The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 380

by Angela White

  Silence fell from those waiting for word outside the medical bay and then Adrian appeared, carrying Angela carefully through the wide opening. He lifted a brow at Marc, who pointed.

  Adrian waited for the doctor to finish with the sheet, and then gently placed Angela on the cot.

  “Is this the best you’ve got?” he snapped at the doctor as he straightened. “This is your leader. Have some respect!”

  Marc didn’t say anything. Adrian would make sure Angela was treated the way she deserved.

  Before the doctor could protest, Adrian glanced at Marc again. “What do you want?”

  “Handle it like I would,” Marc answered without betraying his boiling keg.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re not the least bit welcome!” Marc growled, hating it that Adrian was getting the time with her, even as he used the man to avoid this ugly chore.

  Adrian lowered his eyes, only caring that he was inside Safe Haven. He knew it might only be for a day or two, long enough for the storm to finish clearing, but he was savoring every second. The cave was littered with lines and cords that went to repeaters, antennas, narrow pipes that ran the length of every room, distributing water or venting air. It was amazing for less than three weeks.

  Marc didn’t begrudge the former leader his awe of what they’d accomplished. It was the inevitable bonding with Angela that Marc resented.

  “I have a list,” Adrian said, not sure how far he could push the small authority he now had.

  “Your guards will handle it,” Greg stated, motioning to Jax and Shawn, who had volunteered when he returned. “Come daylight, Neil and Jennifer will relieve them.”

  “Perfect,” Adrian praised without meaning to. Before Greg could spew the thoughts that came to mind, Adrian said, “She needs a better bed, sheets without dust on them, a female assistant to help her wash…”

  Adrian went on for a long moment, where Theo waited for the attention to swing his way. He was as ready as he could be.

  “Get it over with,” Angela croaked groggily. “I’ll try to keep up.”

  The Eagles started to rush over to her side and Adrian glowered at them. “Get back!”

  “She’s been stalking Angela since she got here,” Theo spoke up before a fight could happen. “Tara, I mean.”

  People settled for his story instead of the violence, and Theo continued. “The woman, our cave ghost, is Debra. She’s been hiding here since before the war. She was a runaway. When we came, she stayed in the bottom tunnels. She knows them really well. It let her remain hidden, but she’s deaf. She couldn’t hear herself moaning. She didn’t even know we’d heard her. She thought Missy was the only one who had spotted her following Angela.”

  Theo’s words held the room spellbound as everyone settled in to pick out the details that mattered the most to each of them. For Marc, it was personal. For the Eagles it was their honor, as in what had they missed. For Adrian, it was awe at how Angela had handled everything.

  “Debra Saw Angela when she came down to assign rooms. She knew Angela was the boss. She spotted Tara following Angela whenever they were down here together. She said Tara used her powers to keep her monitors unaware. She was almost able to hurt Angela several times, but she was always interrupted by something. Debra was too scared to come out and tell anyone, so she followed Angela around too, to be certain Tara couldn’t get another chance. That’s when Tara finally signed up for the Eagles. Debra thinks she wanted access to a gun, like Jayson got just for helping us that day at the gate.”

  “Jayson?” Adrian questioned.

  “Devine,” Angela clarified, still a layer below alertness. “Son.”


  “Yes,” Theo answered. “He joined us under the name Jayson. He’s the man who was with Kenn. You saved him.”

  Adrian winced. “I’m sorry. I’d never met the son.”

  “His gift is like his father’s and Tara’s–his mother,” Theo explained, grimacing as pain shot through his hip. For being paralyzed, he sure hurt a lot. “Jayson forced people to gather things, to sign his gun permit, to allow him access to the areas that even Eagles don’t go into without permission. He’s even been in the communication cubby. He took cover there during one of the tremors. He and Tara were supposed to take Angela up to Vlad, but Jayson changed his mind and wanted to kill her on the spot. Debra attacked Jayson and he shot her. Tara used her gift on him, to make him take the blame.”

