The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 289

by Angela White

  Donner chuckled at the assessment. No woman was his equal, no matter how strong her powers were.

  Trey spotted movement outside the window and drifted that way while Donner laughed at him. He hated this run… What was that? “Uh, Major?”

  “What is it now, Trey? You know, you haven’t been the same since Canada.”

  Trey was too surprised to register the sore topic. “I’ve never seen so many.”

  Donner came to the window in time to watch the thickest part of the flock of birds going over the small cabin he’d chosen as his newest headquarters. He was quickly running through alternates.

  The birds were large and noisy, screaming at each other as they stripped the area of everything alive. A rabbit fell to the horde and the two men watched in shock as the birds covered the bunny and then the chopper.

  The pilot, who’d been eating and not paying attention, was also quickly covered. He collapsed under the vicious pecking and scratching, blood running down his arms as he tried to pull them off.

  “Help him?”

  Donner nodded, mind going to the coming battle. “Yes.”

  Trey shoved the window up and took aim with the AWS rifle that he’d had a long time. He fired once and the pilot stopped screaming.

  Angry, the birds flew away in disappointed rage, taking the rest of the cawing flock with them.

  Trey looked at Donner in a daze. “She sent them.”

  Donner snorted, going to his desk. “None of us can do that. There hasn’t been a descendant who can control nature or even communicate with it in a hundred years. Stop being paranoid. And get out. Now.”

  Trey didn’t bother to slam the door. He was afraid of drawing the big crows.

  He detoured around the pilot’s body with a grimace. “I hate birds. Hate them!”

  Donner heard his newest guards arrive a few minutes later, and let himself fall deeper into planning something that would not only draw blood, but splash it over these cliffs like a canvas. So far, he’d been working with the army soldiers, but he needed more of his team. Four of them should be enough and the rest could continue the mission he’d given them. Once they captured Safe Haven’s members, Angela and Adrian would have no choice but to surrender.

  If they didn’t and all those people died, their own kind would never forgive them, which would be worse than being dead for a descendant. They’d give themselves up. Donner would toss one of them to the government and be free to flee south with his reward and whatever little part of their army that survived. Donner didn’t think many of the soldiers would come through the fight. Angela had shown she was smart. The fights had already been vicious, bloody battles.

  Donner glanced down at the file he’d brought along. The last of nearly thirty, he hoped this file held the details that he needed to conquer Angela. The cute kid in the photo looked like her. Donner started sorting through the pages with the thought of what he could do to Angela once his team captured her stashing place and brought him Charlie. She would do anything to save her child, as would any good parent.

  Donner mentally made a list of everything that he would need it pull it off. The reward he was offering would keep his men searching for the boy, but that wasn’t enough. What he needed was something Charlie cared about. If he found that, he could get Charlie to come to him. Donner hoped there was a girlfriend, but even a pal would work. Teenagers were notorious for going off half-cocked to save their friends and Angela’s boy would be no different. Donner assumed Charlie didn’t have much in the way of power or the government would have added him to the ‘live’ list. That meant Angela’s son was expendable.


  Eighty teams of soldiers were listening for Donner’s chopper.

  Many saw it, and riders were sent on the few dirt bikes they had, to pass the word. It was time.

  Four of these teams were buried alive in sudden landslides triggered by nearby Eagles with explosives. The explosions rumbled through the cliffs and hills like a storm. All forty men were killed, leaving a large hole in the center of Donner’s offensive battlefield.

  On the southern side, the bases being lost and nature overwhelming their camps also weakened the line and gave the Eagles a chance to dig in as the siege began. In the east, however, the enemy was the thickest. More than four hundred soldiers were working on their orders to push in a hundred miles a week.

  They ran into Safe Haven people almost immediately.

  Tonya and Kendle stayed still and quiet as the large group of soldiers came toward their hiding place, but Grace wasn’t prepared for battle. She was panicking. The former slave had joined them only an hour ago, looking like she’d fallen down a lot.

