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by Sky Corgan

  “What I want is something a lot more laborious.” I pull her onto my lap.

  “Like housework?” she groans, not even bothering to look back at me.

  “No. Laborious.” I rub my hand over her stomach. “I want you to let me put a baby in here.”

  Her entire body tenses and her breath stills. The only time she's ever betrayed my trust was shortly after she moved in. On one of her days off, she went to the doctor and had an IUD put in. I wouldn't have even known had I not felt the strings poking my dick during sex. It wasn't until I threatened to pull the damn thing out myself that she confessed. It was a fight that almost did us in. She cried, telling me that she wasn't ready for children. I was so furious that I slept on the couch. She wanted to move back home, but I wouldn't let her. I demanded she have the IUD removed, but she refused. We didn't speak to each other for nearly a week.

  The silence was killing me, and I missed the feeling of her lips pressed against mine and her soft little body clinging to me at night, so I caved, telling her that I was willing to wait for kids, but not for very long. I knew I still didn't have her trust back then. We were practically strangers. Even though I owned her, everything was still new and scary to her. I had to give it some time. Demanding something like that when she still wasn't certain about my true intentions was unreasonable.

  But now...she knows I love her. She knows this is for life. The ten carat diamond ring on her finger should tell her that. And now I'm giving her the last thing that she had to want for. Her freedom. I think it's fair that she gives me this.



  Isn't it the woman who usually rushes these types of things? Gavin has been very adamant about his desire for us to start a family from the beginning. No doubt, he was hoping I'd become pregnant the first time we had sex. Thankfully, that didn't happen.

  I've always wanted to marry a rich older man, but I've also always been terrified of the idea of having children. It's not childbirth that scares me, but the thought of being left a single parent like my mom was. Raising a kid on your own is hard. Once you have children, your life is no longer your own. You'll do whatever it takes to keep them clothed and fed and safe. Without a college education, my life would be over if Gavin got me pregnant and then left me. I would suffer the same fate as my mother, working day in and out to get by. Given the strange circumstances of our meeting, I couldn't take that chance. Even though he said we would be together forever, how could I really have known if that was true or not? At any moment, he could get sick of me and cast me aside—realize he made a mistake. I told him as much the night I decided to try to convince him to wear a condom, but he wouldn't listen. He insisted that I had nothing to worry about, that he would take care of the baby and me forever.

  I spent the entirety of the next day going over what-ifs inside my head. What if he got me pregnant and we broke up? I could use the money in my account to pay for an abortion, but I know I wouldn't have the heart to do something like that. Knowing I had a little life growing inside of me...No, not an option. Plan b would be to go after Gavin for child support. He could easily afford to care for our child's expenses, and I doubt he would make excuses or defer on his payments like many other men do. He's the one who wants this baby, after all. Hell, he might even fight me for custody, which is something else I didn't want to have to think about. Too much could have gone wrong, and everything was still uncertain. I just couldn't chance getting pregnant by a man I knew little about, so I did the only thing that seemed logical. I went to the doctor and got an IUD inserted. I had to make sure it was a method of birth control that he wouldn't find out about, but that was wishful thinking. His stupidly big dick must be able to reach further inside of me than I thought because he noticed the IUD almost the second he stuck it in.

  I try not to think about that fight because those were the darkest days of our relationship. I've never wanted to run away more in all my life. But I couldn't escape. Even though he was pissed off, Gavin still came after me. I was certain that our days together were numbered, that he would eventually get tired of me defying him and one day just not show to pick me up from work.

  But then, like the clouds receding after a storm, he broke down and decided to let me have my way. I was never more thankful, because I do want to be with him. Just like everything else, he was moving too fast for me to keep up.

  This still feels too fast, but I know him so much better now. We've been living together for three months, and not once has Gavin ever lied to me. He's showered me with gifts and affection, made me feel like a princess. All he's asked of me in return is to stay with him. In hindsight, our relationship seems almost one-sided. He gives and gives and gives, and I just exist. Maybe he deserves this baby.

