Rozalyn 6: The Finale

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Rozalyn 6: The Finale Page 12

by Shan

  “That’s not my problem! I suggest you figure out how to kill them too. I’m giving your ass two damn weeks, if Rozalyn is not dead by then, you might as well forget about ever seeing that little girl because I will make sure that it never happens when I expose your ass.”

  “Not if I expose your ass first,” I said after they hung up. I took a sip of my wine and then placed my head in my hands. I was so stressed out. All I had been doing was following Rozalyn like I was some private detective. I’m not sure what the hell they were expecting from me. Rozalyn had Tamar more protected than Michelle Obama now that she was able to leave her house as she pleased.

  I had thought of plenty of ways that I could kill her, but nothing seemed to make sense to me. I was for certain that everything that I thought of would land me right back in jail and no closer to having Trina in my arms. At the time when she was on house arrest, I couldn’t just walk up in her house and get rid of her with the possibility of her pressing a button or some shit on that ankle bracelet and alerting the authorities.

  I really didn’t know how those things worked, but from what I heard from a few women in prison that nowadays they were using GPS monitoring systems on the ankle that allowed the authorities to talk to you through them, so I wasn’t about to take a chance on that. In the neighborhood where Rozalyn lived, the police would be at her home in minutes, so I had no choice but to wait it out. I just had to think of another way to get to her. I wasn’t one hundred percent positive if Tamar had seen me that night. I knew that prison jacket still stated that I was locked up, so if he checked like I knew he would, I knew he had to think that it was just a lookalike.

  I had no idea what Tamar was doing with Rozalyn or why he would even have his men snatch her up like he’d done, but I was almost for certain that it had something to do with the new man she had in her life. He was just that jealous over her and even though him killing her would free me of the responsibility, I knew that I had to do it myself if I wanted my daughter. That was the deal. I just hoped that Tamar hadn’t finally flipped out and got rid of her and killed any chance of me ever being a mother that I had left.

  I had only been able to spend one hour with Trina before she was taken away from me at the hospital. She was so tiny and sick because I had her so early. I didn’t get a chance to even bond with my baby girl. I wanted to breastfeed her; hold her while singing cute little lullabies to her while putting her to sleep. I had missed out on her whole life and I couldn’t continue to go on with my life without her.

  I knew I couldn’t just simply ask Tamar for visitation or some type of joint custody because he had made that clear in one letter that he wrote me that it would never happen. He promised that he would never let me see Trina and that I should be happy with the yearly pictures I got of her around her birthday because that would be the closest that I got to her.

  I didn’t know what I was going to do, but if I didn’t get my baby girl soon, things would get rather ugly. I wouldn’t care about being exposed if I couldn’t have Trina. It wasn’t like they could send me back to jail because I was out. My papers had been signed by a judge and a warden with the remainder of my time suspended thanks to my partner. They would either give Trina to me or everybody was going to die. I meant that.

  15: Rozalyn

  “Thank you so much, Black,” I said as we pulled up to my home. I wiped the tears that had fallen away and reached for the handle of my door. If it hadn’t been for Black stepping in and talking some sense into his boy, I don’t know how long Tamar would’ve held me there. It was obvious that he completely lost it. I could see that he was hurting behind me moving on, but now he got a chance to see how I felt and I didn’t feel bad for him.

  “No worries, look don’t get too mad at him for this shit. I told the nigga he was crazy for doing it, but you know how he is. When he wants to do something it ain’t nothing nobody can do to stop him. He really is just hurt behind you talking to ol’ boy and I know that he is genuinely sorry for the way things had gone down with him and Keysha and then him feeling at fault for the shit that gone down that got you in trouble.”

  “Does he feel bad or do you just feel bad for him cause he hasn’t once apologized to me. Maybe if he had then we could’ve sat down and talked like adults instead of it coming to this, but nope, he still wants to come at me like he owns me. Like our marriage license are property papers on me or something. I’m sick of him and his antics. He’s hurt me enough and after this stunt he just pulled, I am so done Black and I am so serious. He’s gonna fuck around and look up and the kids and I are gonna be gone and I don’t care how much pull he thinks he has now, I will make sure he never finds me.”

