Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9)

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Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “We’re going to need to start wearing a condom,” she said. “There’s a risk I can get pregnant.”

  “It’s not your fertile time, and we want kids, don’t we?” He pulled her against him, his hands on her stomach. “I can just see you now, swollen, our baby in here, waiting to come out.” He cupped her tits, and she groaned. “These will be so full, ready to feed our little baby.”

  She closed her eyes, imagining him with their son or daughter or both, outside, their dogs playing around them. The thought was a happy one.

  “I want that,” she said.

  “Then we’ll have it, Cassie. Whatever you want, I will give you. You’ve just got to ask.”

  “I want a future with you. A happy one.”

  “Then consider it granted.” He kissed her cheek.

  In the back of her mind she wanted the threat of her old pack to be over. Once they were gone, she’d be able to have a happy life.


  “You seem to have a thing for my ass,” Cassie said.

  Abel ran his hands over the plump flesh, smiling as he spread the cheeks of her ass wide, staring at her puckered anus and pussy.

  All day he’d been thinking about this moment, when they were alone in his room in the dungeon. He’d been checking the fences all around the property, and he’d noticed the same point of entry again. The metal had been bent back and exposed. He’d told Carl, who was with him at the time, not to mention it to Cassie.

  He’d noticed little problems in the past week, none of it noteworthy to anyone who didn’t know the land. Abel did, though, and he knew that whatever Cassie’s pack was planning, it was going to happen soon. They clearly expected him to leave Cassie alone or to show a weakness somewhere, but that wasn’t going to happen, not on his watch.

  “You’ve got a very nice ass.” He slid a finger between her cheeks, finding her wet pussy and drawing her cream back to coat her anus.

  She didn’t tense up as he teased her, stroking over her hole before sliding the tip of his finger inside. At first, her tight muscles kept him out, but he wouldn’t relent. He pushed forward, and she took the tip with a groan.

  “I want to fuck your ass, Cassie. I want to claim every single part of you as mine.” He kissed her shoulder, and she turned toward him.

  “I want to belong to you, Abel. In every single way that matters.”

  He moved behind her, spreading her thighs wide. He drew more of their combined arousal to her anus, getting her nice and slick.

  His cock was already hard, and he pressed the tip against her pussy, sliding inside so that his cock got wet from their previous combined release.

  Putting the tip at her anus, he slowly began to push against her ass.

  Cassie tensed up, and he lifted her so that her knees were beneath her, leaving her ass close to the bed, and exposed. The angle would stop her from tensing up and leave her open to him.

  Slowly, he teased her anus, getting her used to the feel of him before he worked the first inch of his cock into her hot ass.

  She gasped, and she held her hand up, letting him know that she needed a minute. He stroked her back, waiting, and only when she lowered her hand did he continue, working the last few inches of his cock inside her ass.


  Cassie belonged to him; every single part of her was his to own.

  His mother had always said that he’d know when he found the right woman, and he had her right now, in his arms.

  Cassie was his woman.

  His mate.

  He couldn’t let anything happen to her.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Touch yourself, Cassie. I want to feel you come as I fuck your pretty little ass.” He saw his cock balls deep inside her asshole. When she began to stroke her pussy, her ass tightened around him. Unable to resist, he pulled out of her ass only to thrust back inside.

  He couldn’t stop as he fucked her.

  Every part of him felt the need to mark her once again. She was his entire world. There was no way he’d ever let anyone take her away from him.

  “You’re mine,” he said.

  “I’m yours,” she panted.

  He thrust harder inside her, relishing her little gasp. “That’s it, baby, and I take care of what is mine.” He filled her ass, waiting for that moment when she came. When she did, his name filled the air on her screams. It was so fucking powerful that he thrust deep into her ass, filling her with his cum.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he stayed still, basking in the aftershocks of his release.

  “Cassie, there’s something I want to say to you,” he said.


  He ran his hands down her body, loving the feel of her around him. “I—” He was cut off from what he was about to say by someone banging on his door.

  It was locked, and he had to pull out of her ass.

  “I thought no one disturbed you here,” Cassie said.

  She quickly pulled the sheet over her body, and he pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He was pissed off.

  Opening the door, he saw Carl and Jessica there, panting. “They’ve breached the perimeter, sir. Six wolves, none pack, were spotted entering the yard.”

  He nodded.

  Every instinct to fight and protect was ripe within him. No one was taking his woman away from him.

  “I’ll be there. No one is allowed to come near Cassie. You’ll keep her safe?” he asked.

  They nodded.

  Closing the door, he turned back to Cassie. She was already pulling her clothes on, and he moved to her side.


  “I’m not letting you go out there alone, Abel. I’m not going to sit around.”

  “I love you,” he said.

