The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 234

by Angela White

  “They just reported seeing Adrian here,” Kenn stated furiously, ear to the radio. “Do it!”

  Angela strode into her waiting rookies, falling behind to help Marc and Doug direct them. “Drop the canopy! Let them see what’s coming!” Angela stifled the fresh guilt. “Take away their shields.”

  Theo’s machine had been humming roughly, building strength from the solar reserve they’d captured, and it vibrated harshly, explaining the need for it to be sitting on something solid.

  “Here it goes!” Theo hit the switch and the machine blew up.

  Except nothing scattered, no fire flamed out, not even smoke came from it. The blast of solar energy was concentrated into the shell that whistled through the air toward the plane.

  “We’ve been fired upon!” the plane complained.

  The shell hit the air in front of the nose of the plane and exploded in a disappointing flash of green and black.

  “That’s it?”

  The crowd echoed Kenn’s question.

  The plane didn’t react at first…then smoke began pouring from the right engine.

  “We took out the wiring!”

  Angela tapped Joseph on the shoulder. “Now.”

  He obligingly pulled the trigger. He’d had plenty of time to aim.

  The others waited until they were tapped, firing within seconds of each other.

  Explosions rocked the sky.

  The sight and sound of the plane going down was something that Angela wouldn’t ever forget.

  “I did that,” she told herself. “I’m damned.”

  Adrian was close enough to hear her over the cheers and he sent it to Marc. She would need comfort later and he couldn’t be the one to give it. When Marc left, that would change.


  “We verified them?”

  “We got there before it finished burning. Three of theirs, plus our two,” Marc confirmed stonily.

  Angela was moving steadily through the busily working camp and Eagles. “And we stripped anything usable?”

  “Yes. We didn’t get much in the way of supplies. Parts might come in handy.”

  Kenn joined them outside the medical tent. “You got the training plans ready?”

  Marc handed him a sheet of paper from his pocket. “You’ll do basic combat marksmanship in the form of Table Two, and then later with Table Three and Four, if you have time.”

  Marc waited for Kenn to catch up, glad to be working with someone who understood his lingo.

  Kenn grunted. That would develop certain aspects of marksmanship that were crucial in combat, like where to shoot someone–T-box, Center Mass, Groin.

  “We’ll also run drills like our CO–Pick ‘em up, hit the target line, and engage the enemy.”

  Kenn grinned at that one. Done to mimic the effects of a real fight, the Eagles would love it. “I’ll get it going right now.”

  Angela viewed Marc as Kenn left. “You’ve got the kids working?”

  “Yes. Adrian’s with them for the next three days, overseeing.”

  Angela looked away at the name and Marc shot a dirty thought toward that tent. “Are you okay?”

  Angela brought up her walls and forced a smile onto her face. “Never better.”

  Marc let her go, but when the demon whispered, he listened to his fears and worries be confirmed. He also took the advice his demon gave. Once he heard it, Marc agreed that nothing else would succeed as well for their future. If you loved something, you let it go.

  Word spread fast that Marc was leading their ambush team and it immediately calmed the twitchier members of camp. Marc was lethal. Everyone knew that.

  Marc himself didn’t realize how much that meant until he put it with what Angela had planned around Matt. Then he understood that half of his setups had been to prove to the camp that he could do this, that they didn’t have to flee. Even as far back as his cage match, Adrian had known this was coming.

  “And who did you see winning, you secretive bastard?”

  “Us, of course.”

  Marc let out a sigh at Adrian’s words. He hadn’t heard the man approach. “I forgot sneaky.”

  Adrian went on as if Marc hadn’t spoken, “With their numbers cut in half, they’ll get to the base tired and nervous. You’ll wipe them out.”

  Marc didn’t doubt that, only worried over who may be caught in the crossfire. “And those left in the bunker, what will they do?”

  “Leave us alone until they think they’re strong enough to try again. By then, we’ll be in the south, out of the damage path.”

