ice, Terry scored a goal. The fans praised the home team and screamed for more. Unfortunately, it was too little, too late.

  Winnipeg won the championship and were awarded the Stanley Cup. Jill jumped to her feet and cheered. Seeing the jubilation and happiness on Luka’s face sent a warm, fuzzy sensation through her. “Way to go,” she yelled.

  She wasn’t the only one applauding for Winnipeg. Two of their players were born and raised in Montreal. Montagne and Thomas both had tears running down their faces as they pounded the boards next to their families. She wanted to rush down and be there for Luka. He had no family left, but he wasn’t alone.

  “Let’s head down,” she said, stepping towards the aisle. A glance beside her revealed three sets of wide eyes. Her children remained in their seat with their faces scrunched in confusion.

  “Daddy?” TJ asked.

  Terry wouldn’t be up for company. Her suggestion hadn’t been about him and she realized she’d have to explain her excitement. It was time to tell them about Luka.

  “He didn’t win,” Wayne stated.

  Jill chuckled. “I know. He lost the big game, but he played well. They had an amazing season. You can still be proud of your dad.”

  Rianne twirled a lock of hair around her finger and scoffed. “That’s not going to happen. What’s the point of getting closer to the ice? The game is over.”

  There would never be a good time to break this to them, but it had to be done. Luka deserved to share his big moment with someone who loved him.

  Jill shuffled in front of the boys and crouched. “Your sister’s aware of this already, but I’d like you both to know Mommy met someone new. He’s a new friend, well, he’s more than that.” She fumbled, trying to explain. “You know your dad and I aren’t together anymore… What I’m trying to say is I started dating someone. His name is Luka, and he’s wonderful.”

  Saying his name brought a smile to her face. TJ was too young to understand. She picked him up and hugged him. Wayne didn’t speak as her words registered. Rianne chewed her lip and remained quiet.

  “Being with him makes me happy. He’s honest and likes a lot of the same things as me. Including hockey. He plays for Winnipeg.” She pointed to him on the ice and beamed when he waved. Her heart was so full.

  “Get out! Pedlanski’s your new boyfriend. He’s hot,” Rianne shrieked as she stood and looked down at the rink. “OMG, you’re dating the NHL’s bad boy.”

  Jill laughed at her daughter’s depiction of Luka. “I had no idea who he was when we met. Apparently, he’s more popular than I realized. I guess I have been living under a rock since you were born,” she said, hoisting TJ higher against her chest and snuggling her nose into his hair.

  “When I pictured your boyfriend, I expected some old, balding guy with glasses, or dad’s doppelgänger. Luka Pedlanski is like the opposite of what I thought. Mom, I can’t have a super-hot step-dad.”

  “You’re too much,” she giggled.

  “Does this mean
we have to move?” Wayne asked.

  She’d considered the option of moving to Winnipeg, but it was too early to make that call. Her life and Terry’s would forever be linked. She wouldn’t take the children from their father. Their needs came first. A long-distance relationship wasn’t ideal, but they’d make it work.

  “I don’t think so. If we move anywhere, it will be back to Calgary where grandma and grandpa live,” she replied. “Your dad always promised we’d go back there when he retires. We’ll see what happens.”

  Her son smiled at her answer. “I love it there and they have a pool in their backyard. Our next house should have a pool.” He looked at the ice and then back at her. “So, is Luka the man I talked to yesterday? He was funny,” Wayne added.

  “Yes, that was him. What did he say?” She’d forgotten they’d talked for a few minutes.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t remember, but I laughed a lot. When do we get to meet him?”

  They took the news far better than she’d envisioned. There was no animosity, only love. Her eyes filled with happy tears. She grouped the three together and hugged them. She had the best children on the planet.

  The next few hours were a whirlwind. The introductions went amazingly well. Luka charmed the pants off of everyone and her cheeks hurt from smiling. The celebration from the Stanley Cup finals was chaos. She snapped pictures to commemorate the moment. It was a big moment in both of their lives. They hung out for most of the post-game fanfare. Jill watched Luka kiss the Cup and left him there to celebrate with his team.

  When she arrived home, it was late. Terry waited on the steps bathed in the moonlight. He hadn’t used his key which surprised her.

  “Can we talk?” He patted the concrete step next to him.

  “I’ll get the boys ready for bed,” Rianne said, walking into the house.

  Jill sat and folded her hands on her lap. Several minutes passed. “Talk,” she growled, breaking the silence.

  “I fucked up. I had everything and let it slip away,” he admitted.

  Her legs bounced. “Are you talking about hockey or—”

  “Us. You know when Linette approached me the first time, I turned her down. It was obvious what she wanted. There’s never been a shortage of options. But, she kept showing up at the hotel in her tight little outfits and you were so tired all the time. You were too busy to make time for us. We hadn’t made love in—”

  “Terry, I don’t need to hear this.” She leaned back on her elbows and looked at the sky. Millions of stars scattered across the darkness. Most weren’t visible due to the street lights. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “Listen. I never meant to take her to bed. I swear that night we just talked and then all of a sudden, we kissed. It felt good to be wanted. We took it too far. If she hadn’t gotten pregnant, you never would have found out and we wouldn’t be here.”

  She exhaled, leaned forward and smacked his forehead. “That one night isn’t what brought us here. Think hard. We want different things. This was inevitable.”

  “No way. We are meant for each other,” he stated, rubbing his hand over his forehead.

  “Tell me this. Did you consider getting the vasectomy before or after the affair?”

  “Before,” he answered quickly. “That one indiscretion had nothing to do with it. I had hoped after Wayne that we were done. When you got pregnant, I was surprised. We were supposed to be focusing on my career for a little longer. Then TJ was such a handful. More kids meant less time with you.”

