Shifters In My Sheets 2

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Shifters In My Sheets 2 Page 47

by Amanda Jones

  “Well, you don’t look any worse for wear,” she said while examining his face. “Not even a blemish. What’s your secret?”

  “Long runs through Central Park,” Peter said as he guided her to the bank of elevators.

  “That sounds nice … except for the running. I love sitting on Summit Rock, though.”

  “I know.”


  “Umm … I know what you mean. That’s a very peaceful spot.”

  The elevator doors opened on the forty-sixth floor, revealing a floor full of cubicles and offices with people zipping about in various speeds of urgency. Peter stood in the center and maneuvered his arms like a skilled flight attendant.

  “The design team is over there. Marketing is that way.” He nodded towards the corner office. “That’s me.” He motioned for her to follow, which went well until she was distracted by the activity around her and almost repeated her Conga line performance. His back felt strong and muscular when she ricocheted off.

  “Sorry. I need to watch where I’m walking.”

  Peter didn’t mind. He quite enjoyed feeling her body against his. “Totally understandable. There’s a lot going on here.”

  When he opened the office door, she made a beeline for the windows. “Look at this view! It’s like a shag carpet of trees down there.”

  “You should see my roof garden. It’s my own Central Park.”

  “Roof garden? I’m in the wrong line of work,” Mia joked.

  Peter walked to his desk and picked up his office phone. “Daphne, would you mind rolling in some of the samples? Thank you.” He turned back towards Mia and gestured for her to sit on a long, leather sofa placed a few feet in front of one of the huge windows. “I came up with these designs myself. I want your honest opinion only, no lying.”

  “I can’t lie. I wasn’t born with a poker face.” Mia scrunched up her face like she smelled something rotten. “If I make this face, you’ll know I hate it.”

  A light tapping on the door signaled Daphne’s arrival. The clothing rack entered first, providing cover for the petite frame struggling to roll it on the carpet. “This is everything,” she announced.

  Peter pulled the rack and rolled it in place, revealing his assistant who had now pulled a notepad out of her side pocket. “I don’t have any notes today. I just wanted the model to see the samples. This is the diamond girl we discussed,” he said, smiling in Mia’s direction.

  Daphne cocked her head to the side and twisted her lip. “Oh, so you wanted an everyday Jane?”

  Mia stood up and walked towards her with an outstretched hand. “Everyday Mia, actually. Nice to meet you.” You everyday twat.

  “Hmm,” Daphne said as she crossed her arms and stared at Mia. “Some of the dresses have elastic—”

  “That will be all, Daphne,” Peter ordered.

  “You don’t want me to help?”

  “Not unless you’d like to spend your days in the mailroom.”

  Mia smirked and crossed her arms. “Hmm.” She watched Daphne exit and released a loud sigh. “Definitely a devil on her days off, but she just confirmed my initial assumption that you need your eyes checked.”

  “She came with the company,” Peter explained. “I’ve built up these brands, so I know what the fuck I’m talking about and YOU are what I’m missing.” Realizing his Freudian slip and not wanting to scare her off, he quickly added, “From the campaign. You are what I’m missing from the campaign.”

  Mia was irritated with herself. She normally didn’t let rude people get to her, but she was embarrassed at her reaction and the fact that Peter had been a witness. She walked towards the rack and crossed her arms lightly. “How about a rain check?” she asked.

  Peter’s face dropped. “Well, just look at this stuff. I picked the highest quality lace and fabrics.”

  She nodded her head in agreement. “It’s all beautiful. Really beautiful. I should get going, though.”

  He took a step towards the door to block her path. “Okay, forget this stuff. How about we just grab dinner? A little birdy told me about some amazing kebabs.”

  Mia was about to shake her head when she heard young Thomas’ voice reminding her she was getting older and older and older all by herself. She smiled and said, “On the condition that we don’t discuss my foray into modeling.”

  “Deal.” He held out his hand, but instead of shaking hers, he pulled her closer and looped her arm through his elbow. “Kebabs for the lady.”

  They remained linked all the way past the prying eyes of the assistants and back into the black sedan. Mia liked being next to him. His bicep was firm and easy to hold onto. She wondered what he was really after. Booty calls just weren’t her thing. Settling wasn’t her thing. This guy? This could be a thing … if he were really interested. She’d never felt insecure about her curves before. They were a source of power for her, reinforcing all the feminine strength running through her veins. She’d never put herself on display, though, instead choosing the quiet life of a teacher. A model? He probably did just want to get in her pants. The more she stared at his face and watched his lips move as he spoke to her, the more appealing a booty call became. But he’d have to work for it. Even with those chocolate-colored eyes, chiseled chin, broad shoulders and muscular chest, he would absolutely have to work for it … but maybe not as hard as she originally thought. She unconsciously licked her lips as she stared at him.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “What? Oh, yes … um, famished.” She brought a hand up and lightly fanned herself in response to the heat now building in her.

