
Home > Romance > Collapse > Page 12
Collapse Page 12

by Xavier Neal

  “Or are you just trying to lay it on extra thick? Put on a good show for everyone watching?”

  “I said it because I fucking meant it.” Stepping in her space I put my arms so they are on either side of her. Trapping her. My space invading hers. My presence dominating hers. “Why does that piss you off?”

  “Because they weren't supposed to fall in love with you!” She pushes against my chest but I don't move. “Because you weren't supposed to fall in love with me! Because I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you damn it!”

  The new information drops my arms and forces my jaw agape.

  “I don't wanna love you!” She bites. “I don't wanna love anyone! People who love you always hurt you. They always find a way. They always break a promise. They always disappoint you. I've had a life time of disappointment. I can't stomach another.” Her eyes search mine, tears on the verge.

  There's a strong vibration in my pocket. I ignore it while watching one tear stream its way down her face to the floor in the space between us. The vibration repeats and quickly I pull out my phone.

  Jazzabelle: I need a cold one at our favorite pub.

  Mission time. Fucking fantastic.

  In a strangled voice I sigh, “I have to go.”

  “See,” she croaks. “Disappointment.”

  “No.” I sternly point at her. “You brought this disappointment on yourself. You had me and you pushed me away. Grow up and take some responsibility for your choices. I have to.”

  Turning to head towards the front door, she calls after me, “What do I tell them?”

  I stop and answer briefly looking over my shoulder. “Tell them the truth. I was called into work.”

  “And tomorrow?” She sniffles. “Will you be there?”

  As if my body has a mind of its own, it turns and my mouth states, “I won't be another broken promise in your life Mandy. I don't make promises I can't keep any more. Not after Khloe. I'll be there if it's the last fucking thing I do.”

  I turn back around and head towards my car again, the lingering promise one I have every intention on keeping.

  Day of the Wedding

  Dressed in the sleek wet suit, I flex my hands trying to relieve some of the emotional torture I've been dragging myself through since I left Mandy last night.

  “I fucking hate swimming,” Lordy grumbles from beside me trying to stretch his body in the constricted uniform. “And I hate these suits! Look at me! I look like a huge cock ribbed for her pleasure.”

  “Are you sure it's for her pleasure?” the half -witted joke makes him furrow his eyebrows.

  “That's the best you can do?” Lordy tilts his head at me. “You feelin' okay?”

  I don't respond. The refusal to say anything else catches Grim's attention and he relocates from a few feet beside us over to me. He gives me one look and turns his words to Lordy. “Give us a minute.”

  “Yeah,” Lordy replies and walks away towards Director Shepard and Jazz who are closer to the door.

  Once he's a good distance Grim demands, “Speak.”

  “I'm not a mutt.” When he raises his eyebrows I let out a long exhale. “What do you want me to say?”

  “You gave me your word your head would be all in on this one. It's not. Now what is the fucking problem?”


  “Think carefully,” he interrupts. “I don't want some bullshit line you've prepared to say to cover your ass, I want the truth. I need the truth because anything less and it could get us or those girls killed. What. Is. The. Problem?”

  “Me,” I quickly confess. “I'm a fucking screw up Grim. It's what I do. I’m nothing more than an idiot whose on this squad because he follows you around like some lost dog--” Grim sharply hits the side of my head. “Ou!”

  “Fuck you. That's not fucking true. You're a fucking good Marine and that's what got your ass in this unit beside me. But get it out of your brain right now that that's reassurance you're gonna constantly receive. You've never received it before and been fine. Why do you suddenly need to be reminded your worth as a team member?”

  “Because I screwed up,” I mutter. “I can't keep my fucking word to anyone. I promised to save Khloe and she's spent the last four years as some perv’s plaything and I promised to be there for Mandy tonight when she needs me and I have to be here trying to rectify the last promise I fucked up. I'm gonna let them both down Grim. And I can't stomach that.”

  “Then man up and stop being a pussy,” he states firmly.

