The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 483

by Angela White

  Adrian was surprised at the acceptance. He had expected to wake her up, give her an update, and get out before making her or Marc mad. Caught by surprise, he paused, enjoying her welcome.

  Marc tried hard to stay under the blanket of sleep, not needing the emotional roller coaster of witnessing their moments together, but it was impossible. He wanted to observe them so he could try to figure out what Adrian gave her that he couldn’t. Then he would learn how to provide it.

  Adrian risked Marc’s wrath by lingering, unable to pull away. Fresh from sleep, Angela wasn’t angry or ruthless. She was just a woman–one that he loved and wanted.

  Angela allowed Adrian to make contact mentally. She swallowed a groan as his energy swarmed over her, lighting dark places. She enjoyed the sensation, not letting the guilt interfere. It was rare that Marc tolerated any moment between her and Adrian, but today of all days, she needed the support.

  We can do this.

  We have done this. We just have to do it again.

  I know. I’m sorry.

  So am I, but it’s necessary. They never would have left without all of this. If there had been another way, we both would have taken it.

  I don’t believe that anyone else could have done as good a job.

  I don’t either now, but I hated you for it a month ago.

  I’m sorry about that too.

  Angela didn’t respond. The pain from losing her baby would never fade. She knew that because it wasn’t the first time it had happened.

  Adrian sent a wave of love, hoping it would ease the pain seeping into her mood.

  Please don’t do that.

  I can’t help it. I don’t like it when you’re in pain.

  Some things, I deserve.

  Agreed, but not today. Adrian sent another blast of light. Today, you need to concentrate on getting our people out of here.

  I will. This will be the last time that we’re trapped anywhere.

  Adrian didn’t doubt her. I should go now. He’s been very patient.

  Sensing the request that wouldn’t be spoken, Angela dropped her shield for a brief second and let Adrian fully connect with her.

  Adrian mentally nuzzled her cheek, hugging her close and tight. His next wave of light didn’t just hit her.

  “Do you have to do that while I’m right here?”

  Adrian withdrew at Marc’s growl.

  Angela stretched out a hand so that she could touch Marc’s wrist. The room lit up with her emotions, smothering them in unconditional love.

  Unable to stay mad, Marc patted her hand. “Good morning to you too, baby.”

  Angela laid there for a few more minutes, enjoying the warmth of the bodies around her and the peacefulness of the cave. Doing a light scan, she didn’t find many people awake yet. The sentries were alert, which was wonderful, but the camp needed sleep.

  Marc stewed on the moment he’d just shared with them against his will and better judgment. Because he’d done so, he had learned something. Angela was scared. He wouldn’t have known that if not for Adrian’s repeated whispers of comfort and strength. He’d been shoring her up for the bugout, which meant it would be ugly.

  Marc didn’t know what could be worse than fighting the UN, but he didn’t doubt that it would be. He clasped Angie’s hand and began sending in his own strength and light. “Whatever it is, we’ll handle it together.”

  “Yes, just you and I.”

  Marc caught the ominous undertone, but couldn’t ask because of their listening company. The kids had been awake before Angela, but they’d refused to budge for fear of disturbing her. Marc had told them she wouldn’t be mad, but Leeann had informed him that it was so Angela would sleep. Stewing, he added that in. The kids were also trying to prepare her.

  Marc’s scowl took up his entire face as he growled for his demon. Who dies this time?!


  “We’re two guards short on escorts to the vehicles.” Marc handed Angela a cup of oatmeal an hour later, refusing to dwell on what he’d learned. “Do we need security over Candy and Cynthia today?”

  Angela’s stomach rolled as she regarded the grey goop. “The bad vibes from both of them stopped as soon as the cave opened. They’ll recover.”

  “That’s great to hear.” Marc met her eye. “But you won’t be alone with either of them, right?”

  “No, I won’t.” She smiled. “And neither will you.”

