Secrets in the Storm: A Christy Spy Romance Novella (A Christy Spy Novella Book 2)

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Secrets in the Storm: A Christy Spy Romance Novella (A Christy Spy Novella Book 2) Page 9

by Cindy M. Hogan

  Tears welled up in my eyes as I forced myself to sit, Jeremy headed my way.

  It was Jeremy. Jeremy saved the day. He grabbed me up into his arms and I sobbed. Of all the scary things we’d been through together, this was the worst, mostly because we’d been fighting and I’d said things that I really didn’t feel.

  Chapter 13

  I was bleeding pretty bad where the terrorist’s gun had fallen onto my forehead and my head hammered with pain. The flood of ambulance workers filled the hall only minutes after SWAT cleared the building. They worked on stabilizing everyone and moving those with graver injuries into ambulances. SWAT kept the press and everyone else away from the scene. The storm had passed, but the destruction remained, along with streams of water searching for storm drains.

  Jeremy and I insisted on being put in the same ambulance, and while my scrapes and cuts were quickly cleaned and bandaged, Jeremy’s arm was taking some time. With the streets still flooded and the masses of curious people hanging around, as well as the press wanting to get their stories, it was slow going to get out of that place. But Jeremy and I needed to get out of there before the police and press started asking us questions.

  “Are we headed for the hospital?” I asked the paramedic. If that’s what was going to happen, we could easily escape from the hospital.

  “No, not yet anyway. We’ve been instructed to hold everybody without life-threatening injuries here for questioning.”

  That was not what I wanted to hear. I needed to act quickly to give us the chance to get out of there.

  “That’s about as good as it’s going to get until they set it and cast it,” he said. “These meds should help with the pain until that time.” He handed Jeremy two pills and a water bottle. “I’ll go let them know we’re done with you.”

  “Could you maybe,” I said, wanting to keep him from coming back for a while, “talk to whoever is in charge and convince them to move us up the list so that we don’t have to wait too long? His arm is pretty bad.” Jeremy’s arm was swollen to twice its size and black and blue.

  “No guarantees, but I will try.” The paramedic jumped out of the back of the ambulance. We took our opportunity to escape and climbed through to the front of the ambulance and out of the front doors. I stopped Jeremy once we were a few cars away. Chaos remained at the courthouse and all around us. Police and emergency vehicles clogged the streets, and swarms of people and reporters stood just outside the police line. I was glad to be leaving that death trap behind. Even military vehicles started to roll in. I had a few things that I needed to say before we went any further, but Jeremy spoke before I could.

  “Did all of that really happen? Was I trapped in the sewers? Were you trapped in an underground shelter?”

  “It’s a nightmare become reality. One of the terrorists told Emily, one of the captives in that room, that she would pay for his sister’s death. I’m sure they were all family in some way. It’s such a shame they’re all gone now. I just don’t get how they got the secrets of the courthouse. They had to have an inside man.”

  “They did. It was Ahmed Samaar and Melek Arshad, the Muslim liason to courts and the Muslim IT professional who works in the building.” He raised his eyebrows.

  “Crazy. Why anyone would help anyone do what happened today, I have no idea. I’m glad it’s over.”

  “Let’s get out of here before someone spots us.”

  “Wait.” I grabbed his uninjured hand. “I'm so sorry, Jeremy. I do trust you. I love you.” Inside me went all warm and fuzzy when I admitted it. He was my match. I loved him. “I do,” I repeated, knowing I was telling the truth as a warm feeling continued spread through me. “I’m so glad that you didn’t die in those tunnels. That was way too close.”

  “Definitely the scariest moment of my life happened in those tunnels,” Jeremy admitted. “I thought I was not only going to die, but worse, I wasn’t going to be able to save you. I felt so helpless.”

  Warmth spread through my chest. “Let’s not do that again.”

  “For sure.”

  “I wanted to tell you that I loved you when you were in the sewer tunnels, but I panicked. I’ve always trusted you. I was stupid and insecure. I let my jealousies and insecurities make me forget. I’m so sorry. I love you, and it won’t happen again."

