Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 122

by Kristen Echo

  Cherie finished her water and fiddled with the glass. “This is awkward.”


  “I tried to keep you and Spencer apart,” she said under her breath. “Before you moved here, he’d asked for your number. I never gave it to him. Then I foolishly thought… doesn’t matter. I told you not to see him. The man probably hates me.”

  “Spencer and I would always have found our way back to one another. Our timing needed to be right.” She smiled and glanced at the soft glow from the upstairs window. A soft breeze caressed her face. “You don’t know him. Once he set his sights on me, he would never have given up. He’s the most persistent human on this planet. I love that about him.”

  Cherie tucked her hair behind her ears. “You two belong together. I can tell you love him.”

  Gwen’s smile widened. “I do. He’s also the most forgiving man I’ve ever met. Don’t worry about the past. Let’s focus on the future.”

  Cherie laughed. “You’re starting to sound like me. Where’s the wine hiding?”

  The rest of the night involved plenty of laughter as they reminisced about old times. The mistakes of her past were left in the past. With her sister and Spencer by her side, her heart finally healed. Gwen forgave herself. The future looked bright and filled with nothing but love.

  Chapter 17

  Her teeth gnashed together as the caterer explained the snafu with her order. She sat in Spencer’s car, wishing for one thing to go right. This was the third call in the last hour identifying a problem. Everything that could go wrong was going wrong.

  First, his parents had called because they missed their flight. The next option wouldn’t get them back in time. Knowing how much family meant to the birthday boy, they were supposed to be her big present. Instead, she had a lame set of engraved cufflinks.

  Then the hotel had called, asking her to come and discuss an issue with the venue. They wouldn’t tell her the problem over the phone. Now this. She parked the car in front of the hotel and listened to the lady tell her they had no cake.

  It took a lot to rattle her, but this party was going to put her in an early grave. Things were falling apart. She should have hired a party planner like Caroline had suggested. Instead of enjoying a lazy day in bed with Spencer, she was running around the city trying to salvage his surprise birthday party.

  “Fine. It’s not that big of a deal.” She ran her fingers through her hair, wishing she had a hair tie. “You ran out of buttercream frosting. I don’t care. Slather the cake in cream cheese icing and deliver it on time.”

  She disconnected the call and dropped her forehead against the steering wheel. “As long as there’s something on the cake table no one will care. Assuming there is a cake table.”

  She opened the door and a flash of heat accosted her. A couple walked by holding hands and eating ice-cream. The sweltering summer sun blasted her bare arms as she walked inside. She expected an instant reprieve once she entered the lobby, but it never came. The inside was even warmer than outside. She marched to the front desk, tapping her flip flop impatiently as she waited for her turn.

  Sweat dripped down the cheek of the clerk. “Hello, how can I help you?”

  Gwen fanned her face. “We have the ballroom booked for this evening. The reservation is under Gwen Eastman. Someone called and asked me to come down.” A bead of sweat dripped down her spine. “Tell me your air-conditioning isn’t broken?”

  The young girl broke eye contact. Never a good sign. She searched through some paperwork and pulled out a manila folder. “I’ve got your reservation here. The AC is fine,” she replied, and Gwen exhaled the breath she’d been holding. “But, the power is out. It’s been down for a few hours and I’m not sure when it will return.”

  “This is a nightmare.” She balled her hands into fists. “Even if you get it back up and running, there’s no way the room will cool in time for the party.”

  “I apologize for the inconvenience. We are working as fast as we can to fix the power.” The girl dabbed her face with a towel. “We can cancel your reservation if you wish? I’ve been authorized to offer refunds and—”

  “Great. The party is in two hours and we have no venue.” Gwen pulled her phone from her purse. “It’s not your fault. Please refund the deposit and I’ll figure something out.”

  Once back in her car, she blared the cool air and pounded her fist against the dashboard. “Always in threes. No venue, no cake and no present. Perfect birthday. Way to go Gwen.”

  After several deep breaths, she dialed Caroline.