  Hoping they wouldn’t have to eliminate either of the females, Marc continued his rounds. He was in charge of clearing each floor, but he wasn’t doing that yet. People were coming and going in an effort to locate missing items or say goodbye to their loved ones at the makeshift memorial that had sprung up over the last two days in the body tunnel. Until Angela made the radio call, his first job was to be sure there were no problems.

  “Make a hole!”

  Marc jumped aside as Kenn came barreling through the corridor. Chasing Tonya’s cat, the Marine was leaving laughter in his wake.

  The agile cat leapt down to the bottom level, landing on a debris pile.

  Items rolled off the sides, crashing into the floor as the tabby darted into the body tunnel.

  Kenn slid down the ladder. “Got gloves this time!”

  He ran into the tunnel, ignoring the complaints and the snickering. Tonya wanted to take the cat. He would get it for her.

  Kenn stuttered to a halt as the people shifted away from the rear of the pit cave in fear. The vet was standing in the shadows with his hands full.

  Kenn pasted on a bored expression and took the cat, keeping a firm grip on its neck skin.

  “Take this too.” Chris shoved a large coffee can with holes in the lid into Kenn’s other arm.

  Kenn heard the angry humming of bees and frowned. “Why?”

  The vet glared. “Why not? They didn’t ask to be brought down here. Why should they die with the rest of the doctor’s sheep?”

  “Fair enough.” Kenn dropped the can into the hands of the nearest guard as the cat began to fight to get free. “Put this with the rest of the gear to be loaded.”

  Kenn went to the top floor, trying not to lose the active tabby. As he forced it into the box that Tonya had, it occurred to Kenn that the cat didn’t act sick anymore. He stored it for later, when he had a moment to make his woman smile with the news. Right now, they were too busy. Everyone was eating, but they still had to be dressed and led to the exit, then guided into the vehicles. All of it would start as soon as Angela made the call. Kenn assumed that would happen any time. Once things were rolling up here, he had duty at the exit with the boss. He and Angela would make sure everyone who had wanted to come was accounted for. It was an important position and he was honored, but deep down, he would rather have been with Tonya and the kids.


  “They’re taking too much!’”

  Jimmy’s shout hurt Marc’s ears. “Move, so I can check the levels.”

  Jimmy stomped toward his clutch of ducks, muttering.

  Marc shined his light, noting the tank was almost full. He motioned to the line of camp people waiting to fill canteens. “Hurry up. Angela is about–”

  “Safe Haven, it’s time to go. Everyone coming with us needs to be at the exit in five minutes. I repeat, Safe Haven is leaving in five.”

  “–to call,” Marc finished. He stepped aside so citizens could get through, but he didn’t leave yet. With him here, there was less chance of fighting.

  “Get them out of there!”

  “We need all that water!”

  Marc rested his hands on the guns he no longer needed. “Quiet down!”

  Jimmy’s group did, but the glares and snide remarks implied it was the last time being ordered was going to be successful. The next time they shouted, it would be followed with action.

  Marc stayed ready to handle it, hoping he didn’t have to.

  I’d like you up here.

  Marc signaled to the half dozen people left in line. “Time to go.” He strode toward
the body passage and popped in. “I’m going now. Three minutes left, folks. Don’t be late. We won’t wait.”

  Marc nodded to Neil, who was standing next to Samantha as she sat by the memorial. He also gestured at Charlie, who had brought Tracy down to pay her respects. “Let’s go.”

  Marc paused for the young couple, noting how close they stayed and how familiar they seemed with each other now. He stored a new suspicion and followed them up the ladder. Charlie and Tracy had point over the kids during the short walk to the trucks. The couple would be making multiple trips in the open. Marc was glad they were both geared up and dressed right for the situation. The bulky clothes they were wearing hid their vests and provided extra warmth.

  As they reached the top level, the mood of the cave dropped.

  “She’s already outside. Damn.” Marc motioned toward the kids. “Let’s load and go.”