  “Her own son?” Shawn asked in disgust. He was horrified that he’d slept with someone so evil, that he’d allowed himself to be blinded by her.

  “Yes. She was evil. Tara grabbed Missy right after the war and forced the girl to pretend she was her daughter while they infiltrated surviving groups.” Theo glanced at Marc. “Debra said Angela wasn’t under Tara’s power when they went into the bottom tunnel together. Tara only thought she was. That’s all Debra has. It took a while to sign it all out.”

  The only one who could tell them the rest of it was Angela, and attention turned her way, not positive that she was able to. She was barely even conscious.

  “Unless Marc has something, the rest can wait,” Adrian stated, taking a seat on the paneled floor by her cot.

  Angela’s lids closed in relief.

  Marc left the room without glancing at Angela. She didn’t want to do this now and that was enough for him. He had most of the information he needed. Tara and Jayson had tried to kill her repeatedly, and he’d been blissfully unaware. It was hard to swallow.

  The Eagles slowly cleared the room, casting confused, leery glances at Adrian. His sentries called for the things Angela needed, but they didn’t leave.

  Adrian didn’t care. Angela was alive, he was at her side, and the herd was safe for the moment. The rest was trivial in comparison and he leaned against the rough stone as the room finished clearing. Soon, it was only the medical team remaining and they stayed busy with all the injuries that had come in.

  Adrian looked down, loathing her defeated, sickly pallor. He could feel her trying to remain awake. “Just sleep for a while, baby. Sleep.”

  Angela took the advice gratefully. She would rather feel nothing at all than face what was waiting. She shut her eyes, fingers reaching out.

  Adrian clasped her hand joyfully, lending his warmth, his hope. He didn’t speak the meaningless words that she wasn’t ready to hear. He held her hand and they both gradually fell asleep.


  The next time Adrian opened his eyes, Charlie was sitting across from him in the dim, quiet cavern, glaring hatefully.

  Adrian sighed, relishing the feel of Angela’s warm fingers curled around his. “Not now, okay? Wait until it won’t wake her up.”

  Charlie nodded curtly. His mom being hurt again was an open wound. He hadn’t spoken to her in weeks. Finding Adrian here had been a shock. Being told his dad was with it had been another.

  “I wouldn’t say he’s okay with it,” Adrian stated quietly.

  “Good!” Charlie whispered in anger. He started to rant, and then caught himself like he’d been trying very hard to do at all times. He snapped his mouth shut, glaring.

  “Very good,” Adrian praised, goading.

  Charlie didn’t rise to the bait, making Adrian grin. “I mean it. You’ve done a lot of growing up since joining Safe Haven.”

  The good feeling of respect from Adrian was still as powerful, but Charlie managed to keep his expression the same by sheer will. He didn’t want Adrian’s respect. He wanted the man gone.

  Adrian swept Angela, no longer required to hide his adoration. She was the same–pale and still–and he scanned the bay, wondering where his guards were.

  “I gave them a break,” Charlie stated.

  Adrian approved of the boy tracking his thoughts, but didn’t say so. He wasn’t here to make friends.

  “Why are you here?” Charlie asked without some of the hatred that he’d meant to put in his tone. It was clear Adrian loved his mom.

“She’ll need me to help her through this,” Adrian answered honestly. “When she wants it, I’ll leave. My word.”

  “Your word–”

  “Means shit. Yeah, I know,” Adrian finished bitterly. “Do us all a favor and grow up some more. Think of your mom.”

  Charlie pointed to the bed and gear that had been brought in. “I was. It’s ready for her.”

  Adrian immediately got up.

  Charlie helped him transfer Angela’s limp body to the softer, thicker bed, thinking he wasn’t certain he even remembered what it felt like to sleep on a real mattress.

  “Me either,” Adrian confessed, trying to break the tension as they covered her up and moved the other cot over. “I dream about using air valves to blow things up.”

  “Lung power,” Charlie responded against his will.