  I clutch the phone in my hand, staring down at the screen. He's given yet again. I'm not just holding a phone. I'm holding my freedom. Slowly over the past several weeks, what started out as a business transaction has turned into an actual relationship. I'm no longer his property, but his fiancée. He's introduced me to what few friends he has, and I've taken him to meet some of my other family members. We've become a real genuine couple.

  “You deserve more than I've given you,” I whisper with tears clouding my vision.

  “What are you talking about?” he says against the curve of my neck, his arms still wrapped tightly around me.

  “I could never hope to repay you for everything you've done. You've given me the life I've always wanted, but...”

  “But?” Disapproval fills his voice. “You know they say that anything that comes before the word but doesn't count.”

  I let out a strangled laugh. “But I would ask more of you?”

  He snorts. “More? What more could I possibly give? You practically have my balls in a box.”

  I turn in his lap to face him, stifling a giggle. He's not lying. He may have paid money for me, but I feel like I own him. He's always there for me, providing for me and making sure all my needs are met. I am...greedy.

  I take his face in my hands, showing him that I'm sincere. “I want to marry you.”

  “Did you forget about the ring I bought you?” His eyes shoot to the side. The diamond is so big, he can probably see it. “If I threw you into the ocean, I guarantee you'd sink.”

  I squeeze his cheeks, causing him to have fish lips. “You're a brat.”

  “Says the one demanding so much.” He pulls out of my grasp and gives my hip a gentle slap. “What do you really want?”

  “I told you.” My eyes dance over his face. “I want to marry you. You gave me a ring, but we never set a date. You've rushed everything for us thus far, but you seem to forget that marriage comes before baby.”

  “Does it?” He smirks.

  “Yes.” I nod. “I don't want to get pregnant before we're wed.”

  “Then I'll take you to the justice of the peace tomorrow.”

  He leans in to kiss me, but I stop him. “No.”

  “No?” Gavin quirks his head back.

  “I want a real wedding,” I insist.

  He rolls his eyes but still smiles. “Of course, you do. With the big frilly white dress and a horse and carriage and ice swans.”

  “Ice swans,” I parrot, envisioning it. “I hadn't thought of that.”

  “Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.” He chuckles.

  “Maybe you should have.” I rest my forehead against his, sighing happily—so in love.

  “You know that if you want this big expensive, lavish wedding, then you're going to have to earn it.” His voice takes on a mischievous lilt, and his hand falls to my ass, sliding under it and giving it a forceful squeeze.

  “Oh am I?” I muse, unable to stop the grin spreading across my lips. The rising bulge beneath me tells me exactly what he wants.

  “Really.” He nods. “So show me how much this dream wedding is worth to you.”



  This girl. Is there anything I
wouldn't give her? I think not, at this point.

  When all this began—when I first contacted—it was supposed to be all about me. I wanted to be a selfish prick who ruled and dominated his woman. Yet here I am now, putty in the hands of my angel.

  “You work for that wedding,” I tell her, giving her butt a hard slap to get her moving.

  “You're so demanding,” she purrs, wiggling on my lap, her soft ass molding around my erection.

  “Two birds of a feather.” We're so alike that it's scary sometimes. Both demanding, neither wanting to budge. Though, I'm the one who always ends up caving in the end.

  She takes my face in her hands, giving me a seductive look. “That's why we fuck together.”

  “Be a good girl for Daddy,” I growl against her lips before engaging her in a kiss.

  “You mean a bad girl.” Althea pushes herself off of my lap, falling onto her back.

  She tucks a hand into her pink and white striped underwear, making a soft circle with her fingertips over her mound. I must have bought her at least twenty pairs of lacy panties, but she almost always wears the cotton ones instead, saving the lace for nights when I take her out. I feel like she makes it a reward for letting her out of her cage. She says the cotton is more comfortable, that lace isn't very practical. I don't really mind. The cotton underwear makes her look more innocent anyway.

