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Phantom Lover

Page 6

by A. J. Llewellyn

  My cock jerked with the weight of him on me and I reached down to pull myself off, but he was man enough to move my hand away.

  “No, no, I want to do it.” He pulled on me in the way men jerk themselves off.

  “No, like this.” Since I had to teach him. I like the hand curled around the prick, up over the head. He understood at once and took great delight in watching my own release as he slowed down the ass fucking he was giving me.

  “I want to stay inside you. I want to do it again. You love getting fucked, don’t you?”

  “I love getting fucked by you.” I surprised him by raising my head with him still impaling me and I licked his nipples.

  “Oh…oh…shit, that’s good. Oh fuck…that one, baby. That one, mahu, the left one.”

  Indeed, his left nipple was distended now and I sucked on it, knowing what messages it was sending to his cock. Fuck the mahu.

  He started again in slow, circular, hula motions and I wished I could watch his ass muscles moving as he sawed in and out of me again. Nothing else mattered but this feeling of ecstasy we had created and I met each of his lunges as his cock got harder and harder and he pulled it all the way out, only to give it right back to me again. He threw my legs over his shoulders, holding them to him, giving him leverage, but also bringing me closer.

  There was such fierce absorption on his face, a passion I have never seen before. His mouth opened and I rose to meet him. If there was resistance at first, it soon melted away as I sucked on his whole tongue and he dipped forward to feed it all to me.

  Again I was teaching him. He could fuck my mouth with his tongue, bringing us both more joy.

  He took his mouth from me, forcing himself down on me. I loved the feel of his hard, masculine body on mine, then he started to suck at my nipples, moving away again, intent on watching how it looked to find his cock in another man’s ass.

  A crack of thunder. The skies opened up in a firework display of fire and lightning.

  “She’s here!” Kimo shouted. Oh, Pele,” he chanted in Hawaiian, screaming into the vast space of stars and sky, alive now with her own power play.

  A strange, beautiful nightglow filled the sky and I looked up to see millions of twinkling stars as my lover kept up a blistering pace inside me. I felt like Pele’s lover, Kamapua’a, had come back to mortal form, fucking me with his huge cock-tusk, letting her feel our eruptions, sharing the moment we sent each other out into the abyss.

  “Oh, Pele, giver of everything!” Kimo screamed as his fingers curled over my cock again and I wished he wouldn’t, because I didn’t want to come again until he was ready. I wanted to ride that wave with him.

  I grabbed his ass, afraid he would take that blazing tusk from me. The sensation of being pushed into me harder made him come with another shout, taking me across the riptide of fire with him. I rewarded him with my own orgasm, sending the juices up and over his firm grip.

  “Oh, baby.” He kissed my face over and over. Our bodies shook. Neither of us wanted to move, but we had to get off that crater. The others would be worried about us.

  “We could sleep here, except we’d freeze to death.” Kimo’s voice was gentle as he took his cock from me. “I wish I could breed you. We’d make fine babies. You make me come so hard.”

  He hovered over me kissing me, but we had to get moving. We dressed quickly, laughing as we tried to find our scattered clothing and pulled the bedding of jeans out of the soft lava.

  “We left our marks,” he said. Indeed, there were hand, foot and knee imprints. I would always have something to come back and look at, to remind me that this night really happened. He held my hand as we picked our way through the treacherous lava field, trying to find our way to the parking lot or the ranger’s station.

  Neither of us spoke. We didn’t need to—but then he smiled. “Bobby, I think I’m still coming.”

  It had been one wild ride, all right. We stopped and kissed and probably would have ended up fucking again if a startled park ranger hadn’t came across our path.

  “Aloha,” he said, to cover his surprise.

  My hands were all over Kimo, who still held me in his arms.

  “Aloha.” Kimo sounded relaxed, as if being found in the middle of a homosexual embrace on a volcano was the most normal thing in the world.

  The ranger scratched his beard. “Umm…you folks need…uh…help getting back to your vehicle?”

