The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 169

by Angela White

  Becky stumbled toward the tent. “I need a few. Go take a test or something.”

  Seth headed for the level tents, waving his team closer to her. She did trust him, though, even if she didn’t recognize it. He had to show her that she was wrong. He’d hoped the new friendship between her, Charlie, and Jennifer might help, but he hadn’t seen any signs of it yet.

  Studying them from across the camp, Neil couldn’t miss the connection, their spark. Seth was extremely protective. Maybe that’s what Becky needed now.

  Neil grimaced, tilting his hat forward to block the glare of the roaring center fire as he headed to the tests. I certainly didn’t put her safety first.

  Seth wasn’t among the largest of Adrian’s army, but those thin hips held up a man that was wiry and determined to succeed. Everyone had expected Seth to be a hot head when Adrian had brought him into the Eagles (that bright red hair and those glinting green eyes said he was just as wild as a first glance implied) but he’d settled in and found a place with his team. All of those men adored Seth, and if that meant accepting Becky as his woman, Neil was sure they would agree.

  Unlike my team, he thought, trying not to be bitter. He understood they didn’t have as close a bond because he wasn’t an enterprising person like Seth or Kyle, or even Kenn. Neil liked his place where it was and didn’t see the need to fix what wasn’t broken.

  After weeks of watching Seth guide Becky into her tent and hold her until she cried herself to sleep, Neil still hadn’t made a final choice. The shadows had confirmed that Seth was mostly only offering comfort, but it implied they’d had at least one intimate moment that had bonded them. And no matter what date he came up with, Neil was pissed. He would keep watching until he was sure Seth’s motives weren’t like Kyle’s.


  “Welcome to the Cage. Let’s get started.”

  The Eagles and camp members who were crowded around the testing area cheered in response to Adrian’s words.

  Those about to enter the dome only grinned as if they couldn’t wait. For the first time, the camp was being allowed to view a complete level test and hundreds of people watched, waiting for them get everything set up. Of those fighting tonight, Marc’s was the team that everyone wanted to see–especially the Eagles. Marc had been working privately with his men for almost two months now, not letting them show what he was teaching, and even Angela was curious.

  “Draw a name from the hat.” Adrian pitched his dog tags into the rear of the cage. “Trainer with the number three goes first.”

  Billy held up his number three for them to see, grinning.

  Some of Marc and Kevin’s team groaned. After Neil and Jeff, Billy was the most ruthless at kai. Seth was now a close number four.

  Kevin was nearest to the hat, and he swallowed a complaint when he pulled Billy’s name from it. He would go first.

  “Come on, rookie.”

  Kevin snorted, unbuckling his gun belt. “Suck my Rookie.”

  Loud laughter rang through the crowd as the men faced off. There were easily two hundred people watching.

  Marc moved for the hat, and everyone craned to see who he would face.

  Marc flashed Greg’s name.

  When the groaning and betting began, Marc gave Neil’s new third in command a hard grin. “Ready?”

  Greg sent a worried look around. “Oh shit. Who’s got my back?”

  More laughs as Adrian started the match.


  Marc watched the first minute or so and then found his interest lagging. His team was set to give Adrian what he wanted, but more than that, it was what all his men wanted. They loathed being so far down the Eagle chain.

  Marc noticed that there were more females in the front rows than there had been for any of the events he’d been to so far. Those included Samantha, Tracy, Cynthia, Becky, and half a dozen camp women. Those last six were a clique that called themselves sisters.

  There were more than a few Eagles eyeing these females as they watched the now bloody match that they themselves would be facing in a few weeks. Most of them were pale, but a few seemed like they might be more interesting to watch than the current match. Kevin was good, but Billy was toying with him. Being levels ahead meant all the difference, and it was another sign of Adrian’s genius. As long as the men continued to pass each level, the teams would be easy to manage, and those on top would keep seniority over the years.

  “That’s a pass.”

  “4:41,” Shawn stated, recording it.

  “Number two, pick someone who drew your name,” Adrian instructed.