  They talked about alternatives on such short notice. The backyard was big enough but wouldn’t work since Spencer was home. Trying to set up around him would be impossible. The only place that would accommodate an entire hockey team, his business associates and all his friends and family was the arena.

  There was no way they could pull this off with their limited time. Caroline offered to handle the venue and notifying the guests of the location change. It was Gwen’s responsibility to deal with the rest, including getting Spencer there.

  “We’re going to have to cancel the surprise.” She blurted. “We can’t pull this off. I’m the worst girlfriend in the history of girlfriends.”

  “Don’t panic,” Caroline said. “The arena is set for a concert tomorrow, so we won’t have to cover the ice. It will work. I’ll get my bandmates to help make the calls. Just stick with the plan. Dad’s never had anyone do something like this for him. Trust me. He’s going to love it.”

  “I’m freaking out. My shirt is soaked in sweat and I’ve got no idea how I’ll get your father to the arena.” She stared out the window at the bustling downtown traffic. An idea popped into her head. “But I’ll figure it out. Thanks Caroline.”

  They disconnected and Gwen put her plan into motion. Rather than return home, she headed for the mall. She bought a simple, black dress and a pair of killer silver pumps. When the time came to pick up her leading man, she waited. The clock continued to tick until she was officially late. Then she called him.

  Spencer answered on the first ring. “Hello, Darlin’. Where are you? I tried calling you a few times, but it kept going to voicemail.”

  She smiled and shook her head. He’d called over a dozen times. She knew he’d worry, and he’d wait for her.

  “I’m so sorry. We’re going to be late for our dinner reservations because I’m stuck downtown.” She was a horrible liar and her cheeks heated with each word. “I’ve got a flat tire. After fighting with the jack and the bolts, I’ve given up. Do you think you could come get me?”

  “I’m on my way. The girls left over fifteen minutes ago, but I told them I wouldn’t leave without you.”

  “You’re so sweet. I broke down by arena. We can meet there.” Gwen hit the mute button as a horde of guests passed her in the hall. She smiled and waved as she shuffled into the closest restroom. “Why don’t you park in your spot and we’ll walk to the hotel together. It’s not far.”

  “Won’t that make us even later?” His suspicious tone made her palms sweat.

  “What’s an extra five minutes? It’s your birthday, and I missed spending the afternoon with you because of this stupid flat. Let me steal a couple minutes alone with you before we rejoin the family.”

  Spencer didn’t answer right away, making her squirm.

  “Have I told you how much I love you lately?” she asked.

  “I’ll never get tired of hearing you say those words.” A deep chuckle followed. “As I recall, our relationship started because of a flat tire.”

  She smiled. “I remember. Car troubles followed by a kiss inside an arena. Park the car, come inside and we can kiss by the ice for old times sake.”

  He growled. “I’d be happy to skip dinner all together and spend my birthday night with just you. Wait for me by the south entrance. Call the kids and tell them we’ll be extra late.”

  Her plan worked. By the time he entered the arena, all the guests had arrived, and every
thing was perfect. She stood in the empty walkway. He stole her breath as he sauntered towards her. The tailored, dark suit hugged his body, making her mouth water. He wore the blue tie that matched his eyes. She loved that tie. His eyes twinkled with mischievous thoughts. She knew because the same naughty ideas raced through her mind.

  “You look ravishing,” he said, pulling her flush against his body. His fingers toyed with the ends of her hair near her shoulder blades. Tingles raced down her spine.

  With the added height from her heels they were only a few inches apart. She kissed his lips and stared into his eyes. He was so damn sexy.

  “Happy birthday, my love.” She nibbled one last time on his delectable lips and then took his hand, guiding him towards the party. “Ready for some ice time?”

  He followed along. When she glanced over her shoulder his attention was focused on her ass. She opened the door to the eerily quiet and semi-dark main floor as his hand cupped her bottom. He squeezed hard, and she mewled. Her step faltered, but she kept moving forward.