  Althea writhes on the bed, tugging at her underwear, then pulling up her shirt until I can see the underswell of her small breasts, showing me everything but her nipples, which I know must be starting to perk.

  I want to put my hands on her, but I know better. This is a show she's putting on. A show just for me, to get me riled up. It's worked. As I watch her slide a hand back down between her legs and rub her fingers over her folds, my cock grows rock hard. I chew my bottom lip, feeling pressure in my stomach. The beast inside of me is awakening. Most of the time, I take her forcefully. She seems to prefer that to lovemaking. So do I. When I don't have to think about being soft and slow. When I just fuck.

  Althea pulls her tank top up the rest of the way, hard nipples pointing up to the heavens. My mouth waters, the desire to suck on them palpable. I love the way she squirms and moans when I draw her nipples into my mouth. If I did it right now, her pussy would get soaked.

  “I think your clit wants more than that,” I spur her on.

  Obediently, she slips her hand into her underwear, parting her folds and beginning that slow deep massage that puts her on edge but doesn't send her over. I've forced her to pleasure herself for me enough times to know exactly what it takes. She needs fast vibrations or a good hard fucking. In the three months that we've been together, I've gotten to know her body well. It's practically fine-tuned to my touch.

  She rolls over onto her stomach, dry humping the bed as she continues to pleasure herself. My dick throbs jealously in my boxers, begging to come out. I grind my teeth at the display, feeling need overwhelming me.

  She pulls her panties aside, giving me a peek at her tight puckered bud and her soft swollen lips. There's a sheen of wetness around her hole. She's definitely starting to get worked up. At least she'll be nice and slick when I plunge inside of her. That pussy is about to get wrecked.

  “You're definitely a bad girl.” I pull my cock out and start jerking it as I watch her hips buck, her full cunt exposed with every hard rub.

  “I'm your bad girl,” she purrs, rolling onto her back again. Althea pinches the crotch of her panties together and flosses them between her pussy lips, tweaking one of her nipples at the same time.

  “You're going to fucking undo me,” I growl, squeezing my cock so hard that a bead of pre-seed leaks from the tip.

  “Come here.” She makes a slow come hither motion with her index finger before crawling up the bed and turning so that her splayed legs are in front of me.

  I don't need a second invitation. I stare down at the gift before me, torn between wanting to rip her panties aside and slam into her and wanting to torture her with tender touches. It's so rare that I'm gentle, but I think about my old adage. Anticipation is half the pleasure. She had her fun torturing me, now it's my turn.

  I slide my hand on top of her mound, feeling the heat of her skin. Her panties are deceptively dry. I know the flesh beneath is slick with desire, but I want to make her cunt fucking soggy. I walk my fingers up her body slowly. She tilts her head back with a soft moan. I fist my hand in the front of her shirt, pulling her to me for a kiss. She giggles from the forcefulness of it, and I see her hips writhing in my peripheral vision.

  Our tongues mingle, wet sounds filling the room. When I start to pull away, she wraps her hands around the back of my neck, drawing me back to her. I moan into the kiss, feeling her need for me radiating through it. The look she gives me makes her seem vulnerable and wanton at the same time—makes my balls ache to spill inside of her.

  “You're mine,” I say against her neck before sinking my teeth in. She cries out but doesn't try to push me away, allowing me to mark her.

  “I love it when you bite me like that,” she breaths once I've released her. “It's so possessive. It shows everyone I belong to you.”

  “I'd kill any man who tried to touch you,” I tell her, meaning it wholeheartedly. The entire world needs to know she's claimed by me and this is how I show it. It's rare that she walks out of the house without some bruise that I've left on her skin.

