Pirate's Passion (Sentinels of Savannah)

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Pirate's Passion (Sentinels of Savannah) Page 6

by Lisa Kessler

  Charlotte spun around in her chair. “Keegan! What are you doing here?”

  He nodded toward the stage. “Scallywags tonight. No rest for the wicked, lass.” He pointed at the bar. “Who’s the lubber in the tie?”

  “Be nice.” She chuckled. “He’s my boss.”

  Keegan raised a brow. “Boss is buying you a drink? He wants to sign more than your paycheck.”

  She shot her elbow back, connecting with his side. “Like you don’t.”

  “We do have unfinished business.” He leaned in closer, his lips teasing her ear as he whispered, “He’s all wrong for you anyway.”

  She glanced back at him. “I’m dying to hear this one.”

  His gaze went to the bar where Bruce was handing over his credit card. Keegan stayed in close, his body heat warming her back. “First off, Char is too much woman for him. He’d never understand her need for freedom. Look at those shoes. He’s never stepped in the dirt, let alone left the land. And he probably keeps a calendar on his phone, checkin’ it over and over until he misses out on your date because he’s too busy worryin’ about the future.”

  He shook his head, meeting her eyes. “Char likes to dance and sing.” He tugged the stick from her hair, smiling as her long tresses fell down her back. “And she should always have her hair down.”

  Bruce came back with a glass in each hand and questions in his eyes.

  She smiled. “Dr. Trumain, this is Keegan, the lead singer for The Scallywags.”

  “The Scallywags?” He set the glasses on the table and straightened to offer his hand.

  The two men were about the same height, but that was where the similarities ended. Keegan was sporting ripped jeans and a tight distressed tee, with just enough guyliner to make his green eyes impossible to miss and a barely five o’clock shadow across his jaw. While Bruce was still in his sport coat and khakis, his tie pinned to his white button-down shirt, and his face was freshly shaved.

  The only hint at wildness were the chaotic black curls in his hair.

  Keegan took his hand, tipping his head toward the stage. “We’ll be playin’ tonight.”


  Charlotte bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. Since she started working at the museum, she’d put so much effort into catching her boss’s attention, but she obviously missed how out of touch he was. His studious mind had been what first attracted her.

  Keegan’s rough hand rested on her shoulder, short-circuiting her thoughts for a second and making it tough to think of anything else.

  “Aye. Southern rock mostly with some seafarin’ flavor on the side.”

  Bruce nodded, but it was plain on his face, he had no idea what any of that meant.

  Charlotte cleared her throat. Time to end the awkwardness. “Hope you have a great show tonight.”

  Keegan squeezed her shoulder. “Unfinished business.”

  He walked away, giving her a great view of his ass in those jeans. Damn.

  “What business?”

  She flinched, snapping her head toward Bruce. “Oh. Um. Just. I like the band and I was…making some posters.”

  God, she sucked at lying. She did her best not to cringe and prayed he’d buy it.

  “You’ll have to share some of your time management tips with me later. I don’t know how you juggle a special project for the government, heading up our upcoming exhibition, and doing graphic design for a local band, too.”

  “It’s a balancing act.” She took a sip of her Guinness.

  In her head, a date with Bruce shouldn’t have been awkward. They’d talk about history, new discoveries, and restorative techniques. Maybe they’d even postulate about unsolved historical mysteries.

  She never imagined she’d finally be sitting with him, only to find herself wishing she was at the bar with a pirate.

  This was insane.

  Keegan glanced her way, the corner of his mouth curving when he caught her eyeing him. She forced herself to focus on Bruce.

  And he was checking his calendar on his phone.

  She rubbed her forehead, biting back the laughter aching to break free.

  He finally set his cell on the table. “Sorry about that. I was just shifting around a couple of things on my schedule.”

  “No problem.” She placed her glass on the table and settled back into her chair. “I can’t believe we’ve worked together for two years and this is our first beer after work.”

  Smooth, Charlotte.

