The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 474

by Angela White

“We won’t.” Tommy was used to working like this with Angela. He was also too drained to get upset. He couldn’t wait to sleep without so much stress on his mind and heart.

  Kendle and Conner went to the flap, zipping jackets. As they stepped from the cave, the lights came on for everyone. They stayed frozen, listening intently…

  “Get in there!”

  Kendle was shoved into the cave by three tall peacekeepers in black and tan uniforms. They had weapons the team would have recognized from the market if the lanterns had been lit.

  Kendle dropped to her knees as she was shoved.

  “Stop! Be still!”

  “Get the kids.” Jarvis was in charge, but the climb up here had worn him out. He wasn’t used to this much hunting for their prey. He’d hoped to attack this small team during the chaos, but the woman descendant had come out and spotted them getting into position, forcing him to act now. “If you use magic on us, we’ll kill those babies.”

  “No need.” Kendle snatched the knife from her boot and threw it at the soldier who was leaning down to pick up the baby.

  He staggered, falling on top of the bundle.

  The babies began to cry.

  Rita flew toward the kids.


  “Don’t move!”

  Rita grunted heavily, also falling on top of the kids as Kendle’s second knife sank into her chest.

  Kendle threw again, her last blade sticking in Jarvis’s throat.

  She and Tommy grabbed the third soldier before he could draw his gun. That was a serious disadvantage when it came to climbing up a mountain. He had needed both hands free and hadn’t bothered to draw until now.

  Kendle swung them toward the flap, not giving Tommy a chance to protest as she shoved them through the flap and heaved the struggling soldier toward the edge.

  Tommy helped her.

  Together, they pushed him off.

  The man’s screams echoed to Dirce, who glanced up in resignation. “Figures. Never send boys to do a man’s job.”


  “The tunnel is open!”

  “We’re going out!”

  “Let us through!”

  The decoy corridor was cold and dusty, with random debris flying through the curves and cavities on the wind. The Runaways were streaming by with violent expressions that declared only death would stop them from leaving. Angela wasn’t going to. Their choice to flee was going to save everyone else in this cursed mountain.

  Angela and her crew stayed against the walls as the panicked camp members flew by them to reach the exit. The laborers had just finished clearing the collapsed section, but the cold wind blowing through was unmistakable. It had alerted all levels of the cave to the change.

  Gunshots sounded.

  “Get out of here, you cowards!”

  Morgan’s shout told Angela her workers had been attacked. She was glad when they all emerged through the fleeing citizens, escorted by Morgan and the team of Eagles she’d assigned. Shoving runners out of their way to get through, the crew joined Angela and took up guard places in front of her.

  “Incoming.” Marc and Adrian said it at the same time.

  The final Runaways ran by with harsh glares, not about to attack such a strong crew.

  Angela was relieved. She’d chosen this team with that in mind, hoping it would save some of their lives if panic overrode everything else. Fear was a strong deterrent.

  More gunshots and shouts came to them. It sounded as if there were refugees coming into the passage, as well as going out.

  “They aren’t firing yet. Why not?”

  “He needs a push.”

  “Be careful.” Adrian scanned the tunnel. “He’s devious and we have an open door now.”

  Angela ignored him, concentrating. I told you! They’re out of shells for the tanks. We’ll meet at our last campsite and circle back.

  I’ve sent out the first group of descendants. Marc joined her for his role in the ruse. I’ve got the front. Get the rest of our residents out of there!

  Angela opened her eyes, shuddering. “He got it. Let’s go.”

  Angela’s team took off running toward the ladder, keeping her in the center. Their footsteps drowned out the fighting, but not the response of the furious descendant outside.

  Incoming, you bitch!

  The tank blast slammed into the open decoy tunnel in a direct hit. It entered the corridor and slammed into the wall. The resulting explosion sent a cloud of dust and deadly shrapnel over the refugees trying to get inside.

  Then the fireball consumed them.

  An instant later, the cliff slid, collapsing to cover the entrance.


