Into the Roar (The Roar Series Book 2)

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Into the Roar (The Roar Series Book 2) Page 6

by A. M. White

  “No, it was just me and Jason. Don’t hurt me, please!” He cried. A tear rolled down his check. I was embarrassed that I made him so scared.

  “I don’t want to. I just need to make sure you aren’t armed. Okay? Do you have any weapons on you?” My voice wavered.

  “No ma’am. Please just don’t hurt me.” He begged innocently.

  “Oh Lord, don’t call me that.” I blushed fervently. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you. Just raise your hands and let me check you for weapons.” I tried to calm him.

  He put his hands up. “What did you do with Jason?”

  “I didn’t do anything to him. If he didn’t try anything with my friend, I am sure he is fine.” I said as I approached him. I patted down his jacket and pockets. He had nothing.

  I released him. He backed away from me. His eyes darted around for signs of Jason.

  “I don’t have Jason. My friend must’ve taken him out a little way to talk.” I explained.

  “He had a gun.” The boy confessed.

  “Well, let’s hope he didn’t try anything dumb.” I shrugged. “What’s your name?”

  “My name is Finn.” He still shook with fear. “Why is there blood all over you?” He asked suspiciously.

  I looked down at myself. The smeared blood looked menacing. I hurried to explain. “I’m Alex. We were looking for a place to sleep tonight. There are others with us. One of them is hurt and we needed to find shelter. I’m hoping you and Jason will let us share the mill with you tonight.” I smiled sweetly. I decided the best thing to do was to befriend the kid. If he wasn’t afraid of me, maybe I could get his permission and we wouldn’t have to strong-arm our way inside.

  “I guess that depends on Jason. He makes the decisions.” Finn replied.

  “Is Jason older?” I asked.

  “Yeah, he’s seventeen.” He answered shyly.

  The leaves crunched in the forest behind me. I turned toward the noise and lifted my gun. A teenage boy pushed aside branches as he walked into the clearing.

  Timothy was right behind him. He nodded at me. Everything was okay. I nodded back.

  The wind blew strong with the scent of the coming storm.

  “Are you alright?” Jason asked as he came closer to Finn.

  “Yeah, besides getting the crap scared out of me.” Finn nervously giggled.

  “Well, that makes two of us.” Jason ruffled Finn’s hair.

  “I apologize for that.” Timothy said. “You know how it is out here. You have to be careful.”

  “I get it. Remember, I want my gun back when you guys leave in the morning.” Jason kicked at the dirt.

  “You’ll get it back. You have my word.” I promised.

  “And the hot chick is?” Jason eyed Timothy.

  Jason’s forward comment caught me off guard. I found myself speechless.

  “This is Alex. She is way too old for you.” Timothy explained. “Besides, she’s kind of taken.”

  “The hot chicks usually are.” Jason laughed.

  I looked at Finn. He shrugged and shook his head at his friend.

  “Alex, go get the others. I’m going to stay behind and find a good spot for Sarah.” What he meant, was that he was going to stay behind and make sure the boys weren’t up to any funny business.

  “Okay, be right back.” I said and turned on my heel.

  “I sure hope so.” Jason threw in.

  I huffed and started to walk back to the others. I felt the first drop of rain land on my nose.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Once I felt the raindrop, I began to jog around the side of the mill. I rounded to the backside and ran directly into Cara. We both fell to the ground with a groan.

  “Ow.” I blinked. “What are you doing?”

  Cara rubbed her shoulder. “I came to find out what was taking so long.”

  I stood and brushed off my hands. “Everything’s fine. There were two boys inside. We had to check them out.”

  I held out a hand and helped her to her feet.

  “Are they willing to let us stay?” She asked.

  I smirked. “Do you think Timothy would really take no for an answer?”

  She pursed her lips. “No, but if they consented it might be a more pleasant evening.”

  “Yeah, they are alright with it.” I answered. “Did you leave Ryan and Sarah behind?”

  “Ryan is carrying her this way, slowly. I told him to give me a head start to make sure it was safe.” Cara looked me up and down. She grinned. “Man, you look rough.”