  Jeremy waved his paper. “Let me have Ray. If he gets by me in a fair fight, I’ll support him and Dale.”

  A shocked silence fell over the area and then shouting echoed until Adrian began glaring at people.

  Ray, who wasn’t about to miss an opportunity like this, eagerly stepped forward, “Let’s go.”

  Jeremy took up a defensive position in front of Adrian’s dog tags. “If you lose, I’ll be with the moral board when they vote it illegal.”

  Ray’s face tightened. “I can’t wait to see you bleed. Then the rookies will know that straight blood looks just like ours.”

  Jeremy waved a hand. “Come on, then.”

  Adrian hit the timer, and everyone crowded closer to watch the surprise matchup.

  Marc was about the only one who didn’t. Ray had come to him not long after Angie broke Zack’s nose and asked for private lessons. Jeremy was set to take a dive for the dream, but it wouldn’t be needed. Ray had caught on as fast.


  Marc grinned as those watching went crazy.

  “He’s out!”

  “Get the doctor!”

  “Did you see that?”

  Marc met Adrian’s eye over the mob, brow raised. Happy with that?

  Adrian nodded back, Yes.

  Ray handed Adrian his tags and then turned to face the surprised Eagles watching the match. He narrowed in on the lower levels and rookies. “I’ll hurt the next man who touches Dale against his will. I mean that.”

  Ignoring the shouts and mutters, Ray went to Jeremy. “You okay, man?”

  The Eagle was slowly sitting up, blood dripping down his shirt. “No, you asshole. Help me up.”

  Ray grinned, getting Jeremy to his feet.

  The talking, laughing, muttering crowd quieted as Adrian approached the two men. He held out a small black patch with a gold number three on it. “That’s a pass.”

  Ray slid it into his pocket, grinning wider. “Should I take him to the medical tent?”

  Jeremy wanted to say no, but his nose was bleeding freely, stomach rolling. “Damn.”

  “Yes.” Adrian turned toward the cage after motioning Dale to help them. “Who has number one?”


  All of Kevin’s team went first, by Adrian’s design, Marc assumed, and except for Logan, passed. Logan went down with a fast hit from Greg and didn’t get back up until John arrived with the smelling salts. He had passed all the other parts of the test, however, and Kevin’s team stood in happy triumph.

  Marc’s team was now gathered around him, waiting for their matches to start.

  “All set?” Marc asked.

  The nervous males only nodded uneasily. Going through the tests in front of a few teams was hard. This? This was a circus, and they were the main act.

  “Good.” Marc chose to wind them tighter. “Look at the front row.”

  They did, and quickly saw what Marc had. The number of single females watching this test had been unusual before, but that had now doubled. A few of those groomed, perfumed, set-to-cause-doom females were here to see what they would face, but most of them were looking for a man.

  Jax was the first to react the way Marc had hoped.

  “Dibs on Leslie!”

  Paul didn’t like that. “I already talked with her. Too late.”

  “So have I,” Quinn informed them with a grin.

  Marc waited, hoping she’
d gotten her interview’s worth from his team. She should have, since he’d arranged it.

  “Uh, guys.”

  They all turned to look at Shane.

  “Not you too?”

  Shane chuckled. Unlike the others, he was a brawler from birth and wasn’t the least bit scared. With nine brothers, he’d had to be able to fight. “Yeah. I think she’s more of a relief source than a mate,” Shane pointed out.

  Jax frowned, but the other two gave low laughs.

  “Is this a problem?” Marc asked with a hard tone. He knew Jax had a thing for Leslie, had set it up this way to draw out the rage he needed everyone to know his XO was hiding.

  Jax shook his head, glaring. “No.”

  “Maybe she’ll narrow it down to the one who does the best here.” Marc stepped by, leaving them with that thought.

  Marc gave Leslie a small nod as he neared the cage, and watched her deliver a generous smile to Shane. And then a second leer to Paul.

  Jax nearly growled, and Marc was satisfied. He could now concentrate on his own match. He was set to face Greg, but Angela had warned him that she thought Adrian had a surprise planned.