  I kiss down her body, pulling her tank top over her hard nipples before bending to suck one into my mouth. She gasps, her legs wrapping around my hips to pull me closer. My tip nudges against her underwear, and I'm painfully aware of how close it is to the heat of her sex. I can't stop, though. I need those panties wet before I take them off of her.

  I circle her nipple with my lips, sucking and drawing out moans from her throat. My hand falls between her legs, petting softly between her petals. I know she's starting to get hot from her ragged breathing.

  “Your pussy is fucking taunting me.” I curse, an image of those cotton underwear hugging her thick lips burned into my mind.

  “Don't stop,” she begs.

  I move to the other nipple, kissing and teasing it while I tuck my hand into her underwear. She's slick as fuck. My index finger circles her cleft before sliding down into her channel. Her body wraps around me, and she whimpers as I curl my finger inside of her and stroke her g-spot.

  “Why are you so good?” she breathes, fisting her hand in my hair and pulling me back up to her for more kisses.

  “Because I was made for you,” I reply against her lips.

  “And I was made for you. Just you,” Althea tells me as I kiss a trail down her body, over her shuddering stomach to her quivering thighs, still bowed open from the intensity of my touch deep within her.

  “Should I kiss it?” I pull my finger out of her, flossing her underwear between her lips and moving it from side to side over her clit. Her body jerks with each pass.

  “Yes. Kiss it.”

  “What do good girls say?”

  “Please. Please, sir. Kiss my pussy.”

  My hands can feel the wetness on her underwear. My finger is coated in her arousal. It's good enough for me.

  I pull her panties aside and soak up her juices. The scent of her pussy works as a strong aphrodisiac, causing my cock to pulse.

  I press two fingers inside of her, rubbing them back and forth over her g-spot while my tongue works on her swollen little clit. Her body moves rhythmically in a subtle pleasure dance. Her mouth is all moans and yeses. I plant my lips around her, vibrating my tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs. She cries out, and her hips buck as an orgasm wrecks her.

  I don't give her a chance to recover, straitening myself and grabbing my dick, then slamming it into her mid-contraction. She curses to the heavens, her back arching off the bed.

  “Oh yeah, your cunt always feels so tight,” I say between clenched teeth as I make her take me all the way to the root.
/>   “Oh Gavin, it's so good.” She gazes up into my eyes.

  I slide slowly in and out of her until her climax has subsided. Then I pull out all the way and grab her by the hips, working to maneuver her. “Get on your knees. I want to fuck you like the little animal you are.”

  “A little animal, huh?” She smirks at me, rolling and then lifting herself into position.

  I place a hand between her shoulder blades, pushing her down onto the bed. She wiggles her hips, glancing back at me. Althea grabs my dick, spanking it against her exposed pussy. “Are you going to put this big thing inside of me?”

  “Maybe I shouldn't. You seem to want it so badly.” I grin.

  “I don't think you could stand not to put it in me.” She strokes my cock, and I revel in the sight of my girl so wanton for me. It's as if just jerking me over her pussy is getting her off. Althea slides her body back and forth, my meaty shaft rubbing between her spread ass cheeks. She's about to send me over the fucking edge, and I'm not even inside of her.

  “You're right. I can't stand not to put it in you. You need to be rutted like the brat you are.”

  “Are you going to show me who's boss?” She takes my cock and slaps it against her pussy, sending the sound echoing through the room. She's challenging me, trying to be in control.

  I squeeze her ass so hard it makes her whimper before pushing her up so that my helmet slips between her folds. Then I thrust all the way in, stealing her breath. “You're my owned little bitch, and this pussy is going to belong to me forever.”

  “Yes! Forever,” she repeats, moving back and forth to take me in. Fuck, this girl. She's my equal in the bedroom if I ever had one. Just as lusty as I am.

  “Fuck yeah. Work for that wedding.” I rest my hands on the small of her back, closing my eyes and tilting my head to the side as she fucks me with her tight little cunt.


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