  “Pep talks, really aren’t your thing huh?”

  “Shut up and listen. You can fucking do this. You're trained to do this. We're by your side. But this is your mission Glove. You have a chance to save that little girl, but if you don't get your shit together, you're right. You won't.” Hearing the words stiffens my body. “That's the fucking unforgiving reality. So put that bullshit with Mandy aside, let's get in and get those girls out. If you can do that, if you can give everything you fucking have to getting those girls out of there, I'll get you to Mandy tonight.” My eyebrows rise. “My word. And you know a Marine is only as good as his word.”

  “You're a damn good Marine.”

  “I know.” He states. “So are you are. Now.” He takes a deep breath. “You ready?”

  Feeling a little of the tension ease, I nod. “Good. It's time.”

  The drive towards the marina with Jazz is silent. Director Shepard is in the rescue SUV ahead of us alone. Apparently he needs quiet time to focus before a mission. Not exactly team player material, but thankful he's at a distance rather than breathing down our necks moments before this mission.

  “Look,” Jazz speaks up. “This should be really smooth. Conditions are perfect. And while we're hitting them a little earlier than expected--”

  “Why is that?” Lordy leans over the console between the seats. “Doesn't it make more sense to hit them at night? When the dark is on our side?”

  “It does,” she answers. “But again, The Face was tipped off somehow. So they're expecting us to hit at nightfall. That's why we're not. It's also suspected that they don't plan on selling these girls at all, but eliminating them all together at a certain time and leaving their bodies in the middle of the ocean. You three have to go in, grab them, and get out. There is not a minute to waste. The ultimate goal is to go in quiet, but given the change in circumstances you are equipped with hardware as well. Do not use it unless you do not have a choice. As soon as you raise those weapons you raise the risk of those girls dying. Keep that in mind. Think before you shoot.” The last comment looks pointed at Grim.

  “I always do,” he answers at the same time she brings the car to a stop.

  “Good luck Jackets.” She hits the unlock button. “Bring those girls home.”

  “Yes ma'am,” we comment in unison.

  The three of us get out and relocate to the trunk where we tether on our H&K 9mm sub-machine guns that come with built in suppressors and ammo pouches to our waists. After making sure our diving knives are secured in their sheaths on our calves, we put on our re-breathers, which will hide the bubbles in the water, and our fins. As quickly as possible we gather on the small motor boat with Director Shepard. He takes us out in the water at the same time we pull on our masks. When we reach the spot that's indicated for a safe distance he kills the engine. Without another word he gives us the signal to go. Grim is first in, quiet and deadly, a sound barely made as he enters the water. I'm next following suit with Lordy last. We wade through the water at a swift rate heading straight for the yacht.

  Spreading out as planned, I slide up to the side of the ship closest to the side that's away from the group of guards that are gathered for a smoke break. Stealthily slipping onto the ship I take the opportunity to conceal myself around the corner in hopes of taking one guard down at a time rather than possibly having to fend myself off from multiple blows at once. I pull off my mask so it hangs around my neck and spit out my mouth piece. With my back pressed against the wall, I w
ait as a guard from the other side crosses into my vision. The moment he sees me, my hand covers his mouth in one swift motion I snap his neck quietly. Lowering his body quietly to the deck, I slide out my knife. At that moment another guard comes around the corner. His first instinct isn't to shoot which is his mistake. Instead he comes at me fists swinging, receiving a block and counter that stumbles him against the wall that I was just using for safety. The minute he's there my hand covers his mouth as I jab my knife into the main artery on his neck. He slumps down the wall and I make my way to move around the corner right into another guard who isn't like the others. He shouts for the other's attention resulting in immediate bullets flying. So much for being fucking quiet. On reaction to him reaching for his gun, I strike first with a blow to abs, the gun falling from his grip. At the same time the other hired muscle start their approach with bullets aimed for me, I use his body to shield me from receiving them. With him as a shield I use my gun to fire back, two easy kill shots delivered. Once they're dropped to the ground, I let go of his body and deliver a shot from my own weapon between the eyes to put him out of his possible misery.