  “Yes.” Kimo didn’t seem surprised that a savior materialized. “We don’t have a vehicle. We walked from Puna. We were planning to hike down the Chain of Craters Road and maybe hitchhike. But I guess we lost track of time.”

  The ranger looked like he’d been hit in the face with a hammer. “You walked all the way from Puna?”

  “Do you have telephone access?” Kimo asked. “I think we’re gonna need a ride.”

  “Sure.” The ranger walked us across to the guard station, which was an experience in itself.

  Kimo called the Affatatas, the couple who ran the Aloha House and, while we waited for them to collect us in the minivan, we studied a huge Perspex tank, filled with hundreds of pounds of lava stones returned to Kilauea by tourists who regretted the theft of Madame Pele’s children.

  Souveniring, or stealing her stones has brought people incredibly bad luck, no matter what the skeptics say. The stones came with pitiful letters detailing suicides, job loss, despair. The tank was emptied once a month by kahuna who said a prayer for the victims of Pele’s Curse, returning the stones to her endless lava fields.

  The park rangers kept the tank on display as a forceful reminder to go home only with your memories.

  This assemblage of man’s stupidity was outdone only by the massive storage boxes filled with strange offerings people leave for the great fire Goddess. Kimo was particularly affected by a box the ranger had just found near the crater’s rim.

  “Damned waste,” Kimo muttered. “Look, Bobby, there’s a whole, cooked piglet. That poor little baby pig. Can’t be more than a few weeks old. And there are enough vegetables around it to feed a family of five.”

  The ranger concurred. “I spend my entire week rounding up vases and boxes and baskets. These things are not biodegradable. It’s pollution. I hope you folks didn’t leave any gifts for Pele out there.”

  “Not me.” Kimo laughed. “I brought him back with me.”

  I felt my cock twitch in my jeans and stole a look at Kimo. I knew neither of us could wait to get back to our bedroom.

  * * * *

  Back at the cottage, we stripped each other with a vengeance and got into the sheets of Kimo’s bed. He put me on my back and started licking me out with a frenzy.

  As quickly as he started, he stopped.

  “That felt good,” I moaned. “Why did you stop?”

  “I wanna get in you,” his voice rumbled.

  Suddenly, we heard footsteps outside the door.

  “Who the hell is that?” he whispered, getting up and moving away from me.

  A knock on the door.

  He jerked his thumb toward my bed and I quickly leapt from his bed to mine, pulling back the bedspread, diving under the sheets as Kimo slipped his jeans up and over his huge erection.

  A woman was screaming, beating at the door, demanding that he open it. He did, hiding his still-swollen cock pretty well as a wild-haired woman stumbled in and looked at us.

  “Where is she?” she spat.

  I knew this was Mim, Kimo’s wife. She surprised me because I always thought of her as majestic, serene, not the jealous, disheveled wreck flinging open closet doors, looking under the beds, peering out the window.

  “Where is who?” Kimo looked angry, but he kept his voice low.

  “I know you’re with a woman. Where is she?”

  “There’s no woman, Mim. I was asleep and you disturbed me. You know how embarrassing you are, making a scene like this?”

  She looked at me. “Has he been with a woman tonight?”

  “For God’s s
ake, Mim—”

  “No, Mim. He’s been here all night, right next to me. We were sleeping, I promise you.”

  She looked from me to Kimo and back to me again. “If I find out you are lying to me, I’ll kill you.”

  “There was no woman here tonight.” I struggled to keep my voice even.

  She turned back to her husband, jabbing a finger at him. “I better not find out that this little bastard’s lying.” She flung herself out of the door and I could feel the eyes of the other male dancers peering from outside their bedroom doors as I watched Kimo following her.

  Their heated argument in the cold night air probably carried for miles.

  “I know there’s a woman,” she kept saying. “I know you’re seeing someone.”

  “What makes you think that?” I heard him shout back.

  “Because you’ve quit being a horrible jerk to me!” And off she went, Kimo following her again.