  “We have runners alive, sir.”

  Dirce grabbed the field glasses, picking out the fleeing refugees. “Fire.”

  The tank belched out a shell, rocking the armored vehicle. It flew through the cold air and slammed into the ground near the camp of refugees who hadn’t been smart enough to flee when the fight started. Hoping to ambush Safe Haven as they came out, the desperate people hadn’t counted on the UN firing.

  Angela had.

  Dirce was pelted with rocks and debris that he didn’t flinch from the way his men did. He took the bullhorn that his man held out. “This is the UN. We are here to liberate your children and reeducate your population. Surrender or we will fire again.”

  Kendle’s team listened to the demands in horror and anger. It was unbelievable that this was happening.

  “We will not spare you if you resist!” The bullhorn blared with Dirce’s heavy accent. “Come out now, if you can.”

  “Here we go.” Kendle knelt by Rita’s body, shoving away the guilt. “We should stay in, maybe behind that ledge.”

  Kendle and Carl retrieved the startled children and everyone crammed into the rear of the cave, hoping it was out of range.

  “Are we still supposed to be the heroes?” Conner was confused.

  “I don’t believe that’s the plan now.” Kendle admitted her failure. “I screwed it up by letting Dirce know we were here. She had to switch.”

  “She?” Ben frowned. “You mean Angela?”

  “Of course.” Kendle handed the baby boy to Carl. “She picked our gear. She knew we’d be trapped here and need the book on rappelling so we could get down.

  “But we have the path we came over to get here.”

  “I’m not sure we will after this is all over.” Kendle began gathering energy again. “I think the shooting has just begun.”

  “So what do we do now?” Ben was pissed. “Sit here and get shot at?”

  “I couldn’t view beyond this point.” Kendle’s voice revealed her frustration. “I say we stick with our previous orders to stay here and be ready.”

  “If Safe Haven knew this was coming, they weren’t near the entrance when he fired. Dirce can shoot all he wants.” Ryan gestured. “He won’t reach them.”

  “He can reach us.” Ramer was the twitchiest member of their team. “Maybe we should bugout while we can.”

  The radio that had gone silent clicked a few times and then went dead again.

  Kendle exchanged glances with the team. “That means an hour, right?”

  “Yes.” Tommy had translated it. “Be ready in one hour.”

  Carl scowled. “Ready for what?”

  Kendle sank down to rest, leaning against the cold wall. “The conclusion, of course. One hour from now, all hell will break loose. That’s when we’ll find out who lived and who didn’t.”

  “Will we survive the fight?” Scott took the spot by Kendle.

  She shrugged, leaning against his heat. “That has not been revealed.”


  Dirce climbed the ladder of his tank and popped the hatch. “Line it up. Blow the Black Widow out of there.”

  “What about my grandbabies?!” Jerry and Dirce had been commanded to collect them.

  Dirce paused. “Fine. Aim at the other side. Blow her friends and family out of the mountain

  Jerry grinned as he told the tank driver. He loved watching stuff explode. It didn’t matter what it was.

  Not sharing in the man’s good mood, Dirce knew something was wrong. He felt the trickery, but he couldn’t identify it. Waiting in the small tank with troops who smelled like he did sucked. Why am I waiting? “Start firing.”

  “We’re under attack, sir!”

  Dirce studied the ill refugees on their right side. Attacking troops for their gear and vehicles, it was sad to witness how bad the refugees were doing. “Tell the men to pick them off while I negotiate. I don’t want them to get too bored.”

  The driver replayed the message as Dirce concentrated.

  Surrender now. Save your people.

  I’ll give you the same offer.

  Dirce laughed at Angela’s fast response. I’ve heard the stories. I know your weakness.

  Angela laughed. Ditto, baby.

  Ditto? What is ditto?

  Angela didn’t answer. She was busy climbing the ladder to the top floor so she could reach her camp. She’d assigned sentries, but the need to be with them was overwhelming.

  I wish to negotiate.