  It was what Angela had told him and made little difference to hear again. Marc would complete the mission he’d been given.

  So would Adrian.


  “You had no right to do that!”

  Already furious with herself, Angela faced Cynthia coldly. “I had to choose. That boy or this camp.”

  “You sacrificed an innocent kid!”

  Angela didn’t look away. “So did you. Anyone else might have developed feelings and pulled him in. That would have kept this from happening and changed our future.”

  “They told the government. We don’t have a future now, thanks to you!”

  “Yes, we do, only not here.”

  “You’ve doomed us.”

  “I helped them find the truth. Only death waits for us on this soil. We have to leave for a while. Something is coming and we have to get out of the path. These people weren’t going to go without knowing about our gifts and the protection we can give.”

  “You set me up!”


  “Why me?”

  “Anyone else would have felt pity for Matt, saved him, but not you, not with Kevin on standby.”

  Cynthia stared at Angela in horror as Adrian stood up and walked to the flap.

  “It was mostly my idea.” Surprised Eagle looks were ignored. “She made an impossible choice based on the greater good. It’s exactly the choice I would have made, only none of you would have questioned it to my face.”

  His parting reminder was enough to calm the Eagles, but Cynthia wasn’t ready to let it go.

  “I don’t know how I can stay on your team. I don’t trust you anymore.”

  Angela raised a brow. “Did you before?”


  “Then why does it matter? You were given an FND chore and you handled it exactly as I expected you to. It wasn’t an easy duty, but it is over now and you’re out on top. What more do you want?”

  “For that boy to still be here! For you to apologize!”

  “For knowing you were too hard-hearted to fall for Matt?” Angela asked coldly. “Not likely. Next?”

  Cynthia argued in exasperation “You don’t get it. You’re wrong for doing this.”

  “No, you don’t get it. Right and wrong don’t matter, only survival does.” Angela stepped away from the furious reporter. “Save your resignation. I won’t accept it yet. I know what I’m doing and you can quit once you understand that.”

  Cynthia thought of the nights with Matt, of the service she’d put in, and turned away from her team leader. “I miss him, Angie. What did you do to me?”

  Angela didn’t answer and Cynthia walked away as she muttered, “Get ready for it. I’ll be the first Eagle to leave.”

  Angela doubted that was true, but didn’t argue the point. Cynthia would also adjust. She hadn’t been forced into anything, nor tricked into it, despite what she was currently feeling. She’d been given something she couldn’t refuse and after the first trip as XO, Angela was sure the reporter would accept what had happened and decide to stay.

  Cynthia’s newspaper had been put on hold. They couldn’t spare the supplies or her time. There were too many other important things they needed to accomplish. That was another reason for the reporter’s lagging spirits.

  Marc didn’t miss any of it and like Cynthia, he was surprised by the cold calculation. He hadn’t thought Angela capable of all this.

/>   Adrian knew, Marc thought. He saw this right away, knew she’d be capable of the intricate plots and setups. And if he knew her that well on sight, what does it say about my bond with her?

  That it’s weak, the demon confirmed. Now will you let me help you?

  Marc wavered, weakened by the knowledge that he would soon be parted from her, while Adrian would be here, staying close. “I’ll listen.”


  “When the fight starts, there will be total chaos. Screams, gunshots, animals to trip over, camp members in the way. You have to remember one thing right then.” Angela viewed them, orbs glowing red. “Find me. We are a team. We come to each other.”

  “What about those of us with children?” Jennifer asked quietly.

  “The men will defend the children. We have to defend the men.”

  Angela waved at the battle map that she and Neil had spent hours on. She’d refused to tell him who would be in each place they’d chosen. “Each team has a job to do, but the leaders and XOs will also have separate assignments. The men know their responsibilities.”

  She met Jennifer’s concerned gaze. “Kyle will keep Autumn. You’ll be on my right as much as you can stand to be away from her. I need you.”