  “No,” Jeremy said. “I’m sorry. I was only trying to protect you, but I didn’t handle it well. Celeste is a bloodhound of a reporter. She would’ve made the connection had I not gone straight for her. I had to distract her. Looking back, I can see how it could make you feel jealous, and I’m sorry about that. I should’ve just told you what I was doing. If I would’ve stopped to think about how you might see it—me with my old girlfriend—none of this would have happened, but I didn’t. I should have been more open and told you everything right up front…” He brushed his good hand against my cheek. “I just should have talked to you about my past with Celeste and you would’ve known that there was nothing to be jealous of. You’re the only girl for me. Celeste was just a bad experience I had to have on my way to finding you."

  My heart melted into a little puddle in my chest. He took me in his arms and we kissed, his lips familiar, warm, and comforting.

  “How did you get out of that manhole anyway?”

  He chuckled a little. “You’re not going to like it.”

  I raised my eyebrows. He grabbed my hands.

  “Celeste and her cameraman were out in front of the courthouse filming the storm and the aftermath, and believe it or not they heard me shouting and clinking my keys on the metal. Her cameraman was able to drag me out.” As he spoke there was a chuckle hidden behind each word. “Immediately Celeste sprang on me. She gave me mouth-to-mouth.”

  My eyes shot wide. Now he laughed out loud, then winced as he accidentally moved his arm. For a brief second I didn’t know what to be more alarmed about—Celeste’s lips on his or the fact that he wasn’t breathing when he came out of the manhole. My jaw dropped. “You stopped breathing? You were dead?”

  “That's the thing,” he said through his laughter. “I didn't need mouth-to-mouth. She was just being overzealous.”

  I laughed, no jealousy remaining in me. “Well, I really didn’t want to know that, but thanks for being honest.”

  He nodded.

  “And that’s when you came for me."


  “Broken arm and all.”


  I grinned at him. “Thank you. You’ve always been there for me.”

  “And I always will.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Celeste. I could see that she was finishing up a live report as her cameraman took the camera from his shoulder. Celeste immediately started over, her eyes fixed on Jeremy.

  I groaned.

  “Don’t you trust me?”

  I smiled ruefully and said, "Yes."

  “Then don't worry about her.” Jeremy winked.

  “Jeremy,” Celeste said. “I've been totally worried about you. I didn't see them bring you out. Or I’d have been here sooner.” Her eyes flicked toward me.

  “I’m only here on business. I won’t be back for a long time.” Disappointment fell across her face, and she had to resign herself that there was nothing between them.

  “Now, my colleague and I need to be going.” And we turned away.

  “I have questions. The police have some questions."

  “Listen, Celeste, I better not see any mention of us anywhere in any paper.” He put on his commanding voice.

  “You can't order me around.” Celeste stomped her heeled foot.

  Somehow he stood even fuller and taller, and she seemed to shrink away. "Nothing in the papers or I know where to come."

  “Okay. Okay. No need to get all special ops with me. But I do have some questions.” We turned and walked toward the crowds.

  “The police have some questions!” she called after us.

  We melted into the crowd.

nbsp; As we walked, Jeremy put his good arm around me. I leaned into him and said, “Maybe we need to give up the idea of a romantic retreat.”

  “You may be right. I don't think it’s really our thing.”

  “Apparently our thing is catching bad guys and saving the day.”

  “I guess we should stick with that.”

  “As long as I can sneak a few kisses in between gunshots.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” Again his lips fell on mine, and I never wanted this sappy moment to end.


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  About the Author

  Cindy M. Hogan graduated in secondary education at BYU and is inspired by the unpredictable teenagers she teaches. More than anything, she loves the time she has with her own teenager daughters and wishes she could freeze them at this fun age. If she’s not reading or writing, you’ll find her snuggled up to the love of her life, watching a great movie, or planning their next party.

  She is the bestselling and award winning author of the Watched Trilogy and Christy Spy Novel series. She has since branched off to write a mystery, Gravediggers, that won best YA novel of 2013, a contemporary romance, Sweet and Sour Kisses and the ever popular Code of Silence Series and had written many novellas like the Royal Guard.

  I love to hear from my readers. Connect with me in all these places.



  [email protected]

  Also by Cindy M. Hogan

  The Watched Trilogy




  Christy Spy Novels: Christy’s story continues from the Watched Trilogy

  Adrenaline Rush


  Fatal Exchange

  Redemption Lost

  Christy and Rick Novellas

  The Royal Guard

  Secrets in the Sand

  Secrets in the Storm

  Code of Silence Series

  Kate Unmasked

  Kate Concealed

  Kate Empowered

  Kate Unleashed


  Sweet and Sour Kisses


  Dangerous Truth

  The Descension




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