Mine (Trojans MC #5)

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Mine (Trojans MC #5) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  She released a squeal, and he caught her ankle, keeping her in place.

  “I’m in charge here, baby. Don’t fight me, and for this first time, you’ll do exactly as I say.”

  Nodding her head, she took a deep breath, lying back on the bed.

  “Spread your legs. Show me your creamy cunt.”

  She loved it when he talked dirty to her.

  He opened his belt and started to remove his jeans. His cock sprang forward, and her mouth watered.

  Daisy wasn’t a small man.

  You can take him.

  She couldn’t wait to fuck him, and to finally be with him properly.

  “You want to fuck me, don’t you, baby?”

  “Yes. I want you.”

  “From now on, you want to be fucked, you’ll come to me, and I will take you. I’ll give you everything you need, do you hear me?”


  “Good.” He wrapped his fingers around the base of his cock, working up to the moist tip. “Do you see this, baby? This is what you do to me. You make me want to fuck you. Being at the club this summer, watching you walk around in your dresses, dancing, you’ve tortured me with that body of yours.”

  “Really?” she asked, amazed. “I didn’t think you were looking.”

  “Oh, I was looking, and I can’t wait to show you how much I’ve been looking forward to having some more with you.”


  “Yes.” Daisy smiled. “You’re blind, baby. Keeping my hands from you has been difficult. It was hard for me not to come and claim you on the day you graduated. I wanted you that bad, and I knew I could make you happy.”

  To her, it had always been Daisy, and it would always be him.

  He kicked away his jeans and boots. “Touch your pussy.”

  She touched her pussy with one finger, sliding it across her clit.

  “Lift your fingers up, and show me how creamy they are.”

  Holding her fingers up, she gasped as he caught them and leaned forward. His tongue lapped up her juice.

  Suddenly he released her and crooked his finger for her to sit up. Sitting up, she was at the perfect height of his cock. The tip was leaking pre-cum, and she wanted to taste him.

  Daisy sank his fingers into her hair and held her in place. “Open those lips.”

  She did as he ordered, opening her lips, and he placed the tip of his cock against her mouth. When she went to use her tongue, he pulled away.

  “No tongue, no teeth. You’ll wait for me to tell you what to do.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He smiled. “Good of you to know your place.”

  Daisy placed his cock against her lips, and ran the leaking tip across them. “Taste my cum.”

  She flicked her tongue across, gathering up his pre-cum, and swallowing it.

  “Now, lick my cock.”

  Maria licked his cock, and stared up at him.

  He was watching his cock and her lips. His foreskin was peeled back, and she tongued his slit, taking all of his pre-cum. He tugged on her hair, jerking back.

  “Your mouth is to fucking die for. Take all of my cock.”

  She sucked the tip of his cock, and he thrust even more into her mouth. Relaxing her mouth, she took him to the back of the throat, but he didn’t stop there. He kept on going until she gagged before pulling out.

  “We’re going to have to give you more practice on taking my dick, baby.”

  Maria moaned around the length, loving the way he seemed to swell even more.

  Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to him, letting him take his pleasure from her mouth.

  Her pussy was on fire, and she reached between her thighs and started to stroke her clit.

  “Fuck, baby, don’t you know I can see what you’re doing? You’re touching that pretty little pussy. Sucking my dick is making you all nice and wet, isn’t it?”

  She hummed her answer.

  “That feels so fucking good. Your mouth is perfect.” He slowly pumped into her mouth, going in and out.

  The grip on her hair tightened, and he pulled out of her mouth. Seconds later, he released her hair and shoved her back to the bed.

  “Move up the bed.”

  Maria didn’t question him, and lay against the pillows.

  “Open your legs, and hold onto the bars of the bed.”

  She opened her thighs, and then grabbed two bars, one for each hand.

  Looking down at him, she didn’t ask any questions, and her heart was pounding. He crawled up the bed, settling between her thighs. Daisy put his hands on either side of her inner thighs, spreading her legs open.

  He took the lips of her pussy between his fingers, opening her up.

  Maria didn’t have time to question him as he took her clit into his mouth and started to suck on her pussy.

  She gripped the bars tightly as the pleasure rushed over her, taking her by surprise at the intensity. He’d spent the past week going down on her, and he’d taken a great deal of time finding out what she liked.

  This time it was different. He was preparing her for sex.

  I’m not going to be a virgin much longer.

  She was excited, nervous, but still excited.

  Daisy was the man she’d first fallen in love with, and now she was going to belong to him.

  Maria had known she’d been in love with him for a long time. The news wasn’t shocking to her. She loved him with all of her heart, and that was never going to stop. Her feelings for Daisy had only increased over the summer. He was the one constant, and she would love him for the rest of her life.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, using his teeth to nibble down on the bud.

  Using her grip on the bars, she arched up, thrusting her pussy against his face.

  “That it, baby, fuck my face, and show me how much you like it.” His tongue pressed against her clit, sliding side to side.