  The line of Eagles each picked up a child and followed Marc through the rear exit and down to the snowy ground. Marc would accompany them on the first trip and give Cody to the assigned adult. Then, he would get Angela’s ride and be ready to guide them all out of here. The vehicles for leadership had been placed right above the tunnel so they could be monitored during the loading process, and because the leaders would be the last to go.

  Marc crunched through the snow with his demon searching for trouble, but all he caught was the joy of people leaving the mountain. Everyone was ecstatic to see him emerge. It meant it was time.

  Marc handed Cody to Britani, nodding to Gus and his brothers as they stood with the soldiers and a few others.

  Cold, all of them were glad when Marc and his group immediately went back toward the corridor for the next load instead of staying to help the kids buckle in first. The need to be gone was strong and growing.


  Kenn and Angela were standing at the entrance, bundled up to monitor their surroundings as supplies and civilians were marched to the vehicles.

  “What other precautions did you put into place?” She knew he hadn’t put some things in the notes for her, instead, covering his own concerns–which she respected. It had bothered him to be such a failure in the bugout where Rick had kidnapped two of their women.

  Kenn gestured toward the long row of guards standing in the stiff wind around their wheels. “All of them have been assigned to a vehicle. That way, each group is accounted for and the drivers only have four to six people on their list to keep track of.”

  Angela nodded her approval, restless for this part to be done. “Keep going.”

  Kenn didn’t ask how she knew there was more. “There’s a list in each glove compartment. The sentries have been told not to swap seating arrangements without my express permission. I gave out a notebook with everyone’s name in it that they’re to check off or initial as they’re loaded into the vehicles. Everyone will be accounted for this time.”

  “Good.” Angela studied the citizens around them. It was cold with the barrier open and noisy as everyone came and went. Those who had worked overnight would be able to sleep and ride, but until then, everyone was laboring. Supplies, gear, and belongings were already loaded and the wounded were being brought out at the same time as the kids. Some of the injured, like Jennifer, had been able to come down the ladders on their own, while others could not. That process was taking place with Kyle and his crew supervising it to handle any problems from the doctor’s people.

  “How long until we’re ready to go?”

  Kenn looked at his watch and tried to estimate. “We’re thirty percent loaded at this point, but the guards are spreading the word that all of Safe Haven’s Eagles will be out here soon and there won’t be protection in the cave. That should speed things up.”

  Angela wanted to make sure that all of their citizens made it out, but she needed to trust Kenn to do his job. Her assigned place was here in the passage and this was where she was staying unless there was trouble.

  Kenn gestured toward the trio coming down the tunnel. “That’s kinda nice.”

  Angela turned to discover three of the soldiers, followed by Ivan. All of the men were carrying a wounded child.

  Kenn and Angela stepped aside to let the men through. As soon as they strode into the stiff winds, the Eagles assigned to those vehicles came forward to provide protection.

  Angela was impressed.

  Kenn enjoyed the silent praise, no longer hating himself or her.

  The moment was ruined by shouting in the cave and then a single gunshot.

  Angela started to go back in, stopping when Kenn’s heavy hand grabbed her arm.

  “We stay here.”

  He immediately let go, but it was too late.

  Flashed to the past, Angela braced to be hit and then remembered that she wasn’t that person anymore and Kenn almost wasn’t that man. She shoved the witch back into her cell and crossed her arms over her chest, but she didn’t enter the cave. She settled for scanning the minds of those who were still inside to find out what had happened.

  Kenn went back to monitoring their surroundings.

  In order to ensure security for leadership, he had chosen to put those three trucks away from the others. They had been better camouflaged, and still had the steel panels from their travels before coming to the mountain. They were among the few trucks that hadn’t been stripped and had their parts taken into the cave. Covered in feet of snow, it had taken the guards hours to clear them and put batteries in. Fuel additives had gotten them running, but it had also drawn attention from random refugees. The sentries were taking care of those problems as quietly as they could, not wanting to bring more people into the valley.