  Traveling down to the far side I'm thankful when I round the corner to see Grim approaching the same door as me. With a silent nod and hand motion that indicates to proceed forward, I prepare to move when he makes another movement that demands I stop. Confused by the change, I look through the window to see Lordy already on the lower level fighting with a guard. The sound of a gun goes off and I try to hide the shock on my face. Neither Lordy nor the guard are battling with one, which means only one thing. One girl is now dead. That can't fucking be Khloe. It just can't be. My heart thrums harder and I make a move to get through the door when Grim blocks me again. The guard Lordy was fighting with finally drops with a stab that hits a vital spot. After he quickly tosses a foot on the fragile door he was fighting in front of. Grim opens the door, weapon drawn and we drop to a crouch as we travel towards the remaining two doors.

  Lordy pops around the doorframe and signals us something we weren't expecting. The hand motion informs us the girls each have guards in their rooms. Fuck. One hint that there's any trouble and they die. Grim's head hits the back of the wall at the newly presented problem. At the same moment, the guard in the girl's room he's in front of spots Lordy and retreats. I watch Grim mouth the word fuck before standing up on his two feet to kick the door in as well. With my heart in my throat I wait to hear the sound of another gun shot to let me know all three are dead. To let me know that this mission has failed. That I am the fuck up I know I am. Grim's body drops down to eye level. He shakes his head. The girl didn't make it.

  With a trembling jaw I mouth, “Khloe?” Grim denies and looks at Lordy who is crouched beside him.

  Grim leans over and whispers to Lordy who immediately shakes his head.

  Fuck. She's the last one. Fear and frustration prepare to tear me apart. No. I don't have time for that shit. I can't let this girl die. I can't. I just fucking can't. I make a hand motion for Grim to come closer.

  “Put Lordy on the other side of the door. Make it look like it's closed and not opened.”

  He nods.

  Just like that. He trusts me. He really doesn't think this mission is going to fail. He still has fucking faith that this is all salvageable. Fuck. If we rescue even one girl we didn't fail right? Once they're back in place with Lordy leaning the broken door up to look like it's still in place and Grim crouched across from me, hidden from direct glances out of the port hole window, my fist pounds heavily on the door twice. Then twice again. Then twice more with more urgency than the first time.

  Staying out of sight I wait until he opens the door with a harsh gripe, the Russian accent heavy but clear enough for me to make out him saying, “You're interrupting my song!”

  At the immediate sight of Grim he aims his weapon. Without a second thought I raise mine and pump two shots to his chest and one to the head. Unfortunately a muscle jerk causes his gun to fire creating a ricochet off the steel, the bullet grazing my upper chest, right beneath my clavicle.

  “Fuck!” I groan at the burning sensation that managed to pierce my suit, but thankfully not stick in.

  “You hit?” Grim calls out moments before shots are fired from unexpected guards.

  On another groan I reply, “It's just a scratch.”

  Before I have a chance to raise my gun, the unwanted visitors are on the ground. Dead. Between Lordy and Grim they never stood a chance.

  Lowering his weapon, Grim teases, “At least now you'll have your own scar.”

  “Fuck you...” Another grunt of discomfort comes out of me. “That shit hurt.”

  A small cry breaks out and turns my attention around to the female cloaked in a light pink sleeveless night gown cowering in fear in the corner, face buried in her folded arms. Forgetting the throbbing pain in my chest for the one in my heart, I slowly approach with caution.

  In a broken voice I question, “Khloe?”

  “How do you know my name!” She screams at me, not lifting her face.

  “It's me Khloe...”

  “I don't know you!” She yells at again. “Don't touch me! Please! Don't touch me! Go away! I don't know you!”

  Knowing it's just her terror getting the best of her I softly say, “Yes you do Khloe. Look at me. Please.”

  Slowly she lifts her face, her blue eyes that are filled with tears instantly fill with more as she says my name, “Michael?”

  I nod still moving with carefulness.