  “Aww nah, don’t do that baby girl. Yea I know for a fact that he is sorry. He said that’s why he been trying to sit down with you so he can apologize but you keep dodging him.”

  “Because look at the shit that he does. I mean, who kidnaps the mother of their damn kids just because I hurt his feelings and did something that he has been doing all along. Is he okay? I mean, is this new Cartel shit stressing him out that bad that he really thought that sending niggas in my house, and using chloroform to knock me out was a good idea. What did he think this was going to do because it didn’t bring me no closer to sitting down and talking to him. It’s so dead and done and I’m tired of saying it.”

  “Just give it some time before you make those type of permanent decisions. Both of you just need to cool off. I know you two still love each other and I don’t care who you’re with and who he’s with, I know that the both of you are happier with each other.”

  “I’m not the one making permanent decisions, he is. Don’t act like you don’t know that Keysha is pregnant with his child. That sounds permanent to me. I know that’s your friend and all but I’m done, Black. Thanks for trying to help though.”

  I went to get out when Black reached for my arm and tried to stop me. I turned to look at him and could see the seriousness in his face.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked him.

  “That dude Jaheim, I’m gonna try to talk Tamar out of killing him. I found out where’s he been staying and I don’t know how that’s gonna work out, but if I’m able to hold him off you need to give me something to take back to Tamar.”

  “What do you mean? Give you something like what?”

  “That you’re gonna stop fucking with dude.”

  “What? And for how long do I gotta stop fucking with dudes because my cheating ass husband doesn’t like it.”

  “Do you want his death on your conscience?”

  “Don’t do that to me, Black?” I immediately started crying again thinking about Jaheim losing his life behind me wanting to be with him. No, I didn’t want that on my conscience and knew that I had to talk to Jaheim and let him know the deal. I couldn’t have him walking around with me in the dark about my situation. I was going to tell him the truth and see what he wanted to do. If he wanted to walk away from me then fine, if not then even better. I wasn’t going to break up with someone whom I’ve genuinely grown to like just to make someone else happy who wouldn’t even do the same for me. No thank you.

  “I’ll talk to him,” was all I said before I got out the car and went into the house. I immediately went to my room and grabbed my stash. My nerves were all over the place. After rolling a blunt, I looked around the room for my cell phone and saw that it was still sitting on the nightstand and charging from the other night. I walked over to it and grabbed it before lighting up my blunt and walking into my living room.

  I took a seat on the couch and began to go through my phone. I literally had a hundred missed calls all ranging from Brian, Starr, Kim, and Jaheim. I even saw a few calls from Taylana and Ms. Cheryl probably looking for me to drop the kids off. I opened up my text message and sent Taylana and Ms. Cheryl a message to see if they mind keeping the kids for me for a couple of more days. I was too on edge to have them and I didn’t want them to be around me while I was like this. I knew I wouldn’t
give them the attention that they needed and would be snapping on them for no reason at all.

  After texting them, I sent Starr, Brian, and Kim a text and told them to come over immediately and for them to bring some weed and drinks. After the night I had, I needed them and I needed to get fucked up and far away from my reality. Just as I was about to open my messages from Jaheim and respond to him, my phone lit up with his name on the caller ID. I let out a deep breath and answered the phone. I had to go ahead and tell him what was up.

  “Hello,” I answered. I placed the phone on speaker and sat on the floor in front of the coffee table while I laced the blunt with the last of the kush.

  “Damn, ma’, what’s up? I was starting to think that I would never talk to you again. Was I that bad in bed?”

  I laughed as a tear slid down my face. I could hear in his voice that he genuinely liked me. It wasn’t like before when I misjudged Messiah and thought that I had found me something good when in actuality I had ran into a nut. This dude here was the truth and I knew that he meant me well. It was just a feeling that I had that told me so.

