The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 126

by Angela White

  Samantha wasn’t surprised by the person who came to mind. “Maybe, but I’ll handle it in my own way.”

  The last of the party Eagles came from the shadows and headed into the main camp, and Adrian switched tactics. “Doug says the garden is growing. That’s great.”

  “Yeah, we weren’t sure if it would with all the settling the dirt does during travel times.”


  “Jeremy’s been helping out.”

  Ah, Adrian thought. That explained Neil and his right-hand man not talking to each other. Knowing Jeremy, it was all to get Neil away from Becky.


  Samantha had expected to deal with the accusations of playing games and she was surprised by his reaction. “Why is that good? You like your men distracted?”

  “A bit of competition is healthy after all they do each day. Without something to shoot for, they’ll get weighed down in the misery and hardships.”

  Another layer of that onion, Sam thought, remembering her observation upon first joining Safe Haven. “You’re so careful with them. It’s…”

  “Hard to accept?”


  She lit a smoke. The former government hadn’t cared if its soldiers were happy or even healthy. Just get the enemy in the crosshairs and blast away, she thought. Flashes of the old world were haunting her tonight, and the MASH quote rolled in her mind like thunder.

  “It had to change, Sam. It was destroying everything.”

  “I know. I haven’t adjusted yet.”

  “Not sleeping?”

  “It’s been better this week. I’m staying busy.”

  “That helps?”

  “I’m also a vampire, so these third shifts fit well.”

  They shared a laugh and Adrian held her gaze as familiar footsteps approached. “Are you glad to be here, Samantha?”


  “Tell me why.”

  Neil saw them deep in conversation and pasted a politely bored expression on his face as he entered the truck for a mug. Not spotting the cook, he lingered, going over what to say. He had a problem with their mistaken encounter, only he wasn’t sure how to bring it up…and what the hell were she and the boss talking about so intently? Did Adrian want her?

  The dooming sensation was ugly.

  As Neil came from the truck, Samantha was standing up to leave and he quickened his pace, already knowing the answer before he asked.

  “Can I have a minute, Samantha?”

  “Nope.” She didn’t ease up on the curt tone she’d treated him to all day. He’d stopped by the garden area half a dozen times. “Don’t have one.”

  Neil’s face fell, eyes going to Adrian as she left. Reading the amusement there, the trooper sighed. “I’m in her doghouse.”

  “Maybe you should go find out why.”

  “I’ve got a good idea already,” Neil said ruefully.

  “It’s a funny thing with females,” Adrian advised lowly. “They automatically put men into two groups as soon as they meet. They’re nice to the ones they classify as friends, but to the men they might want, anger and coldness are often signs of attraction.”

  Realizing the boss was trying to help, Neil considered those words. The moments Adrian had with the camp’s women were few and far between, but Neil had no doubt the leader knew what he was talking about. He’d never met a more accurate judge of people. So far, Kenn was Adrian’s only flaw, and even there, Neil thought maybe he’d had sensed it, too, and chosen to handle it if it became a problem.

  “How do you deal with it?” Neil questioned, restless to go after her.

  Adrian let out a sigh that was full of male patience worn to weary. “As best you can, but don’t lie. They find that unforgivable.”

  Samantha wasn’t sure what she was going to say, but she knew Neil would follow. Using a flash of competition designed to create more jealousy, Adrian was trying to give her what she needed and she was grateful.

  “Hey, Sam, wait up!”

  What I want, Samantha corrected herself, stopping in a dark part of the shadows. She didn’t need any man now, thanks to Safe Haven’s rules, but want Neil, she did. How much, was blindingly unexpected.

  “Wait up! I think I’m pregnant.”

  Nervous laughter shot out of her. “I’m not the momma. Who else you lovin’?”

  Samantha winced at the serious note under the joke.

  “Officially, no one,” Neil stated as he stopped by her, taking Adrian’s words of honesty to heart.

  She glared. “And unofficially?”

  Neil sucked in a breath, wanting to give her what she needed…and wimped out.

  “I’d rather not say.”


  “Because I haven’t decided,” he admitted softly. “There’s someone else I’m drawn to, even when I don’t want to be.”

  Samantha quickly tired of the game. “What do you want?”

  He dropped his head. “I don’t know.”

  “You in love with her?”


  The fast, sure answer surprised Samantha and she raised a brow. “Lust?”

  The man hesitated, unsure of the right answer. “I guess.”

  “What do you want, Neil?”

  Her tone said she was losing patience.

  His gaze dropped to her lips and Samantha snorted bitterly. “To figure out which one you like more, because you know you can’t have both.”

  She turned away, muttering, “He wants to shop!”

  “It’s not like that.”

  Samantha rounded on him. “Then what’s the deal?”

  He reddened. “It’s that…I didn’t even know it was you until it was over!”

  Sam felt her pulse race. Neil wanted a kiss he knew was coming, did he? She stared at him, thinking despite the pain he had already caused, she’d chosen to play this role anyway. Was she crazy?

  “Samantha,” Neil whispered. “Can I kiss you?”