  The pleasure increased, and she couldn’t hold onto her orgasm for much longer. She came apart as he tongued her pussy, but he didn’t stop there. Daisy kept on stroking her clit, drawing out another orgasm. Daisy was relentless in his pursuit of giving her orgasm after orgasm.


  After she had come a second time, and was on the verge of a third orgasm, Daisy used his fingers to prolong her pleasure. He crawled up her body, claiming her lips, and letting her taste her cunt. Daisy hadn’t liked licking pussy, but with Maria, it was entirely different. He liked her being his completely. No other man had touched her, and he knew he shouldn’t care about that, but he did.

  He stopped touching her pussy, grabbed his cock, and placed it at her entrance. Daisy didn’t stop to grab a condom as he didn’t want anything between them.

  Sliding the tip of his cock inside her, he slammed all the way to the hilt. Maria screamed, releasing the bars of the bed, and shoving at his shoulders.

  “It’s okay, baby, I’ve got you.” He stayed still inside her, giving her a chance to grow accustomed to his cock.

  She was unbearably tight.

  “You didn’t take your time.”

  “I know.” He couldn’t have waited even if he wanted to. Maria drove him wild, and her pussy was clutching him deep inside her.

  “It hurts.”

  “I know.” This was why he’d tried to avoid actually fucking her. Tears filled her eyes, and he hated the sight of them. Wiping away the drops as they fell cut him deeply.

  “I would never hurt you, baby.”

  “It hurts now.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Does it hurt for men?”

  “No, it doesn’t hurt for us.”

  “We get the short straw again.”

  Guilt gripped him. “I’d take your pain away if I could.”

  She sniffled, and he was still upset.

  “It’ll get better.” Leaning down, he kissed her lips. “You’re not a virgin anymore, and I heard you complaining to my sister that I hadn’t taken the next step.”

nbsp; “You heard that?”

  “I came to ask you a question. I left you alone to rant.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “How are you feeling now?”

  “I don’t know. It hurts a little.”

  He stayed perfectly still, and when this was over, he was going to give himself a reward. The desire to simply fuck her was so strong, but he held off, stopping himself.

  “Do you taste your sweet pussy on my lips?”


  “I love the taste of you.” He kissed her harder, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Time passed, and slowly, Maria started to wriggle beneath him. He didn’t know if she noticed it, and he didn’t respond right away.

  Daisy kissed down her neck, sucking on her pulse. She dug her nails into his shoulders, and she started to thrust against him. He took his time, pulling out of her tight pussy so that only the tip remained inside her, and then he slammed inside.

  “Yes!” She screamed the word, and he captured her hands, pressing them beside her head.

  “Are you ready for me to fuck you now?” he asked.

  “Yes, Daisy, please, fuck me.”

  Unable to resist her sweet begging, he pulled out of her pussy, taking his time, and relishing the feel of her clenching cunt. Glancing down between them, he saw his cream covered cock, marked with a little of her virgin blood.

  She belongs to you now.

  You own her.

  You must take care of her, and treasure her.

  This was what he’d always felt for Maria. She brought out his most protective instincts, and that was never going to disappear.

  He was going to love her for the rest of his life, and give her a good life.

  “Look at us, baby. Look at my dick fucking your pussy. You belong to me now. I will kill any man who tries to touch you. You’ll belong to me all the time.”

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Releasing her hands, he reared back, grabbing her hips, he started to pound inside her. Maria watched them, and he couldn’t pull away.

  “I’m going to fill your cunt with my cum, baby.” He couldn’t wait to see his cum spilling out of her.

  Pounding inside her, he made plans for the future, for them to be together.

  Maria was always his.


  Slamming every inch inside her, he dropped her hips, sank his fingers in her hair, and locked his lips against hers. He deepened the kiss, and Maria wrapped her arms around him as he fucked her even harder and deeper. Her tight pussy was a dream come true, and every other woman he’d been with paled in comparison.

  This was the woman that was destined to be his. The only woman he wanted to fuck, and to be with.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he held her tightly as he filled her pussy with his cum. He came, thrusting to the hilt inside her and groaning. Maria’s arms were wrapped around him, holding him tightly.


  The one word reverberated around his head over and over again. He didn’t let go of her even as his orgasm started to fade.

  With his arms still wrapped around her, he rolled them over so that he was facing her.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “A little sore, but that felt really good.” She gave him a huge smile. “I’m not a virgin anymore.” She rested her hands on his shoulders. “You didn’t wear a condom.”

  “The moment I took this next step with you there was no turning back.” He stroked the pulse beating rapidly in her neck. “No turning back.”

  “This means I belong to you?”

  “You’ve got that right, baby. You belong to me. You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go. Not ever.”

  “Daisy, I want to tell you something, but I don’t think you’re ready to hear it.”

  He smiled. “I love you, Maria.”


  “You don’t think I’m going to let you get away with getting in there first, do you?”

  “You love me?”