  “No, my night was crazy. Are you ready for what I’m about to tell you?”

  “Shit, yea, I need to know why you’ve been dodging me when all I’ve been doing is thinking about you and the night we shared.”

  I sighed. “Soon as you left the other night, someone came into my house, used what I believe was chloroform to make me pass out and took me from my house.”

  “Say no more, I’m on my way over.”

  “Hello…hello.” I looked down at the phone and could see that Jaheim had hung up. I quickly picked up the blunt, lit the tip of it, and then tried to call Jaheim back. I didn’t want him coming here. I knew that Tamar had niggas on my house and if they saw him here, they would immediately alert Tamar and shit would be over for Jaheim. I called him six times back to back with no answer. I then sent him several text messages letting him know that it was best that we spoke over the phone and for him to keep his distance, but again nothing.

  I paced the floor and continuously peeked out of the blinds. After about ten minutes, I heard a car pull into my driveway. I rushed to the door and opened it expecting to see Jaheim, but the person that got out of the car was none other than this bitch Keysha.

  “The fuck,” I said, taking a hit from the weed and stepping outside. “Bitch, what?”

  “Look, I didn’t come here for any drama. I just wanted to apologize for the way I came at you the other day at Yardbird’s. That was petty and childish of me. I figure that we need to get some type of understanding. I’m about to be a mother soon and we unfortunately share the same man as our children’s father. I feel like we need to get along for the sake of our kids being that they will be in each other’s lives for the rest of their lives.”

  “I don’t have any problem with you, Keysha. I’m over the shit that you and Tamar did to me and I’m just ready to move on with my life. I just want you to stop following me, please. I know it wasn’t a coincidence that you just so happened to eat at Yardbird’s too when I know y’all live way on the other side of town.”

  “What? I met my friend who came to town to visit me. I wasn’t following you so you can get that out your head. I’m not the one watching you. You can credit that to Tamar since he’s the one who watches your every move and when I say every, I do mean every.”

  “That’s nothing new. I’m used to that, which is how I know how to maneuver and work my way around his men. But like I said, stop following me.”

  “Rozalyn, I am not following you. I got your address out of Tamar’s office and decided that I would come over here and talk to you so that we can get on the same page because I know that Tamar would be happy with us getting along. Other than that, I don’t need to follow you anywhere. Your life doesn’t appeal to me that much.”

  “Girl, Tamar don’t give a damn whether we get along or not. That nigga too busy worried about me to care whether or not you and I have a relationship.”

  Keysha sighed.

  “How about you go back home to Tamar and you guys find something to do to occupy your time so that you two don’t have to worry about me and what I’m doing. And another thing, can you work on getting him to sign those papers, so that maybe you and him can get married and he can stop doing shit like kidnapping me from my own home.”

  The look on Keysha’s face was hilarious as fuck. I took a hit of the weed and blew the smoke in her direction. Why the fuck was she even here? I was convinced that this bitch really thought that I wanted Tamar in some type of way and she felt threatened by me and wanted to follow me around town. She needed to know that my husband, her man, was the one that wouldn’t leave me alone not the other way around. Maybe now that she drove all the way over here to keep pushing her pregnancy in my face, she would see that it wasn’t me causing whatever problems they were having; it was Tamar.

  “He kidnapped you from your home?” she asked with her brow raised. “Wow, he kidnapped you?”

  “Yes, bitch. Go ask him about it if you think I’m lying.”

  “I haven’t seen him a few days, but when I do talk to him I will definitely ask him about that. I said I wasn’t going to mention it, but I thought that you should know that he has a thousand damn cameras in your house and I didn’t think that it could get any crazier than that, but I see he on some more shit.”

  “What do you mean cameras in my house?” I was stuck on that part because she had been left and lost me after that came out of her mouth.

