Mine (Trojans MC #5)

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Mine (Trojans MC #5) Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “He’s too young to find love.”

  “Do you really believe that?” Holly asked.

  “I don’t know. I know I love you, and I’d die for you.”

  “You’re just trying to get into my panties.”

  “Babe, I’ve been getting into your panties for the past three years, and I’m looking forward to getting into them for the all the years of our life.”

  Holly snorted. “You’re no charmer, but you’re my mine.”

  Cupping his cheek, she kissed him back. She really did love this man with her whole heart and soul.

  She would die for him as well.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Maria watched as Daisy played pool with Knuckles. She sat with Beth, and it was a Friday night, party night. This was the night he had promised her that she was going to be taken as his old lady in the eyes of the club. Her pussy was soaking wet, and she couldn’t help but keep looking around the whole room at all of the men waiting in the room. Were they going to want to see?

  “I love your ring,” Beth said, pointing at her ring.

  Glancing down, Maria couldn’t help but smile. Daisy had given her the ring the next day after he’d brought her back to the club. He had also told her what happened to Benedict, and what they had gotten from him.

  “I love him.”

  “I’m really pleased.”

  “Benedict admitted to what he did,” Maria said. Her parents had called her to let her know what was happening in the town.

  “Yeah, and it took him getting a beating from my brother for him to admit to it. Benedict’s parents have also refused to help him out. Daisy told me it was because the club had some bad information about them, and they were going to use it unless they backed off.” Beth rubbed her head. “He shouldn’t have done it.”

  “From what Daisy told me, you’re not the only woman he preyed on,” she said.

  Tears filled her eyes as she turned to her friend. Beth was pale and sad. “I’m going to call it a night. I’m tired.”

  “Beth?” Maria said.

  “I’m fine, and I’m happy for you. I enrolled in the college just outside of Vale Valley. I start in two weeks.”

  They had moved out of the club, but Beth hadn’t wanted to leave. Daisy didn’t like leaving her at the Trojans MC clubhouse, but they couldn’t force her to live with them. Knuckles kept a constant eye on her, and so far he hadn’t crossed that line. She knew Daisy was keeping an eye on Beth, but there was only so much he could do as a brother.

  She gave Beth a hug, and she felt bad for not being able to do more for her friend. Sitting on her seat, she watched as Beth gave her brother a hug, and then there was a look shared between Beth and Knuckles, making her wonder what her friend was thinking.

  Knuckles was the first man she had seen Beth show any interest in. He was also a dangerous man. Maria had listened to the club whores talk, and what they had to say left her feeling uneasy.

  Beth left, and the two men went back to playing their game. During the next hour, Maria became aware of several brothers leaving so that there were only a few brothers left. She bit her lip seeing Holly, Mary, Duke, and Pike sitting in the corner.

  Were they going to watch?

  She took a sip of the soda that she’d had for the past hour, and it had gone warm. Was it getting hotter, or was it just her?

  Crap. Her life was getting complicated, and she hated that.

  “I won, man,” Daisy said, dropping the pool stick on the table.

  This was it? Was this it?

  Daisy moved toward her, stashing some cash in the back pocket of his jeans. He placed his hand on her thigh, sliding underneath her skirt.

  Heat filled her body as he grazed her pussy.

  “Hey, baby, come and dance with me.”

  He moved his hand away from between her thighs, and tugged her off the stool.

  “What about, erm, the you know?”

  Daisy chuckled. “Let it happen. Focus on me, no one else.”

  He moved her toward the center of the room, and started to dance with her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of being surrounded by him. The club faded away so that all that was left were the two of them.

  “I imagined this,” she said.


  “Being in your arms, loving you, being part of this, and your world.”

  “You were always supposed to be mine, baby.” She tilted her head back, and he took possession of her mouth. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She whispered the words against his lips, and one of his hands started to slide down to cup her ass. She gasped as he rubbed his cock against her stomach. Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to the pleasure.

  Music filled the room, and she focused on Daisy’s arms as he moved her toward one of the sofas near the wall. It was thick, and he spun her around until she had to kneel on the sofa. In front of her was a mirror that showed her the room behind her. She saw the club members as they watched them.

