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by Sky Corgan

  I took the picture out of the box and set the box back on the shelf. Then I did a running leap onto Dominick's bed with the picture in hand and rolled onto my back to look at it. He had been so handsome back then. Hell, he had always been handsome—was still handsome. Years had changed a lot about him, but not that.

  I traced my fingertip around his jawline. It was a lot more defined now, not as youthful and soft as it had been before. His shoulders were broader now, his eyes not as bright, though they still had a kindness about them. Just the thought of him made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside . . . and something else.

  A mischievous grin crossed my lips as I got a devilish idea. We'd never have sex together, but it never hurt for a girl to dream. With naughty thoughts playing in my head, I rolled out of bed and went back to his closet to retrieve a tie. The first one my hand landed on was burgundy with blue stripes. I pulled it off of the hanger and rubbed the silk material against my face, moaning softly. Then I went to the laundry hamper and found one of Dominick's T-shirts. I quickly shimmied out of my clothes, stripping down to just my underwear and socks before I pulled his T-shirt over my head, inhaling his scent.

  This is so wrong, I thought as I pulled down the covers of his bed before crawling inside with tie in hand. I reached over to the nightstand and picked up the picture, soaking in the sight of Dominick in his more youthful days. Ignoring the child on his shoulders, I undressed him with my eyes. The memory of him in that muscle shirt when we were drinking gave me something to work with. In all honesty, he seemed to be in better physical shape now than when I had known him before. I let me mind fill in the gaps of what I thought was under that shirt. Then my thoughts drifted lower.

  It felt somewhat dirty thinking of Dominick's penis, but in that moment, I was all about dirty. I imagined him standing before me, naked and wanting. Almost involuntarily, I moaned, slipping the tie up under the shirt and caressing my skin. His hands would never feel as smooth against me, but it was arousing just to know that something Dominick wore was touching me. It was like somehow a small part of him was pleasuring me.

  My pussy throbbed as I imagined him taking me in his strong arms. We'd embrace and kiss, and then his hands would start wandering. They'd wrap around my sides, roam over my stomach, travel up to my breasts to tease my nipples. Then they'd go down, down, down. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as the silk brushed over the sensitive bundle of nerves between my legs. How greedy his hand was, forcing its way inside my panties and going straight for the goal. Would he move as fast if this was real? I wasn't sure. My body felt oh so desperate suddenly.

  “Dominick,” I breathed softly. His name sounded better when I gave voice to every single syllable of it. It rolled naturally off of my tongue, as if my mouth had been created to say it.

  The soft material of the tie swirled between my legs, petting and rubbing and bringing delicious waves of need and impatience. I pictured his mouth, his tongue, his fingers. So many parts of him on my body. They couldn't all be there at once, but somehow, my mind made it happen, placing a sensation with an appendage, as if he could magically work me on overdrive with everything he had at the same time.

  All that mattered was that it was him touching me, loving me, wanting me. I imagined him on top of me, gazing down at me with those intense gray eyes. His cock was so close to the heat between my legs. If he entered me, I might burn him. And then I pictured him going inside, and my entire body melted into orgasm. My toes curled so tightly that I could feel them gripping at the sheets. A quiver ran up my thighs as contractions rolled between my legs, shaking me and making me gasp. The feeling was absolutely exquisite.

  I sighed contently, relaxing against the pillow. When I brought the tie up from under the covers, I could smell the scent of my sex heavy upon it. It would need to be washed before he returned. That and the shirt I was wearing. They could wait though. My fantasy wasn't over yet. The soft cotton of the shirt became Dominick's warm arms around me as we shared his bed. I kissed the picture of him gently and set it back on the bedside table. Then I curled up to sleep, hoping my dreams were every bit as naughty as my waking fantasies.

  I slept in Dominick's bed the following night as well. He wasn't there to know about it, so how could he possibly mind. Besides, I made sure everything was in perfect order before he returned. He would never know what I had done.