  “What the fuck is this bitch doing here?” Starr asked as she stepped beside me and eyed Keysha. “I know she ain’t here to cause no problems sis, cause I beat pregnant hoes too.”

  “Bitch, please. Know who you fucking with. It’ll be a cold day in Texas before you beat my ass.”

  “Nah, know who you fucking with bitch. This my lil sis and she and her nigga that you fuckin’, can both tell you that I body hoes like you and live to tell about that shit tomorrow. You side-bitches bold as fuck. You bitches out here getting pregnant knowing the nigga ain’t gonna never leave his wife for you, and then you popping up at her house like she invited you. Rozalyn, please tell me why this hoe ain’t on the ground yet. She too disrespectful.”

  I laughed. “Starr, chill out. She was just leaving. She wanted me to know that she hadn’t seen our man in a couple of days and I was trying to tell her that was because he was out here chasing me because I told him I was done playing tag team with they ass.”

  “Oh okay, then let me know something because you know I don’t have the patience for shit like this,” Starr calmly said. She reached into her purse and came out with a purple and gold nine millimeter. I tried my hardest not to laugh at this fool because I knew this hoe was too serious. One thing for sure and two things for certain, Starr was about that life and wouldn’t hesitate to light Keysha’s ass up.

  “You bitches is funny. If you wanna talk Rozalyn, you know where to find me. I tried to be civil and be a grown woman about mine, but I see you still have some growing up to do. Let me get out of here before your friend ends up writing a check that her ass can’t cash.”

  Starr cocked the pistol back, and I had to grab her arm and pull her back. Keysha rolled her eyes and walked away to her car. I shook my head and then followed Starr into the house and closed the door behind us.

  “Girl, when did this bitch end up pregnant? What the fuck is Tamar doing over there?”

  “Making babies as you can see. I just found out the other day.”

  “See you be doing too much of letting these hoes make it. That hoe would’ve been dead fucking with me. Fuck my man okay, but to have a baby him is too out of line. This bitch would’ve been buried before my husband’s nut had a chance to make it to the finish line. Fuck with me.”

  I laughed. “Girl sit your crazy ass down somewhere. You want a drink?” I asked as I made my way to the kitchen. I pulled out all the alcohol I had in the cabinet along with some ice and the blender. />
  “Yes bro, please get me a drink. Where the hell have you been? I’ve been calling your phone nonstop. I needed to fucking vent and you were nowhere to be found. I had to tell Brian’s ass all my business, and you know how that bitch is.”

  “Well, do you wanna tell me what’s going on or would you like for me to tell you about my date with Jaheim and what happened afterwards that led up to today.”

  “Ummm, date, well shit. That sounds like it might be some good tea. I think I wanna hear your shit first. Please do tell,” Starr giggled as she pulled out a huge sack of weed, some cigarillos, and a pack of Black ‘N’ Milds. “I’m so glad I’m not the only one going through some shit. Damn you know miserable bitches love company. I needed this.”

  Just as I was about to go into details about everything that had gone down, my doorbell rang. I rushed to the door and pulled it opened and this time it was Jaheim. He looked and smelled damn good. He picked me up off my feet and I wrapped my legs around him, immediately sticking my tongue into his mouth. Damn, I’m gonna miss him; I thought as I bit down on my bottom lip while staring into his green eyes.

  “You miss me?” he asked and I shook my head yes. He put me down on the floor, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the couch. It was time for to tell him everything, and I hoped that he didn’t blow up on me.

  “Well hello,” Starr said as she stepped into the living room. Jaheim looked back at her, and I introduced the two of them. I told Starr to start getting the drinks ready before Brian and Kim got here and decided to take Jaheim to my room so that we could talk in private.

  Once we got inside my bedroom, Jaheim attacked me. He pulled my clothes off so damn fast that I didn't even have a chance to stop him. I was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a wife beater that Tamar had given to me being his bitch ass had his guards snatch me up when I was still but ass naked and just getting out the shower.


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