  “Gee thanks. The teenage boy in there thinks I’m hot. I guess bloody-chic is in.” I frowned.

  Cara curled over with laughter. “Are you serious? We are bunking with a hormonal teenage boy that hit on you?” She laughed some more.

  “I’m glad you are getting a kick out of this.” I put my hands on my hips.

  Ryan appeared along the path. He held Sarah in his arms. Her legs bounced as he walked toward us.

  The sky looked like it as going to open at any minute.

  He scrunched his face. “What in the world could be funny right now?”

  I put my hand on Cara’s shoulder. She tried to compose herself.

  “It’s nothing. Cara is just giving me a hard time.” I nodded at Sarah. She was still unconscious. “How is she?”

  He shrugged with a creased brow. “She’s breathing.”

  “Let’s get her inside.” I directed him.

  We walked to the front of the mill and I held the door open for everyone. Timothy had started a fire near one of the corners. It was a small one, but enough to warm us.

  The boys stood when we entered. They had been huddled around the flames. The rotted floorboards creaked under our weight as we made our way to the fire.

  Lightning flashed through the dilapidated wood. I looked up at the roof. It contained many holes. Luckily, the fire was shielded by part of the roof that remained intact.

  “I don’t think anyone will be traveling tonight. I think the fire will be alright.” Timothy explained.

  Timothy trotted over to Ryan and took Sarah from his arms. He laid her on a pile of hay near the fire. Ryan hovered near.

  “Well, where have you guys been keeping these lovely ladies?” Jason grinned.

  “Don’t even start, kid.” Cara snapped back.

  “Whoa, she’s feisty.” Jason said to Finn. The boy rolled his eyes.

  “You have no idea.” Cara mumbled under her breath.

  “Make yourselves comfortable in our abode.” Jason held his arms out and lowered to sit next to Finn.

  The sky finally opened. Rain pummeled the fragments of roof and cascaded onto the floor. Timothy picked a good spot. It was away from the rain that drained inside.

  I found myself squeezed between Cara and Timothy.

  “So, let’s clear the air. What’s with the eyes?” Jason asked.

  “We are from below ground.” Timothy said.

  Finn squirmed and Jason’s eyes widened. “That’s how you had the strength to carry me off earlier?” Jason gawked at Timothy.

  “Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you. They left, because they didn’t agree with their people. They actually saved me.” I revealed.

  “How about you, what’s your story?” Cara prodded.

  “Finn and I were headed toward a village at the mouth of the river. We stopped here to spend the night.” Jason told us.

  Cara and I exchanged a meaningful glance.

  “I’m sorry to tell you, but the village isn’t there anymore.” I said carefully.

  “What?” Finn piped up. “What do you mean?”

  “Soldiers came through last night and burned it to the ground.” I answered. “We were there.”

  The boys hung their heads in disappointment. “We came a long way.” Jason whispered to himself.

  “I’m sorry.” I sympathized.

  Thunder shook the mill as if it was the period at the end of my sentence.

  “Ryan?” A vo
ice croaked. All eyes turned to Sarah. “Ryan?”

  Ryan dropped to his knees next to her. He took her hand in his. “I’m here.”

  “What? Where are we?” She asked and tilted her head to the side.

  “We are in a mill. We are going to stay here tonight.” He explained calmly.

  “I am so thirsty.” Her voice cracked.

  Cara rose and took water to Sarah. She unscrewed the cap and handed it to Ryan. He lifted Sarah’s head so that she could drink. She slurped the liquid loudly.

  “I should look at her leg.” Cara unwrapped the makeshift bandages.

  She nodded at Ryan and exhaled roughly. He whispered into Sarah’s ear words of encouragement. He held her head in his lap and stroked her hair gently. Sarah was calm. She stared into Ryan’s eyes with adoration.

  Their moment of intimacy made my skin tingle. I reached for Timothy’s hand. He ran his thumb across my knuckles and smiled.

