The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 436

by Angela White

  Becky blushed as Seth flushed and the table laughed.

  Seth accepted the slaps on the shoulder, the acceptance from his fellow Eagles, but in his heart, fear bloomed bright and strong. I’m like them, like Becky. I might hurt people too.

  Becky’s face cramped up. She left the room, shrugging off Seth’s arm.

  “You people are new,” Rita declared.

  Kendle sighed. “Yeah, we are. Tell me about Dirce. I want everything you can think of.”

  Rita extended one of the infants. “You rock her. I’ve got him.”

  Kendle took the baby reluctantly; glad she’d been able to rescue them, but not caring beyond that until the girl opened her eyes. They were the exact shade as Angela and Marc’s.

  “Oh, hell.” Kendle stared at the baby, making the connections now. “We need to get home. Draft a team. Find us transportation.”

  The others didn’t argue or ask more questions when Kendle showed them the baby’s face.

  “Well, that explains some things,” Ben stated resignedly. “And raises a whole new set of questions. Someone get out there and get us wheels. I’m on the fuel crew.”

  Kendle handed the cooing girl to Rita. “Guard those with your life. They just became the most valuable items we have.”


  “You doing okay?” Tommy asked, joining Kendle in the small shed next to the cabin. Half of the team was out on the scavenging mission, searching for beans, bullets, and vehicles. Kendle had said she was going out to see if the shed held anything they needed, but it had been half an hour and she hadn’t returned.

  “Over here,” Kendle called. The shed was the type that was narrow, but long, running the length of the cabin.

  Tommy found her on a dusty couch, laying there staring at the thin wooden beams and her own icy breath clouds. She was also sweating, telling him she’d done a fast, hard work out.

  “What’s up?” he asked, sitting next to her, letting their legs touch. It wasn’t for the warmth.

  “Not interested!” she immediately declared.

  “Liar.” Tommy laughed, leaning against the musty cushion. “Man, this has been a long run.”

  “Yeah,” she agreed, sitting up. “Hard to believe all the things I missed.”

  “No one gets everything,” he tried to comfort. “I personally believe we’ve done fine.”


  Her tone told Tommy she was worrying over the choices she’d made. “Sure. I’d be happy to have you as my XO again.”

  Kendle laughed at the joke. She’d been running this mission since they’d been carjacked.

  Tommy tugged her over. “They’re okay, you know.”

  Kendle didn’t answer. She didn’t know.

  Neither did Tommy, but he had faith in Angela, especially now that he thought he knew the real reason for this run. “You’ll see. Come on. Let’s get in. Cold out here.”

  “Not me,” she muttered, heat baking off her skin.

  Tommy flashed to Marc’s advice before they’d left. “Let me know when it gets bad.”

  “Why?” she ground out. “You believe you can handle the fire now?”

  Tommy grinned, pulling her to her feet. He leaned in close enough to kiss her. “Yes. Try me?”

  Kendle was tempted. The heat always needed to be soothed now, but witnessing Dirce die, and not die, had reminded her of how strange they were. She turned from Tommy without answering. If she wanted real relief, she would have to pick someone who was like her. Normal men couldn’t get her there.

  Tommy felt the challenge even though nothing had been said. Plans began forming in his mind. He liked Kendle and didn’t mind the thought of helping her, but his sexual skills were well known in Safe Haven’s female population. His pride demanded that Kendle be made aware of it too.


  “They took off.”

  Kendle peered up from the maps that she and Josh were studying. “Who?”

  “Seth and Becky. They grabbed their coats and flew out as soon as we came in from scavenging. We thought they wanted to be alone,” Ryan confessed. “But Carl found a note.”

  Kendle took the paper as the rest of the team gathered around them to listen.

  “Becky hasn’t gotten an answer from Angela in weeks. Safe Haven doesn’t exist anymore. The Mexicans got into the mountain. We’re not going. Good luck.”

  Tense silence filled the room as Kendle considered the words. She understood the choice, but at the same time, she loathed it. Kendle crumbled the note and tossed it into the fire that they weren’t afraid to have burning now. “I have to know. We leave at daylight.”