  “Okay, let’s get the next sets started. Greg and unlucky victim number one, come on down!”

  Adrian loved to make his herd laugh, and he was in rare form today. Few heard the forced cheer.

  On his right, Angela ignored it.

  Paul had the first match, and he followed orders, making eye contact with Leslie as he entered the cage. “Busy later?”

  Leslie blushed furiously at the open attention, shaking her head.

  Paul chuckled, getting set as Greg glowered at him. “You could be.”

  Jax and the others shouted insults at that, and the crowd continued to enjoy the show.

  Marc had taught each of his team a special move, one that would disarm an off-guard opponent in less than a minute. They’d learned fast.

  Paul used his leaping chest kick to daze Greg and then a vicious roundhouse to land the Eagle on his back. He grabbed the tags and easily gave them to Adrian while Greg tried to recover. Being a test overseer had some disadvantages.

  “Pass. Next!”

  Quinn jumped down from the stands and sauntered into the cage, not bothering to play his part in Marc’s game. Jax was already hot enough to injure whoever he faced, and Quinn had his eye on Cynthia. The reporter was incredibly sexy with a gun on her hip. If only she wasn’t so aloof. Didn’t she understand that she’d been forgiven?

  Crone, the top fighter on Kyle’s team, growled, “Ready, boy?”

  Quinn didn’t answer, busy getting set.


  Marc watched Quinn run and heft Crone into the air for a quick slam against the bars and head butt that sent the bigger man to his knees. A fast knee to the chest, and Crone sagged, still trying to swing back.

  The crowd roared for Quinn to finish him off, but when Marc shook his head, Quinn finished the test without delivering the expected final blow. He dropped the tags into Adrian’s satisfied hand.

  “Pass. Who’s next?” Adrian asked.

  Marc’s men stepped forward eagerly, and the overseeing Eagles began to eye them as if they had the plague.

  Marc laughed, enjoying himself.

  “I’ll go,” Daryl offered. The XO took up his position with a hard face.

  Everyone thought Kyle’s team was unbeatable. Rumor had it they had taken a dive in every cage match that anyone had passed. Marc was determined to prove that popular belief wrong. Kyle’s team were the best overall–they’d had more experience than Marc’s men–but when it came to teaching men to fight, Brady was worlds better.

  Shane got to the steps before Jax could and stripped his guns with a taunt. “Watch this, kid.”

  Shane had ten years on the rest of Marc’s team, years that he liked to rub in when they were facing a challenge that he knew how to handle. It made for an awkward group some days.

  Marc gave Adrian a subtle confirmation, telling him this one needed a lesson.

  Adrian caught Daryl’s eye. Put him in his place.

  Despite liking Shane, Daryl shrugged. What the boss wanted, he got.


  Shane lunged forward and Daryl kicked, catching the cocky man just inside the knee.

  It was a brutal first blow and Shane instantly fell to the mat, clutching his leg and groaning.

  Daryl delivered a fast heel kick to the other knee and leaned down to grab Shane’s hair as he tried to roll away.

  Daryl loved to set up the hits before he gave them, but it backfired, giving Shane time to recover. He slammed one fist into Daryl’s ribs and the other into his cheek.


  Daryl landed on the mat, blood running from his jaw.

  When he pushed himself up, Shane had the dog tags and was set to dart by.

  Daryl spun into an extended punch and knocked Shane back into the far corner of the cage. The dog tags flew from his hand, sliding under the bars.

  As Daryl moved determinedly toward the dazed man, all of those watching began to understand this wasn’t about the pass or fail of a test. It was personal.

  “Do you know everything?” Daryl growled.

  Shane shook his head, trying to stand up. “No, I–”

  “But you act like it.” Daryl accused, delaying the physical blows for emotional ones. “Safe Haven has enough leaders. You’re one of the crew. You got that?”

  Understanding, and then embarrassment, fell into Shane’s face. “Go to hell!”

  Daryl rushed in and punched him in the mouth.

  Shane clutched the wire to stay on his feet. As he gained his balance and looked up, Daryl swung again.