  Dominick picked me up from college on Tuesday afternoon looking weary. I had told him he didn't have to, since I knew he would be tired from his flight, but he insisted anyway.

  “How was your trip?” I asked when I climbed into the car beside him.


  “Did you have fun at least?”

  “It was all business. There wasn't much time for fun.”

  “That's unfortunate.”

  “Not really. I'd rather be home anyway.”

  “You don't like traveling?”

  “It's not that I don't like traveling. It's just not a lot of fun when you don't have someone to go with you.”


  “Maybe you could come with me some time if I ever have to go somewhere on a weekend when you're not in school.”

  “I'd like that.” I brushed a strand of hair away from my face and blushed. He was doing enough for me as it was. Letting me tag along on a business trip with him was an unnecessary expense.

  “Was everything alright while I was gone?”

  “Oh. Yeah. Everything was fine.”

  “You didn't bring anyone over, did you?” He eyed my suspiciously.


  “Good. I hope you're not lying to me, because I'll find out if you are.”

  “I can't believe you don't trust me, Dom.” I crossed my arms over my chest, scowling.

  “I trust you. At least, I think I do.”

  That night, I made meatloaf for dinner. Dominick barely ate anything before he retired to his room. I had thought he would go into his office to work, but he seemed absolutely exhausted.

  The rest of the week went on as normal. When Dominick picked me up from school on Friday, he had an amused smirk on his face, and I couldn't help but wonder if he'd gotten more good news.

  “What's up?” I asked as I crawled into the car. “You look awfully happy.”

  “I just had an interesting day is all,” he replied, turning his attention to the road.

  “What made it so interesting?”

  “A video I watched a little while ago.”

  “Was it a movie or something you saw on YouTube?”

  “More like a movie. It's called Sunday Night, and it's about the core of human desire. It was a rather educational watch. I was hoping you'd want to watch it with me later tonight.”

  “It sounds sexy. I'm not usually into that type of stuff.”

  “Oh really?” He sounded genuinely surprised.

  “Yeah. Stuff like that tends to make me uncomfortable.”

  “Well, this is a video you'll definitely want to see.”

  “If you say so.” I shrugged. “Since you want to watch it twice, it must be pretty good.”

  “I found it most entertaining.”

  “What do you want for dinner tonight?”

  “Anything that's not greasy. Do you want to go out? I have a craving for fish.”

  “Sure. Whatever you want. I'm broke, and you're buying so I'm kind of at your whim.”

  He laughed softly.

  We went out to eat at the Seafood Market Restaurant and then headed home. When we got back, Dominick left again to go to the gym for a few hours, and I took a shower. While I waited for him to return, I decided to do some research on the movie he wanted to watch. I couldn't find anything about a movie called Sunday Night. Even if it was just an independent film, I figured I'd be able to find something.

  I shrugged it off, settling on the loveseat to watch television until he finished his shower. I had just started watching an animated movie when he came out, toweling off his hair and looking absolutely delicio
us in another muscle shirt and pair of pajama pants, this time all black. Tiny beads of water dotted his shoulders, and I briefly wondered what he'd think if I licked them off. I bet he tastes like soap right now, or like nothing at all.

  To my surprise, Dominick sat down right beside me instead of on the other loveseat. While I didn't particularly mind, it did make my heart race faster. Perhaps he was feeling more comfortable around me than before. Or maybe he was trying to make me feel more comfortable around him. It didn't matter. I was just happy he wasn't keeping his distance any longer.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, picking up the remote from the coffee table.

  “I guess,” I replied, wondering what I was about to see. If it was about sex, I really wasn't sure I wanted to watch it. Still, Dominick said it was a good show, and I had already told him I would.

  “It's going to be a bit confusing at first, but you'll understand what's going on after a few minutes.”

  “Alright,” I replied hesitantly, resting against the loveseat as the television flicked on.

  “You already committed to this, so I want you to sit and watch the entire thing with me. You're not to get up until it's over.”