  It hurt to hear him say those things, but she was glad for the truth. All those years, she’d struggled and put off growing their family because of his career. It hadn’t been difficult for him. Everything was about him and his needs. Her wants and needs had never factored into his decision making.

  “I honestly didn’t think you’d mind,” he continued. “You were on board with everything else I’d suggested over the years. It’s why we work so well together. I love you so much, Jill. You’re the only woman for me.”

  Rising to her feet, she stared at him as if she was seeing him for the first time. Her eyes watered. “I… I’m not the woman for you, and I don’t think we were ever a right fit. You want a wife who thinks of you first and puts you above all else. That’s not me; not anymore. I want a partnership. I want a man who thinks of his family before himself.”

  He scoffed. “Luka’s just as selfish as I am. He’s no better than me. Your May-December romance won’t last. You’ll regret throwing me out.”

  A taxi pulled up to the curb in front of their house. Luka sat in the backseat. She smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. Of all the things he could do post win, he chose to visit her. Her love for him tripled in an instant.

  The partying would last well into the following week and she’d told him to live it up. She expected him to celebrate with his team. If Terry had won, she probably wouldn’t have seen him for a few days. Luka was so different. She couldn’t wait to hug him. When she stepped towards him, Terry grabbed her hand.

  She peered at him, unable to remove the smile from her lips. “I don’t regret our years together. We have three beautiful little humans,” she said, squeezing his hand. “But, I don’t love you anymore. I should hate you, but that would take too much energy.”

  He stood. “I would never keep the kids from you. You’re an amazing mother. I panicked, and you were right to call my bluff. Don’t shut the door on us. Please reconsider.” He let go of her hand and climbed the stairs towards the house.

  “No.” Her smile grew wider. “You’re not used to hearing that from me, but I am done. For the sake of the kids, we’ll find a way to get past what you did this week and the hell you put me through. If you ever loved me, then do the right thing. Sign the papers on my desk before you leave.”

  Terry opened the front door without saying another word. They’d said enough. Their marriage was over. There was no going back. Jill had already moved on.

  The door closed behind him as Luka opened the cab door. It felt symbolic. Like she’d closed the door on her past and opened the door to her future. Seeing Luka climb out of the car, her heart was bursting with love.

  “Hi,” she said, opening her arms to him.

  He closed the distance between them in two large strides. “Are you all right?” He hugged her against his chest.

  Jill breathed him in and listened to the steady beat of his heart. “I am now,” she answered.

  “Tell me why you are sad.” He sat on the steps and pulled her onto his lap. His fingers skated over the tear stain on her cheek.

  She played with the short strands at the back of his neck. “I’m happy. So happy I’m crying.”

  “I hope it’s okay I showed up? You gave me your address the other day,” he said, staring into her eyes.

  “I love you.” She was lost in the darkness and the intensity. “It’s more than okay. So much more.”

  His lips grazed hers. A soft and gentle tease. “Today, I feel like a winner,” he announced.

  She chuckled and cupped his jaw, running her fingers through the soft bristles of his beard. “You are. It’s amazing.” She licked her lips. “You’re amazing. You have the Stanley Cup. Can you believe it? And why aren’t you celebrating with the rest of the guys?”

  He gripped the back of her neck and pressed their foreheads together. “You make me happy. When I think of celebration, I see your face and the face of your children. We can celebrate together. It meant everything to me when you introduced us. Especially at that moment. I am…” He choked up and cleared his throat. “I am very much in love with you.”

  His search for a family was over because he was a part of hers. He was the hero she hadn’t known she needed. He’d saved a puppy when they met, but he also saved her. Every moment with him fueled her soul and filled her with happiness. He’d earned the Stanley Cup and won every piece of her heart.

  She took his hand and kissed the back. “I want you to stay the night. After we
say goodnight to the kids, I want to make love to you. No condoms. Just us. Whatever the future brings our way, I’m ready.”

  Luka tucked his arms under her legs and he lifted her into the air. Carrying her to the door, his smile was the only answer she needed. He was everything she needed. Once they were inside, he placed her onto her feet as Terry stepped out of the office. He held the divorce papers in his hands.

  “I signed,” he said, placing the document in her hand.

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  He squared his shoulders and exhaled. “It doesn’t change my feelings for you or the kids.” Shuffling his feet, he focused on Luka. “Treat her right and make her happy or I’ll kill you. Simple as that.”

  “I agree to your terms.” Luka held out his hand and waited for Terry to shake it. “I will love, protect and treat your family as if they were my own blood. You have my word.”

  Terry ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s not in my DNA to give up, but you won this round.” The hockey players shook hands. “One hell of a game. Congratulations,” he said and then he left.

  Jill fell back against the wall in shock, clutching the paperwork against her chest. “I can’t believe that happened. I… we… you have no idea what this means.”

  “This I understand.” He smiled and leaned his body against her. Layers of hard muscles pressed into her. Lifting her left hand to his mouth, he kissed her ring finger. “It means you can marry me.”

  Their lips fused together, and she tasted the start of their happily ever after.


  Summer was in full swing and Jill was hot all the time. It only intensified when Luka was around. In the months following the big win, their relationship had continued to grow stronger. She loved him beyond words.

  “I love you,” she breathed.

  Her wetness greeted him as he slipped his hand inside her panties. They were saturated and had been since the minute he walked through the door. The kids were at her parent’s place for a sleepover and they had the night to themselves. In a few weeks, the house hunting would begin in Winnipeg. Until then, they were enjoying their holidays in Calgary.


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