  “Has it been two years already?” He shook his head and froze as he met her eyes. “Was your hair down before?”

  “No.” She reached up to start twisting it back into a bun, but he caught her wrist.

  “Leave it down.” He swallowed. “It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

  Finally, her heart responded, pounding in her ears. She dropped her hands into her lap. “Thank you.”

  He cleared his throat. “When you first came to the maritime museum, I admired your work ethic. I guess I’ve been too busy to admire much else. Thanks for giving me the chance to change that.”

  His awkwardness and honesty warmed her belly, or maybe that was the Guinness. Either way, in spite of Keegan’s warning, she was going to enjoy spending time with Bruce.

  Or at least try.


  Keegan paced along the side of the stage, trying his damnedest not to look at Char laughing with her boss. Why the hell should he care?

  He shouldn’t. Caring could ruin his relationship with immortality.

  But fuck it all, seeing her with another man pissed him off. He slammed his glass on the bar harder than he intended, his jaw tight with frustration.

  “You okay, man?” Gary asked, hooking his bass guitar over his shoulder.

  “Aye.” Keegan nodded. “Just need to be onstage.” With any luck, the spotlight would blot out the crowd.

  The music took some of the edge off. Sweat rolled down his back as the patrons made their way forward to dance. Gradually his agitation faded, all his energy channeling into the songs.

  Until he noticed Char out of the corner of his eye. No sign of her boss, though. He leaned into the mic. “This one is for unfinished business.”

  Her gaze met his as they started their cover of “Just A Song Before I Go.” God, if he didn’t get this woman out of his system, he would most definitely get burned. Or go mad. Or both.

  After the final chord, the crowd cheered, and the band took a bow. Keegan jogged off to get his coat for the final encore. As he reached for the second sleeve, someone lifted it onto his shoulders. He turned to find Char staring up at him with that wicked smile begging to be kissed.

  “‘Leaving of Liverpool,’ know that one?”

  “Aye.” He chuckled and brushed a kiss to her forehead, not bothering to cover his accent. “Ye’ve got mighty fine taste in pirate shanties, lass.” Grabbing his guitar, he took the stage. “Fare thee well, me hearties!”

  The audience roared as he belted out the shanty, but he barely noticed. Char danced at the edge of the stage, her smile turning him inside out. She was so damn beautiful. Free.

  He picked up the tempo, grateful that he could sing the verses in his sleep.

  Because right now, he was completely preoccupied with unfinished business.

  Chapter Seven

  Charlotte took a seat after the show, waiting for Keegan and the band to finish packing up. Bruce had cut the night short, which was just as well. She liked him, admired him, but there was only one man she desired, and right now he was giving his share of the night’s take to his drummer.

  “Buy something nice for the baby.”

  “Thanks, man.” Ax embraced him and stepped back. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I know.” Keegan chuckled. “I expect you to regale the tot with stories of his virtuous uncle Keegan.”

  “Oh, so you want me to lie to him?” Ax grinned.

  “Exactly.” Keegan waved to the others and came over to her table. He offered h
is hand. “The lubber is a fool leaving a gorgeous historian unattended.”

  She took his hand and stood. “I could use a ride back to my car.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips, the sexy gleam in his eyes turning her knees to rubber. His voice dropped to a raspy whisper. “First…we have unfinished business.”

  She bit her lower lip, the rum in her belly boosting her courage. “Your place or mine?”

  His brow cocked, and his roguish grin made her heart race. “What kind of pirate brings a lady to his lair?”

  “So, your place is a mess?” she teased.

  “I don’t make a habit of bringing home company.”

  She filed that away, but before she could reply, he took her hand, leading her through the tables and out back to his truck. “What about my car? I left it at the museum.”

  He unlocked the doors and opened the passenger door for her. “We’ll get it in the morning.”

  Seeing the desire in his eyes sent all rational thought packing. “Works for me.”