  Jennifer couldn’t resist those words. “I’m there.”

  Angela let out the small breath she’d been holding. “We are the front line, ladies. Over the next weeks, we’ll put in many hours together, but you’ll have to practice while I’m busy. Cynthia has the lead for those lessons. When she’s busy, Samantha will cover it. There will always be an Eagle to help and supervise, but these men do not have any clue what I’m planning.”

  Angela searched the small group, feeling a connection with them.

  When that hard glaze came over her face, each of them braced for the next revelation.

  “We’re going to hold the soldiers off, as if we’re a bubble. It will slow them down for the Eagles to get our weapons in place and send weaker people to cover. We’re going to buy time, something we need.”

  “How are we going to do that?” Becky asked, mind coming alive with ideas. She could get into work like this.

  “We evaluate the weapons we have and figure out how they work together to make something larger. For example, if you combine a steady flame with a powder keg, you’ll get a nice explosion, but if you add some shrapnel to the mix, you’ll kill. That’s what we are now, ladies. For this moment in time, we are Safe Haven’s flames, its powder kegs and shrapnel, born to defend this camp.”

  “Any rewards or perks?” Crista joked, aware that her nerves were now at their roughest level since the war.

  Angela grinned as the others laughed a bit. “Yes, as a matter of fact. Besides being wanted by every Eagle in camp, you’ll each be given Level One status and start choosing your own team.”

  Female cheers drew attention outside the tent, but only a little. Safe Haven was busy. Training classes and lessons, supplies and rations being distributed, defenses going through testing, ideas spawning from observing the groups closest. It was a bit amazing to have the elderly population cleaning weapons, while the children carried drinks and tools. These kids hadn’t been allowed to roam the camp before. The younger ones were still in the mess, helping Peggy and Hilda with a project, but even those were being allowed to explore under supervision. It was a good thing to see Safe Haven full of life that hadn’t been corrupted or broken.

  As the meeting ended, Becky caught up with Angela and Samantha. “Listen, I have an idea.”

  Angela waved Samantha on.


  “I think I can turn our shrapnel into direct slugs.”

  Angela had hoped her girls would think of things she missed. She’d already dug into the males here for all the schemes she could use.

  “Let’s go have a cup of mud and talk.”

  Angela spotted Charlie laboring in the livestock truck alone, but didn’t change her direction. Charlie’s feelings over Matt were something Angela knew to give him time with. Her own hells and guilt had a nasty way of busting through and making her stronger once she faced it. In his case, he had nothing to feel bad for, but like with Conner, that sense of responsibility was too strong to be ignored. In a few weeks, when there were signs, she would try to help him find peace. For now, she gave him space. It was what he needed the most.


  Night fell over Safe Haven in a quick rush, reminding Eagles that there were more camp members on duty now than they were used to. Sleep would be hard to come by.

  “You should stay with her tonight. I’ll bunk with the camp and keep things calm.”

  Jeremy stared at Neil, a bit warily, thoughts and images flipping through his mind.

  Neil wasn’t annoyed. “I don’t know how this shit works any more than you do. What I am sure of is that she needs to be taken care of. That wind gift alone could tilt a battle for us.”

  “She’s been important the whole time,” Jeremy agreed.

  “Yes, and we knew it, deep down. Take care of her, make her happy, and when it’s my turn, I’ll do the same.”

  “Got it all worked out now, do you?”

  They turned to find Samantha standing shakily behind them, holding a tent side for support.

  Neil chose to be honest. “We think so, yes.”

  “Is it okay?” Jeremy was quicker to be sure that she wasn’t angry.

  “It depends on a few things.” She went to stand between them. “For now, it works.”

  Neil gave Jeremy a slightly curt nod. “Cleaned, fed, tucked in.”

  Jeremy grinned at Samantha’s snort. “I’ll cover it. You’ll call us if there’s trouble.”

  Neil’s face tightened. “Think good thoughts, will you?”