  Those three trucks held all the supplies for the camp and enough fuel to get them to two of the stash places that Angela had marked on the maps. The first stop didn’t have fuel, so as soon as the guards verified the vehicles would start, they had shut them off to conserve gas. It was almost calm now, but the Eagles had their guns in hand and extra mags in their pockets. Most of the threats weren’t in range though, something Kenn had counted on when he made the plans.

  Another shout echoed through the tunnel, drawing Kenn to the drama inside. What’s going on in there?!

  Kenn was shocked by the fast response from Samantha.

  Stupid people. Neil’s got it.

  Kenn’s grin covered his entire face as he relayed the message to Angela. Being one of them was even better than he’d imagined it would be.


  “We want you gone!” Jimmy was kneeling at Derrek’s side, tying a ripped shirt around his wound. “Get out of here!”

  Most of the citizens who had been in the body corridor were already running toward the ladder.

  Neil and Samantha had been in the passage for the last ten minutes while nearly everyone from their camp came down. Most of them hadn’t stayed long, but Samantha was struggling with her guilt and Neil was trying not to rush her even though the call to leave had come.

  Around them, the cave had been loud with people shouting for their group members to hurry and civilians calling to each other on the radios, but Samantha had spotted the man trying to ambush Neil and shot him. Now, they were alone in the tunnel with Jimmy and Derrek.

  Jimmy was forced to ignore Neil as blood continued to gush from the wound in Derrek’s arm.

  Neil scanned the floor for any of their citizens, noting the stack of bodies had been looted, as well as the waste area. Even the toilet had been taken.

  Behind him was the makeshift memorial that consisted of stuffed animals, toys, books, and other items people associated with showing their respect to the dead.

  Samantha didn’t rise from the plastic flowers that Neil had scavenged until he slid an arm under her bad leg, insisting. “It’s not safe down here now.”

  Sam froze as he lifted her. “Wait for it…”

  Neil sighed, stopping to let her vision come. He didn’t know if it would interrupt her to be on the move. He kept a gun in hand, other arm straining from holdi
ng her.

  “We have to go.” Samantha’s lids flew open to reveal terror. “Right now!”

  Jimmy glowered as they went by. “You didn’t have to shoot him!”

  Neil scowled at the man, holstering. “He was going to stab me. Get your priorities straight!”

  Neil shifted Samantha onto his back and quickly climbed the ladder. “I can’t wait to be out of here!”

  Samantha stared down at Jimmy as Neil took her out of sight. “There’s a new wave of refugees coming. You have to go!”

  “No, you get out!” Jimmy motioned for her to keep going.

  Samantha put her cheek on Neil’s shoulder, but she refused to cry as Jennifer had. These people didn’t deserve her sympathy.

  Neil keyed his mike as he hit the next level. “Load the council–now.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four



  Kenn accepted the order, not doubting that Neil had gotten the command from Samantha. Something else was coming.

  “Let’s go.” Kenn stayed as close to Angela as he could, but she insisted on helping to take the final group of kids to the vehicles, putting her out in the open. The best he could do was stay so close that any sniper bullet would hit him first.

  Angela felt the urgency as she handed Missy to Shawn. She was about to panic. “We won’t get them all out of the valley in time. We took too long...” She stopped, rotating toward the cave. “Maybe we should…”

  Jimmy’s triumphant face vanished behind the closing door. The latches began clicking.

  “That son of a bitch!”

  Angela ran for their vehicles, praying all of their citizens were out.

  “Samantha and Neil are right behind us.” Kenn grabbed her upper arm to hurry her along. “They were the last ones.”

  Angela hit her mike. “Count off!”

  “All accounted for.”

  “We have everyone.”

  “We’re two short!”

  Arms full with two of the three orphans he and Tonya had found in the tunnel, Kenn directed her toward the truck signaling that they were short two people as the rest of the count off continued. “The kids go here. You come with me.”


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