The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 55

by Angela White

  The thin man with the black bandana around his neck made Adrian’s unease increase. He saw shifty green eyes and a slump to the shoulders that suggested a lifetime of being shit and no desire to change. That, he had only one solution for.

  Adrian motioned Billy and Chris toward the couple and strode to Kenn. He scanned the woman with the split lip who was buttoning up her long sweater, more encouraged with her. She stood straight, showed no fear, and was obviously healthy. One of his herd or one of his shepherds? Was she one of those he still needed? Was that the connection he’d felt?

  Ignoring Kenn’s glare, Angela stepped down and over to Marc, who stood stiffly by the open door, with the big Timberwolf sitting as tensely at his feet.

  Please, guys. Walk the line for a bit, and give this place a chance. It feels good here.

  Angie’s words were silent, and Marc nodded, eyes saying the things his tongue wouldn’t as he pulled on his long coat. “We will. You okay?”

  “I will be, I think. We’ve called a truce. Just be careful, like you always are.”

  Angela swept the foggy landscape again before opening the side door, drawn by the murmur of voices when the wind dropped.

  Marc handed her two full speed loaders, and she slid them into her pocket, along with a few other things from her kit. “I’m here if you need me, Angie.”

  “I’ll run if he makes me.”

  Despite her words, Marc could almost feel her rebuilding the walls between them, pulling away. “I only need ten minutes and to know where you guys are.”

  She nodded, sad these were the last private words they would share for a while.

  “I’ll miss you,” Marc blurted quietly, catching her thought.

  Angie was sure she’d never get to sleep tonight without the sound of his breathing, without being able to roll over and stare at him.

  “Me too. I just need some time to read things. It might not be the right place, may not even be worth it to try. If not, we’ll go.”

  “Ten minutes and locations,” he said.

  Dog shifted menacing golden orbs on a tall man in all black, except for a state cop’s hat, who passed by their bumper.

  With an open hand on the holster of his Beretta, the guard swept them, and Marc recognized a gun run. The sentry was noting who was armed, assessing the threat.

  Marc turned to Angela, but kept the guard in his peripheral vision. “You’re finally here. Bet you can’t wait to hug him.”

  She looked anything but happy.

  Marc’s trained ears heard no fear from the people they couldn’t view yet. Smart to separate the areas, he thought, meeting the eyes of a couple of the perimeter men. “What’s wrong? Isn’t he here?”

  Also busy feeling things out; Angela was eased a little by the sense of a normal, safe life she was picking up from the men on sentry duty. “He’s here, on the way to us now.”

  Marc’s lips thinned. “You mean to you. I’ll wait right here.”


  The same sentry made a second pass, sharp green eyes seemingly only on the bristling wolf, and Marc lowered his voice. “Now is not a good time.”

  Marc noted the glints of steel, knew she wasn’t going to budge before she spoke.

  “It’s the only time. You can’t hide it from him, and you two can’t start out on a lie.” She looked away before the sparks flew. “Besides, he’ll know right off. He picks stuff up as easily as I do.”

  “What about Kenn? He’ll go nuts.”

  Her face paled a little, but that glint of steel never wavered. “Maybe.” She slipped into his mind. Maybe not, if we can keep it quiet.

  Marc was relieved that no one would know yet. He couldn’t protect her from so many.

  “Others may suspect, but Kenn will eventually figure it out, and call us on it. Right now, he’ll believe it’s me introducing my son to my new man.”

  “I’ll handle him if I need to. You’re sure it should be now?”

  “Yes,” Angela replied, watching Kenn. He was deep in conversation with his idol, no doubt telling him of the slavers that the others had escaped.

  Such loyalty, the witch whispered sleepily. And to a stranger. Where’s the devotion he should have had for you?

  Angela ignored the question, but it burned in her gut. “Come on, Brady. Our boy’s here.”

  Marc followed, more nervous than he wanted to admit. He had never allowed himself to consider having a child at all, and now he had one who was almost grown.