  “She will be fine. It will be a lot better in the morning. I’ll put some more cream on it, for good measure. Alex?” Cara waved at her bag. I pulled the bottle from the bag and handed it to her.

  “Thank you, all of you.” Ryan’s lip quivered. “I don’t know what we would have done.”

  “Glad to have helped.” Timothy answered for us. “You all should try and get some sleep. We have a lot to discuss in the morning.”

  Timothy squeezed my hand. He didn’t let go, so I took that as a signal.

  The fire light bounced off everyone’s faces. It created lines and shadows that made everyone look tired and much older than they were.

  The group settled onto the wooden floor as though they waited for someone to suggest sleep. Ryan snuggled beside Sarah and pulled her in close. The boys made sure they didn’t touch each other. They nestled with a pack under each of their heads.

  Timothy stood and pulled me with him. He guided me around the streams of rain that fell through openings in the old roof. He halted at the opposite corner of the building.

  “We are far enough to talk here, with all the rain, it will drown us out.” Timothy put his hands on my shoulders. It was dark and I could only make out the details of his face when distant lightning flickered. “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “Yeah, despite having a very intense day, things could be worse.” I responded.

  I walked into him and he enveloped me in his arms. He held me against his chest.

  “I didn’t want you to come with me, because I wanted to keep you safe. Now, my only choice is to keep you close.” His breath tickled my ear.

  “I knew that was the reason. In some weird way, I am glad it turned out like this.” I felt selfish as I said the words.

  “I am afraid of what is to come.” He admitted. “In the morning, I am going to tell the others about our plans. Do you see any reason why I shouldn’t?”

  I thought for a moment before I spoke. “I think Cara will be mad that you didn’t run it by her first. Other than that, recruits might be beneficial. Ryan and Sarah know their way around the tunnels. If Ryan could even lead us to the exit they used, it would help. That is assuming they want anything to do with our plan.”

  Timothy nodded thoughtfully. “I will talk to everyone in the morning. At least, I will give them the option to come along.”

  “Either way, we should get the boys some metal for their shoes. I can’t believe they have made it this long without them.” I pointed out.

  Timothy ran his fingers along my chin. He directed my lips to his. I melted into him. My hands moved up to the back of his neck. The kiss was long and tender. We both searched for reassurance in it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  That night, I slept restlessly. The hard floor and the sounds of other people woke me frequently. Somehow, I managed to dream.

  My eyes fluttered open. The smell of musty earth rushed into my nostrils. I gagged.

  Above me, the ceiling was dome-shaped with wooden crossbeams. The place seemed familiar.

  I turned my head and realized I was on my back. My arms and legs were restrained by cuffs. The room was littered with medical equipment. A tray of utensils rested beside me.

  I tried to call out, but my lips wouldn’t open. I felt drowsy, but forced myself to stay awake.

  I heard muffled voices in the room. With great effort, I lifted my head to see where they originated. In a haze, I managed to focus my eyes long enough to make out two people in long white lab coats with their backs to me. I strained to hear their words.

  “She passed all of our tests. I am certain she will make an adequate subject.” A man said.

  “Good, the doctors have requested that insertion be tomorrow, on the surface.” A woman announced.

  My strength faded and my head fell back to the table. Footsteps scurried to my side.

  “The only problem I have had is keeping her under.” The man mentioned uneasily.

  I felt a cold rush enter my arm. My vision clouded and went dark.

  “Alex, Alex.” A voice called to me.

  Timothy shook my shoulder. My eyes opened. The machine was drawn on the floor with ash. I collapsed. Timothy pulled me into his lap. I cried out, in frustration. I thought the episodes had subsided.

  Ryan, Cara, Jason, and Finn all stood around us in a semicircle. The mill was silent.

  “What is that?” Jason asked from over us.

  “That is what we need to talk about.” Timothy said as he pointed to the sketch. “Are you okay to sit up?” He asked me and I nodded.

  Cara took a seat on the floor next to me. She hadn’t seen one of my episodes before and I could tell she was about as shaken as I was. Cara laced her arm through mine. It was comforting to have her close.