  “They’re not going to touch you, baby. They know you belong to me, and that I don’t share. You’re mine, and I’ll never give you up.” He opened her shirt, and cupped one of her breasts. “You’re a fucking dream come true.”

  His other hand slid between her thighs, teasing her slit.

  “So wet and creamy. You’re fucking beautiful, baby.” He plunged two fingers inside her pussy, and she fucked herself onto him, taking him as deep as she could go.

  Daisy was driving her crazy with need, and there was nothing she could do to stop it, nor did she want to. He was the love of her life, the master of her heart.

  He released her long enough to unbutton his jeans, and press the naked tip of his cock against her cunt. The head of him pushed in an inch, and then one of his hands was on her hip while the other gripped her tit.

  Slamming every single inch of his dick inside her, Daisy took her in the eyes of the club.

  “Open your eyes, baby. They’re watching as I take you.”

  She opened her eyes and saw the men staring at them. Daisy didn’t stop as he fucked her deeply, and she loved it. The men’s eyes were assessing, but none of them looked lustfully at them. There was a respect, a knowledge, and an understanding. She belonged to Daisy. She would always belong to him.

  “Mine, Maria. You’re fucking mine.”

  He pounded inside her, startling her with the ferocity of his claiming.

  “Touch your pussy. Come all over my cock, and then I’ll fill you with my spunk.”

  She reached between them, touching her pussy, and biting her lip.

  “Don’t you stop those screams. I want to hear you come, baby. Scream for me, and let me hear how well I’m fucking you, and I love it.” He slammed inside her, over and over again, never letting up.

  Touching her clit, she stroked herself, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. She screamed his name as she erupted.

  Daisy sank his fingers into her hair, tugged on the length, and started biting her neck with kisses.

  He fucked her hard and raw, and she loved every second of it. When he came, he came hard and deep, making her moan for more.

  She didn’t know what she expected after it was over, but Daisy pulled out of her pussy, covered her body, and tidied himself before picking her up in his arms. He carried her out of the main room, and away from the men.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she asked.

  “No. The club knows you’re my old lady, and now I get to have you to myself for the rest of the night.”

  He kicked his door closed, and laid her on the bed. She watched as he stripped out of his clothes, and then got her naked.

  The moment he slid inside her once again, Maria was ready for him.

  “I’m going to love you for the rest of my life,” he said.

  She cupped his cheek, knowing she was the luckiest woman in the world.


  One week later

  Beth walked out of the clubhouse with her bag
on her shoulder. College had already started, and she didn’t trust herself to live on campus. She liked having a permanent place within the clubhouse. It was probably wrong seeing as she wasn’t screwing any of the men, but she helped to clean the clubhouse, and also, she paid Duke rent. There was no way she was ready to have a relationship with anyone.

  Her best friend was planning her wedding, and Beth wanted to be part of it all. Zipping up her jacket, she folded her arms across her chest, and started toward the bus stop.

  The sound of the bike coming up behind her had her freezing to the spot.

  “What are you doing?” Knuckles asked, stopping beside her.

  He hadn’t pushed, not once had he pushed her for anything other than company. They played video games into early in the morning. He was always in the background, providing her a safety net that was also terrifying her.

  “I’m walking to the bus stop.”

  “You never take the bus to college. Jump on.”

  “I really need to learn to take the bus. I can’t expect you to, erm, be around for me every moment of every day.”

  Knuckles removed his glasses and stared at her. “Do you want me to lose my shit with you right now?”

  “Look, when you get bored with me, I’m going to have to use the bus anyway. I’d prefer to do it now.”

  He climbed off his bike and stalked toward her. “What the fuck are you saying?”

  “I don’t know what your problem is.”

  “My problem is you thinking I would simply push you aside when I got bored. In case you don’t know, I never get bored, and I’m not going to start getting bored. Now, get on the back of my fucking bike before I put you over my knee and spank your ass. When I picked you up this afternoon I was going to take you for some apple pie, but this time, you’ve not been good enough.”