  “Stay, Dog.”

  The wolf sank down, mostly hidden by the tires.

  Angela led the way to the corner of the caution tape, experiencing fierce joy as Charlie’s taller form came through the thick fog.

  Neil had been observing the new arrivals. He had a list of questions about how all the bruised faces were connected, but never doubted that they were. Fighting over the woman? Who had hit her? …Kenn?

  Neil stepped forward as they reached the tape. “I’m sorry, but you can’t cross the–”

  Invisible flames shot up, burning him, and Neil retreated. He wasn’t sure what had happened. A flash of hot wind?

  Neil met Adrian’s eyes questioningly as he started to step in front of them again and was relieved when the boss gestured in denial.

  Adrian missed none of it.

  The woman moved around him, orbs tinged with red, and Neil took another step back.

  When Charlie stopped at the tape, young face full of overwhelming happiness, Neil relaxed a little. Clearly, the teenager knew them. Family?

  Neil nodded. That made sense considering Charlie was also…different.

  Angela’s heart was in control of her emotions, and instead of ducking under the caution tape; she snatched her knife from her boot and sliced through it. She sheathed the blade without losing stride, and everyone, including Kenn, was sure she knew how to use it. They also understood the message. Nothing would separate her from her son.


  The teenager threw his arms tightly around her neck, and Angela crushed him close, swinging him around. His face was buried in her hair, heart beating furiously against hers, and she hugged him tighter, pain warring with her happiness. At least one of her sons had made it through the war.

  “God, I’ve missed you, boy!”

  Charlie kept his arms around her as she let him down, struggling not to cry. “I knew you’d come! He said you wouldn’t make it, but I knew!”

  Hot rage pulsed through Angela, the same mother’s hate that had to be stopped from hurting the guard who had stepped between them.

  She held her son back, looking into eyes that were the same shade of blue as Marc’s. “Our time apart is over. We will never be separated that way again!”

  Angela hugged him tightly once more before letting go, not allowing herself to think, just react. “There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  The teenager agreed reluctantly, hands going into the pockets of his dark blue hoodie.

  She threw a comforting arm around his thin shoulders as they stepped over to Marc, who had hung back to observe their reunion.

  She was obviously a loving mother. It didn’t come as a surprise, but it did hurt that he’d missed it all.

  “Charlie, this is a very good friend of mine. He’s the reason I made it here. His name is Marcus Charles Brady.”

  They both noticed the fourteen-year-old showed no surprise at the exact opposite of his name.

  Charlie regarded Marc with his own cool stare. “So, you’re my dad.”

  Glad the words had been low enough for only the three of them to hear, Marc held out a calloused hand. “Charlie, right?”

  The boy reluctantly shook with him, and Marc felt the subtle tinkering of a child trying to get into his thoughts.

  “Never without permission, boy,” Angela stated, the role of mother and teacher automatically falling back into place.

  Charlie glared at the dusty ground. “Sorry.”

  Ignoring the sarcastic tone, Marc asked,
“Maybe we could talk sometime? Alone.”

  The careful request drew a nasty glower from the upset boy. “About what?”

  Marc pushed the silent words at him. About the last fifteen years and why we haven’t spent them together.

  The child shrugged. “The past is dead. No one cares.”

  His voice was full of bitterness that no kid should feel so deeply.

  “I do,” Marc stated. “I care a lot.”

  Charlie’s bright eyes blazed with anger befitting an adult, and Marc heard the words clearly, as if Angela had sent them.

  Well, I don’t. You left us in hell, and you’re as bad as he is. Maybe worse, ‘cause now he’s pissed at her again!

  Charlie spun to his mom in angry accusation. “When is he leaving?”


  Rage was rolling off Kenn as he and everyone else viewed the reunion. He couldn’t believe she would introduce her lover to their son so openly!

  His fists clenched with an effort to control himself, but it was one that he already knew wasn’t going to be successful. Brady had to go! Soon… Maybe even right now.