  “I don’t feel a panty line.” He gripped her dress, slowly lifting the back. “I hope you told the kids we’d be very late.”

  “Or right on time.” Gwen smiled, tugging the hem line of her dress down as a spot light landed on them.

  “Surprise,” over two-hundred of his family and friends yelled simultaneously.

  Spencer’s lip quivered for a second before he tossed his head back and laughed. He tugged Gwen in for a hug and kissed her soundly. “You got me,” he said, adjusting the front of his slacks and using her to shield him from the crowd. “What have you done?”

  “Brought everyone you love together.” Her hand rested over his heart. It raced as he looked out at his loved ones and then back at her. “Happy birthday.”

  They’d pulled off the coup of the year and surprised him. His birthday bash was a huge success. Caroline and Nico had worked their magic and transformed the arena into party central. Round tables draped with blue tablecloths and elaborate centerpieces covered most of the space. In the corner, she saw the three-tiered cake and enough food to feed an army.

  “This is amazing.” He kissed her temple. “You’re amazing. I’m blown away. Thank you.”

  She stayed by his side as he greeted each and every person in attendance. The place was packed. All the hockey players were there. She could tell he was touched by their attendance. He alluded to it as he introduced her to the new faces. Some she recognized.

  Carly and Theo hugged each of them. The young couple reminded Gwen of her and Spencer when they were that age. So vibrant and full of dreams.

  “Great party,” Theo said. “Hope you have a great evening, sir.”

  “Glad you could make it. Are you ready for another winning season?” Spencer asked.

  “You know it. If I could convince this one to move in with me, I’d be unstoppable.” He bumped hips with his lady.

  “Theo this is not the place for this convo,” she chastised, as she tucked her auburn curls behind her ears. “Happy birthday, Mr. Northcote.”

  “I’m wearing her down. If Benny and I had our way, you and Beth would be out of the dorms next semester. It’s gonna happen.” He winked. “Seriously though, I’ve been working on my slap—”

  “I can’t believe you guys think you’re wearing us down. Keep dreaming superstar. And save the shop talk for another time. Let’s go grab a piece of chocolate cake.” Carly pulled her boyfriend away.

  Gwen laughed as Miranda and her husband Chuck approached. Miranda worked with Carly at a diner located outside of the city. Gwen had become addicted to their pies after Wes brought one home at the start of the summer. During her weekly trips, she’d become friends with the waitress who was ready to deliver her first child any day.

  “Miranda, I’m thrilled you made it.” She kissed her cheek and then hugged her husband. “How are you feeling?”

  The couple had been over to the house a few times. Spencer and Chuck got along famously. They talked about the old days when they used to aspire to play hockey professionally. Chuck was trying to convince him to join his community league. It was a work in progress.

  Miranda rubbed her big belly. “We weren’t sure we’d make it. I’ve been having those Braxton Hicks contractions for a while. Today is the worst. They are… ouch.” She inhaled and her face scrunched. “We still have two weeks to go. False labor sucks.”

  Gwen glanced at her friend’s stomach. The baby had dropped and was sitting very low. She was about to comment on the position when something wet splashed against her foot. She looked down at the puddle forming under Miranda.

  Chuck gasped. “Babe, I don’t think it’s false labor. Your water broke.”

  “Oh my goodness.” She wrapped her hands around her abdomen. Her long blonde hair had been left down, caressing the sides of her belly. Grabbing her husband’s arm, she breathed through another contraction. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for the mess. I think it’s time we head to the hospital.”

  “The baby is coming now?” Spencer’s eyes widened. “Let’s call an ambulance. My girls both came really fast after the water broke.”

  Gwen patted his hand. “Or it could take hours. I won’t give you my horror story, but you probably have time.”

  Chuck’s smile couldn’t have been any bigger as he searched his pocket. “Got the keys. Your bag is in the back. Let’s go meet our baby.”

  “We parked a million miles away,” Miranda said through clenched teeth. “Wish me luck so we don’t deliver on the sidewalk.”