  “We have to run!” Grace insisted in a low moan. “We gotta go!”

  The other two women knew she was right, but as soon as they fled, the soldiers would start shooting. They had no hopes of escaping so many. Angela had led them into a trap by waiting until after the negotiations to start attacking.

  Fireworks burst overhead, signaling Safe Haven’s offensive beginning.

  Tonya rolled her eyes. “Little late.”

  “I saw something!” one of the soldiers shouted excitedly.

  Tonya and Grace exchanged panicked glances.

  Kendle pointed toward the rope bridge they had been instructed to stay near. “Stay down and get to the bridge. Ready? Go!”

  All three females took off running through the high brush, trying to stay under cover even though they knew it was a lost cause.

  More fireworks exploded overhead, giving them a few second’s cover. Then the soldiers saw their prey.

  “There they are!”

  Gunfire echoed to the females as they ran and the slugs caught up, slamming into the trees, ground, and stone around them.

  Grace grunted, falling.

  Tonya kept going, lungs starting to burn.

  Kendle swung around to help and spotted the gore on the tree before realizing no one could help Grace now. She turned to run and felt the bullet that went into her arm and flew out the other side.

  Kendle screamed, holding her arm as she ran.

  Kendle’s scream got Tonya to turn. She hesitated before returning to grab Kendle’s good arm and drag her faster.

  When they reached the bridge, Tonya surprised Kendle by going under it.

  “What are you–”

  “Hold your breath!”

  Kendle sucked in air as she was dragged under the water, and felt her mind go to where it had been when Marc had forced her to endure this.

  Tonya registered the slack arm under her hand and shoved them deeper to avoid the bullets now flying their way. She felt the bridge support smack her hip and clawed for purchase, pulling them both above the waterline enough to breathe.

  The trees and weeds prevented the soldiers from viewing them. Tonya put them behind the supports when the soldiers opened fire angrily.

  Kendle jerked awake, filling with alarm when she realized where they were.

  Tonya gave her a rough shake. “Get out of here once we’re gone. Find Kenny and tell him what happened.”

  Kendle protested, but Tonya dove back under the water and went toward the opening.

  “I’m coming out!” she shouted during a lag in the yelling and gunfire that had faded to grunts of angry men.

  Tonya shivered a she stepped from the water, short dress clinging to her in ways that she knew could be trouble as the soldiers stopped muttering. The silence spoke too much.

  She held up her hands and felt their eyes follow the movement. “Got somewhere I can get these wet things off?”

  Kendle listened to Tonya help herself be captured, almost leading the now horny men. The castaway shuddered at the thought of what the red head might have to endure.

  “I’ll get her out,” Kendle muttered, forcing herself to swim through the nasty water to get free. She would follow them and wait for the right moment to do damage. She could use one of the teams Angela had out roaming, that was for sure.

>   Kendle remembered her envelope was due to be opened and pried the wet baggie from her pocket with nearly numb fingers. Maybe she was supposed to meet up with someone who could help.

  Kendle snarled in anger when she read it, tossing the paper into the water, where it was quickly destroyed. She’d just been ordered to save Tonya if anything went wrong during her infiltration.

  “It was intentional. That bitch!”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Not Everyone Can


  “Get the women inside!” Neil ordered, shoving Bridget in front of him. The two teams had almost been surrounded near the creek and barely managed to get ahead of their pursuers. They only had a minute or so and then the soldiers would be on them again.

  Bridget and Tracy were placed in the rear of the cave and the females didn’t argue. Being hunted by soldiers with years of training was terrifying.

  Neil and Jeremy stayed at the entrance, both doing a headcount as their team and Seth’s rushed in. All noise stopped as they waited for the soldiers with fingers near triggers and hearts pounding. There was no way the Army men would ignore this cave. They would expect their prey to be inside.

  “We kill them all,” Jeff stated, standing in front of the women. “It’s them or us.”