  He was right about the beginning of the movie being confusing. All I saw was a room. First, it showed one angle, then it flipped around. The room looked awfully familiar. When I realized what I was actually watching, I thought my heart was going to stop. It was Dominick's bedroom, a set of cameras panning around to different angles every few seconds.

  Everything in me hoped I was wrong about what I was about to see. I held my breath, confused and afraid. Then a girl walked into the room. Not just any girl. Me.

  In the video, I checked under his mattress, then under the bed. Next I opened up all of his bedside table drawers and pulled out the box of condoms. I emptied the box and counted them, scowling. After sitting there for a moment, I placed the condoms in the box and put them back where I found them. Then I went into his closet.

  The room was silent except for our breathing and the sounds I made as I rummaged through Dominick's closet on the video. I was too afraid to look at him—too scared of what he might say. This was bad, me going through his things, but what was coming next was far worse. He had to hate me for it—had to be seething furious. I had invaded his privacy to the worst degree. There was no doubt in my mind that he would be calling my sister the moment the video was over, if he hadn't done so already.

  Fear poisoned me, and by the time we got to the part where I crawled into his bed with the tie, I was shaking. It was taking everything in me not to get up and run to my room and lock the door and cry. Somehow though, I knew this was part of my punishment. I knew he would be pissed if I left. I had to watch, even if it killed me.

  Shamelessly, I masturbated on his bed. The sound of his name had been so sweet on my lips at the time, but now when I heard it, I just cringed. It sounded completely magnified, like it couldn't have been any louder if I had screamed it. Then my body gave way to pleasure and I lay there in a satisfied heap, curling up like I hadn't a care in the world.

  I stared at the screen, watching myself sleep. My heart was in my throat, and I was terrified that if I swallowed, I would choke on it. Maybe that was for the best. Dying was surely better than facing Dominick.

  Tears welled up in my eyes, blistering hot. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so flooded with negative emotion. It was drowning me, suffocating me, destroying me from the inside out. What was I supposed to say? What could I do to make up for this? Surely, I had shattered whatever trust Dominick had in me. This was far worse than if he caught me inviting someone over.

  Dominick shifted on the loveseat beside me, and the touch of his hand as it caressed my cheek startled me so much that I jerked away. When I turned to look at him, his face was dangerously close, and I barely had a chance to breath before our lips met. The kiss caught me completely off-guard, though as soon as I realized what was going on, my entire body relaxed, my mouth melting against his.

  His lips were soft yet strong. He tasted like mint, and I found myself sucking on his tongue, wanting to devour him completely. When he pulled away, I was at a loss for words.

  Apparently, no words needed to be spoken. He stood and offered me his hand, and I took it, absent thought or question of his intentions. He led me toward his bedroom but stopped at the door, pressing me against the wall, restraining my wrists above my head. I gave no resistance, though I was afraid, not that he was going to hurt me, but of what we were about to do. In all of my wildest dreams, I never thought this would actually happen.

  Dominick pushed himself against me, purring into my ear, “Is this what you want?”

  His lips didn't wait for a response. They gently nibbled on my earlobe, and then he nuzzled my cheek with his nose. All I could do was moan. Everything in me wanted it—wanted him. I was never more ready to crawl into bed with a man.

  He held my wrists above my head with one hand, using the other to crawl up my shirt, feeling the soft skin of my stomach. Electricity shot through me at this touch. It felt so foreign, but so good at the same time. My body was on sensation overdrive; my mind was reeling in disbelief of what was happening.

  Dominick's hand explored my body, and I found myself sucking in as he came closer and closer to my breast. His thumb grazed the soft under-swell of it, and then his hand left my shirt, and he released me from his grasp.

  “This is your only chance to escape me,” he said. “If you step inside my bedroom, there will be no going back.”

  I gulped as he gave me a seductive look before disappearing around the doorway. My heart was beating like a hundred wild horses stampeding. This was it, my chance to have what I had always wanted. But what would be the consequences?


  They say you never forget your first time. How could you? Your mind is on overdrive, your emotions are all over the place. The only part of you that is ever sure is your body.