  “That is a drawing of the Roar machine.” Timothy paused to allow the revelation to process.

  “Wait a minute.” Jason grew excited. “You mean the Roar machine; as in the one that ended civilization?”

  “Yes, that Roar machine.” Timothy ran his hands through his hair. It had grown longer and seemed to get in the way often.

  Ryan’s eyes shifted from the drawing, to us, to Sarah. She was still asleep on the other side of the hot coals. The conversation made him uncomfortable already.

  Timothy went on anyway. “The last large Roar overloaded the machine. Our people are working on a new source of power to run the machine. When the major machines broke, it provided an opportunity to put this new power into place. Instructions from the engineers had to be relayed to the site of the machine. Alex was meant to be the carrier of that information.”

  Ryan held up his hands to halt Timothy. “I don’t want to hear anymore. Anything that you tell me will endanger Sarah. I can’t allow that.” He marched over to Sarah. “We will leave right away. I am sorry, but we left down there to be safe.”

  “I understand.” Timothy sighed. “I feel like I should remind you, however, that you will never be truly safe until we put an end to the Roars. One day, you will run into a soldier and be captured or maybe you will slip up and forget to put on your boots before you step foot on the ground. Then they will find you.”

  “Those are chances I will take. I can’t get wrapped up in whatever this is. I probably know too much already.” Ryan shook his head. He bent next to Sarah and gently woke her. “Come on, we have to go.”

  “What’s happened?” Sarah asked groggily. She rubbed her eyes to regain her wits.

  “I will explain later.” Ryan lifted Sarah into his arms.

  “At least let me give you a little healing cream for the road.” Cara let go of me and retrieved a small bottle. She handed it to Ryan.

  “I really appreciate all that you have done for us. I just can’t.” He turned and headed to the door.

  “Good luck!” I called after him. I meant it. It had taken a lot courage to leave a life they knew to embark on an uncertain journey. A part of me wished that I had the choice to never get involved.

  Cara pulled the door closed behind Ryan and Sarah. She came back to me. />
  “Cowards.” Jason mumbled.

  “Don’t say that! You have no idea what we are going to do. You might tuck your tail and leave too.” Cara sputtered.

  “Relax.” Jason cautioned her.

  Cara lunged forward and I grabbed her waist to pull her back.

  “Rule number one, never say relax to a woman.” I said against her struggle.

  “Sorry, I just don’t know why he acted so afraid.” Jason apologized halfheartedly.

  “You might understand if you knew what the people down there are really capable of.” Cara sneered. She succumbed to my grasp and relaxed.

  Finn popped Jason in the arm. “Will you sit down and hear them out?” For a young kid, he seemed to have more sense than Jason did.

  “Alex had a capsule in her leg. It gave directions to convert the machines to switch to the new energy source. We believe that if we can put together this information, we might be able to find out how to take down the system for good.” Timothy said evenly.

  Finn finished the rest. “Then you plan on going down there to break the machine.”

  Timothy nodded.

  For the first time, it dawned on me that we were asking kids to join us. I felt a heaviness develop in my chest. I wasn’t sure that it was a good decision.

  “Wow.” Finn breathed.

  “See? It is a little heavy.” Cara emphasized.

  “Well, where is this capsule?” Jason asked.

  “Um, we don’t have it.” Cara answered.

  “Do you know where it is?” Jason frowned.

  “No, but we know how to get the rest of the data from it. A doctor from the village deciphered the codes and left them for us. At least, that’s what we assume he left in the last tube.” Cara glanced at me. She was skeptical about the contents of the last vial.

  “Where is the doctor now?” Jason continued to prod.

  Timothy took the conversation back. “He was probably captured in the raid.”

  The situation looked more than bleak. I jumped in to up the ante a bit. “Let me explain what the new energy source is; they are going to use humans. Our brains and hearts operate with electrical pulses. They either plan on harvesting that power, burning bodies, or a combination of both. That is why it is urgent that we stop them from transferring to the new system.”


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