  “Is it too warm?”

  She shook her head and stared down at her feet before speaking. “I just want to apologize for earlier. I hope I didn’t come off as rude. I’ve never been mistaken for a Cindy Crawford or the like, so the whole idea seemed very foreign to me.”

  He crossed his arms and made a loud buzzer sound. “Off limits. We aren’t supposed to talk about that. What do you think about this weather we’re having?”

  Mia covered her face and laughed.

  “But since you broke the rules first,” he continued. “You weren’t rude, Daphne was, so don’t even think about apologizing. And for what it’s worth, Cindy Crawford’s got nothin’ on you.”

  Now Mia crossed her arms and made the loud buzzer sound.

  “I’m serious,” he said. “Your curves are out of this world. You have a real life with real joy that glows from within. You’re just real.”

  “I’m an everyday Mia.”

  “You’re everyday beautiful.”

  She looked back at her feet again and blushed. “Yes, this is nice weather we’re having.”

  Peter laughed and nudged her with his elbow. “And did I mention your curves are out of this world?”

  “Oh shush,” she nudged back.

  The restaurant was nearly full when they arrived. Amir, the owner, placed them at a small table in the window.

  “Only the best table for you,” he said as he embraced her with a bear hug.

  “I eat here all the time,” she explained.

  “Good,” Peter said while examining the menu. “You can order for me.”

  “We will both be having lamb tikka. How do you like yours cooked?” she asked.

  “Raw.” He saw her tilt her head from the corner of his eye. “I mean, medium-rare.”

  After the order was placed and the menus removed, she leaned into the table and excitedly placed her hand on his forearm. He rest his other hand on top of hers not even realizing he’d done so until he noticed the feel of her soft skin under his palm. He lightly brushed his thumb along her skin, relishing the sensation.

  “I have the perfect gift idea for Principal Johnson,” she said, trying to focus on her words and not the heat from his hand over hers. “A traditional letterman’s jacket with the school colors and his name stitched on the back. Can you design one?”

  “Of course. You have the school spirit market cor

  “I just love my kids.”

  “What would you do if you weren’t teaching?”

  “Probably die.”


  “You know how bikers have Ride or Die Bitches? I’m starting the club for Teach or Die Bitches.”

  Peter covered his mouth as he laughed, but it caused him to remove his top hand which left Mia wishing she hadn’t been so amusing.

  “What would you do … instead of watching models pose in lingerie and enjoying the view from your amazing building?” Mia rolled her eyes in feigned disgust.

  “Well, when you put it that way,” he smiled. “Believe it or not, I wouldn’t mind moving to a cabin in the snow and living off the land with my family. Maybe add a few rugrats of my own.”

  He made sure to look directly at her to test her reaction. She didn’t even blink. Her pupils dilated at the thought which made him want to reach across the table and scoop her up. Their staring contest continued until Amir developed warm plates of food in front of them.

  “Dig in,” she instructed. “Add the hot sauce and dip into the yogurt if you’re a wuss and the spice is too much.”

  “A wuss? Oh it’s on.”

  Mia spread some of the hot sauce on her lamb and then his. She placed a piece of meat in her mouth and chewed with an exaggerated expression. Peter followed suit and soon found himself feeling a little warm, almost as if his innards were possibly burning and turning into molten lava.

  “Mmm so delicious,” she taunted. “Need a napkin to dab the sweat from your face?” After a few moments, she took pity and scooped some cool yogurt with her spoon and offered it to him. He eagerly gulped it down.

  “Since this meal will probably be just as painful, ahem … going out as it is going in, I think the least you can do is agree to be in my campaign.”

  She held up her arms and made the buzzer sound.

  “Not again,” he groaned. “I thought we were past that.”

  “I just need to think about it a little longer.”

  “Okay, how about now?”

  She almost choked on the rice when she giggled. “Be careful or I’ll sneak that hot sauce into your water supply.”

  He made a horrified expression and stared down at his plate, scooping rice into his mouth until they both nearly spit out grains while they laughed. Mia looked up and caught Amir watching them with an approving smile. She approved as well. It’s amazing how much better food tastes when you’re enjoying it with good company. Amir made his way over to check on them and was showered with compliments. Mia asked him to prepare another plate once they’d ordered dessert.

  “Who’s that for?” Peter asked.

  “Charles. I feel bad for him just sitting out there. Don’t worry, I won’t add hot sauce. The farting would ruin his covert effectiveness.”

  “I’m usually downwind from him, so I thank you as well.”

  The banter continued through baklava and two rounds of coffee. Before they knew it, the clock had reached 8PM.