  That made her pause. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he smiled. “I’ve never told another person that before. Just you.” He stared into her green eyes. “The moment you entered the gym, I felt you, Cassie. I wanted you with a passion that shook me to the core. I didn’t acknowledge it straight away. I tried to fight it. I’m the fucking alpha, and I didn’t have time to think about my feelings for you. I could only react. Every step of the way you’ve made me ache, crave, and need with a passion that I didn’t think I was capable of.”

  “I love you too, Abel. Please, I am begging you, don’t do this. Don’t go out there to them.”

  “I’m going to end this once and for all. I will not have you afraid of them, and there’s no fucking way that I’ll ever let them take my pack.” He slammed his lips down on hers, and she melted against him as he held her tightly.

  He had to do this.

  For a long time, he’d been waiting, and now was his time.

  “Jessica, stay with her. Don’t let anything happen to her,” he said, leaving the room. With Cassie’s scent all over him, he left the dungeon and found his home filled with his pack.

  “We’re not going to let you do this alone, alpha,” Richard said.

  “We’re all here, by your side.”

  Abel felt an overwhelming sense of love swamp him as he looked at his pack, the people he had come to love more than anything in the world. To everyone else they were flawed. No one wanted them, but to him they were perfect. They were his pack, and he would do everything in his power to keep them safe.

  “Cassie needs us,” he said. “She needs all of us.”

  One by one, they stood beside him.

  Looking over his men, he divided them and sent them out of the house to keep guard while he took several men with him.

  Leaving the house, he spotted David, Cassie’s mother, and another man who he assumed was her father. They were close and looked startled to see so many men and women with him.

  “Give us Cassie, and this will not have to end this way,” David said.

  “That’s my mate.” Abel smiled when he saw the shock on their faces. “There’s no way you’re getting my woman from me. I hope you’re ready to take your last breath.”

  “That’s not a
woman,” her mother said. “That’s a fucking monster. A fat, ugly, disgusting monster.”

  His wolf pounced, and Abel stared at each one of them, his parents’ love ringing in his head. No one had ever loved Cassie.

  She’d spent her whole life believing there was something wrong with her, and he intended to change that.

  His woman would only know love by the time he was through.

  Rushing forward, he felt his pack join him as he went straight for David. The other alpha showed fear for a split second, but that was all Abel needed for his attack.

  Grabbing David around the neck, he slammed him to the ground, crushing his windpipe.

  The other alpha wouldn’t go down so easily. With a quick twist, Abel was thrown in the air, and he landed quickly on his feet.

  David rushed toward him as the growls of death filled the air. Abel didn’t focus on that. When his opponent slammed into him, he brought the full force of his hands down on the man’s back, slamming David to the earth.

  Twisting around, he was about to pounce on him when three wolves attacked him, pushing him to the ground, their teeth sinking into his flesh, making him growl.

  David got up with a smirk, and through the wolves on him, Abel saw the cheater and the truth. David was not really an alpha. He was just a man that got other people to do his work for him.

  He was strong, and probably had alpha instincts, but he was a coward.

  When Abel slammed his fist against one wolf, another came at him, and it just kept happening. His pack were still fighting out there.

  He couldn’t let them down.

  His wolf knew this wasn’t his fight though.

  The only way to end this was to let his woman handle this. Throwing off each wolf, he could go at this for hours without even batting an eye. They were nothing to him. More wolves came at him, and he kept on pushing them away with ease. They were not strong compared to him.

  Three wolves once again surrounded him and lashed together, attacking him at the same time, their teeth biting down into his flesh. The pain rushed through his body at the sharpness of their bite.

  All of a sudden, a force slammed into all three wolves, throwing them back, giving him time to get to his feet.

  A feminine growl erupted, making even the hairs on his arms stand on end.

  Cassie was out, and as she crouched on the ground, she looked absolutely beautiful. Her red hair cascaded all around her. Her green eyes were now amber, flashing her wolf.

  “You don’t belong here,” she said.

  Her old pack took a step back, and as they did, he saw that all of his pack were there now. The fight had stopped, and he saw several bodies on the ground.

  “You’re all abominations.”

  Cassie stood up and stepped closer. “You!” Her voice was filled with hatred as she looked toward David. “We end this now.”

  Abel went to step forward, but Jessica took his arm. “She has to finish this, alpha. She wants to finish this. For the pack, for you, for herself. She has to do this.”

  Every instinct within him screamed for him to stop it, but as David advanced, looking cocky, Abel also wanted his woman to kick this fucker’s ass. She didn’t need him right now. This was her moment, and he would let her have it.

  There were no words, and as David attacked low, Cassie rolled over his back, kicking him down.

  Rolling over, David caught her around the neck, drawing her to the earth, but squeezing hard, Cassie grabbed his arm, and instead of controlling her strength, she twisted until they heard a snap.

  David howled in pain as he pulled away.

  No alpha should ever show that kind of weakness, but he held his arm, suddenly looking frightened.