  Jeremy gently took Samantha’s arm. The duty he’d just been given had already accomplished that. He was eager to care for Samantha’s needs.

  Neil let them go without adding more, not feeling as much jealousy as he’d expected to upon deciding on this plan. If they were sharing her, they had to do it right and set an example.

  Neil snorted angrily at himself. They weren’t setting a good example with this, but he didn’t know any other way to have happiness. Life without Samantha wouldn’t be a life at all.


  Angela stared at Marc with her lips in a tight line to keep from changing the orders. She didn’t want to be away from him!

  Marc caught the wave of panic, but didn’t stop packing his gear. In a few hours, he would be going west. He had to settle some things here in that time and her emotions would have to wait behind it.

  Marc fastened the last strap and set the kit by the flap. His own feelings were already locked up tight.

  “I’ll talk to Charlie before we roll.”

  Angela was afraid to try to speak. Fear, bright and dizzying, was beating in her mind.

  Marc had expected this scene to be hard. Might as well get it over with, he thought, coming to stand in front of her. He smoothed down a stray curl, lingering. Where he was going, there would be a shortage of soft hair and sweet smelling skin.

  Angela closed her lids as the tears welled up.

  “I want you to know something…for if I don’t come back.”

  Angela stifled a wounded moan, trying to find a last-minute plan change to keep him here.

  “You can love him. It won’t be a betrayal of me.”

  Angela was horrified. “I’d never!”

  Marc sighed, pulling her into his arms. “Yes, Angie you would. And you’d eat yourself up with it and never be happy again. I don’t want that for you.”

  Angela couldn’t prevent the tears. “Please, Marc, stop.”

  “No yet,” he insisted. “Not until you promise me.”

  “I can’t do that,” she whispered. “I’m changing the…”

  “No, you’re not. If I’m meant to die on this run, then I will. But there’s no peace for me unless I know you’ll be cared for. He’ll do that.”

  Angela beg
an sobbing, not because he was right, but because she had hoped Marc hadn’t discovered that. He knew that if he died, she would turn to Adrian. How awful for him.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Marc wiped away her tears as best he could, grinning. “Stop wasting water.”

  Angela’s surprise snorted out, sounding like a pig, and they both chuckled harder, hugging tightly.

  “I love you,” she whispered against his neck. “Come back to me. I’d never be the same.”

  Marc held her tighter. He understood exactly how she felt.

  When her lips found his, he groaned. My Angie!

  Her lips were demanding, arms holding him tight. She kissed him frantically, and the jacket fell to the ground.

  Marc ripped his mouth from hers, fighting for control.

  Angela groaned, needing him as ghosts flashed and Marc shuddered. Fire sparked, catching them both in the blast. When her leg came up, his hand was there to hold it.

  Heat flared and Marc took them to the ground.

  Angela cried out as his mouth found a rocky peak. The sound had him jerking his belt buckle open. Her restless hands went to his to help, and the contact shook them both.

  Marc glanced down, almost unable to believe she’d made him forget everything so quickly. Her eyes were full of desire, body trembling.

  Poised to claim, Marc grinned at her flushed face and used a gentle hand to spread her legs. He ran a thumb over her, felt her body tighten, reach out for his…I want to sink into her and never come up.

  His thumb stroked her, bringing her to the edge. She clutched roughly at his shoulders as she exploded, and he broke a sweat, straining to wait.


  Angela knew instinctively what he was pleading for, and gave it willingly. “I’m yours. Always.”

  Marc slid into her as his own pleasure took over. “Oh, god!”

  His mouth latched onto her neck as he shoved deep and froze.

  Despite the stunning moment, Marc didn’t linger. He couldn’t stand it when she cried. He kissed her a last time, and slipped from their tent.

  Angela didn’t allow herself more than a few minutes of self-pity before pulling on her things and fading into the shadows. Marc was leaving. It had been a long time since she felt this lost.


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