  Angela swallowed her triumph. Can I think about it?

  You have ten minutes.

  Angela didn’t tell him it was more than she needed. She concentrated again, letting Marc and Adrian guide her along the dark passage that they’d layered in dirty blankets and clothes for protection from the cold while they fought. Take the shot, Jeffrey. Save us all.


  Jeff froze for an instant at Angela’s command.

  Kevin lowered his rifle, hands going to the extra ammo. He felt it coming.

  Jeff lined up the scope, adjusting for the stiff wind as best he could. The kill flash hid the glint from the glass in the scope as he centered on Dirce’s heart. “Aim small, miss small.”

  Dirce rotated toward the winter camo poncho blind that Jeff and Kevin had hidden in for three days, zeroing in. I feel you.

  “Feel this.” Jeff pulled the trigger.

  Dirce was knocked off the tank at the shot. He fell into the snow, leaving a trail of blood as he scrambled under the edge of the tank.

  You’ll pay for that! All of you!

  Jeff watched through his scope, trying to get a second clear shot. The wind had gusted at the wrong moment, changing his kill shot into a shoulder wound.

  Jeff couldn’t get a clear shot with Dirce behind the tank. He began to pepper the edges and sides, hoping to get lucky and force the man into view.

  Dirce slapped the tank. “Shoot him!”

  The tank’s barrel began to rotate.

  Jeff’s eyes widened. “Uh, time to go!”

  Kevin jerked the plastic sleds from under the poncho blind, shoving one of them at Jeff. “I can’t believe we’re doing this!”

  “Hurry up!” Jeff swung his rifle over one shoulder and then threw himself onto the sled, face down. He shot across the mountain, leaving Kevin.

  Kevin tried to copy Jeff’s actions, but he landed awkwardly and almost slid off the sled as it flew down the cliff. He recovered his balance and grip just as the tank fired.

  Angela made it to the tunnel sheltering her camp and shoved by them to reach the exit hole that they had finished yesterday and blocked off with heavy tarps and their gear to hide the draft.

  “Open it!” Angela’s shout echoed over the mutters and frightened cries of her citizens, but all of that was drowned out as the tank fired.

  The concussion rattled the mountain and sent showers of dirt over Angela’s group. “Now, kids!”

  Along the walls, the kids stood up. All of them had their hands out and eyes shut. A hum of energy filled the space and then a shield blinked into life around the huddled camp. Protected from even the cold wind, Angela watched as the mountain cliff across from them began to fall.

  “Someone’s over there!”

  “It’s Jeff!” Greg had his binoculars up. “And Kevin!”

  “Get ready!” Angela began gathering energy. “Pull everything you need from his men. Hold him in place until I give the word. Start pulling!”

  Descendants picked the nearest soldier and began to take their energy.


  Dirce realized he’d been tricked. He could feel the power at his back, and his shoulder was gushing blood, but it was impossible to glance away from the two sleds coming down the mountain ahead of an avalanche that was gaining on them.

  Freezing, Jeff hauled on the sled as he neared an edge, hoping to gain more altitude to clear the rock field below.

  Kevin did the same on his right, trying to watch the path and Jeff. He needed to get onto the same groove.

  Jeff’s sled slammed into the rock field at the base of the mountain.

  It flipped, sending Jeff flying into a snow bank.

  As the sled fell, it was slammed into by Kevin, who had just cleared the cliff’s edge.

  Kevin was knocked from his perch and flipped into the snow not far from where Jeff had landed.

  The small avalanche hit the bottom of the cliff seconds later, burying them and everything else.

  In Angela’s cave, folks groaned and cried out, but there was no time for mourning.

  Dirce stood up, dripping blood into the dirty snow. He pointed at Angela. “Fire!”

  “As soon as it lands, fire!” Angela’s shout was accompanied by a high-pitched whistle that caused the fighters to brace.

  Angela placed her hand on Leeann’s shoulder, adding her strength. “Hold the shield!”