  “How?” Neil asked. “They’ll burn us out if we open fire.”

  There was more silence, then the sound of running men came to them, along with shouts of excitement.

  “We know you’re in there!”

  “Come out now with your hands up!”

  They were trapped.

  “Use me.” Pushing the fear aside, Tracy stepped forward. “That’s my job, right? Distraction and decoy.”

  Neil wanted to say no, but a plan popped into his mind before he could. Once there, it was too good, too simple, not to use.

  “You saw them?” Jeremy questioned.

  Rusty, who excelled at scouting, nodded. “Yep. They met up with that other group. Makes twenty.”’

  “Dead even, if we count the girls,” Neil stated darkly.

  “Count them for what?” Jeff asked, but everyone was forced to go quiet as the soldiers gathered outside the cave entrance.

  “Clear that hole!” a soldier called.

  Neil’s lips drew into a thin line as he waved Tracy forward and whispered in her ear. He slid behind her and made sure Jeremy was in place before giving her the gesture to go ahead.

  Tracy unbuttoned her top two buttons and slowly went to the entrance. “Who’s out there?”

  “It’s a woman!”

  “Watch out. You know the stories.”

  “Come out with your hands up!”

  Tracy leaned against the cave wall, shading her eyes with her hands. “Ya’ll are way out of government territory.”

  “Get down here!”

  “Got time to stay?” Tracy invited. “Girl’s gotta make a livin’, even in these times.”

  The soldiers were willing, except for their Captain.

  That man scowled heavily. “Out of the way. We’re searching that hole.”

  Tracy stepped to the side. “Make yourself a drink, if you like. I’ve got whiskey.”

  The soldier’s guns began to lower at the convincing act, along with their levels of alertness.

  “You have real whiskey?” That had gotten even the Captain’s attention. “Not rotgut?”

  “I’ve been collecting it.” Tonya laughed invitingly. “You boys got anything to trade?”

  The Captain waved two men forward as Tracy faded back into the throng of Eagles waiting with their knives out.

  Even in the dimness, the two men would have noticed the threat immediately, but Tracy bent over to pick up her rifle, making sure the view was good. They were still staring at her ass when Neil and Jeremy slit their throats.

  Bridget forced herself to giggle so that she didn’t scream.

  “Bronx? Klevier?” the captain called from outside.

  Tracy returned to the entrance, smiling. “They want to stay with me. Just an hour?”

  The Captain’s face reddened. He stomped toward her. “Get out here!”

  He stormed by Tracy, pushing her from his path.

  Neil took him out with a vicious swipe that sent blood over his hands and feet.

  Feeling like she was about to vomit, Tracy went to the entrance one last time. “He changed his mind! Come on in!”

  The remaining seven men knew something was wrong, but not what. The first two were allowed to get all the way inside and view the group of waiting men before the ambush was triggered. It gave those in the rear time to be in place for the attack, but allowed those front men to react. A close-quarters fight exploded.

  Bridget ran out of the cave as guns fired and men screamed in agony. At this moment, she had no idea what she was doing here.

  The sounds didn’t last long.

  Bridget was relieved to see all of her people emerge from the cave, but when Neil asked her if she was okay, she burst into tears.

  Tracy, who had done her share of shooting and sported a minor trim along one ear, stayed with the celebrating men. Bridget couldn’t fight. She couldn’t handle fighting. The noises of fighting freaked her out. She should have been sent with Safe Haven’s weaker members, but she’d begged Angela daily to be given a full assignment like the rest of the female fighters. She would have been better off in the den than out here in the wild. Tracy didn’t say so. She didn’t need to. Everyone knew, including Bridget. She would never be on Angela’s team now.


  “Hey, Doug! Got a minute?”

  Doug was glad to be of real use to anyone and waited outside the gate for Kip, the rookie team XO to catch up. Doug was finishing his rounds and enjoying the time away from Peggy. Whenever she laid eyes on him, she gave him something to do, as if she was keeping him busy.