  Adrian and many of the sentries also felt it, that sense of the inevitable coming.

  The two men locked bruised eyes, and all of those watching were able to read the exchange.

  I’ll kill to keep her!

  I’ll kill to have her!

  Sighing tiredly, Adrian stayed still, aware that trouble had just entered his peaceful camp.

  Kenn moved forward a second later, and Adrian observed with the rest of his men, wondering whose blood would be spilled and what it would cost them.


  Angela and Charlie spun around at the same time, and the fear on their faces drew attention.

  Marc saw Kenn coming, but he focused on the black-and-gray blur streaking toward the Marine. “Dog! No!”

  The powerful animal slid to a rough stop, long snout drawn up in a ferocious snarl as he glared at Kenn, who had pulled his weapon.

  “Dog! Sit!”

  The wolf dropped to its haunches, and Marc joined him, attention now on the real threat.

  “You should have that thing on a leash!” Kenn growled, lowering but not holstering the 9mm.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t provoke him,” Marc stated, rubbing behind the animal’s tense ears.

  “I didn’t even see him!”

  “He saw you, read your intent. He’s very protective of her.”

  Kenn ground his teeth together and shoved his gun into its holster, giving the bristling wolf a hateful glare.

  Marc let out a sigh and gave the animal an affectionate pat on his stocky chest as the Marine moved toward Angela and Charlie. They’d already had their first close call, and they’d only been here for five minutes. Wonderful.

  “Good boy.”

  “Praise for the quick response to your commands, or because he would have attacked Kenn without being told?”

  Adrian had come over during the aftermath.

  “Both and more,” Marc answered without hesitation.

  Adrian took it all in, liking Marc, especially the sharp intelligence studying him back as intently. Was this hard-ass another of his circle?

  Adrian felt relief then, thinking it was so late that it made perfect sense they would come together. He would give the woman now slumped against her man an interview, in case they had come in threes.

  As Adrian and Marc faced off, the Eagles understood Kenn’s uncontested power and cool control had taken a hit. The entire camp couldn’t rattle the Marine. Many had tried, but this one man had shaken Kenn, and without doing much. Who was he?

  “Everything okay?” someone in an approaching group asked.

  More men had emerged from the thick fog, weapons in hand, and Marc was impressed that they had come so quietly and without being called.

  “Everything’s 5-by,” Adrian answered, voice tinged with relief.

  Marc picked out the earpieces and understood that one of those already here had given a signal to alert others guards that they might have a problem. The one Angela had pushed back? Probably. The brown-haired guard was hovering near her and Kenn. Satisfied that she was okay for the moment, Marc did another scan.

  The two men who had been at the blond leader’s side were observing him intently and Marc returned the scrutiny. They wore civilian clothes, but he knew they were off-duty and thought the leader here must be either really hard on them or really good to them, to have earned such loyalty. Sure he was being evaluated by everyone in sight, Marc gave his full attention to the man at his side, waiting to find out if he would be allowed to stay.

  “So, is he dangerous, or does he just look like it?” There was a tone of double meaning, and as Adrian noted the dog tag, there was an audible click of another piece being put into place.

  “He’s a wild animal with a little training,” Marc replied, aware of the double entendre. “I did him a favor, and he chooses to stay with me.”

  Kenn will be livid when he realizes he brought in the very people he has to share power with, Adrian thought.

  Adrian considered what he’d already witnessed and corrected himself. Kenn knew, and he was beyond livid.

  “Do you make shit like that a habit?”

  Feeling like the man was searching him for something, Marc asked, “Shit like what?”

  “Doing favors for those less able. I need that kind of help here.”

  Marc waved a hand at the tag around his neck. “Service is my chosen field, but helping animals is easier. You normally know their nature when you first meet.”

  Adrian held out a hand in welcome, and Marc shook it, feeling like he’d passed a surprise quiz.

  “Mitchel, Adrian.”

  Marc automatically squared his shoulders at the authoritative tone. “Brady, Marcus.”