  Adrian chuckled lightly. “Indeed.”

  “I heard you helped Peggy. Doug wanted me to thank you,” Charlie said reluctantly. “He’s busy helping guard the living area right now. My dad wants monitors on all entrances.”

  “It’s a good idea. Tell Doug it wasn’t my doing. Peggy insisted.”

  “Conner helped Samantha?” Charlie tried to verify. “Because Neil and Jeremy want to talk to you about it.”

  “Again, she insisted.”

  “You’ll talk with them?”

  “Tomorrow, if they still want it.”

  “Why wouldn’t they?” Charlie asked. “Conner cured her.”

  “It isn’t about Conner. They want to make sure I understand I haven’t been forgiven, that I’m still banished. It can wait.”

  “That’s what my dad told them,” Charlie replied arrogantly. “There are a few people who want to yell at you.”

  “I’ll let them,” Adrian stated. “Tomorrow. Tonight, I deserve the first good night’s sleep I’ve had in a month.”

  “Because you’re finally inside our gates?” Charlie guessed.

  Adrian crawled into the cot they’d moved Angela from, inhaling deeply of her scent. “No.”

  Charlie figured it out, frowning, but he didn’t scold Adrian further. He was feeling extremely guilty about the way he’d been treating his mom when she’d had so much going on. He hadn’t known people were still trying to kill her. Tracy had told him to cut Angela some slack, but he hadn’t been able to because of his anger. Mad at her or not, she was his mom and Safe Haven’s leader. He should have been able to keep her from getting hurt.

  “Wow,” Adrian commented. “You have grown up.”

  Charlie suddenly felt drained of anger. “I’m trying. It sucks.”

  “That it does, my former friend. That it does,”

  Charlie winced at the title, not correcting him. The anger at Adrian was still there, but sympathy had also taken up a place against his will. The man was head over heels for his mom, but she only had eyes for his dad. That had to be rough.

  “Thank you,” Adrian stated coolly. “I’m gonna cry any minute now.”

  Charlie scowled, understanding Adrian was trying to maintain a distance between himself and everyone except Angela. “Fine.”

  “It’s better this way, boy,” Adrian stated, letting his lids close as his hand reached out to make contact with Angela. “I’d just disappoint you again and neither of us can take that. Worship your dad. He’s the saint. I’m the bad guy your mom scared you with as a child.”

  Charlie now had his doubts, but the anger still sent him to the bay door that was propped open. “I’m done. Get in here with him.”

  Adrian chuckled as Jax and Shawn came in, looking just as bad tempered as Charlie had as he left. It was amazingly easy to get under the skin of young people.

  “I’ve missed that sound.”

  Angela had woken while they moved her, but she was in no condition to deal with her rebellious son. In fact, his very presence reminded her of what she’d just lost. She was glad Adrian had angered him enough to get him to leave.

  “I knew you needed more time,” Adrian confessed gently. “It was intentional.”

  “Like everything else,” she confirmed without malice.

  Her lashes fluttered, but Adrian quickly put a hand over hers. “Don’t. Not yet.”

  Angela wanted to be strong, but the misery waiting was easy to put off. “You’ll stay?”

  “You know it,” he answered immediately, sitting up as his guards scowled. “What can I do for you?”

  Angela slowly held up her fingers. Her arms were too bound to try moving them. “Hold me? I’m alone in here.”

  Adrian didn’t try to stop his tears as he carefully moved her over and climbed into the bed to hold her. She didn’t cry or speak, and Adrian rubbed her dirty hair, wishing she would go back to sleep. She wasn’t ready for this yet.

  Angela finally let her head fall against his chest. His scent drifted to her nose and she felt nothing. Numb might be her existence now. She wouldn’t be certain until she faced the waiting pain. Once the tears and self-recriminations stopped, she might curl into herself and wither away.

  At least I have that to look forward to, she thought, meaning it. The agony from this would follow her forever, worse than the first miscarriage had. That tragedy hadn’t been her fault. This one was.