  “Is that really you?”

  “It's me Khlo',” I state softly. “You asked me to save you from monsters, remember?”

  She bursts into tears before flying to her feet and into my arms damn near knocking me backwards. Hugging her tightly while she buries her face in my chest, I feel my own tears falling from my eyes. Here she is. Really is. Not some still photo on a screen or an image ingrained in my memory. She's right here in my arms. Safe. Sound. Protected. My first redemption. Hopefully not my last.

  The four of us take one of the emergency boats back to the marina where Director Shepard and Jazz are waiting for us. While the cold night air should be freezing my face it actually feels somewhat relieving to the heat that's stinging it from a combination of excitement from saving one life and disappointment from losing the others.

  Grim pulls the boat up to the deserted dock and begins to anchor it when Director Shepard snaps, “Where are the others?”

  Without missing a beat he answers. “Dead.”

  Displeased he prepares to lay into Grim when Jazz speaks up, “But you brought back one alive. One is better than none.”

  “The mission was--”

  “And things happened that were unexpected,” Lordy defends getting off the boat. “We were misinformed about the number of security. We were ambushed when we should've been cleared.”

  “How did you not clear the situation first?” He prepares to lay into us again.

  “We believed we had sir.” Grim answers.

  “So you made a mistake?” Without allowing him answers he states. “Jackets do not make mistakes.”

  “We covered all areas we had been informed. We were told to grab the girls and exit the premises as quickly as possible. We could not risk the time it would have taken to further explore the yacht sir. There was no hesitation to take the girls out.” Grim gets off the boat. “Just as you described. However there were guards placed inside the rooms to take the kill shot. We did what we could sir.”

  He screws his lips tightly together and then sets eyes on Khloe and I who are getting off the boat. In a softer tone he says, “Good evening Miss Abernathy.”

  Naturally she clutches onto my arm tighter in fright. Using my other one to rub her bare arm that's covered in goosebumps. I assure her, “It's okay. Director Shepard is like a pit bull puppy. He looks a lot meaner than he actually is.” Not liking my response he glares, but Khloe looks up at me with a soft smile saving my ass from being handed to me.

  “Miss Abernathy, we're going to get you relocated and transferred to a safe location, alright?”

  Quickly she shakes her head and looks up at me. “Michael, are you going too?”

  “Of course,” I answer. “But I need you to ride with Director Shepard--”

  “But Michael--”

  “Hey,” my fingers tilt her chin up. “I promised to save you from monsters and I'm going to. You have my word that you are safe with Director Shepard. In fact, Lordy,” I point to him, “who is basically like my brother is gonna ride with the two of you.”

  “Why can't you?” she squeaks.

  “Trust me,” is all I can say without giving away something that could get me in trouble. Big trouble. “Can you do that?”

  Khloe hesitates but eventually nods. Shooting Lordy a look I demand, “Her life before yours.”

  “Ooo-rah,” he replies and extends a hand for her to take.

  She wraps one arm around herself and lets him lead her away towards the Director's vehicle. He gives an order, “Route C.”

  “Yes sir.” Jazz pulls the keys out of her pocket.

  I prepare to follow behind her, but stop to give Khloe one more hard look, heavy relief spreading through me.

  Jazz playfully says, “Don't get blood on my seat.”

  “I'm glad my pain is of importance to you.”

  She slows down to walk beside me to briefly examine the wound. “You'll be fine. I can give you a quick clean up in the car, but when we get back you need to see the doc to make sure it didn't get infected.”

  At the vehicle, we pull off our gear, fins included, and make sure all safeties are on our weapons as we put them away. Jazz has me peel off part of my suit to clean, sterilize and wrap the injury speedily. Once she's finished she shuts the trunk, we walk around to get inside.

  In the SUV Grim buckles up in the passenger seat, drying off his wet face and hair at the same time declaring, “We have to make a pit stop.”

  “Excuse me?” Jazz questions pulling out the opposite direction the Director did.

  “We have to make a pit stop.”


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