My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 68

by Weston Parker

He climbed off and took my hand, and once he’d helped me down, we headed toward the short pier. “I built this last year. It’s been a nice addition and makes fishing easier.” He stepped up on the pier and walked to the bench to sit down.

  I stood close, and he took my hand and pulled me closer his knees parting for me to stand between them. I brushed my fingers through his hair as his hands slipped beneath the hem of my shirt where his thumbs brushed my bare flesh.

  “What made you change your mind? Surely you don’t think my intentions are any different.” He slipped his hands up the back of my shirt as to show me in case I’d forgotten.

  “I decided the fun outweighed the risk. Besides, what could happen in ten days?” I cupped his face, and he tilted his head up to kiss me as he unhooked my bra. I shrugged off my sweater and let it fall to the deck, then lifted my arms to let him slip my shirt up over my head.

  I pulled my arms free of my bra straps and tossed it to the rest of my clothes with the growing pile. “You’re beautiful.” His mouth moved to my nipple, and I arched my back as he pulled me forward tugging at my button-fly jeans.

  He popped them open in one quick movement and then pulled them down to my ankles. I kicked out of my shoes and jeans and pushed them aside, leaving me in nothing but my white silk bikinis. The night air chilled my flesh as a gentle breeze blew across me, and his gaze slid from my eyes down and back again.

  I put my thumbs in the elastic at my hips, and he shook his head. “Don’t you want me to take them off?”

  “No.” He held my face gently, pushing his thumb between my lips. I sucked it into my mouth, twirling my tongue around and tasting the salt. “That’s a talent I’d like to see more of.” His suggestion warmed my core and sent my mouth to watering. He reached for my hand, and I dropped to my knees nestling between his thighs. I met his eyes and licked my lips reaching for his zipper. He angled his hips forward leaning back to give me better access. His erection was even more impressive as I held it in my hand. There was no way I’d take the whole thing, but I was damned sure going to try.

  I took a calming breath as he leaned back on the bench, resting one elbow across the back as the other one felt my hair and then slipped down to pinch my tight nipple. I stroked him a few times, letting my thumb slide across his thick bell-shaped tip. His thick, muscular shaft was bulging with veins, and I slid my tongue across it and teased down to his base licking his sac and sucking his balls into my mouth one at a time.

  He sucked in a breath and nudged his hips forward a bit, and I knew what he wanted. I prepared myself for a mouthful and took him in, his head resting against my tongue as I worked him slowly.

  “Fuck yeah.” The words rolled off his tongue like a whisper, and then he lifted me up by my elbow and pulled me forward. I love the way he man-handled me. Not like some asshole abuser, but like a man who knew what I wanted and was ready to give it to me. I didn’t want to be treated like a fucking flower, no. I wanted him to fuck me good and make me beg for more.

  His hand fell across my panties cupping my mound. “Are those nice and wet yet?” He applied a little pressure, and my knees fell together as pleasure bloomed. The tingling sensation had me panting, and I shuddered as he pushed two fingers against my folds, wetting my panties. “There’s my little wet spot.” He tugged me closer and then leaned down and put his mouth over my panties and worked his mouth against me, licking the spot wet from my nectar.

  The sensation of his warm mouth through my panties sent a wave of pleasure shuddering through me and then he kissed his way up the front of the silk before hooking his thumbs and pulling them down. Then he brought his hand up and slipped two fingers between my folds as I stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

  “Good girl. Now you’re ready for me,” he whispered against my breast as he pulled me down toward his lap. He held his cock up to center it and eased me down on it. It stretched me as it pressed through me, hitting my depths. I moaned as he captured my mouth. I rolled my hips, grinding on his cock as it pulsed inside me.

  I didn’t even mind being called a good girl, and as a matter of fact, it was kind of sexy the way it rolled off his tongue. He pulled my breasts together and sucked my nipples causing me to throw my head back and moan.