  The shell slammed into the entrance of the corridor.

  It should have killed everyone, but the shield absorbed the impact with a ripple of cries and groans from the kids. The shell vanished into the energy field, but then the shield failed, melting down from the top.

  Angela let go. “That’s it. Get them!”

  Adults hurried to grab their assigned child. The exhausted kids couldn’t run. What they’d done was a huge task. Angela had refused to let them kill, but a one-time defense had been perfect.

  “Open fire!” Angela followed her shout with a blast of flames that flew through the air toward Dirce.

  Dirce’s men were enjoying the show. Over the years they’d labored together, they’d become familiar with his pattern of attack. Dirce liked to toy with his prey. So did his men, who were still killing random refugees even though those pathetic citizens were finally fleeing the battlefield. Mercy was for the weak, but they also knew they’d be sent in to cleanse everyone after this fight. Killing them now meant less hunting later.

  Then it changed and they were under attack without the energy to fight back. Several types of magic flew through the air, slamming into the troops who weren’t ready for it. In all their years under Dirce, they had never experienced this type of fighting. Their prey had always surrendered or run.

  Angela was glad the troops were falling under the angry powers of her fighters, but it wasn’t going to be enough. The troops would recover soon and start shooting her people without mercy. She could feel the order coming. Dirce had to die before he could give it.


  On the opposite cliff, Kendle raised her glasses. “He survived! Shoot at Dirce. Don’t let him look toward Jeff!”

  Tommy and those with rifles began firing, all trying to be the one to kill the UN leader. They didn’t care about his men.

  Dirce’s troops waited for orders, shooting and laughing at the refugees who were trying to steal gear and wheels. Dirce had his personal shield up now, but his energy was being drained from too many levels to return fire. He had to use it all to prevent his shield from falling. He had underestimated the strength of the Safe Haven descendants. All of them were real threats, but two of them were impossible to keep out of his energy field.

  Angela and Jennifer didn’t fire again after the opening to the magic fight. They labored together to make Dirce concentrate on his shield. Weakened from their time in the mountain, it took both of them to k
eep him occupied.

  Realizing he was about to be without his shield, Dirce leapt up onto the tank, meaning to drop into safety. “Fire!”

  The tank had already been reloaded. The gunner, weakened like the rest of the soldiers, was slow to respond to the order.

  Jeff wasn’t. You asked for it!

  Dirce spun around as Jeff pulled the trigger.

  The bullet plunged into Dirce’s chest. Two more slugs slammed into him right afterward, knocking him into the snow.

  Marc fired his grenade launcher.

  The grenade went into the open hatch of the tank and blew it up from the inside.

  Around the convoy, other commanders began shouting orders. Dirce’s job was up for grabs. The man who won this fight would be promoted.

  “Move in!”


  “Kill them all!”

  In the passage, Angela jerked a hand at Kenn. “Bring it down.”

  Kenn flipped the switches and pushed the buttons, hoping the splicing they’d done would be enough. He and Marc had helped Ozzie and Theo, but in the end, it was all up to fate.


  “Come on!” Jeff grabbed Kevin by the arm and dragged him through the drifts and bodies toward the nearest tank. Angela was telling him to get under any protection they could find.

  Above the running men, the mountain rumbled. At first, it was a tremor shaking the fresh snow loose. Then it became an explosion that echoed forever.

  Kevin stole glimpses over his shoulder as he stumbled alongside Jeff, breath coming in short, painful rasps. “It’s coming down!”

  Jeff ran faster, heaving and grunting as they raced the troops who were still centered on the tunnel.

  The mountain exploded. It showered the body-ridden battlefield with snowy rocks that knocked troops to the ground and broke windows. Glass shattered, spraying shrapnel as the ground under them vibrated with the force of a full avalanche.

  The explosions continued, ringing the mountain valley on all sides. The UN troops began to notice and run faster, but they didn’t alter direction. Hell was raining down all sides of the mountain. The open corridor was the only shelter they thought of.


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