  Body lighting up from the sudden sexual tension flying between them, she shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  As she said it, she leaned toward him against her will, fingers itching to rip that hat off and play in his sexy brown curls.

  “Just one. I’ll be quick.”

  Samantha’s tongue darted over her lips nervously and Neil groaned as fire flooded him. “Please, Sammi!”

  Her nod was short and Neil pressed his mouth to hers urgently, lost.

  The guards turned their backs in satisfaction.

  Under the passion was a feeling of completeness, and Samantha moaned into Neil’s mouth at the sensation, arms locking around his neck. Mine!

  Neil couldn’t stop the male inside from lunging forward at the bolt of need and he snaked an arm around her waist to tug her up against his hard body. Hand sliding to her hip, he deepened the kiss, tasting her.

  Samantha trembled, grip tightening, and she let her fingers tangle in his soft hair.

  Neil groaned at her almost rough touch and his hat slid unnoticed to the ground.

  It was the warning crunch from his radio that brought them back to reality and Samantha shoved out of his arms. She retreated, hands clenched in tight fists. “Compare that to little Miss Virgin…and tell me if she still stands out in your mind.”

  “Wait, can’t we–”

  “No. Go away now, Neil. I’m on duty and you’re definitely a distraction!”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Killing Fields

  April 28th

  100 Miles Southeast of Chadron, Nebraska


  Shortly after morning mess was called, Angela ducked into the training tent, eager to get her workout in before they left. The wolf mission would be her first scheduled trip as a level Eagle and while she was looking forward to it, her nerves needed to be settled down.

  Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who felt that way and she joined the teammates who were already crowded around the gun table.

>   Kyle and Chris slid over to make room without pausing in the betting as Daryl and Billy put on blindfolds. Both of the highest levels were going on this mission and it was a comfort to spend these few minutes with them before all hell would break loose.

  “On my mark…” Neil checked his wrist for the time. “Angie has winner. Go!”

  Half an hour later, Angela pulled off the blindfold, grinning at Seth’s surprised countenance. They had joined the lower levels outside after she took the new rookie score on short shots, and she was enjoying the feeling of having a talent they didn’t expect her to have.

  “That’s another record, right?”

  As the other men congratulated her, Seth said, “You also tied Kenn’s record for the fastest medium range bulls-eye set.”

  Seth clapped her roughly on the arm and Angela leaned in, voice low, “We have an audience. Be friendly. She’s thinking about signing up.”

  Seth had to study hard to discover the single red curl that didn’t belong among the corn. He studied Angela with a horrified grimace. “Are you trying to sink the Eagles?”

  Angela sniggered, allowing him the instinctual use of a hand to guide her around the muddy corner of the tent, but no more. “Not at all. Have you seen her shoot?”

  Seth started to deny, but stopped, remembering a contest not long after he’d become a rookie. “Once. She did pretty well for a kid.”

  “She’s a pre-woman who needs to be handled with care, lest she explode in front of the herd, and give away secrets that these people shouldn’t find out yet.”

  Seth heard the scold, but more, he understood it would protect Adrian. “If she’s one of us, that won’t happen?”

  Angela pretended to study his freckles more intently than she should be for friendship. “It’s not all for that reason. I wouldn’t mention it if I thought she’d be the usual disaster-in-waiting.”

  Her opinion already held weight with him and Seth gave her a charming gaze. “How far should this go? I don’t want to get anyone pissed.”

  Angela smiled as if she might be interested and saw his pulse increase. “Not very far. It won’t take much.”

  Neither can I, Seth thought. It had been a lifetime ago since he’d held a woman. “Okay. Want to work on a dance?”

  Angela felt her own needs rise up at that and she agreed, but had to toss in a concession. “No touching. That will piss others off.”

  And it would, she realized with dismay. She might be an Eagle now, but even for something as simple as a dance in a friend’s arm, she was still forbidden.

  Some freedom, the Witch muttered and Angela sighed. One stage at a time.

  Waiting for Neil, Becky studied the group of men who were joking and working out with the lone female among them, accepting her as one of the team. They understood Angela was more than a girlfriend or a cook, and they liked her for it–gave her respect.

  Do I want that? Becky ignored the urge to itch her leg, thinking she definitely didn’t want to be a doctor. She couldn’t even stand to give someone a shot. She forced the discomfort away, trying to be perfectly still. Did that mean she couldn’t shoot anyone either?

  The teenager’s cheeks darkened as Angela and Seth began a dance that had them much too close together. If anyone from the camp sees that, they’ll think the pair are secretly dating, Becky thought, and something in her gut twisted.

  This time, the scowl came uncontrolled. What did she care? She was chasing Neil and Rick at the moment and frankly, Seth had always scared her a little. He’d never once talked to her outside of his duties.

  Disturbed by the newest set of feelings, Becky slipped out of the restricted area with confusion and jealousy raging. Who could she talk to?

  Someone else was also studying the dancing couple, and the hurt in that gaze would have been unmistakable had Angela or Seth noticed. Marc had witnessed her request, knew they were play-acting for something, and still, the jealousy was riding him in waves that kept sloshing higher.