  “Hey, did you rearrange Angela’s pecking order for the camps?”

  “I made a note to ask if maybe Marc made an adjustment,” Doug answered.

  “You saw them?” Kip asked, voice still rough and sore. The dozen men in the camp next to Safe Haven’s den weren’t familiar, but Angela’s plan had insisted on that very thing.

  “I think we should check it out.”

  “I’ll get a few Eagles and meet you there,” Doug answered calmly. He was sure it was simply an oversight on someone’s part.

  Kip headed for Dexter, their messenger for the day.

  “Go tell the boss we’ve got something hinky here. Not sure what, but it feels wrong.”

  “You got it. Hey, take something for that cold, all right? You sound harsh.”

  Kip forced a nod and kept going. His throat still hurt.

  Dexter hurried off on the small bike that had been refueled as soon as he’d arrived this morning from Angela’s camp.

  Kip went over his training as he walked toward the strangers. He was a smart kid with a bright future waiting as he stepped into the strange camp.

  “Hi. Who–”

  The bullet entered Kip’s forehead and he fell over, dead before he hit the ground.

  The infiltrator who killed him, Sherman, cried out in admiration of his own skill as the rest of his rugged companions ran by, firing at the sentries.

  Doug stared at the advancing strangers in shock. He’d been put here as make-work. Angela hadn’t been able to count on him in a fight.

  But they were under attack!

  Peggy appeared at his hip. “Get inside!” she shouted. “Get inside!”

  She jerked on Doug’s arm. “Get our people inside!”

  Doug realized she was calmer than he was and it snapped him back into awareness. He spun toward the shocked Eagles with him as he drew his gun. “Get them inside! Take care of our people!”

  Peggy spent another minute watching the fight between the strangers and the Shadow Warriors, judging the time. She saw the other Indian camps rushing their way to surround the men and then ran inside the cave, pushing through the panicking people. “G
et to the back!” she yelled, pushing her way though. “In here!”

  Peggy jerked the curtain down and forced them into the narrow opening, glad the detained people had been relocated a few hours ago. She didn’t want to have to explain that right now.

  “How many?” she snapped at the two guards who’d joined their team only last night.

  The two tall Indians were struggling to keep up with the count as they waited for the thickest part of the crowd to get by them before answering.

  “One hundred fifty-seven.”

  Another group of camp people stumbled through and they updated the numbers. “Seventy-two… five…eight-one.”

  The men kept a running count and Peggy took in a deeper breath when they reached two hundred. The rest were not in this camp.

  Peggy climbed atop the crates that had been placed by the doorway for this purpose, listening to the fighting outside the cave as the camps around them arrived. “I have a message from Angela.”

  Tommy, whose sole purpose was the defense of this camp, nodded to Ray.

  Ray leaned down and uncovered the edge of the detcord as the crowd slowly quieted.

  “Angela left an envelope,” Peggy explained, holding it up. She had it memorized. “Angela said there’s going to be a big boom. After it’s over, then men chasing us will be dead and we can get out through the bottom tunnel.”

  Peggy saw Ray lighting a fuse and hurried to deliver the rest of the note over the worried mutters. “Go into the tunnel. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, stay by the waterfall.”

  “Here they come!” someone shouted from the other side of the entranceway.

  The herd began moving.

  Peggy allowed Doug to take her arm and shelter her against the wall with his big body. He hadn’t known what the plan was until he’d seen the detcord and then he’d understood too much.

  Peggy waited for the blast with her lids shut and a smile on her face. So this is what her man felt like. Nice!

  The C-4 detonated exactly like Kenn and Marc had told Angela it would. The open side of the cliff disintegrated into a volcanic rupture that blasted Donner’s team into bits and scattered them with the ashes. It also collapsed the mountain face and started a minor landslide that wiped out another of Donner’s small teams and an Indian camp trying to join in the fight instead of holding their positions as they’d been instructed.


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