  I found myself lying in bed, smiling. I waited a long time, but as the sky grew even darker, heralding the dawn, I drifted to sleep. It was some time later that he came back. He went to the desk in our room, took the chair, jamming it against the door and satisfied it was locked, glanced at me. He went back to his bed, flinging himself on it.

  * * * *

  He lay on his back, one arm over his eyes for a long time and I lay on my bed, trying to stay very quiet. I could feel the anger rising from him, his breath coming in hot spurts, like steam from a lava vent. I waited, not saying a word, but not really expecting one from him.

  But he must have known I was awake because his arm flopped across the space between our beds. It might have been an involuntary gesture, but I knew.

  He wanted me to come to him.

  I covered the space in seconds and he gathered me to him as I cuddled up to his chest. He dropped a small kiss on my lips. “Bobby, boy.” His eyes gleamed. “Where were we?”

  Raising himself up, he pushed me back on the bed and his tongue went straight to my nipple, the right nipple, the one he remembered sends all reason out the door.

  Kimo sucked it with relish, then lifted his head. “She’ll be for sorry for invading my privacy. It’s my cock. I’ll do whatever I want with it.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  He stopped me with kisses and the feeling of his tongue in my mouth, on my face, his lips closing softly on my eyelids, his fingers tracing the outline of my mouth before plunging his tongue inside it again, was indescribable. I don’t know how long we kissed because it felt like forever, but it might have been more like half an hour. He kissed my throat, licked my neck, put his tongue in my ear and then I felt his hands on my ass. I went to turn over. He held me to him.

  “Little mahu,” he chided. “I want you on your back again. I want to watch your face when I feed you my cock.”

  His eyes were bright, but his anger had turned to lust again. And I wanted him. “Fuck me, Kimo,” I whispered. “Please, please fuck me.”

  He got between my legs and spread them, lifting them up, so that my ass hole was open, available, inches from his mouth.

  “I can’t wait,” he rasped, ramming his cock into me. Neither of us lasted very long. He came with a shout that he silenced with difficulty, pulling out as his cock spewed delicious come all over me. He grabbed his cock and mine in one massive paw, stroking on them together, sighing at the sight of our beautiful pricks merging together.

  “Bobby…” he was still grinding, bumping against me. “Look how beautiful that is.”

  Both of us were fixated on those splendid pricks coming together, throbbing for one another.

  He clubbed my cock and balls gently with his huge tool, then as we both calmed down, he let go of his cock but kept hold of mine, lying beside me, spoon-style.

  “Some sleep, then I want to fuck you from behind.” His voice tickled my ear as his other hand held my stomach, pulling me closer.

  “Yes, Kimo,” I sighed, feeling his hardness at my back. Sleep? He wanted to sleep?

  He started licking and kissing my neck and back. Stroking my stomach, keeping that firm grip on my cock. He kept up the licks and kisses, from my ears, across my shoulders.

  I could feel myself getting hard again.

  “Oh, baby…” He groaned and I knew he, too, was rigid.

  “Just take me from behind.” I raised my right leg and he cut right into me.

  “Aarrgh!” he yelled, only I realized it was me yelling. He bent down to silence me with a kiss.

  “Bobby. You have to be quiet, baby. I know how good this feels. Jesus, I’ve never fucked my wife three times in a row like this. Little mahu, I think your ass was made for my cock.”

  I responded. “Take it out.”

  “Take it out?”

  I nodded. “And stick it back in again.”

  “Oh, you little bitch. You really do wanna get fucked, don’t you?”

  “Take me from behind,” I moaned and he pulled me roughly to my knees and stabbed it straight back home.

  “This how you want it, mahu?” he hissed.

  “Yeah. Yeah. Harder.”

  And he fucked me with abandon, his sturdy breast beating against my back, his hand going under me, reaching for my cock. I didn’t think there was any way I could come again but the feeling of my warrior lover pounding me was too great. His balls slapped against my ass and thighs and we each laughed into the night sky as I braced myself to take the full force of his thunderous orgasm.