  His eyes met mine. “You feel so good, so tight and wet. Tell me how it feels inside you.”

  “So good.” It was a weak description, but I was so lost in pleasure and the fact that I was about to come that I couldn’t think of anything else. “I’m so close.” I’d never had anyone push me over the edge so quickly, but he knew how to work me.

  “Mm, good girl. Come all over my cock and tell me where you want it.” He bucked his hips, and my breasts bounced hitting his chin. He captured one of my nipples and pulled it between his teeth as my release ripped through me. I screamed as my walls pulsed milking his cock.

  “Wherever you want it.” He pumped a few more times and moaned through clenched teeth as he pulled out and his release shot all over my tummy.

  “So you know that’s not where I really wanted it.”

  “I said anywhere.” I picked up my panties and cleaned myself off with them. “Too bad, these were my favorite pair.” I shrugged, but he took them and leaned over the edge of the dock to rinse them in the creek.

  “Good as new.” He wrung them out and passed them to me.

  “You think of everything. I’m not used to roughing it.” I pulled on my pants and twirled my panties on my finger.

  “Stick with me, and I’ll show you a few things.” He gave a warm laugh, and as another warm feeling spread through me, I knew that I wanted him to show me more. More of his sweet words, and more of his amazing body.

  Chapter 8


  Sometimes I thought my brother had to be adopted, but with him looking a bit like me I knew we had at least one parent in common, and since our mother had been an honorable woman, there was no possibility of a half-relation.

  “There you are,” he said coming out into the garage from the house. “I’ve been looking all over for you and was about to send out a search party.” To say my brother could be a bit dramatic was an understatement.

  “I’ve been out here all morning. I couldn’t sleep, and this old clunker needs a little TLC before the next practice.” My old truck wasn’t my favorite ride, especially compared to my bike and the other four-door diesel I kept for more formal occasions, but it was practical enough to drive around town without making a scene. I wasn’t much into being in the spotlight and didn’t need a showy car.

  “That thing should have gone to the junkyard the very first day you bought it.” He patted the tailgate and kicked the back tire. “What billionaire buys a hunk of junk like this anyway?”

  “One who wanted to help out a prideful friend? Finn wouldn’t take the money I offered him, so I asked if I could buy this. He was down on his luck.” I shrugged my shoulders and dropped the hood.

  “Right.” He rolled his eyes like a kid and then rubbed his hands together like he had something hot to tell me. “I didn’t come out here to talk to you about this piece of shit. I noticed you were out a little late and since I figured you were busy banging Nora’s sister, I thought I’d come up with a way to use that to my advantage.” His eyes widened as he paused as if doing so added suspense.

  “What are you up to now and how does my sex life fit into the equation?” I had to hear this; it seemed like a doozy.

  His expression brightened as he gave me a sidelong glance. “So you were banging Harper. That’s pretty fucking hot, brother, and it’s going to make my plan a lot easier considering she still likes you after you introduced her to your tiny friend.”

  “Get to the point.” I picked up my tools and placed them in their box across the room.

  He followed me over, like a puppy on my every step. “I’m having a party tonight here at the house.” He wagged his brows like it was the best idea ever.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea and I don’
t see how me and Harper fit into it.” I turned to lean against the standing tool chest, crossed my arms in front of me, and glared down my nose.

  “You’re going to invite Harper and tell her to bring Nora. That way I can make my move on her again.” The plan was exactly what I was expecting, and I shook my head before he even finished. “It’s not like she’ll say no to her sister.”

  “She might. Those two are not as close as you think.” I went into the small bathroom off the garage to wash up and true to form he followed standing in the doorway.

  “Come on, you know it’s a good plan.” He pressed on and was wearing on my patience.

  “For a bunch of high schoolers, but you’re a grown ass man. Besides, she’s a nice lady and not like the whores you mess with. She’s got class and standards and hell, compared to you, she’s probably a virgin.” I laughed as his jaw dropped with shock.