  She couldn’t pull her gaze from his face as he took a couple of steps closer, pressing her back against the side of his truck. He smelled like rum, soap, and a hint of salt, all male.

  He stared down into her eyes. “Glad you sent your boss packing.”

  She tried not to smile. “He had something to do anyway.”

  “His loss.” His fingers slid into her hair as his lips caressed hers.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, steadying herself as his tongue explored her mouth. Her heart pounded in her ears when he clutched her tight against his chest. She tilted her head, moaning into the kiss.

  “Get a room, pirate!”

  Keegan broke the kiss and flipped off his bandmates as heat flushed her cheeks. She didn’t recognize herself when she was with him. She’d never make out with a guy in a parking lot. But something about Keegan made the rest of the world fade until they were the only two people who mattered.

  He rested his forehead on hers. “On second thought, a room might be a good idea.”

  Charlotte grinned. “Let’s get out of here.”


  The moment she locked the front door and turned around, Keegan pressed her against the wall, his lips fusing to hers. She ran her hands underneath his shirt and up his chest, enjoying the way his muscles tensed under her touch. Breaking the kiss, she pulled his T-shirt off, dropping it on the floor. His chest was muscular and tan with a trail of dark hair leading her gaze even lower. She unbuttoned his jeans, but he grabbed her hands, pinning them above her head, his eyes locked on hers.

  “Not yet.”

  He claimed her lips, long and slow. He held her wrists with one hand, the other sliding under her top, his rough fingers exploring her abdomen. He cupped her breast through her bra and groaned into the kiss, releasing her wrists and using both hands to unbutton her shirt.

  Kissing his way down her neck, he opened her top and pushed it down until it fell to the floor. He ran his hands up her sides, from her hips to her waist, then higher, teasing her breasts until she ached for more. No man had ever kindled this kind of urgent hunger in her before. She slid her hands along his muscled shoulders, yearning to explore every inch of him.

  He unclasped her bra and moved back just enough to pull it free. The desire in his eyes lit a fire inside her. She needed him. Now.

  She unzipped his jeans, sliding her hand inside to stroke him. His erection pulsed as he pulled her in close. He gripped her ass, rocking his hips into her as he kneaded her breasts, teasing her nipples with his fingers until her knees turned to rubber.

  Suddenly he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the sofa. He laid her down and unzipped the side of her skirt, sliding it off her hips.

  He smiled when he eyed her red silk bikini panties.

  She hadn’t planned on getting naked with a man when she dressed for work that morning, but now she was grateful she hadn’t worn her plain white cotton underwear.

  Hooking his fingers under the sides, he lifted her hips and then dropped the panties on the floor. She started to kick off her shoes, but he caught her heel. “Leave them on.”

  She nodded, surprised by the flush of heat his command sent right to her core. She was far from virginal, but sex on the couch with the lights on in her high heels and nothing else was new territory for her.

  Keegan stood and got out of his shoes and pants until he was completely naked and not the least bit modest. He wet his lips, his gaze devouring her, and she’d never felt sexier.

  He clasped her ankles. “You’re so damn beautiful. I’ll never get my fill.”

  He pulled her down to the end, lifting her ass up on the arm of the sofa. He placed each of her legs on his shoulders, running one hand along her inner thigh. Her heart raced in anticipation as he lowered his head, his lips following the path of his hand, and when his fingers slid inside her and his tongue teased her folds, she cried out, rocking her hips into him. He growled against her, the vibrations driving her to the edge of oblivion.

  She gripped the couch with both hands, desperate to make the moment last forever. “Don’t stop.”

  “No chance,” he hummed into her. “Give it to me, Char. Let go.”


  Her entire body tensed. She lay before him, trembling, her cheeks flushed with color, her nipples taut, begging to be kissed. Keegan had never been so turned on, and never was a long time for him.

  He couldn’t wait any longer. He straightened, enjoying the scrape of her heels on his back as he sank into her. For a moment, he couldn’t move. Her body fit him like she’d been fashioned for him in the heavens.