  Eased, the team returned to sorting through the items that they’d scavenged. Not going back wasn’t an option for these men.

  Kendle was surprised to discover that it wasn’t for her either. She’d caught the Safe Haven infection. “Man, I hate it when this happens.”


  “So where to?” Seth asked, getting into the small wagon that he’d found with half a tank of gas. They would need to get lucky and discover fresh fuel to put in the tank after this was gone or the vehicle would be useless, but they would be away from here.

  Becky contemplated Dirce and Market Town, and then Kendle’s team. “If they are alive, Angela will bring them south. Let’s roll west.”

  “West?” he repeated, inserting the key that had been above the visor. “Why west?”

  “I’m not certain,” she admitted. “Just feels right.”

  Seth was glad when the engine came to life. He hadn’t had to do much to the wagon. Older vehicles had been built to take abuse before they became a pile of junk. “You got it.”

  Becky watched the snowy cabin roll by; mind on the battle that could happen between their people and Dirce. If she began hearing calls that said their camp had survived, she might want to come and help. To prevent that, she needed to get out of range.

  Seth, still shocked, didn’t catch the reflections or plans in his mate’s mind. He was busy trying not to flip the wagon down the slushy hill.

  Becky allowed her heart to settle into a calmer rhythm as the mountain slowly released them. She wanted to get as far from here, as fast as possible. They’d broken the hold Adrian had placed over that cursed camp. She didn’t want to be infected with the light again. It hurt too much when the bulbs went out. She couldn’t take that kind of disappointment anymore. She’d rather be dead than to believe in anyone ever again.

  “Come in, Safe Haven,” the CB called. “This is mission team Freedom. Come in, base.”

  Becky reached over and switched it off, smiling brightly. “I think we need to replace this junker with matching Hummers this time.”

  Seth chuckled. “I do like a tall ride.”

  Becky blushed, leaning over. “Me too. Drive faster, baby. Momma’s gonna hum for you.”


  It took Dirce three days to get to Market Town. Finding transportation had been easy, as had scavenging fuel, but the bullet had damaged his spine enough that Andrew had insisted on two days’ rest. Faced with not being able to walk, Dirce had been forced to agree. His healer hadn’t been along for this hunt. Sylvia wouldn’t have survived the firefight anyway. She couldn’t take loud noises. At least this way, she would be able to take care of him when he made it in.

  Andrew placed an arm around Dirce’s shoulder. “We’ll get you in and send for your woman.”

  Dirce, in a lot of pain, tugged Andrew closer. “Will you help me with something else?”

  Andrew heard the dangerous tone and knew what was coming, but he couldn’t escape Dirce’s grip as the man wrapped him up like a lover.

  Dirce took the life force eagerly, moaning at the pleasure, the evil fun of breaking rules. He reveled in it, not hearing or caring about the concerns of the witnesses. He wasn’t going to hobble into the market and reveal his injury, his vulnerability. He had enemies here, and everywhere he went. Dirce never forgot that, even during the chaos.

  Dirce shoved
the body into the seat and climbed from the van without help. He flashed a finger at the locals who were revealing their displeasure about his survival in their sadness. “Taxes are tripled!”

  Fear flooded the disappointed locals, who ran to their shops to work. Triple taxes would cost almost everything they made daily.

  Dirce gestured toward the slave rooms. “Get me a few of those. I want to be ready by daylight.”

  “To go where, sir?” one of his weary escorts inquired as two others trotted tiredly to the slave area.

  “The airfield first,” Dirce answered, ripping a sign from the wall that warned against harboring magic users. “Then, we’ll roll north.”

  “Frontal or ambush?” the sentry inquired, taking out his notebook. Jarvis knew what his job was and he’d always did it well enough that he couldn’t be easily replaced. Andrew had forgotten to do that, but he’d also been too familiar with the boss, too jovial. Dirce didn’t like amusement or happiness of any kind in his men.

  “Both, if the Secretary-General will send more troops. Ambush, if not.”