  “I’m not a target anymore for you to pick on, to throw things at. To use as your personal punching bag.” She stepped up to David. “What is weakness, David? Your name will never be alpha again. You could have lived a long, happy life away from us. Left me to be happy, but being here tonight, you forfeited that right.” She stepped behind David, her hand going to his face. “You all laughed when he hurt me. Most of you joined in the fun. I was pushed out, rejected, and I moved on. I found a pack that loved me for me, and I love them. People say we have flaws. We don’t have any flaws.” With a quick snap, David’s neck was broken. “But you people do.”

  With the alpha gone, Cassie had sentenced her pack to death unless they could kind find another alpha willing to take them.

  She stepped back, holding Abel’s hand, standing tall beside him.

  “Get the fuck off my property.”

  Before they even took off, his own men and women were chasing them, making sure the intruders knew they meant business.

  Cassie collapsed against Abel. “Are you angry with me?”

  “No, I’m not. You had to do this.”

  “I really did.” Tears were in her eyes. “I know David. He fights dirty, and when I told Jessica, she knew I had to come out here, to help you. I’ve only just found you, Abel. I don’t want to lose you.”

  He pushed some of her hair off her face and smiled down at her. “I never thought I would ever love someone as deeply as I do you. You’re my life, Cassie, for better or for worse.”

  “In sickness and in health?”

  “’Til death do us part.” He claimed her lips, and she moaned against him.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Yes to what?”

  She giggled. “I’ll marry you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Even if you do think I oversalt my food.”

  She winked at him, and he grabbed her ass, holding her close. “I can’t wait for the next hundred years with you.”

  “It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

  Their pack came back, and they were surrounded with their love.

  Pressing his head to Cassie’s, Abel knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was the luckiest alpha in the world.


  Five years later

  “Karate chop!” Buster said, bringing his arm down, his cute baby face filling the air.

  Cassie laughed as Clinton, Jessica and Carl’s son, brought his arm down. Their two boys were pretending to know some wicked karate moves.

  “They are so cute,” Jessica said.

  She looked over at her best friend, who was already heavily pregnant with Carl’s second child. They had been mated now for four years, and their romance had been a sweet one. Cassie was so happy for her friend.

  Thinking of her own happiness though, she watched her husband at the grill, flipping burgers. The scent filled the air, making her mouth water.

  “Go,” Jessica said. “I can see that you want to. I’ll watch our boys.”

  Cassie got to her feet, and as she did, she greeted everyone who’d stopped by for the summer barbeque. Stepping up to her man, she ran her hands up his back before wrapping her arms around him.

  “Are you trying to jump the queue?” Abel asked. He pulled her to his side and kissed her lips.


  “Please, you want to taste my wicked burgers.” His hand moved down her waist to cup her ass. “I know that my food doesn’t even come close to how good you’re going to taste tonight.”

  “Abel,” she said. “This is a family event.”

  “So? This is the anniversary that my wife, my mate, decided to marry me. I’m going to celebrate it, which is why Buster will have all the babysitters in the world, and I will be able to make love to my wife by our precious lake, near the stars.”

  She smiled up at him. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I don’t know, but if you find out, ask them how I did as well.”

  Since the attack where her old pack tried to kill her, she had heard that no one else wished to house the ones that had been left. She didn’t know what happened to them, nor did she care to. In the last five years, she and this pack had thrived.

  Their pack didn’t look at the flaws; they saw the person.

  It was why thei
r pack was ever-expanding and growing. When their son came of age, he’d inherit his father’s legacy for good.

  “I love you, Cassie.”

  “I love you too, you big bully. Even with your oversalted burgers.”

  He claimed her lips, and she knew it was just a taste of what was to come. She couldn’t wait. They had the rest of their lives together, and she intended to enjoy every single second of it.

  The End


  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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  Breeding Season, 3

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “Her stomach looks so cute,” said Jake. He was swooning over his pregnant mate, and Liam was fucking sick of hearing about it.

  “Keep that shit to yourself,” he said.

  Jake glared at him. “You’re even bitchier than usual. What’s going on with you?”

  Liam had just turned fifty. He was the alpha of his pack and was still without a woman to call his own. He could hardly sleep nights knowing he still didn’t have an heir to take over his place in the pack once he was too old to reign.

  “Cabin fever,” he said.

  “We’re almost finished construction. Don’t worry, we’ll be out of your hair within the week.”

  “Just hurry it up.”

  He stood and stretched out his muscles. Since three of his packmates had found their mates within the last year, he wanted all the happy couples out of the main cabin. They owned thousands of acres of untouched forest, with a small settlement for their pack. Lately, he’d been sleeping in his fur in their old wolf den rather than his comfortable king-sized bed. Listening to Jake, Eli, and Ben fucking in the next rooms had put him in a perpetual black mood.


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