  Angela’s tears began to soak into Adrian’s shirt and he stroked her hair, crooning nonsense that he knew wasn’t going to help. There was nothing else you could do for someone who had lost something so dear. All he could do was hold her and try to make sure she didn’t sink into the oblivion without a fight.


  Once Angela stopped crying and fell asleep, Adrian slowly dislodged himself and got up. The last thing he needed was for–

  Adrian sighed, spotting Marc leaning against the tunnel wall, watching with glowing red eyes.

  Marc didn’t speak. He wasn’t positive that he could. The sight of them in a bed together was one that he would never forget.

  Shawn and Jax were behind Marc, not wanting to be in the line of fire if the wolfman decided to snap. They’d both seen the mess in the tunnel below.

  “She was upset,” Adrian explained, not moving. “You can still see the tears.”

  Marc had been here for almost the entire scene. He didn’t respond.

  Adrian finally dropped down onto his cot and stretched out. “It could have been anyone. She didn’t know the difference.”

  “When I return,” Marc began, voice full of alpha that he was barely controlling. “I’ll either accept things the way she needs them or I’ll kill you and be done with it. If I go the way I feel right now, she won’t be able to stop me. I’ll pick you off the first time you leave her side.”

  “I respect you for warning me,” Adrian stated, knowing not to get his hopes up. “But I don’t want your side and I don’t want to be with her anymore. Not in the way you mean. I’m here to serve. You fuck her. I’ll love her.”

  Marc growled, coming forward.

  It woke Angela, who called, “Brady?”

  Marc stopped. He wanted to go to her, but the hours of Adrian’s words ringing in his mind were too much to handle. He wasn’t sure how he felt about everything yet.

  “There was a call. I need to make a run.”

  “From Jeff and Kevin?” Angela asked, sounding alert enough to make Adrian glare over at her for faking sleep to listen to them. He should have known she would wake the instant he moved. After what she’d been through, it should have surprised him if she hadn’t.

  “Yes,” Marc answered. “They saw a line of trains coming. You were right.”

  “You’ll use the notebook?” she asked, heart breaking all over again at his remote responses. It should be Marc helping her, not Adrian.

  “Yes. It’s perfect,” Marc answered, spinning away. “But you already knew that. You know everything.”

  Angela’s sobs stopped Marc and he slowly turned around. “Did you know you were trading our baby for Safe Haven?”

  “Hey!” Adrian shoved to his feet. “Don’t so this!”

>   Angela froze, smothered in grief and shock. Marc thought she’d known the baby would die. He thought she was cold enough to do that.

  “You’re not,” Adrian told her. He swung back toward Marc. “Tell her you don’t think that!”

  “I don’t know what to think,” Marc answered honestly.

  “She wouldn’t do that,” Adrian stated, glaring. “Deep down, you know it. She wanted the baby more than she wants you!”

  “What about you?” Marc asked. “Did she want it more than you? Because this will get you let back in. Maybe she chose you and Safe Haven over our child.”

  Angela tried to talk through her sobs, but the words wouldn’t form. Instead of continuing to try, she let the coldness rush over her limbs and stopped fighting the pain. “I wish you had let me die.”

  The words haunted Marc all the way through the cave and out into the cold dawn where he tried to be certain he was right to feel such anger toward her. He had all the notebooks in his kit. He planned to read them and run it through his mind as he dealt with the last of Tara’s people. If he could believe Angela hadn’t knowingly sacrificed their daughter, he would try to sort through the rest of it. If he still thought she was guilty when this run was finished, they would be done. She could go to her bastard traitor and find happiness while he mourned the life that they could have had together. Eventually, he would kill them both and be hung. Some things were indeed carved in stone.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine



  “He shouldn’t be here!”

  “He saved her life. Again!”

  “That doesn’t give him a pass.”

  “I agree. He can’t be trusted.”

  “Marc let him stay.”


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