  “Damn, that’s a turn on. You really think she is?” He stared off into the air as if he was imagining busting her cherry.

  I pushed past him and went into the house. “How the hell should I know?”

  “So will you help me out? Please? When do I ever ask you for anything?” He kept on my heels, and I wished he’d go away and leave me alone.

  “All the time.” I kept walking until I reached the living room where I plopped down on the comfy, oversized sofa.

  “That’s bullshit, I never ask for anything from you. Especially help with women.” He pegged me with a hard glare.

  “So what’s different about this one?” I knew the question was a challenging one and I wasn’t about to help him if all he wanted was to fuck the poor girl and leave her, but then his answer surprised me.

  “It’s the fact that she is different, dammit.” His voice broke sounding weaker than I’d ever heard it as if all the fight had gone out of him. I didn’t believe his intentions were totally pure, but I’d mention the party to Harper and suggest she should invite Nora along.

  “I’ll see what I can do, but no promises.” He pumped his fist and hurried up the stairs.

  I sat there a moment and decided to walk to the window expecting to see Harper wandering around the yard, instead, she was on her back porch sipping from a cup, and she had her feet up in another chair across from her.

  The night before had been so hot and remembering her mouth around my cock made it stand at attention.

  I walked outside and across the yard to her house. She smiled when she saw me coming and pulled her feet from the chair, kicking it closer to me. “Have a seat.” She smiled up over her coffee cup and then she took a long sip.

  “Enjoying the view?” I looked over to see what she was staring at but there wasn’t anything but a big live oak straight ahead of her.

  “I was just wondering how old that tree is. It’s so big and beautiful.” She gave a little shrug, and I smiled at the idea of her pondering such a thing.

  “I’ve come to ask you out again, considering you wouldn’t take me up on fishing.”

  “I didn’t think you were serious about fishing. I thought that was your way of getting me alone to have sex. And since we’ve already done that, what’s the point?” A soft feminine chuckle sounded from her throat.

  “To catch fish and spend time together?” I had been serious and when she realized her cheeks turned red.

  “Sorry. I’ve never been fishing before.” She placed her cup on a small table next to her and crossed her arms.

  “I’d like to teach you how sometime, but tonight I have a much different offer. Tanner’s having a party at the house. I’d like for you to come. Bring Nora too.”

  “I’ll come, but I can’t promise Nora will. She got her degree from SMU, Stick in the Mud University.” Her mouth turned up at the corners for a half-hearted smile.

  “Well, being honest, Tanner really wanted her to come, so if you could give her a little push, I’d appreciate it. However, that said, I won’t be responsible for his actions. He’s a bit of a wildcard at times.” He was a wildcard all the time, but I had a feeling she’d heard plenty about him from Nora already. Tanner’s reputation was well-known throughout the town, and people talked.

  “I understand. I won’t hold you accountable, but I still won’t promise you anything. She’s a bit of a hardhead and takes herself too seriously.”

  “I just hope it doesn’t go on all night. His parties are infamously long, and well let’s just say bad things have happened.” I didn’t want to remember the first time he’d had a big blowout. I ended up having to talk the sheriff out of arresting Tanner for stealing a car. It was especially hard since it was the Sheriff’s car and he’d used it for a liquor run. That had been a long time ago, and he was lucky that I’d kept a good reputation with the locals.

  “If it does, you can hide out here if you want. I don’t think Nora would mind.” She sucked her bottom lip in and gazed into my eyes. She was ready for more, and I was more than willing to oblige.

  No matter what happened, it was going to be an interesting night.

  Chapter 9


  It was like pulling teeth to get Nora to let her hair down, but then again she did keep that bun so tight sometimes I think she glued it down. Luke had called an hour ago offering to walk over to escort us back to his house, but I’d told him about all the trouble Nora was, he’d be better to let me handle her alone.

  I finally dragged her out of the house, but it was like pulling a dog on a leash, one that planted his feet solid in the ground refusing to walk, to get her to step it up.