  From the sounds he was making, the whole troupe would know now that Kimo Wilder was getting some.

  More importantly, they would know who was giving it up to him.

  His hand kept its grip on my cock and he said, “You should see how hot this looks. Your cock is so hard. You love what I’m doing to you.”

  And his fingers moved on me the way I like, the way I taught him and I rotated my hips to give him more pleasure and the big, bad warrior king with the blood of ancients in his veins, emptied his soul into me.

  He fell on top of me and turned me over, kissing my smooth groin area, licking lightly at the tip of my dick.

  “Mmm…it tastes creamy, salty and sweet. Like you.” This time when we spooned, we were both spent. Kimo kept his left arm wrapped around me and his right fist attached to my cock. I didn’t mind sleeping like this. It was a fantasy come true. I had no idea where he thought I was going to run to during the night, but as he licked and kissed my neck and shoulders again, I sighed with happiness.

  If he needed to keep a grip on my cock, it was all right with me. It was his. I moved closer too and we fell asleep, attached to one another in an effortless, dreamy embrace.

  Chapter Six

  In the morning, I awoke and felt his rock-hard cock at my bottom. I wasn’t sure if he was sleeping, but I shifted my body so that his cock was between my legs and I was moving back and forth, our cocks reaching for each other. I felt him stir.

  “Kimo,” I whispered.


  “Look how beautiful this is.”

  He raised himself up, putting his chin on my right arm, looking down at our nesting, throbbing cocks. He thrust himself back and forth between my legs and he groaned.

  “Fuck me right now, just take me like this. Please, Kimo.”

  And he did.

  We came together so hard that we both shook. He kept me in his arms, his fingers instantly moving to my throat, counting the beats. “That got your heart started.” He kissed me. “Come on, I want to take a shower together.”

  I couldn’t wait to get soap, water and my hands on that hot body. Lathering him up well, I washed him from head to toe, and he seemed to enjoy every second of it.

  When I reached his magnificent cock, I got down on my knees, the cool shower water running from his head and shoulders, down his ripped chest, into my mouth. I held his cock in my hands.

  “Some body parts should only be washed with the tongue,” I said.

  “Why’s that?” His whole face w
as lit up by his sly smile.

  “Because it pleases me.”

  “Well then, baby boy, who am I to argue?”

  He brushed the water-slicked hair from my eyes and stroked my head as my mouth and tongue worked on the cock it was my privilege and pleasure to service.

  I heard his deep sigh and felt his fingers tugging at my hair, holding my head close. Not that he needed to do that. I wouldn’t have stopped sucking his cock for anything.

  * * * *

  Kimo picked on me a lot that day, making fun of my posture, my hand movements, everything. I understood that he wanted to remind me who was boss, but his hostile, demeaning attitude was hurtful and unnecessary.

  For the first time since our arduous rehearsal schedule began, I couldn’t wait for our day to finish. Every time he insulted me, I’d remember the things we’d done in bed and out on the edge of the volcano and my cheeks would flame. I was pretty sure he was going to fire me.

  At the end of class, he told me to change rooms with Roland.

  To Roland, he said that I snored and it kept him awake. No, I didn’t snore, but other things I did sure kept him awake.

  Kimo embarrassed me further by giving a demonstration of what sounded like a family of comatose, tubercular bears, which made everybody laugh. And not for the first time since we’d left Maui, I really missed Johnny.

  I knew Kimo was acting out. I knew he was racked with guilt and probably shame, but we’d had fun. There was no need to spoil everything. Not in my mind, anyway. Knowing that he just couldn’t handle being with another man still didn’t make me feel any better.

  So, I changed rooms with Roland, who was bunking with Lon and I worked hard to find a positive side to all of this. My ass could use a break from that yule log between Kimo’s thighs. But at the same time, I still yearned for it, dammit, and a sinking feeling in my stomach was beginning to turn into a very hot lava stone.

  I was confused by my feelings for Kimo. The sex was amazing, but I didn’t particularly enjoy the humiliation of what I had to go through to get it.


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