  He finally pumped his hips and froze. “Condom.”

  Fuck. He’d never forgotten before. No woman had ever consumed him like Char.

  She stared up at him. “Shit. Are you clean?”

  He nodded. “The Grail makes us immune to everything. Or at least it did.” He gripped her hips tighter, not wanting to pull out, and at the same time still shaken by his slip. No condom. Fuck, what if she got pregnant? “But I don’t think it would protect you from children.”

  She shook her head. “I’m on the pill.”

  He relaxed, kissing her lips and enjoying how much deeper he pressed into her from this angle. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and her heels scratched down his back as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  She was made for him. He pushed the troubling thought away, feeding on her lips as he neared the peak, pulsing inside her. He never wanted this to end, but he also couldn’t stop, not even if his life depended on it. Sliding his hand between them, he toyed with her until she gasped. He focused his attention, thrusting harder and faster, aching for release.

  Suddenly her body tensed underneath him, her muscles milking him until he exploded. He came so hard he couldn’t move. Her fingers threaded through his hair as he struggled to catch his breath.

  Finally, he lifted his head, memorizing the fire in her eyes and her well-kissed mouth.

  “Wow.” Her voice was little more than a breathless whisper.

  “Agreed.” He nodded, lowering his head to nibble her neck. “I might need to sit.” Grudgingly, he slid free of the sanctuary of her body and scooped her up into his arms. “Which way to the bedroom?”

  She raised an exhausted finger toward the hallway and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her naked body was so soft against his. She nuzzled into his chest, her silky hair teasing his sensitive flesh.

  “I thought you needed to sit.”

  “I will.” He carried her through a door and into her bedroom.

  He lowered her onto the bed, and she turned, drawing back the covers, before sliding in. He lay beside her, holding her in his arms as he kissed her hair. She fit perfectly, and again the dangerous thoughts crept back into his mind. She was made for him.

  What the hell was he doing? He rested his cheek on her head, closing his eyes and begging his idiot heart to stop racing like a ship with a full sail in a gale
-force wind.

  The emotions, the yearning she kindled in him would lead to madness. He’d walked this path before, and it nearly destroyed him. If he didn’t save himself now, he might never be able to. His hunger for her would devour him, and when death stole her from this earth, he’d be left behind, unable to follow.

  “Keegan?” Her voice was muffled against his chest. “What’s wrong? You’re holding me really tight.”

  Fuck. He released her and ran his hand down his face, struggling to keep from losing his damn mind. “I should go.”

  “What? Now?” She sat up, a crease forming on her forehead. “Talk to me.”

  Talking. He blinked back images from a lost past he’d buried lifetimes ago. A woman with golden hair, her lifeless body in his arms.

  He shook his head and got out of bed, pacing back and forth. “I can’t do this.”

  “Do what?” She patted the pillow. “We’re basking in the afterglow.”

  She was right. He was overreacting. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he raked shaky fingers back through his hair. His fucking heart was thumping in his head like drum.

  He came to her place thinking sex would scratch an itch, and instead, she’d reminded him how much better it could be when…he cared.

  Aw, fuck.

  “You’re sweating. What’s going on?” Char left the bed and headed to her closet, concern lining her eyes. She pulled on her robe and glanced his way. “Come on. I’ll get you a drink.”

  He followed her out, wary and unsure, second-guessing every step he took. His self-preservation instincts yearned to get out and never look back.

  But what if the Serpent Society came for her? If they carved a snake into her soft skin, he’d never forgive himself.

  She handed him a glass and went over and picked up his pants, tossing them to him. “You should put these on so I don’t get distracted.”

  A smile tugged at his lips, surprising him. “Glad to know you like what you see.”

  “Who wouldn’t?” She opened another cupboard.

  A tremor ran through his hands as he lifted the glass and took a swallow. He coughed, setting the glass down. “This is water.”

  “Yeah. You’re sweating and trembling and…” she peeked over her shoulder, “I figured water was the safest bet.”


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