  “Stop pouting. We’ve been over this. You don’t have to stay, and it isn’t like you can’t walk home if things get uncomfortable. For someone so willing to push me on Luke, you should learn to practice what you preach.”

  “You’re better at these kind of things than me. You’ve always been the loose goose between us. Besides, don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy yourself, you came home late and woke with a glow.” I felt the blush warming my cheeks betray me, and I kept quiet not denying a thing.

  “And maybe if you loosened up a bit you’d glow too. At least pull the stick out of your ass for the night and have a little fun.” We made it to the door where music hummed from the other side, and Luke opened it before I could knock as if he’d been watching our approach all along.

  “Come in, ladies. Sorry for the music, it’s Tanner’s taste, not mine.” He took my hand and kissed it and then threw his arm around my waist. The room was filled with people, and I wondered if the entire town had shown up. Everyone welcomed us and Nora smiled and fell into conversation with a few of her patients. She was well-loved and if she could forget that she’d seen half the room naked, then maybe she could loosen up and have fun after all.

  Luke pulled me away from the front room and into the kitchen where Tanner was talking to a girl in a white shirt and black pants. She was attractive enough, but her clothes made her look like a server at a restaurant instead of a party guest. That didn’t stop Tanner from leaning close and whispering something into her ear that made her blush. His eyes widened when he looked up to see us standing there, and he gave the girl a pat on the back and hurried around from the other side of the kitchen island to greet me.

  He stepped up and took my hand bringing my knuckles to his lips, which made Luke raise a brow. “It’s hard to find good help.” He threw his thumb over his shoulder to the girl in the white shirt who was now slicing fruit. “Well, hello Harper. You’re looking delicious tonight. Is Nora around?”

  “Thanks, I think, and yeah, she’s in the other room.” I stepped back as he dropped my hand and patted his brother on the back. Then he took off like a man on a mission.

  “He sure knows how to lay it on thick. I hope he doesn’t scare Nora away.” Luke watched him go shaking his head. I knew what it was like to be helpless to save your sibling from themselves.

  “I hope so too; it was a chore getting her to come. I wish I knew what the story was between those two. I have a feeling there’
s more there than meets the eye.” Luke gave me a look that said he seemed to agree and then pulled me close.

  “Let’s get a drink and head back out to supervise.” He gave me a quick kiss on the mouth, which was much too short, and then we went about getting our drinks and going back out to the crowd.

  The room was crowded with more people showing up by the minute, and everyone we passed shook Luke’s hand or patted him on the back. He stopped and introduced me to so many people that I would never remember their names, and it was a good thing I wouldn’t have to, especially since he’d introduced me to a few of them as his girlfriend.

  My cheeks were good and red by the time a good-looking man with a scruffy face walked in the door. Luke pulled me across the room as he went to greet him. The two shook hands and slapped each other on the back.

  “I’m glad you came, man.” Luke turned to introduce me about the time the man’s eyes locked on the fact that Luke still had his arm around me.

  He smiled and offered his hand to me. “You’re the good doctor’s sister. I’m Finn.”

  “This is my girlfriend, Harper.” He brushed a strand of hair back across my shoulder as if preening me for my introduction. “Finn’s a good buddy of mine, so don’t listen to a thing he says about me.” Luke gave Finn a knowing smile, and the two slapped palms.

  “Looks like you finally beat me to a pretty girl. I’m usually the one with all the luck. But don’t worry, you’re in much better hands, Harper.”

  “I’m going to trust you on that. I see a little gleam in your eye.” I gave him a wink, and he cupped his hand against the side of his mouth and leaned in.

  “I can see a little a gleam in your eye as well.” He cut his eyes to Luke who heard every word and put a hand between us.

  “None of that. I’ll have to keep my eye on you.”

  “He is very charming,” I said making eyes at Finn. Luke knew I was only teasing and he chuckled as he pulled me closer to his side.


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