  “Where you from, Grunt?”

  Fully at attention now, Marc was surprised to find himself responding as if he were addressing an officer. Just like with Kenn, it didn’t take him long to figure out that he was.

  “West Virginia. Ohio.”


  “Sir, yes, sir!”


  “Eight speeding tickets in four years and a couple of bar fights. I paid restitution.”

  “What are your plans, Grunt, now that the country you were sworn to protect has fallen in flames?”

  Marc couldn’t stop his gaze from straying to Angela and his son as they came toward Adrian, Kenn in the lead.

  “My country’s not dead, and her people still need to be protected.”

  There were nods of approval, and Adrian asked, “Did you rehearse that?”

  Marc shook his head, smiling back, but Adrian noticed it didn’t reach his wary eyes. He’ll add that strength to my Eagles!

  “I’m kind of a quick thinker under pressure,” Marc replied. “My mom said I’d make a good politician. My CO said I was a very wise smartass. I consider myself safely between the two.”

  Adrian chuckled. “Brains are very welcome here, Marc, as are you. May Safe Haven become your–”

  “Check it out, Adrian. This is my Angela,” Kenn interrupted, keeping his tone light.

  Marc read the meaning. It said Kenn was the teacher’s pet. He had shouldered between them, not quite daring to drag Angie there, too, but pulling her arm in a way that made Marc grit his teeth.

  “Ang, this is Adrian, our Commander in Chief.”

  As Marc was forced out of the circle, Adrian noticed the woman’s lips thin when Kenn called her “his” and saw her actually grimace at the introduction. There was also a great strength lurking in this new arrival, and the leader in Adrian came fully awake and to take her measure.

  Their eyes locked, kindred souls meeting for the first time… Lightning flashed suddenly, brilliantly, drawing everyone’s attention away, but Angela and Adrian didn’t react as eons stood still. Their life forces melded for a second of completeness, of incredible joy, and then it was gone.

cover the flames of confusion, Angela let the witch ask a question that demanded honesty. “The last men to hold that position tried to kill us all. Do you plan to follow in their footsteps?”

  It drew displeasure from everyone except Marc, who had been studying the small streak of gray in Angie’s hair. It was new and odd.

  Even as he was reminded of the deep secret he was keeping, Adrian saw Kenn’s hand flinch toward her and dive into a pocket instead. Because of all the witnesses? Was that where her split lip had come from?

  Adrian subtly reestablished the earth-shattering connection he and the woman had made, and tried to keep his voice steady, now feeling like the one who was taking a test. “No, I don’t, and I don’t consider myself that important anyway.”

  Angela was already certain his people would argue if anyone else said that. Their protectiveness was evident. “Good. We have enough controlling jackasses left as it is.”

  There were frowns and surprised murmurs, and Adrian had no doubts about who she was referring to.

  The tone of his reply wasn’t quite joking as he noted the bags under her eyes and the hand resting on her gun.

  “We’ll talk later and you can point them out. I’d be happy to have them slapped and threatened for you,” he offered, drawing a tiny smile from her that made him want a real one. He also caught Kenn’s reaction. The Marine flushed with guilty anger.

  Adrian’s stomach twisted. Kenn had been here for a long time, had a good place, but there had always been something a little off about him. Adrian now had a terrible idea of what it was.

  “I’m a healer, not a punisher,” Angela joked and felt Kenn’s rage grow when Adrian took the hint.

  “You’re a doctor.” There was pleasure in his voice.

  She was eager to stand on her own, but Kenn quickly spoke up, unable to let her. “You need first aid; she might be able to do it. You’ll want to talk to–”

  “Later!” Adrian barked. “Your mission has not ended until the supplies and survivors have been squared away!”

  Kenn flushed, pinned by the pissed, cold tone.

  Adrian’s gaze went to the lone man studying them all, and then to the blonde, who was now slumped against the Blazer again as if she couldn’t stand to take comfort from him. “Separate those two and get her to John. Get on it!”


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