  Shane fell, hands missing the bars, and he dropped heavily to his ass.

  “You get it now?” Daryl grunted.

  “No!” Shane didn’t try to stand up. “You can’t break me!”

  The XO moved forward.


  The crowd didn’t like it, not the camp or the Eagles, but no one interfered. Shane really was an insufferable know-it-all.

  “Please! Stop now.”

  Daryl stepped back as Shane’s hand came up in defense, glad to be able to. If he had to go much further, it might hurt his own place. “Do you know everything, rookie?”

  “I didn’t know this was coming.” Shane glowered through the bruises and blood.

  He glared in Marc’s direction and got a look in return that said he should have.

  “You have a team. Act like it or lose it,” Daryl warned. He stepped out of the cage and moved to Adrian.

  “Fail. Who’s next?” Adrian was clearly supporting Marc’s choice to have Shane handled this way.

  Now Marc’s team moved forward slower, not sure if they were in for what Shane had just gotten. All of them had flaws–they were men.

  It would have surprised these nervous Eagles to know that the females in the front row were thinking the same thing. It wasn’t only the men who knew and feared their shortcomings.

  “I’m up,” Marc called in satisfaction.

  Silence fell as Greg moved into the cage.

  Adrian waited until the two men were set and then said, “I have an adjustment to this test.”

  Marc waited calmly. The only one in camp who might be able to give him a hard fight was Adrian himself.

  “Some people in my army have backgrounds that give them the advantage here. That ends now.”

  Adrian motioned Kenn toward the cage, and the crowd chattered eagerly. Eagles began to place bets.

  When Adrian also motioned Neil that way, the crowd slowly quieted. He was kidding, right?

  Standing nearby, Angela turned to glare at Adrian. He didn’t look at her.


  Marc had gone into kill-mode the second Kenn moved toward the cage. Seeing the best kai man in camp join Kenn made the wolfman disappear and the Marine emerge for the camp’s view for the first time. He could lose this o
ne, but it wouldn’t be a quick beating. He wouldn’t stand for that.

  Marc grinned. “That all you got?”

  Adrian obligingly motioned a third man forward.

  Marc cursed his mouth as Seth came through the surprised, uneasy crowd. Shit!

  “What the hell are you doing?” Angela hissed angrily. Someone could get hurt.

  “I’m putting his back against the wall so that he’ll give me what I need,” Adrian answered curtly. “Exactly what he just had me to do Shane.”

  Angela already knew that Marc’s pride wouldn’t let him back down, and she clamped her lips shut to keep from protesting further. Adrian had better be careful. Once that tiger was out of the cage, it might be awfully hard to get him back inside of it.

  Adrian tossed his tags into the corner and the defenders took up shoulder-to-shoulder places in front of them. Marc would have to disable all four men to pass.

  Marc turned to look at Adrian, starting to understand what the blond wanted. He didn’t have time to figure out why as Adrian hit the stopwatch.

  “Seven minute limit. Go!”

  Marc ran straight at them.

  The four men drew back to swing, but Marc jumped at the last second, throwing himself to the right in a leaping lunge that gained him the side of the cage.

  He quickly scrambled along the bars and leapt into the back corner over Seth’s reacting shoulder. The swipe missed, sending the redhead sprawling.

  Marc had the tags in hand in the first ten seconds, without a single blow taken. He slid them over his neck without a grin, though. He’d lost the advantage and the four men trapping him weren’t just playing defense.

  Marc took out the most dangerous first. He lunged forward to hit Kenn in the jaw so hard that his arm clenched in a spasm from the recoil.

  Kenn dropped like a bag of bricks, and then the other three were moving in and Marc had no choice but to react as the situation deserved.

  A sidekick to the ribs took Greg to his knees.

  A fast kidney punch sent Neil stumbling back to trip over Kenn’s big body.

  Seth knocked Marc against the side of the cage.

  Marc ducked the next swing and caught the undercover cop in a bear hug, forcing him back. He dropped the man and did a half-spin, sending his balled up knee into Seth’s stomach.


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