  “I’ll get things drawn up to cover us,” Jarvis promised, opening the door to Xavier’s apartment for Dirce to enter. Jarvis went to his own allocated cubby nearby, ignoring the glares of the locals and the groans of his troops when they saw him writing down new orders. Jarvis was relieved that they were going to Souther Field. The Secretary-General would be waiting for them, wanting an explanation for everything that had happened, including the deaths of three market masters that they’d put into place. If Dirce could talk his way through that and still get out with clearance to chase Safe Haven, Jarvis planned to be ready with drawings and detailed notes. Dirce wouldn’t be in a good mood when that meeting was over.

  Dirce settled onto Xavier’s bed as the door opened again. The sentries shoved and dragged three tall women in, ignoring their fear and their pleas for freedom.

  Dirce lifted a hand. “I need your love.”

  Sensual vibes floated through the room, drawing the females against their will. When an Alpha called, everyone answered.


  “Is everything ready?” Kendle asked curtly, joining Tommy in the cabin of the truck. They’d traveled for the last three days, only stopping this morning when they’d run out of fuel again. They’d spent the daylight draining lawnmowers and other small appliances to get half a tank for the cargo van that Josh had found under a tarp behind a mechanic shop.

  “All set for us to roll out again at dawn,” Tommy confirmed. He’d come out here in the dark and cold to wait for her.

  Kendle shut the door softly, hoping Rita had been able to get the kids to sleep. The twins had colic, according to the spy woman.

  Kendle shuddered at a wave of pain and need. The heat in her body was baking off so much warmth that Tommy lowered his window.

  “You okay?”

  “Are you really a camp provider?”

  Tommy stared at the scarred island female in surprise, not certain how to answer.

  “I’m sorry. Never mind.” Kendle looked over, orbs glowing. “I need to go out running for a bit.”

  Tommy had been briefed for moments like these, but he’d honestly thought Marc was hazing him or testing his loyalty. Tommy had been with the Safe Haven herd and lost his entire team, except for Jeff, who had left to roam the wastelands with Kevin. He’d heard the rumors about Kendle. He hadn’t discerned a single sign of it until now.

  “You have to control it,” Tommy reminded her carefully.

  Kendle’s hands clenched into white-knuckled fists. “You don’t understand.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then answer the question!”

  Tommy began to understand why she’d asked as the waves of need pierced his grief to tempt him with the one thing he enjoyed most in the world–pussy.

  Kendle caught the thought. “Well, you’re shallow, aren’t ya?”

  Tommy frowned. “I like to fuck. You like to eat people.”

  “Do you?”

  Tommy flushed scarlet, almost unable to believe this was her approach. Has to be some kind of bad joke.

  Kendle moaned in frustration. She’d never felt heat like this, or such hatred. I don’t know what to do with it!

  Tommy ran through his reservations and found one. “Are we gonna hafta put you down some day over Marc?”

  Kendle’s heat increased with that name. She controlled herself by a hair. “I have to go.”

  Kendle reached for the handle.

  Tommy grabbed her by the other arm and jerked her over the seat. He held her close and tight, flipping the recline switch. She wasn’t struggling yet, mostly because of surprise, he assumed, but Tommy was certain that she would react soon and it could be ugly. He wrapped his legs around hers and waited, heart thumping wildly. If Marc was wrong, this would be bad.

  Kendle had frozen. At first in fear, then in anger. When desire flooded, she snapped, lunging against her captor in violent jerks and shifts meant to dislodge him.

  Tommy flipped them again so that he was on top of her. Fiery heat smothered him in warning. She was about to use her gift. Tommy shifted again, this time to thrust between her legs. He was already hard.

  Kendle shuddered in lust, body wracked with chills that sent sweet relief over her burning nerves. “Again!”

  Tommy immediately stopped moving. “Now that I’ve got your attention, Ms. Roberts, I’d like to discuss an arrangement.”

  Kendle opened her mouth to scream, but his words penetrated in time. “I… What?”

  Tommy smiled at her. “I’ll handle your needs. I can ease it for you, like I do for others in camp.”

  Kendle struggled to think. “You’re answering my question.”