  My heart thundered in my chest as I stood outside of Dominick's bedroom with my back against the wall. He had offered me this chance to be with him, and I was pretty sure it was the only chance I'd ever get. If I turned away now, I would return to being Kimlet, a child to him. But if I stepped inside that room, everything would change between us. Forever.

  I took a deep breath, and my feet moved of their own accord. Everything felt so surreal. In a matter of seconds, I was standing in the doorway looking at Dominick's naked back. He was more beautiful than I could fathom. All that time he spent in the gym really paid off. His body had never been that fit when I knew him before.

  It took everything in me to still my nerves. I could feel my fingers twitch, my body wanting to tremble in anticipation of what was about to happen. My eyes trailed down to the floor, looking at my toes as they stood precariously at the entrance to Dominick's bedroom. Then I lifted one foot and stepped inside. There was no going back.

  Dominick crossed the distance between us, taking me lovingly into his arms. His lips grazed mine teasingly, and I chased after him, yearning to taste him. Mint. Delicious. His hands tangled gently into my hair, his mouth moving heatedly against mine as he drew me further into the room. My body followed without hesitation.

  I wanted to touch him, but I was so afraid. What if I did something wrong? What if he figured out I was inexperienced? That would be the worst. My fear of rejection almost muddied my pleasure.

  I licked my lips when he pulled away, gazing up into his warm gray eyes. They were filled with lust, and I could hardly believe it was all for me.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked.

  “Mhm,” was all I could reply.

  “Then get undressed.” Dominick turned from me, and I listened to the sound of metal on metal as he worked to take off his belt.

  Following his lead, I turned around, not wanting to be seen. My hands fumbled clumsily at the bottom of my shirt. Shouldn't he be undressing me? Or us undressing each other? That's how I had imagined my first ti
me being. Slow and romantic. Dominick didn't know I was a virgin though, and I wasn't about to tell him.

  Butterflies swirled in my stomach as I listened to his pants sliding down his thighs. He undressed with urgency, while I took my time, wanting to savor every moment. I hoped I looked sexy, though I highly doubted it. I was far too jittery for sexy. Clumsy was a better adjective to describe my movements. Clumsy and insecure.

  I had only stripped down to my bra and underwear when I felt Dominick's hands on my shoulders. He pulled me back against him, making a soft moaning sound as he pushed my hair away from my neck to kiss it. My entire body tensed as I felt his naked erection pressed against my backside. Part of me hoped he wasn't as big as he felt, otherwise this was really going to hurt.

  When he wrapped his arms around me, I placed my hands on top of his, melting into his embrace. It was so warm and calming. I felt safe in his arms, like I belonged there.

  Then his hands began to move, pushing up under the cups of my bra. I sucked in, and they continued their ascent, caressing my breasts, his fingers gently pinching my nipples until they were taut peaks. It wasn't the first time a man had touched my breasts, but it sure felt like it. Every pleasure sensor in my body lit up, sending me into lustful overdrive. I found myself grinding back against Dominick, craning my neck towards him in hopes to feel his lips upon me. He didn't disappoint, kissing me while he continued to send my body into a frenzy of desire.

  When his hands finally left my bra, I turned to him. It was odd seeing Dominick completely naked. He was a stranger to me all over again. Not the same guy I had known growing up. That guy had been a sweet sensitive boy. This guy was a sexually confident man—a man I very much wanted to sleep with.

  Nervously, I slid my hand between his legs, wrapping it around his shaft. It was every bit as big as I feared. Long and thick and hot in my hand. His skin was soft, but the flesh beneath was firm with want. I gave him a few clumsy strokes before his mouth descending on mine again.

  His arms wrapped around my back, skillfully unclasping my bra with a quick stroke of his finger. He pulled the straps over my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Oddly, I didn't feel exposed. Not even after he pulled my panties down, leaving my completely naked. If anyone's eyes had ever been meant to see me naked, they were his.


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