  She couldn’t help the little lift of pleasure from his admission, and then it crashed. Knuckles knew the best places to get the best food. She didn’t want to miss that. “I’m sorry.”

  “I told you once, we’re happening, whether you like it or not. We’re going to happen, Beth. You’re going to be my woman, and I’m going to take care of you.”

  “I’m not ready. We’re friends.”

  “When you’re ready, I’ll be there. I’m in here right now.” He pointed at her head. “Soon, I’m going to be in here, and then I’m going to be inside you, fucking you, making you mine.” He startled her as he leaned in kissing her lips. “Now, get back on the fucking bike.”

  Her heart raced with pleasure, with nerves, with everything.

  Knuckles was invading her mind, and it scared her. He inspired feelings she wasn’t ready to face, but what scared her more was the feeling he was never going to go away. He’d gotten inside her head, within her heart, and she didn’t want to let him go.


  Two months later

  Daisy stared across the clubhouse at his wife as she danced with her father. For two months Maria had been planning their wedding, and with it being winter, everywhere covered in snow, there hadn’t been a place suitable for them to get married.

  He’d offered to take her to Vegas, but she wouldn’t have any of it. Maria wanted to be married around their friends, and the club. He’d not fought her, and when Duke had offered the use of the club, Maria had squealed. He’d never seen his club Prez looking so terrified as they let all of the old ladies loose.

  “She looks happy,” Knuckles said, standing beside him.

  “Of course she is. She’s married to me.” Daisy took a sip of his scotch, and kept his gaze on his wife. Beth was stood at the edge of the dance-floor, looking like she wanted to dance, and yet ready to scarper. “Go and ask my sister to dance.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I know you want to ask her to dance, so do it. She allows you to get close to her. I want her to have a lot of fun, and she enjoys your company.” He watched as Knuckles made his way straight toward Beth.

  He tensed up as Beth smiled at Knuckles, and then the two were on the dance floor.

  It was time for him to get his own wife. Walking across the dance-floor, he grabbed Maria’s father’s shoulder, and got his attention.

  “It’s time for me to dance with my wife,” he said.

  “You’ll take good care of her, right?”

  “With all of my heart. She’s going to be protected and loved.”

  Her father nodded, slapping his shoulder, and handing Maria back to him.

  “Hello, wifey.”


  “Yes, you’re mine.” He stroked his thumb across her waist. “Did you enjoy today?”

  “I did. This has been a dream come true.” She rested her head against his chest. “Daisy?”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I’ve got something to tell you.”

  He kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the peace of having her in his arms. It didn’t matter what life threw at him, providing he had Maria, his woman, his very reason for living, in his arms.

  Daisy couldn’t believe he’d lived so long without her. He couldn’t imagine sleeping alone. The best part of his day was waking with her in his arms, and falling asleep with her wrapped around him.

  “What have you got to tell me?”

  “You know how we’ve been, er, enjoying each other?”

  “Yes. I enjoyed this morning before you had to leave me to get ready to marry me.” He’d taken her even though Maria had told him he shouldn’t. The moment he’d been inside her, she hadn’t told him to stop. “I can’t wait until I can take you to my room, and fuck your sweet pussy.”

  “Have you noticed I’ve not had any wine today?”

  “Yeah, I did notice that.”

  “I’ve been feeling a little sick in the morning.”

  “Babe, what’s wrong?”

  His heart started to pound as he thought of the numerous problems that could be wrong with her. She needed to go to the hospital right now.

  “I’m pregnant, Daisy. I took the test this morning after you left me. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Everything seemed to stop, and Maria lifted her head to look at him. He stared into her blue eyes as her words finally took recognition inside his head.

  “We’re going to have a baby?”

  He wasn’t quiet, and the whole room stopped to turn toward them.

  Maria’s cheeks heated, and she nodded.

  Looking toward his club brothers, he screamed the news for them to hear, and then pulled the love of his life into his arms. He stroked his fingers across her stomach, knowing he would be the best damn husband and father ever.

  The End


  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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