  Tommy grinned at her haze. “Yes. I eat.”

  Now Kendle went scarlet, half in embarrassment and half in need.

  “What do you want from me?” she groaned miserably. “I’m doing the best I can!”

  “Answer my question.”

  Kendle paused to run through it as the rage, the heat, eased off a notch. “Uh, it was… No! I’ll leave before I hurt him.”

  “And Angela?”

  “I’d slit her throat with my fingernails if I can get close enough!”

  Kendle stared in horror at the admission, but Tommy released her arms and adjusted so they were both more comfortable. When Kendle would have sat up, Tommy placed a hand on her chest.

  Kendle arched into his touch.

  Tommy gave her a light squeeze that returned both of them to the fiery heat of a moment before.

  “Will you service me?” Kendle whispered, eyes fading to miserable blue. “I’ll pay whatever you want.”

  Tommy slowly leaned down. “I don’t charge for doing what I love.” He nuzzled her neck softly, voice deepening to a thick bass that revealed his own desires. “You have a beautiful body. I want to enjoy it.”

  Kendle’s expression threatened anger, but Tommy shook his head. “I mean that. I’m gonna love every inch of Kendle Roberts, like I used to dream about when I saw you on TV.”

  “You watched me?” she gasped as his hand tightened over her breast.

  “Every show,” Tommy confessed, popping the buttons on her shirt. “Unhook your bra. I wanna kiss those.”

  Kendle hesitated and Tommy ripped it open, spilling out scarred breasts with misshapen nipples that withered under his intent gaze.

  “Don’t do that,” Tommy whispered. He leaned forward to lick, groaning as lust hardened him into one long throb. He unsnapped his jeans. “Do this.”

  He placed her hand where he wanted it, no longer concerned with anything except bringing them both as much ecstasy as he could. He unsnapped hers next, sliding her pants down.

  Kendle shivered. What am I doing?

  “Keep those eyes open!” Tommy snapped as he felt her tense in the wrong way. “Feel me!”

  Tommy shoved forward to claim her body and her mouth.

  Kendle cried out in pain and pleasure. Her
body jerked wildly, kept in place by the weight of Tommy’s now rotating hips. She arched as he mashed them perfectly, sent over the edge.

  “That’s it, baby. That’s good,” Tommy praised, unable to stop and wait like he was used to doing when he serviced the camp’s women. Kendle’s body was an inferno of delicious sensations that was drawing him toward a rapid conclusion in the wrong place.

  Respecting the courage that it had taken for him to insist, Kendle spread her legs wider. Luke had liked it when she did that.

  Emboldened, Tommy slid an arm under her leg and tossed it over his shoulder, grunting in ecstasy at the unrestricted access.

  For an instant, Kendle was flashed to the cave. She felt smothered by his weight, his breath, his leering…but it wasn’t Ethan. This was Tommy and even in his lust, he wasn’t hurting her. In fact, it seemed as if he was holding back to keep from it. Testing that hypothesis, and her own courage, Kendle placed her other leg on his other shoulder. She was completely open and vulnerable to him. She hadn’t been able to do this with Adrian.

  “Oh, hell,” Tommy groaned. “Don’t… You shouldn’t… It’s good. I got it.”

  His hips met hers with exactly the same force as before, despite the vein popping out on his forehead.

  Empathizing with always having to remain in control, Kendle pushed into his mind. Erotic images of her on her show were playing in a constant loop.

  “What are you…?”

  Kendle flipped the bolt on his control and left.

  “Son of a!”

  Kendle arched in invitation, body tightening.

  Tommy growled, dropping on her heavily, shoving deep. “Damn you!”

  He slammed in a few more times and then froze, spilling anger and bitterness about the ending.

  Kendle waited for the yelling or even violence, braced to take what she deserved for pushing him.

  Tommy stayed where he was, trying to reason it out. He didn’t talk.

  It made Kendle nervous. She shifted restlessly beneath him.

  Tommy shrugged and began thrusting against her in a slow, steady motion that immediately began giving new life to his body. “Thank you.”


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