  Spencer smiled. “Good luck. I’d be honored to share a birthday with your little one.”

  Chuck wrapped his arms around his wife protectively. “We’ll be sure to call and update you later. Enjoy your party.”

  “My car is parked steps from the entrance. I’ll drive you.” Luka Pedlansky offered. His accent was so thick Gwen almost didn’t understand him.

  His wife, Jill, rolled her eyes. “You’re a slow driver,” she snickered. “I’ll get you both to the hospital quickly and in one piece,” she added.

  “I don’t care how I get there, as long as we leave right now.” Miranda waved and hobbled towards the exit.

  Gwen and Spencer shuffled away from the amniotic fluid on the floor as Hailey and Joe approached. Joe Larson was a winger and his fiancé Hailey was also with child.

  “Please tell me you’re not ready to deliver too?” Spencer joked.

  Hailey patted her baby bump. “Better not happen yet. It’s too early to meet little Donna.”

  “It’s a girl,” Gwen shrieked. Wes and the rest of the group had been hounding the couple for weeks to share the gender, but the couple had been keeping their secret.

  Joe beamed and ran his fingers through his short hair. “If it’s a girl, we’re naming her after my sister. If it’s a boy, we were thinking Spencer. But you’ll have to wait to find out.”

  Spencer slapped the hockey player’s arm as he cleared his throat. “Both are great names. You will be an amazing father.”

  “Speaking of great dads, I’ll be next.” Martin Thomas and his wife Sylvie joined them.

  They were another young couple expecting their first child. Baby talk monopolized the conversation. It had been a long time since Gwen had held a baby. As she glanced at her partner, she saw the same pang of longing in his eyes.

  “Ever think about having another?” she whispered into his ear.

  Was it crazy to think about having more kids at their age?

  His lip lifted into a sinful half-smile that made her wish they weren’t surrounded by people. “All the time.”

  Having a baby in her forties wasn’t on the cards for Gwen. “We could foster or adopt. There are so many kids in need of a good home. Let’s continue this later at home.”

  “Deal.” He squeezed her hand. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

  Gwen spotted Wes chatting with Meagan, Connie’s previous caregiver. Meagan had taken an assignment looking after Camero
n Smith’s daughter. Once the couple got engaged, she never returned. Cam also played in the NHL and his little girl and Connie were close friends. The couple came often and Gwen considered them an extension to their family.

  “All the time,” she replied. “It’s time for one of your presents.”

  While the guests mingled, a slideshow of Spencer’s life played on the stage. Gwen had spent countless hours going over the footage to create something she hoped he’d love. Pictures and videos of him as a boy, of him and Gwen when they first fell in love, of him and his wife and their children filled the big screen.

  As she watched his eyes water, she knew she’d hit the mark. Soft music played as the slides rolled on. When it ended, he kissed her like they were alone. His lips covered hers as his tongue roamed her mouth with deep languid strokes. She didn’t pull away. Even as she heard the catcalls and snickering, she held him close and kissed him with all the love she possessed.

  Caroline interrupted them. “All right, that’s enough. Get up there and say a few words.”

  “I’m happy right here,” he replied.

  His daughter coaxed him to go on the stage. He dragged Gwen up there with him. Spencer grabbed the microphone and gained the crowds attention. He was used to making speeches and commanding a group. Gwen’s pulse raced as all eyes focused on them. She wanted to dart off the stage, but she remained glued by his side.

  “Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for taking time out of your busy lives to celebrate with me. I’m another year older, and I am one lucky guy to be this loved.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I also want to thank my better half. Gwen, I had no idea tonight would be like this. I expected a very different birthday present.”

  Gwen bit her lip and swallowed hard. “I hope you’re not disappointed,” she whispered away from the mic.

  “Not possible,” he replied with a wink.

  When he reached into his pocket and dropped to one knee, she thought her heart might explode. He opened a tiny box, and a diamond ring sparkled in the center. Gwen’s hand fluttered over her mouth as she gasped. With every passing second, she came closer to fainting.


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