  “I better get going,” she said. “It’s a school night and I still have a few errands to run.”

  Peter felt his face drop. He was so used to women begging to keep the night going. “Can we do this again?” He was surprised to hear the worry in his own voice.

  She nervously fiddled with a loose thread on the edge of the tablecloth. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

  “Good!” he said loudly, his excitement removing all volume control.

  When they returned to the sedan, Mia tapped on Charles’ window and handed him the takeout order. “I hope you like it. Sorry you were stuck out here. Do you guys mind if I run into the grocery store on the corner real quick?”

  They both shook their heads and watched her walk away. Charles turned to Peter and said, “Don’t fuck this up.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I have driven you on so many dates and she is the only one who has ever brought me food. You need someone thoughtful like that. Don’t. Fuck. This. Up.”

  “I’ve been on my best behavior. In fact, she wants to have dinner again.”

  “Good. Did she agree to pose for the campaign? I’d sort of like to be there to witness the photo shoot. Just me … and my trusty bottle of lotion.”

  Peter rolled his eyes. “She hasn’t agreed yet and you are gross.”

  Mia returned with a plastic bag hanging from her arm. It was easy to make out the box of cheap dog bones held inside.

  “You have a dog?” Peter asked.

  “No, I…” She hesitated. She wanted to tell them about the wolf, but a part of her wanted to keep the special sighting for herself. “I’m dog sitting.”

  “Nice. What type of dog?”

  “Umm … a Husky.”

  Charles coughed to camouflage his laugh when he realized the treats were for Peter. “You should bring a container of peanut butter too and have him lick it off the spoon. Dogs just loooove peanut butter.”

  Peter glared at him, faking a smile while he talked through clenched teeth. “Why don’t you give her back those kebabs? I know the dog will love those.”

  Charles shook his head and grinned as he slowly rolled the window back up. “Try the pet bakery on Columbus Avenue,” he called out before the gap closed.

  “He’s right,” Peter said. “They have these natural peanut butter cookies that humans can enjoy too. Get in and we’ll swing by. What’s the dog’s name?”

  “Uh … Max.”

  Gee, that’s original. He held open the door for her and tried not to gag at the sight of the dog bones. When they reached the bakery, Charles ran in for him and grabbed a package of cookies.

  “Do you think the dog will care?” Mia asked.

  “Definitely,” the men answered in unison.

  “We’ll just see about that.” She leaned forward to grab the cookies, but Peter snatched it and the bag containing the cheap bones. “Hey, gimme those!”

  “I will return these if you agree to be in my campaign.”

  “Not this shit again,” she laughed.

  He dangled the treats in front of her and yanked them away as she tried to steal them back. “Poor doggie,” he said. “No treats for him. He must be starving.”

  She sat with her arms crossed and thought about her next move. “Is that a parade?” she asked, staring through the window next to him.

  Peter didn’t flinch. “I’m not a fifth grader,” he smirked. “Not falling for that.”

  They rode in silence until they reached the edge of the park she had requested for her drop off spot. Charles got out and opened the door for her. She started to exit before turning to look at the treats being dangled again by Peter.

  “I’m not agreeing to be in any campaign until I try your stuff on and see how it looks.”

  “We can do a test shoot first. Deal?”

  She sighed in defeat. “Deal.”

  He handed the cookies and bones to her. “Max will think you made the right choice.”

  “Who?” she asked before catching herself. “Oh yes, I’m sure he will.”

  Peter and Charles held their laughter until she was out of earshot.

  “Okay, that was officially adorable,” Charles said. “I hope you left room in your tummy, Max.” He reached over to pat him on the stomach, but Peter smacked his hand away.

  “She is completely adorable, though.”

  “When are you going to tell her the truth?”

  “You told me not to fuck this up! Don’t you think saying, oh by the way … I’m a shifter, might fuck things up?”

  “You have a point, but we’re getting a little too old to play hide and seek in the park. Just make her fall in love with you fast.”

  “Is that all? I’ll do my best. I think she actually likes me, though.”

  “They all like you. I want you to eat all those dog treats so she loooooves you.” Charles wrapped his arms around his chest and made kissy faces.

  “Asshole,” Peter said wit
h a laugh. “If I do that, you better be ready with the stomach pump.”

  “The things I do for you,” he said, shaking his head. “Now let’s go find your mate.”

  They drove around for twenty minutes to scan the area and give Mia time to settle in. Peter made his way to the stone bridge and waited until the coast was clear to sneak closer to the thicket. Her scent intensified the moment he shifted and stepped out of his clothing. He also smelled the cheap dog bones she had placed in random patterns throughout the dirt rows, patterns that all led within three feet of the tree she was now sitting next to. His ears perked up as her faint whistle broke the air. He chuckled softly as he realized his body was propelling itself to her without instruction.


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