  “With all my heart, and I’ve loved you for a long time. It’s never going to change.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “You stole my words.”

  “Well, I’d still like to hear them even if they’re not original.”

  “There’s nothing original about the words,” she said.

  “You think so?”

  “Everyone says them at least once in their life.”

  “Yeah, what makes them original, baby, is the way in which they’re said. No one is going to say it the same as you. Just like no one is ever going to say it the same way I do. We’re original, baby.”

  She captured his cheek, smiled into his eyes, and he was caught. “Daisy, I love you, and I’ve loved you my entire life. I saved myself for you.”

  Claiming her lips, he silenced her words, loving her the only way he could.

  Chapter Ten

  Three weeks later

  Staring around the packed up cabin, Maria felt a little regret to be leaving it. The past four weeks with Daisy had been the best weeks of her life. She stroked her hand over the bare mattress, and wondered when they would be back. The first week, they had learned a great deal about each other. The second week, Daisy had made up for not taking her virginity, and giving her the chance to get accustomed to his touch. After she was no longer sore, Daisy had awakened her entire mind, body, and soul. He’d taken her in ways that she’d only ever dreamed about.

  They had gone hiking last week, going down to the river with another picnic. Daisy had made sure she wore a dress that fell to her knees. While they’d been on the blanket, talking, laughing about life, he’d slid his hand up the inside of her skirt. Silence had fallen between them, and Daisy had proceeded to make love to her. First he’d brought her to orgasm with his mouth and fingers. Once she’d screamed his name in climax, he’d taken her hard on the ground, fucking her.

  She loved it.

  Together they had come in an explosive climax that even remembering it had her wet all over again.

  Throughout the cabin, they had fucked, and made love to each other. Daisy had made her straddle his body and ride his cock while he’d been watching a football match on the big screen. He’d been unable to ignore her for long, and had fucked her brains out.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” Daisy asked, coming up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing a kiss to her neck.

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  “Neither do I, but if we don’t go, we’ve got nothing to look forward to. We’ve got some things to do.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like, I’ve got to tell your parents that you belong to me. I’ve also got to let the club know you’re my old lady.”

  Maria closed her eyes. He’d told her the difference between the claiming of an old lady and a club whore. Daisy, during party night, would have to claim her in front of the several members of the club without anyone touching her.

  She was so nervous about that, but she’d do it for Daisy. Maria would do anything for him.

  “Also, I don’t know how Lori is going to respond, and I want to nip any trouble she’d cause in the bud. I’ve told her there’s no chance for us to be together. Lori’s a club whore, and Duke has also put her in her place.” He kissed her neck. “There’s only one woman I want, and you’re it.” Daisy released her to grab the last bag on the floor. “I’ll take this out to the car.”

  She nodded, following close behind him. They had cleaned and packed everything away so there was no sign of the memories they had made together in the past month.

  Leaving the cabin, she turned toward Daisy and was shocked to see Laura there once again.

  They hadn’t heard from her ever since she had tried to stop them the one night they had dinner with Lucinda and Phil.

  Anger filled every part of Maria, and she stormed toward the couple, but they were too busy arguing to see it.

  “I made a mistake, Daisy. I want you, and you know you loved fucking me. I can give you everything, not
that little girl.”

  “Fuck off, Laura. You were easy, and I had you because it was easier than going to find another willing pussy. You’re not anything special, not by a long shot.”

  “You think that girl can give you what you want?” Laura asked, scathingly.

  “That girl has just spent the past four weeks of her life giving Daisy everything he needs,” Maria said, walking up beside Daisy. She captured his hand, and held him tightly. They were united together as one.

  She belonged to Daisy, just like he belonged to her, and that was never going to change.

  Laura looked furious. “You really think you’re good enough to satisfy him?”

  “I’ve done fine this month.”

  “You do know he’s a control freak, right? He wants you to stay at home, and do all the housework while he’s off fucking everything, doing whatever the hell he wants.”

  Maria laughed. “You never understood what he wants, and don’t even think to assume you know what I want.”

  “As you can see, Laura, I’ve moved on. I don’t want you. I’ve never wanted you, and I find that you bore me. You bore me more than anyone else I’ve known. Trying to have sex with me isn’t going to cut it here.” He gripped the back of Maria’s neck, and she sank against him. “This is my woman. This is the woman I love.” He tilted her head back, and his mouth was on hers.

  She gave herself up to his kiss, and loved him back with a passion that he awoke inside her. There was no one else for her.

  “Whatever! It’s your loss.” Laura stomped away, and Maria couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “I have to say, Daisy, you know how to pick them.”

  “Nah, you don’t even compare to her, and I picked you.” He pressed her against the car, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I want to fuck you again.”

  She moaned. “The cabin is all packed up.”

  “I’ll have to wait until I get you home.”

  “You mean to the club?”

  “No, I mean home. I’ve got a place. It’s an apartment that I’ve never taken you to. I figured we could go there, drop our stuff off, go to the club, get Beth, and bring her back home.”


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