  Witnessing her flirt with the cop was painful no matter her intent and it drove home not only how different she was becoming, but also how manipulative. Adrian had given her a goal–get accepted as an Eagle no matter what–and she was following orders.

  Marc left the area, easily avoiding the sulky teenage girl also leaving the scene. This mission was dangerous and Marc had steeled himself against interfering again. It was a final test, not of her, but of his limits. He had witnessed her flirting with Seth to get something she wanted and that agony was fresh. He’d watched her get stabbed and that pain was slowly healing. Now, he was set to let her risk her life to kill some wolves and maybe get Max and Lenore to come with them.

  Marc went to his tent to gather his gear. He had a feeling that a lot of things would be cleared up by the time they returned, but instead of relief, there was only dread.


  Angela came from the bathroom camper to find Becky hovering nearby. She didn’t speak as she zipped up her thick jacket and lit a smoke. The first steps had to be Becky’s idea, or she’d never make it.

  “Do you like Seth?”

  Angela smiled at the childish question. “Sure. Who doesn’t?”

  “That’s not what I mean!”

  Angela took in the defensive stance, the mind braced for a confirmation. So that’s where Becky fit… “No. He’s not my type and I’m not his.”

  “Oh.” Clearly not convinced, but unwilling to challenge, the girl stared at the ground.

  “Walk with me while I get ready?” Angela offered.

  Becky agreed right away, relaxing the smallest bit. “Okay.”

  Angela led the way to her tent and ducked inside without inviting the girl in. She verified her note to Charlie had been read, and emerged, duffle bag in hand.

  The wolf would protect him while they were gone and when she came back, the coldness he’d treated her with since she’d come to Safe Haven would be over. He was full of a teenager’s impatience and confusion, restless to help Adrian in the ways she was, even though he wasn’t ready yet. She understood his needs, but he had no idea how much she’d gone through to get here and it was about time they acted like mother and son again, instead of two strangers in the same camp. She’d given him all the space she could stand.

  “You’re an Eagle today?”

  “I’m always an Eagle.”

  Angela motioned to the men loading gear into jeeps, and double tapped her wrist. She held up two fingers and knew by their grins and confusion that she’d gotten it wrong.

  Her radio crackled with Kyle’s patient voice. “You double tapped. Do it again.”

  She ran through the lessons mentally. Two minutes, not twenty. One tap.

  “You messed up?”

  Angela repeated the motions, getting it right, and then seized Becky’s surprise. “The signals are simple. Remembering what each one means; not so much.”

  “Aren’t you embarrassed?”

  “A little, but so are they, when they make a mistake. No one knows this stuff anymore. We have to relearn it.”

  “I’m thinking about joining up,” Becky revealed. Her face twisted. “Sign up, anyway. Probably be told I’m too young.”

  “Not if I mentioned to Adrian that I think you belong on a team.”

  “Why would you do that for me?” Becky stared intently. “We don’t even like each other.”

  Angela was finally catching a flash of the no-nonsense adult this brave little girl would eventually become. It was too bad she was destined for Seth. Angela had sort of been eyeing the girl for Charlie or Matt.

  Angela returned the honesty with surprise and a foundation for the future, when she would pick her own team. “Samantha says good things about you and I value her opinion.”

  That shocked the girl into silence and Angela rotated toward the trucks as if they were done. She paused. “I didn’t say I would. Only that’s what it would take.”

  Realizing Angela wanted something from her, Becky said, “I don’t know if
it’s what I’ll be good at. I can’t promise not to embarrass you.”

  Angela was convinced of the teenager’s sincerity and character. Her company, though…

  “To be an Eagle, Becky, you’d have to give up Rick. They’ll never let you in while you play games with our enemy.”


  Adrian was nervous as he watched the Eagles pack the vehicles, but none of them knew. “Code Raven’s a go.”

  Kyle was expecting it after the last-minute switch of driving schedules, but he was unprepared for the anxiety in their leader’s tones.

  Realizing how much Adrian was counting on this made Kyle determined to give it to him.

  “Does Neil know?”

  “No one does, officially. Many people suspect. Do the best you can. She insisted that both of them be there.”

  Adrian hoped it went well, but was sure there would be trouble. The dreams, the feelings, were crowding his thoughts, making it hard to concentrate. He was putting all of them at risk to short-track her training.

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Adrian knew when Angela entered the area by the way the mood of the guards around them picked up. “And her?”

  “You know it.”


  Angela joined the lone man smoking a cigar in front of the last jeep. She lingered nearby, lighting her own bad habit, and they both studied Rick as he walked by.

  As grungy as ever, the man had the nerve to wave happily at Mitch as he reentered the more populated area. Where was his sentry?

  She could feel other Eagles wondering the same thing. Had he been listening to the teams? Did it matter?

  Maybe. She would have to talk to Adrian when they got home. In the meantime, who did she warn?

  Angela spotted Zack. He was the highest-ranking Eagle not going and good at his job, but he hated her. They hadn’t exchanged a single word since she’d broken his nose. Even now, his bandaged profile swung her way, grimaced as he verified everything was okay in this direction, and then moved on. Anything she told him would be ignored unless she made a scene. It would have to be Kenn.


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